Who Will Be 'Perp-Walked' First?

You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation. Muller and his guys are there to find stuff TO present to a grand jury. It's not like CSI where convictions happen just because a hot chick says so. Continue watching those for your fap Sessions, but stop quoting them as facts. It makes you look dumb.

Guy, you aren't even using a good metaphor. "Law and Order" would be a better metaphor in this case, because it gets into the legal mechanics.

But here's where you guys are in trouble. A Grand Jury is going to be called in DC, where Hillary won 96% of the vote.

Sucks to be you.

Yup, Now, will the grand Jury indict? I believe they will. Many say Flynn and Manifort is going for sure. Maybe and too. I'm thinking that's the republicans and democrats plan to punish voters. They go after Jr. If Trump don't come to heel. They are also going to pay in 2018 for it too.

But who is going to pay for it? Historically, the only people who end up paying in Mid Terms are the President's party. You have a few exceptions, like 1998, where Republicans suffered minimal loses because they insisted on impeachment AFTER agreeing to all Clinton's terms to a budget. But mostly, if the people are upset, they take it out on the ass of the Congressman who belongs to an unpopular president's party.

And Trump is the most unpopular president since Harry Truman. Truman went on to lose both houses of Congress in 1946.

I give to fucks what you think. Don't change the fact. Keep the TV for your tut time, but don't quote them as fact. All your cut and past means dick. You are wrong. Be an adult and deal with it. That go's for camp and Campbell too.
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation. Often cases gets closed without one.

Grand Jury doesn't mean conviction, but it does mean investigation is serious and advancing.
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You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation and often case gets closed well before.
Yes and no! In a way, you both are part right. In Federal Cases, a person can not be brought to trial (be indicted) without a grand jury indicting them, the prosecutor in a Federal case CAN NOT indict on their own, as in the case with other criminal trials where prosecutors can do the indicting... and can request subpoenas.

However, Robert Mueller has probable cause, that a crime or crimes were committed....that he found in this investigation, and this is why he has a grand jury to work with him, because only the grand jury can subpoena the records or person under suspicion, or person knowing something about the 'something' they believe is criminal.

You can't get a subpoena issued without there being probable cause of a crime being committed....
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation. Often cases gets closed without one.

Grand Jury doesn't mean conviction, but it does mean investigation is serious and advancing.

Yes it is,especially in stuff like this and other criminal investigations. Ask Bill Clinton. All this is is the next step.
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation and often case gets closed well before.
Yes and no! In a way, you both are part right. In Federal Cases, a person can not be brought to trial (be indicted) without a grand jury indicting them, the prosecutor in a Federal case CAN NOT indict on their own, as in the case with other criminal trials where prosecutors can do the indicting... and can request subpoenas.

However, Robert Mueller has probable cause, that a crime or crimes were committed....that he found in this investigation, and this is why he has a grand jury to work with him, because only the grand jury can subpoena the records or person under suspicion, or person knowing something about the 'something' they believe is criminal.

You can't get a subpoena issued without there being probable cause of a crime being committed....

Not really. Go back and look at old Clinton stuff, Toreselli investigation as well as Jamesn Trafficant and others. The steps taken in all those case and more say you are wrong.
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation and often case gets closed well before.
Yes and no! In a way, you both are part right. In Federal Cases, a person can not be brought to trial (be indicted) without a grand jury indicting them, the prosecutor in a Federal case CAN NOT indict on their own, as in the case with other criminal trials where prosecutors can do the indicting... and can request subpoenas.

However, Robert Mueller has probable cause, that a crime or crimes were committed....that he found in this investigation, and this is why he has a grand jury to work with him, because only the grand jury can subpoena the records or person under suspicion, or person knowing something about the 'something' they believe is criminal.

You can't get a subpoena issued without there being probable cause of a crime being committed....

Not really. Go back and look at old Clinton stuff, Toreselli investigation as well as Jamesn Trafficant and others. The steps taken in all those case and more say you are wrong.
I simply listened to a Prosecutor on the news explain it......
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation and often case gets closed well before.
Yes and no! In a way, you both are part right. In Federal Cases, a person can not be brought to trial (be indicted) without a grand jury indicting them, the prosecutor in a Federal case CAN NOT indict on their own, as in the case with other criminal trials where prosecutors can do the indicting... and can request subpoenas.

However, Robert Mueller has probable cause, that a crime or crimes were committed....that he found in this investigation, and this is why he has a grand jury to work with him, because only the grand jury can subpoena the records or person under suspicion, or person knowing something about the 'something' they believe is criminal.

You can't get a subpoena issued without there being probable cause of a crime being committed....

"always Grand Jury" and "sometimes cases close without Grand Jury" are mutually exclusive positions.

No, we cannot be both partially right.
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Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.

Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.
View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Crixus said it.
you can not get a subpoena or search warrant, unless there is probable cause showing a crime could have been committed and this person or these documents, are important to finding out. This does NOT mean a crime WAS committed, only that there is probable cause that one was committed is needed tor the Judge to approve... is my understanding?
View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Hillary Clinton

Or Donald Trump?

My guess is Trump will be 'taken down', if anyone of the 3 are, first.


Democrats have a serious hate-on for Trump, ate rabid for revenge, are determined to do it, and they've stacked the Special Counsel deck against him... and the Washington Establishment GOP who have shown no 'love' for their President has only taken action to protect Mueller...

Besides, Democrats and their loyal media dogs don't give a crap about Democrats endangering our national security, the way DWS and Hillary did. They will keep the non-reporting and distractions going while continuing to pump out the 'I Hate Trump' propaganda.
Trump ain't goin nowhere. He is WAY above these children's games the leftists are playing. And we citizens know it. No matter how much these libturds bitch and moan and cry, Trump wins. No matter how much the leftist media slants, lies, and deceives, Trump rises above that clown show, too. 2 reasons why - 1) Trump has the people behind him, and 2) Good wins over evil.
The only way Trump leaves office before 2024 is if he dies, as a leftist coup would be impossible - as the military is also solidly behind Trump.
View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation and often case gets closed well before.
Yes and no! In a way, you both are part right. In Federal Cases, a person can not be brought to trial (be indicted) without a grand jury indicting them, the prosecutor in a Federal case CAN NOT indict on their own, as in the case with other criminal trials where prosecutors can do the indicting... and can request subpoenas.

However, Robert Mueller has probable cause, that a crime or crimes were committed....that he found in this investigation, and this is why he has a grand jury to work with him, because only the grand jury can subpoena the records or person under suspicion, or person knowing something about the 'something' they believe is criminal.

You can't get a subpoena issued without there being probable cause of a crime being committed....

"always Grand Jury" and "sometimes cases close without Grand Jury" are mutually exclusive positions.

No, we cannot be both partially right.
true, if the investigation brings absolutely no leads to even be investigated, then there would be no grand jury needed at all...
View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
Trump ain't goin nowhere. He is WAY above these children's games the leftists are playing

I can't see your face but it can't be straight while saying that.

Trump ain't goin nowhere. He is WAY above these children's games the leftists are playing

I can't see your face but it can't be straight while saying that.

Trump ain't goin nowhere. He is WAY above these children's games the leftists are playing

I can't see your face but it can't be straight while saying that.

I highly doubt you could see two feet away from your couch.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Hillary Clinton

Or Donald Trump?

My guess is Trump will be 'taken down', if anyone of the 3 are, first.


Democrats have a serious hate-on for Trump, ate rabid for revenge, are determined to do it, and they've stacked the Special Counsel deck against him... and the Washington Establishment GOP who have shown no 'love' for their President has only taken action to protect Mueller...

Besides, Democrats and their loyal media dogs don't give a crap about Democrats endangering our national security, the way DWS and Hillary did. They will keep the non-reporting and distractions going while continuing to pump out the 'I Hate Trump' propaganda.
Democrats have no power. Republicans control everything.

Perhaps some Republicans put country over party. A novel idea for the GOP.
View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
How do you quote someone and accidentally put a different users comment in it? Must have been some kind of elfin magic?
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Hillary Clinton

Or Donald Trump?

My guess is Trump will be 'taken down', if anyone of the 3 are, first.


Democrats have a serious hate-on for Trump, ate rabid for revenge, are determined to do it, and they've stacked the Special Counsel deck against him... and the Washington Establishment GOP who have shown no 'love' for their President has only taken action to protect Mueller...

Besides, Democrats and their loyal media dogs don't give a crap about Democrats endangering our national security, the way DWS and Hillary did. They will keep the non-reporting and distractions going while continuing to pump out the 'I Hate Trump' propaganda.
Dick Cheney...

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