Who Will Be 'Perp-Walked' First?

View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
How do you quote someone and accidentally put a different users comment in it? Must have been some kind of elfin magic?

lol you seriously think that I ON PURPOSE put your name in because I'm after you or something?

Newflash, no one gives a shit about you miketx.
View attachment 142306
Got a problem here. This liar has edited my post to say something i never stated in this thread. This is what i said.
Grand juries are empaneled to see if there is enough evidence for an indictment. Liberals seem to forget that in their zeal to influence others through perpetual lying.

Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
How do you quote someone and accidentally put a different users comment in it? Must have been some kind of elfin magic?

lol you seriously think that I ON PURPOSE put your name in because I'm after you or something?

Newflash, no one gives a shit about you miketx.
Yet you refuse to answer the question. No, what i think is that you are liar and will say any lie and make up anything or edit something to advance your losers agenda.
Wow - how do you lie so shamelessly??? You said EXACTLY WHAT I QUOTED YOU SAYING. I didn't alter your post.

You've reached a whole new level of PATHETIC.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
How do you quote someone and accidentally put a different users comment in it? Must have been some kind of elfin magic?

lol you seriously think that I ON PURPOSE put your name in because I'm after you or something?

Newflash, no one gives a shit about you miketx.
Yet you refuse to answer the question. No, what i think is that you are liar and will say any lie and make up anything or edit something to advance your losers agenda.

lol which question? Did I not already tell you it was misquote? I accidently left your quote tag on the text instead of the other guy's - stop being such a nutbag and fuck off already
I give to fucks what you think. Don't change the fact. Keep the TV for your tut time, but don't quote them as fact. All your cut and past means dick. You are wrong. Be an adult and deal with it. That go's for camp and Campbell too.

Um, guy, I'm not wrong. I pointed out historical precedent. The President's Party loses an average of 30 seats and four senate seats in the midterms. That's enough to flip Congress. In only two cases did a president's party gain seats - 2002 and 1998. In both of those cases were extraordinary circumstances.

This is cut and dry. An unpopular president who has disappointed his base and angered his opposition, with a 33% approval rating is going to take a bath in the midterms.
I give to fucks what you think. Don't change the fact. Keep the TV for your tut time, but don't quote them as fact. All your cut and past means dick. You are wrong. Be an adult and deal with it. That go's for camp and Campbell too.

Um, guy, I'm not wrong. I pointed out historical precedent. The President's Party loses an average of 30 seats and four senate seats in the midterms. That's enough to flip Congress. In only two cases did a president's party gain seats - 2002 and 1998. In both of those cases were extraordinary circumstances.

This is cut and dry. An unpopular president who has disappointed his base and angered his opposition, with a 33% approval rating is going to take a bath in the midterms.

Yea, but Trump is extraordinary - he turned 40% unemployment into 4% in just six months. That's gotta count for something.
Where's it at then? I checked this thread 3 times and never saw it. I reported you.

My mistake - Crixus said it - I misquoted, but still your accusation that I edited your post is also not true.
How do you quote someone and accidentally put a different users comment in it? Must have been some kind of elfin magic?

lol you seriously think that I ON PURPOSE put your name in because I'm after you or something?

Newflash, no one gives a shit about you miketx.
Yet you refuse to answer the question. No, what i think is that you are liar and will say any lie and make up anything or edit something to advance your losers agenda.

lol which question? Did I not already tell you it was misquote? I accidently left your quote tag on the text instead of the other guy's - stop being such a nutbag and fuck off already
You're sorry.
There was a time when democrats could get away with violations of the Constitution and atrocities way back when Cronkite was king and the only available information was filtered through a liberal screen. There was a time when the ultra liberal hate filled media could bring down a president with unverified reports from anonymous unverified sources. While democrats are still using a tired old propaganda based playbook in the age of information they are losing every important election and underestimating the intelligence of voters. Hatred and anger (and there is plenty of that in the democrat party) is not a substitute for evidence.
There was a time when democrats could get away with violations of the Constitution and atrocities way back when Cronkite was king and the only available information was filtered through a liberal screen. There was a time when the ultra liberal hate filled media could bring down a president with unverified reports from anonymous unverified sources. While democrats are still using a tired old propaganda based playbook in the age of information they are losing every important election and underestimating the intelligence of voters. Hatred and anger (and there is plenty of that in the democrat party) is not a substitute for evidence.
The GOP/Rightwing are such victims.
I give to fucks what you think. Don't change the fact. Keep the TV for your tut time, but don't quote them as fact. All your cut and past means dick. You are wrong. Be an adult and deal with it. That go's for camp and Campbell too.

Um, guy, I'm not wrong. I pointed out historical precedent. The President's Party loses an average of 30 seats and four senate seats in the midterms. That's enough to flip Congress. In only two cases did a president's party gain seats - 2002 and 1998. In both of those cases were extraordinary circumstances.

This is cut and dry. An unpopular president who has disappointed his base and angered his opposition, with a 33% approval rating is going to take a bath in the midterms.

You are very wrong. No matter what the chick on CSI says. Stick with stories of the Nam joe/ they are way more interesting and they provide a good laugh. Just like the secret Mormon conspiracy against you you used to fail about after you and Camnpbells war stories.
You are moron. You don't know jack shat about what you are talking abut. A grand jury is ALWAYS called up during an investigation.

Bullshit - grand jury is certainly not called for every investigation and often case gets closed well before.
Yes and no! In a way, you both are part right. In Federal Cases, a person can not be brought to trial (be indicted) without a grand jury indicting them, the prosecutor in a Federal case CAN NOT indict on their own, as in the case with other criminal trials where prosecutors can do the indicting... and can request subpoenas.

However, Robert Mueller has probable cause, that a crime or crimes were committed....that he found in this investigation, and this is why he has a grand jury to work with him, because only the grand jury can subpoena the records or person under suspicion, or person knowing something about the 'something' they believe is criminal.

You can't get a subpoena issued without there being probable cause of a crime being committed....

Not really. Go back and look at old Clinton stuff, Toreselli investigation as well as Jamesn Trafficant and others. The steps taken in all those case and more say you are wrong.
I simply listened to a Prosecutor on the news explain it......

That's the problem. You trust others to tell you. Go look, a grand jury is the next step. Always was.
Actually, he's in a lot more trouble than that. He took money from foreign government and lied about it. A bit more serious than lying about a blow job or using the wrong email server..


No stupid, the MOST that can happen is a fine. Mueller is putting on a show to keep you snarling and drooling brown shirts riled up.

Then why are you here losing your shit because Trump is in so much trouble?

You Nazis are both stupid and dangerous. You need to be reminded of the stakes should you start the civil war you are pimping.

Remember dumb ass, one side has 800 million rounds of ammunition, the other side can't figure out which bathroom to use. You do the math...
You are very wrong. No matter what the chick on CSI says. Stick with stories of the Nam joe/ they are way more interesting and they provide a good laugh. Just like the secret Mormon conspiracy against you you used to fail about after you and Camnpbells war stories.

Well, I backed my up with an argument, what do you have other than your lack of literacy?
No stupid, the MOST that can happen is a fine. Mueller is putting on a show to keep you snarling and drooling brown shirts riled up.

Actually, Trump can't be fined. The only remedy is that he can be impeached.

Flynn, on the other hand, will be going to the big house for perjury.

You Nazis are both stupid and dangerous. You need to be reminded of the stakes should you start the civil war you are pimping.

Remember dumb ass, one side has 800 million rounds of ammunition, the other side can't figure out which bathroom to use. You do the math...

My side has 60% of the population who thinks Trump is scum. and that will grow once Willy White Trash figures out Daddy's Coal mining job isn't coming back.

Again, here's the reality. Republicans want Trump gone worse than the Democrats do.
You are very wrong. No matter what the chick on CSI says. Stick with stories of the Nam joe/ they are way more interesting and they provide a good laugh. Just like the secret Mormon conspiracy against you you used to fail about after you and Camnpbells war stories.

Well, I backed my up with an argument, what do you have other than your lack of literacy?

You backed us with an opinion. You are not important enough for it to matter, especially since you typically lie.
You backed us with an opinion. You are not important enough for it to matter, especially since you typically lie.

No, I backed up with a fact- the Incumbent Party has lost seats in all but two of the last 21 mid-term elections. Now, you might not like this, but the fact remains.

If the Dems just win the average, they'll flip both houses of Congress, and Trump is a GONER!!!!
You backed us with an opinion. You are not important enough for it to matter, especially since you typically lie.

No, I backed up with a fact- the Incumbent Party has lost seats in all but two of the last 21 mid-term elections. Now, you might not like this, but the fact remains.

If the Dems just win the average, they'll flip both houses of Congress, and Trump is a GONER!!!!

Blah, blah,blah. You brought gut opinion. It was just a quote of another persons opinion who also expected to be arguing over how good anion Hillary's was doing. I hope they keep on with this and I hope you libtards keep getting your little hearts busted.

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