Who Will Be 'Perp-Walked' First?

What cover up? Trump hasn't had a chance to try to cover up anything, and hasn't done anything to cover up. Waiting for a star to fall, and give the scum of the earth their dreams, that's where they think they belong, back in power to rule us all. LETS MAKE SURE THEY NEVER GET THE CHANCE!!! ORGANIZE everyone you know that wants this country to be FREE of their tyranny.

Buddy, you see, the problem is, Trump only lasts as long as the powers that be consider him useful...

and he clearly isn't.
I am not your buddy, but There is a thing called JUSTCE, and it will be executed on those who continue to stop it. The Powers that be can have a day, but the People will have a much longer span to extract their form of JUSTICE.
BTW, the kangaroo court Mueller put together is going after Flynn, not Trump.

And how fast do you think Flynn is going to sing when he's looking at goign to Federal Prison.

You see, this is the big problem you guys have.

The McDougals were willing to to go prison for Bill Clinton.
Ollie North was willing to go to prison for Ronnie Ray-gun.

Do you see Flynn, Manafort, and the others going to prison for Trump? Nope. They are going to break bad on him so quick it won't be funny.
Buddy, you see, the problem is, Trump only lasts as long as the powers that be consider him useful...

and he clearly isn't.

So he is defying the oligarchy which you admit your filthy party is the bitch of? That is the reason for your hatred and rage?
BTW, the kangaroo court Mueller put together is going after Flynn, not Trump.

And how fast do you think Flynn is going to sing when he's looking at goign to Federal Prison.

You see, this is the big problem you guys have.

The McDougals were willing to to go prison for Bill Clinton.
Ollie North was willing to go to prison for Ronnie Ray-gun.

Do you see Flynn, Manafort, and the others going to prison for Trump? Nope. They are going to break bad on him so quick it won't be funny.
Did you get this from CNN? again?
I am not your buddy, but There is a thing called JUSTCE, and it will be executed on those who continue to stop it. The Powers that be can have a day, but the People will have a much longer span to extract their form of JUSTICE.

Guy, "the people' said "No" to Trump. Only 33% of the people approve of the job he is doing right now.

And that's with things going relatively well.

What's it going to be like when the economy is in the dumper and we just got chased out of Afghanistan?
So he is defying the oligarchy which you admit your filthy party is the bitch of? That is the reason for your hatred and rage?

I'd be all for his defying the oligarchy if he had an ounce of competence.

But it's pretty clear he has no idea what he is doing or even how the government works.
Actually it is flynn, and the oshit team because it was related to his dealings with Russia and Turkey while they were in power BEFORE TRUMP was elected!!!
trump defying the oligarchy? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: he's got the oligarchy in his government....with no leadership whatsoever. But....he's still a victim....always a victim...in fact he's playing 18 holes of victimhood as we speak.
I am not your buddy, but There is a thing called JUSTCE, and it will be executed on those who continue to stop it. The Powers that be can have a day, but the People will have a much longer span to extract their form of JUSTICE.

Guy, "the people' said "No" to Trump. Only 33% of the people approve of the job he is doing right now.

And that's with things going relatively well.

What's it going to be like when the economy is in the dumper and we just got chased out of Afghanistan?

No the people did not say no otherwise he would NOT be president. And for the 33% you have to be kidding the press is pumping shit every day, and he should be at 10% they have not reported anything positive he has done, And they only poll in areas that they know are strong against him. You people are so full of shit your eyes are brown all over. HAHAHAHAHA. as for Afghanistan, whatever happens there is really of NO consequence to us we can clear it out any day of the week. You are dumb as a rock aren't you?
I am not your buddy, but There is a thing called JUSTCE, and it will be executed on those who continue to stop it. The Powers that be can have a day, but the People will have a much longer span to extract their form of JUSTICE.

Guy, "the people' said "No" to Trump. Only 33% of the people approve of the job he is doing right now.

And that's with things going relatively well.

What's it going to be like when the economy is in the dumper and we just got chased out of Afghanistan?
Right. That's why he's not president. We knew that.
No the people did not say no otherwise he would NOT be president.

Again, the people got it right. 54% voted against him.

And for the 33% you have to be kidding the press is pumping shit every day, and he should be at 10% they have not reported anything positive he has done, And they only poll in areas that they know are strong against him.

You mean where people actually live? He hasn't done anything positive to report, that's the problem.

as for Afghanistan, whatever happens there is really of NO consequence to us we can clear it out any day of the week.

You tell yourself that, but when this happens in Kabul, it isn't going to look good.


And how fast do you think Flynn is going to sing when he's looking at goign to Federal Prison.

You see, this is the big problem you guys have.

The McDougals were willing to to go prison for Bill Clinton.
Ollie North was willing to go to prison for Ronnie Ray-gun.

Do you see Flynn, Manafort, and the others going to prison for Trump? Nope. They are going to break bad on him so quick it won't be funny.

The McDougals were in prison because they defrauded investors by selling the same land several times, along with their partner Hillary. They were in fact providing evidence to Starr, but sadly Jim McDougal mysteriously died...

As for Flynn, we know the tactics of you Nazis, you will indeed try to persecute him so that he will perjure himself to aid in your witch hunt. The problem you vicious Nazi scum have is that the nation is watching you. What you can charge Flynn with is very limited and does not carry prison time. The best you can hope for is to fine him under the corrupt foreign practices act.

Mueller is conducting a dog and pony show to delight you Nazi scum, what will come of it is the same thing that came from your recounts and faithless electors. You know this, but due to the hate and rage that you have you still cling to a fantasy you know to be utter shit.
How are people made to perjure themselves? Another victimhood ploy?
The McDougals were in prison because they defrauded investors by selling the same land several times, along with their partner Hillary. They were in fact providing evidence to Starr, but sadly Jim McDougal mysteriously died...

You mean an elderly overweight man who was prosecuted and imprisoned unfairly died of a heart attack after losing his sanity?

Hey, guy, it's called "investment" for a reason. You pays your money and you takes your chances.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and all he proved was that Clinton lied about getting a blow job. Let's see what 70 million dollars of investigating the Orange Shitgibbon gets us.
As for Flynn, we know the tactics of you Nazis, you will indeed try to persecute him so that he will perjure himself to aid in your witch hunt. The problem you vicious Nazi scum have is that the nation is watching you. What you can charge Flynn with is very limited and does not carry prison time. The best you can hope for is to fine him under the corrupt foreign practices act.

Actually, he's in a lot more trouble than that. He took money from foreign government and lied about it. A bit more serious than lying about a blow job or using the wrong email server..

Mueller is conducting a dog and pony show to delight you Nazi scum, what will come of it is the same thing that came from your recounts and faithless electors. You know this, but due to the hate and rage that you have you still cling to a fantasy you know to be utter shit.

Then why are you here losing your shit because Trump is in so much trouble?
They empaneled a grand jury in Ferguson and that cop was supposed to be toast, what happened there? And the grand jury in Baltimore yielded results differing from the hype people like you promote.

Okay, the problem with those comparisons is that everyone knew the fix was in at Furgeson when that DA didn't recuse himself after everyone said he should have.

Trump's problem is that he has no friends in Washington. The fact the Republicans are passing a law preventing Trump from firing Mueller should prove that.

You are a moron who watches to much CSI. Seriously, it's like when you were trying to be a war expert. Jose/camp, that's TV, not real. Every fifth grade kid knows that a grand jury is abnormal function of an investigation as it's the grand jury who does the indictment.

Uh, dude, the only thing abnormal here is you. The very fact that Mueller is empanelling a grand jury should worry Trump a lot.

You see, the reason why Reagan survived Iran-Contra and Clinton survived Whitewater is that they had people who were willing to take the fall for them.

I don't see Flynn or Mantafort or even Jared taking the Fall for Trump.

You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation. Muller and his guys are there to find stuff TO present to a grand jury. It's not like CSI where convictions happen just because a hot chick says so. Continue watching those for your fap Sessions, but stop quoting them as facts. It makes you look dumb.
They empaneled a grand jury in Ferguson and that cop was supposed to be toast, what happened there? And the grand jury in Baltimore yielded results differing from the hype people like you promote.

Okay, the problem with those comparisons is that everyone knew the fix was in at Furgeson when that DA didn't recuse himself after everyone said he should have.

Trump's problem is that he has no friends in Washington. The fact the Republicans are passing a law preventing Trump from firing Mueller should prove that.

You are a moron who watches to much CSI. Seriously, it's like when you were trying to be a war expert. Jose/camp, that's TV, not real. Every fifth grade kid knows that a grand jury is abnormal function of an investigation as it's the grand jury who does the indictment.

Uh, dude, the only thing abnormal here is you. The very fact that Mueller is empanelling a grand jury should worry Trump a lot.

You see, the reason why Reagan survived Iran-Contra and Clinton survived Whitewater is that they had people who were willing to take the fall for them.

I don't see Flynn or Mantafort or even Jared taking the Fall for Trump.

You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation. Muller and his guys are there to find stuff TO present to a grand jury. It's not like CSI where convictions happen just because a hot chick says so. Continue watching those for your fap Sessions, but stop quoting them as facts. It makes you look dumb.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.
They empaneled a grand jury in Ferguson and that cop was supposed to be toast, what happened there? And the grand jury in Baltimore yielded results differing from the hype people like you promote.

Okay, the problem with those comparisons is that everyone knew the fix was in at Furgeson when that DA didn't recuse himself after everyone said he should have.

Trump's problem is that he has no friends in Washington. The fact the Republicans are passing a law preventing Trump from firing Mueller should prove that.

You are a moron who watches to much CSI. Seriously, it's like when you were trying to be a war expert. Jose/camp, that's TV, not real. Every fifth grade kid knows that a grand jury is abnormal function of an investigation as it's the grand jury who does the indictment.

Uh, dude, the only thing abnormal here is you. The very fact that Mueller is empanelling a grand jury should worry Trump a lot.

You see, the reason why Reagan survived Iran-Contra and Clinton survived Whitewater is that they had people who were willing to take the fall for them.

I don't see Flynn or Mantafort or even Jared taking the Fall for Trump.

You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation. Muller and his guys are there to find stuff TO present to a grand jury. It's not like CSI where convictions happen just because a hot chick says so. Continue watching those for your fap Sessions, but stop quoting them as facts. It makes you look dumb.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Yup, Now, will the grand Jury indict? I believe they will. Many say Flynn and Manifort is going for sure. Maybe and too. I'm thinking that's the republicans and democrats plan to punish voters. They go after Jr. If Trump don't come to heel. They are also going to pay in 2018 for it too.
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation. Muller and his guys are there to find stuff TO present to a grand jury. It's not like CSI where convictions happen just because a hot chick says so. Continue watching those for your fap Sessions, but stop quoting them as facts. It makes you look dumb.

Guy, you aren't even using a good metaphor. "Law and Order" would be a better metaphor in this case, because it gets into the legal mechanics.

But here's where you guys are in trouble. A Grand Jury is going to be called in DC, where Hillary won 96% of the vote.

Sucks to be you.

Yup, Now, will the grand Jury indict? I believe they will. Many say Flynn and Manifort is going for sure. Maybe and too. I'm thinking that's the republicans and democrats plan to punish voters. They go after Jr. If Trump don't come to heel. They are also going to pay in 2018 for it too.

But who is going to pay for it? Historically, the only people who end up paying in Mid Terms are the President's party. You have a few exceptions, like 1998, where Republicans suffered minimal loses because they insisted on impeachment AFTER agreeing to all Clinton's terms to a budget. But mostly, if the people are upset, they take it out on the ass of the Congressman who belongs to an unpopular president's party.

And Trump is the most unpopular president since Harry Truman. Truman went on to lose both houses of Congress in 1946.

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