Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

When has that ever worked? They don't pay our tariffs, we do. A threat to tax us will have no effect on other countries

It could. A tax on the products we buy from other countries may inspire consumers to buy American made products instead.
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!
Auto's. Republicans tried to ruin the auto industry, but Obama defeated them.
You are the liar. I quoted the link & the poll. You lied! There were riots, less than half felt the election was fair & the recession & depression happen on Bush.

What am I lying about? I copy and pasted it exactly the way it's printed on the Fact Check page. You are the one that changed the name from Bush to Gore. And what riots to you continually speak of? Maybe my memory is letting me down, so please post one of those many riots you're talking about. Where was it at? What city burned down? How many police were involved? At least give me a hint.
Demacrat President Clinton & the Democrat Congress slashed spending & deficit for 2 years before Republicans came along trying to take credit for surplus.

Then Republican President Bush & Republican Congress Exploded deficit spending & the debt. They removed PAYGO rules.

Somehow Republicans keep you low info voters singing their praises as they inflation tax you to increase the wealthy

Okay genius. First you say that we had a balanced budget, and now you say the deficit exploded. Which is it? The surplus didn't come until the end of his last term.
Carter: Started with 9.2% GDP Growth / Ended with 12% GDP Growth = +2.8% :up::rock:
Reagan: Started with 12% GDP Growth / Ended with 8.6% GDP Growth = -3.4%:wtf:

Bush#1: Started with 8.6% GDP Growth / Ended with 5.8% GDP Growth = -2.8%:gay::redface:

Clinton: Started with 5.8% GDP Growth / Ended with 4.8% GDP Growth = -1%:itsok:
Bush#2: Started with 4.8% GDP Growth / Ended with -1.9% GDP Growth = -6.7%:wtf:

Obama: Started with -1.9% GDP Growth / Ended 1rst term with +2.3% GDP Growth = +4.2%:rock::bow2::woohoo:

US GDP growth rate has been in decline since Carter's 12% due to Reaganomics. Growth rate falls least & only advances under Democrat Presidents.

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To those worried about the debt. Flooding this country with illegals and refugees, which is what hillary wants to do, does not help reduce the debt. It adds to it. I know this is a complicated idea for hillary supporters to understand, even though they brag about how educated they are, but it's true. If anybody has any trouble with this concept, I'll try to walk them through it, but basically, people in need with little or no education and who can't even speak english, tend to be a financial burden on society.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.

We Won't Live Free Until the Globalists Live in Fear

We had the greatest economic growth in world history when we protected our producers with tariffs. But then inferior people took over management. Such Diploma Dumbos could only succeed through wage-gouging their employees by threatening to move to Third World sweatshops.
Trump already said there will be a recession to reduce the shock of the ones he would cause if elected.

There won't be a recession under a Hillary Clinton administration!
US debt is $19 trillion, the largest in the world for a single country - we owe a ton of money to other nations

Who is better suited to getting our nation out of debt, or at least lower the amount substantially?
None of the above. There is no way the US will be out of debt ever again. They make too much money off the debt and its a partisian issue the idiots can argue over. You can bet Drumpf would increase the debt.
yeah we will always be in doubt
I think Trump has a better idea of how to spend money. Clinton never ran a hotdog stand in her life outside of her marriage.

Both are talking about spending, but a Republican Congress would stop both of them. However I think a Republican President will have an easier time working with Congress than Hillary.

We can't even discuss getting out of debt until we at least have a balanced budget. That will never happen with Hillary, it may happen with Trump.
Didn't Bill Clinton have a balanced budget? Maybe he could show her how he done it.

He signed the budgets the Congress sent him. Now, wasn't that easy?
Trump derived his original fortune because his Dad gave it to him.

The rest he derived from overextending and bankruptcy.

Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage to make a healthy middle class which will make a healthy economy.

Until you boneheads stop voting for Republicans, it WILL GET WORSE.

Right, we would have a great economy if we raised the wages for 3% of our entire workforce. Yeah, that will save the world.

Trump had a good start and made it much greater with his work and investments. Trust me, not everybody can handle money. We lost several customers because the owner died and left the company to one of their children and they ran it into the ground, or otherwise became too old and sold the business to their kids who eventually ended up closing the business.

I have a personal story of a person who won the lottery. She danced out of the company she worked for singing how she'll never have to work another day in her life. She was back at that company less than two years later begging for her job back. In fact, there are books written how lottery money destroyed people's lives.

I bet you're one of those people that think when you increase costs on a business, the business owner just digs deeper into his own wallet and forks out the money. When you increase costs to a business, they pass that cost down to their customers or they consider investments in automation.

Raising minimum wage increases wages for all.

Automation will not increase until technology increases. That isn't going to happen anytime soon.

It doesn't increase the pensions that millions of Americans are living on, but it will increase the cost of everything they need to survive.
US debt is $19 trillion, the largest in the world for a single country - we owe a ton of money to other nations

Who is better suited to getting our nation out of debt, or at least lower the amount substantially?
None of the above. There is no way the US will be out of debt ever again. They make too much money off the debt and its a partisian issue the idiots can argue over. You can bet Drumpf would increase the debt.
yeah we will always be in doubt

Bush 43 turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his 1st term, and a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit by the end of his 2nd term - with close to 6 years of a Republican controlled congress. The funniest thing was that Bush/Republicans increased the debt ceiling more than 3 times while they had 100% control.

The rightwing press didn't cover the story. Why?

Bush didn't veto one piece of Republican pork. He famously approved every Republican spending proposal for every distract. Why?

Reagan almost tripled Carter's debt. You can blame the Democratic House, but Carter & Tip spent nothing compared to Reagan & Tip.

Why did Reagan - the father of your anti-spending anti-deficit anti-debt movement - spend so much? Why has he never been rebuked?

For every dollar Reagan stripped from welfare food programs to poor school children he added $100 to defense, funding criminal failures like the Star Wars Defense Shield. Why has Reagan's spending never been analyzed?

Trump's plan to triple military spending, build a wall and create whole new federal deportation bureaucracies will make the Reagan expansion of government seem small by comparison. By the time Trump is finished, the people who make these phony graphs will have to work overtime.

The last 3 presidents to shrink the deficit are Obama, Clinton and Eisenhower. And yes, Clinton did it by cutting the military, and because Newt got him to make massive cuts to welfare.


Why didn't the rightwing press tell us how many times Bush and the Republican House/Senate raised the debt ceiling?

Why didn't the rightwing press tell us how much Carter & Tip spent compared to Reagan & Tip?

Republicans claim to be against government spending and government debt. Democrats claim to support deficit spending as a form of stimulus. Therefore the Dems should be spending more - so why does the Right willfully spend so much when they take office? Why do they only claim to be against spending when the other side is in power? Why do Republican voters carry their water?
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Bad memories? Got to ride in the back of a police car? Stripped searched by the guy with cigar fingers?

The problem with you is you smoke too much pot. HTF did you get from talking about government regulations to crime? You are really way out there, let me tell you.

Government regulations aren't related to crime? Did you see the Wells Fargo verdict today? Explain how what they did wasn't a crime?

Bad news, The fine was peanuts, and the CEO didn't go to jail. :-( When we get a Democrat in the White House and majority in congress we'll get a change in the peanut verdicts!

This has to be the dumbest post of the year. How many bankers and CEO's did the Obama Justice Dept put in jail after the housing bust? That would be ZERO! And if you think the millions of dollars the bankers and Wall Street firms give to Hillary aren't meant to buy protection, you are stupid.
Democrat President Andrew Jackson the last president to completely payoff the national debt. Democrat Presidents Johnson & Clinton are the last 2 presidents to have a surplus! Republicans have never paid off the debt.
This has to be the dumbest post of the year. How many bankers and CEO's did the Obama Justice Dept put in jail after the housing bust? That would be ZERO! And if you think the millions of dollars the bankers and Wall Street firms give to Hillary aren't meant to buy protection, you are stupid.

You know how it works you sly dog. When you are in front of your capitalist donors, you say Obama is anti-capitalist. You scare bankers and credit card companies by saying Obama is going to over-regulate them. Then, when you are in front of the poor working class, you say Obama is in bed with wealthy capitalist bankers.

You play both sides, just like with illegal immigration and trade. When you are in front of your wealthy capitalists, you promise to help them acquire cheap labor, like when Nixon opened trade with China, laying the foundation for the global shift of capitalist production to [wait for it] Communist China, or when Reagan & Bush 41 drew up the blueprints for the North American Super Highway or when the Bush/Paulson TARP bailed out the most corrupt Wall Street crooks we've ever seen. But then, when you are speaking to poor, uneducated nativists in red America, you talk about how the illegals and globalists (employed by your capitalists donors) took their jobs. It's a hilarious shell game. It's why Trump makes his ties in Mexico, but then convinces poor workers that he is on their side.

Yes, the Left is 100% complicit because we know it's really a one party system, but this doesn't excuse you for trying to play both sides of every issue, depending on which block of the electorate you are speaking with.

Same thing happened with Carter. One day your side claimed he was a weak ineffectual blow-hole who couldn't get anything done; the next day he was Stalin, who ruled the nation with brutal criminal efficiency, making massive changes that could never be undone. The only constant is that you change your story depending on who you are trying to fool.

Reagan passed the single largest Amnesty Bill in this nation's history. By flooding the Southwest with cheap labor, it had the quiet benefit of weakening Union control of big agro, construction and food service - it gave corporations cheap labor and fulfilled the Libertarian dream of a borderless world where there are no barriers between capital and resources. [Remember: Reagan offered himself as the bridge between Libertarian economics (which sees borders as legal/cultural/linguistics impediments to the flow of capital) and conservative social traditions (which sees borders, language and laws as sacrosanct and more important than economic efficiency]

But it gets better because ol' Ronny played both sides of the immigration issue. That is to say, by flooding the US with illegals, Reagan's Conservative advocacy groups were given grist for the war cry "Borders, Language, Culture". You might ask how conservative voters fall for this bullshit? It's called Fox News, and they don't speak about Reagan's deficit compared to Carter; and they don't speak about Reagan's Amnesty Bill, and they don't speak about the number of times Bush 43 and the GOP House/Senate raised the debt ceiling. They can play every side of every issue because they condition people not to trust any media source which they don't control - which means folks like you never learn about the shell game.
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I think Trump has a better idea of how to spend money. Clinton never ran a hotdog stand in her life outside of her marriage.

Both are talking about spending, but a Republican Congress would stop both of them. However I think a Republican President will have an easier time working with Congress than Hillary.

We can't even discuss getting out of debt until we at least have a balanced budget. That will never happen with Hillary, it may happen with Trump.
Didn't Bill Clinton have a balanced budget? Maybe he could show her how he done it.

He signed the budgets the Congress sent him. Now, wasn't that easy?
very easy
Clicking smileys is the resort of the loser in a discussion.
That's why I NEVER click smileys.

Sorry but I'm laughing at your responses.
You're laughing at you inability to think outside of Forbes.

Every economist who can be taken seriously is against tariffs.
Every economist YOU take seriously.
Based upon their failed predictions since 1980 I would say most of them are paid shills.

Yes all economists and history are wrong. You are too funny.
What's your opinion of Robert Reich?
And just how many factories do we have left to lose?
Democrat President Andrew Jackson the last president to completely payoff the national debt. Democrat Presidents Johnson & Clinton are the last 2 presidents to have a surplus! Republicans have never paid off the debt.

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