Who Will Be 'Perp-Walked' First?

"Colllusion" isn't a crime, dumbass. You keep talking about "collusion" because you can't name an actual crime he committed.

I'm glad you guys have moved on from "Trump didn't collude with the Russians" to "Collusion isn't a crime".

It actually is, but even if it wasn't, do you want a President who owes his presidency to the interference of a foreign power hostile to the US? I don't.
We haven't moved on, dumbass. We're just pointing out how your accusations are cowardly and doubly stupid. Please quote the statute that says "collusion" is a crime when there's no underlying crime. We're all breathlessly waiting.
ummm because he is big league liar and a very sketchy character with fragile ego - the Swamp King.

Clinton has been in the Republican crosshairs for 30 years and they got nothing to show for it.

Being a liar is not a criminal offense. If it was, Barry would have been convicted by before now and given a life sentence.

Being a sketchy character with an ego is also not a criminal offense...

...as opposed to the Democrats' sedition, illegal sharing classified, illegal leaking classified, illegal unmasking, Felony Espionage, illegal handling / storage / destruction of classified, obstruction of justice, violating both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

What isgoing on now proves liberals are subversive, seditious, criminal domestic enemies of the United states attempting to undermine / overthrow the newly elected Federal Govt.

They can not accept America rejected them AGAIN, rejected their Party AGAIN, and rejected their criminal candidate AGAIN, and they are demonstrationg they will break any law and perpetrate Sedition to destroy this newly elected govt and to regain power!
We haven't moved on, dumbass. We're just pointing out how your accusations are cowardly and doubly stupid. Please quote the statute that says "collusion" is a crime when there's no underlying crime. We're all breathlessly waiting.

I've already pointed these out to you.

It's a crime for a political to accept something of value from a foreign government (the Campaign Finance Act)

It's a crime for a private citizen to negotiate policy with a foreign government.

At the end of the day, though, what will get Trump and crew in trouble isn't the meetings with Russia, it will be the lying about meeting with Russia.
They can not accept America rejected them AGAIN, rejected their Party AGAIN, and rejected their criminal candidate AGAIN, and they are demonstrationg they will break any law and perpetrate Sedition to destroy this newly elected govt and to regain power!

Yeah, when you get three million more votes than the other guy, you usually don't accept that you were "rejected".

You guys won on a technicality, not a mandate from the people. The fact the Russians helped rig the game makes it just a bit worse.

But again, your biggest problem is, Republicans would send Trump down the river just as fast as Democrat will,given the chance. They are just waiting for his approval numbers to dip into the 20's.
We haven't moved on, dumbass. We're just pointing out how your accusations are cowardly and doubly stupid. Please quote the statute that says "collusion" is a crime when there's no underlying crime. We're all breathlessly waiting.

I've already pointed these out to you.

It's a crime for a political to accept something of value from a foreign government (the Campaign Finance Act)

It's a crime for a private citizen to negotiate policy with a foreign government.

At the end of the day, though, what will get Trump and crew in trouble isn't the meetings with Russia, it will be the lying about meeting with Russia.
Hillary took a massive donation from a Russian for her influence in helping him acquire 20% of US Uranium ...while her husband was collecting huge fees giving speeches for the KGB...while her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock.

Hillary / Obama / Democrats colluded with the Ukrainians to collect / generate political dirt on Trump and was working with foreign agents to acquire fake reports that contained Russia-generated propaganda to politically use against Trump.

What you snowflakes are TRYING to prove against Trump has already been proven about Hillary / Obama / Democrats.

It must be tough trying to walk around while carrying that huge sack of hypocrisy and bullshit on your shoulder / back all the time. :p
We haven't moved on, dumbass. We're just pointing out how your accusations are cowardly and doubly stupid. Please quote the statute that says "collusion" is a crime when there's no underlying crime. We're all breathlessly waiting.

I've already pointed these out to you.

It's a crime for a political to accept something of value from a foreign government (the Campaign Finance Act)

It's a crime for a private citizen to negotiate policy with a foreign government.

At the end of the day, though, what will get Trump and crew in trouble isn't the meetings with Russia, it will be the lying about meeting with Russia.
No you haven't, dumbass. Information has never been considered "something of value" in terms of this act. Only the terminally stupid believe simply handing over information to a campaign is a crime. If it was, Hillary would be behind bars.

Trump wasn't negotiating anything with a foriegn government, dumbass

If it wasn't for your pure stupidity, what would you have to post about?
They can not accept America rejected them AGAIN, rejected their Party AGAIN, and rejected their criminal candidate AGAIN, and they are demonstrationg they will break any law and perpetrate Sedition to destroy this newly elected govt and to regain power!

Yeah, when you get three million more votes than the other guy, you usually don't accept that you were "rejected".

You guys won on a technicality, not a mandate from the people. The fact the Russians helped rig the game makes it just a bit worse.

But again, your biggest problem is, Republicans would send Trump down the river just as fast as Democrat will,given the chance. They are just waiting for his approval numbers to dip into the 20's.
Yeah, we know how idiots like you believe the Constitution is just a "technicality."
They can not accept America rejected them AGAIN, rejected their Party AGAIN, and rejected their criminal candidate AGAIN, and they are demonstrationg they will break any law and perpetrate Sedition to destroy this newly elected govt and to regain power!

Yeah, when you get three million more votes than the other guy, you usually don't accept that you were "rejected".

You guys won on a technicality, not a mandate from the people. The fact the Russians helped rig the game makes it just a bit worse.

But again, your biggest problem is, Republicans would send Trump down the river just as fast as Democrat will,given the chance. They are just waiting for his approval numbers to dip into the 20's.
Dude, you and those like you are just pathetic, sore-loser, IGNORANT butt-hurt snowflakes that refuse to get it...


THE PRESIDENCY IS NOT WON BY A POPULARITY CONTEST...and your constant reference to it demonstrates you were too stupid to know that...which contributed to you LOSING.

...and you're pissed you didn't even get a 'participation trophy'! :p
Hillary took a massive donation from a Russian for her influence in helping him acquire 20% of US Uranium ...while her husband was collecting huge fees giving speeches for the KGB...while her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock.

Guy, you aren't going to have any credibility if you keep repeating a debunked lie. That deal had to be approved by SEVEN Departments, and no uranium left the country. (The Russians have plenty of Uranium and so do we. Since no one is building nukes or power plants anymore, it just isn't that valuable.)

What you snowflakes are TRYING to prove against Trump has already been proven about Hillary / Obama / Democrats.

It must be tough trying to walk around while carrying that huge sack of hypocrisy and bullshit on your shoulder / back all the time.

Must be hard to go through life not understanding how to use the / symbol properly.

Thing is, Hillary isn't under investigation. Trump is.

Your boy is going down. Only a matter of time. Probably when his approval hits 25%, the GOP will feel safe in turning on him.
Why would Trump be perp walked at all if he did nothing wrong?

The same reason a witness that had absolute proof of the clintons criminal activities "committed suicide". The ruling class wants it and will do whatever it takes to achieve their Complete control of the people.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Hillary Clinton

Or Donald Trump?

My guess is Trump will be 'taken down', if anyone of the 3 are, first.


Democrats have a serious hate-on for Trump, ate rabid for revenge, are determined to do it, and they've stacked the Special Counsel deck against him... and the Washington Establishment GOP who have shown no 'love' for their President has only taken action to protect Mueller...

Besides, Democrats and their loyal media dogs don't give a crap about Democrats endangering our national security, the way DWS and Hillary did. They will keep the non-reporting and distractions going while continuing to pump out the 'I Hate Trump' propaganda.

If the fascist democrats actually try to pull off their coup, there will be civil war. Simple as that.
Rep-ublicans will make great Pets however you must be a responsible person

I have a better idea than your little banner EXTERMINATE ANYONE WHO WOULD VOTE for a dimshit communist or a traitor republican.!! Best shot at back to Being great again FOREVER.
Hillary took a massive donation from a Russian for her influence in helping him acquire 20% of US Uranium ...while her husband was collecting huge fees giving speeches for the KGB...while her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock.

Guy, you aren't going to have any credibility if you keep repeating a debunked lie. That deal had to be approved by SEVEN Departments, and no uranium left the country. (The Russians have plenty of Uranium and so do we. Since no one is building nukes or power plants anymore, it just isn't that valuable.)

What you snowflakes are TRYING to prove against Trump has already been proven about Hillary / Obama / Democrats.

It must be tough trying to walk around while carrying that huge sack of hypocrisy and bullshit on your shoulder / back all the time.

Must be hard to go through life not understanding how to use the / symbol properly.

Thing is, Hillary isn't under investigation. Trump is.

Your boy is going down. Only a matter of time. Probably when his approval hits 25%, the GOP will feel safe in turning on him.
The People said YES by the way!! He was elected Simple as that your sig is a lie like all liberal shit lies. HE will most likely win again or there will probably be NO president.
Why would Trump be perp walked at all if he did nothing wrong?

The Nazis care only about power. They declared Trump guilty the day he took office, and have been furiously working to find or fabricate what he is guilty of ever since.

Apparently this kangaroo court that Mueller put together is going after Flynn, not Trump. But the goal of the Nazi democrats still is to hang something, ANYTHING on Trump.
First I don't think any of those do the perp walk.

But IF one does it could be Trump for the reasons you gave.

Obama outright promises the Russians he will make nice with them after he doesn't care about the election and NOTHING.

But Trump's team MAY HAVE tried to get dirt on Hillary, although if they did I never saw them use it, and to the establishment that is treason.

You may be right that Trump is found guilty about something he isn't exactly the establishment's buddy. He is more of the people's president and I think that drives the democrats nuts.

Yes, Trump is the peoples president and the democrats bitterly hate the people. They are the elite and know how to rule. The people need to shut up and obey.

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