Who will replace Biden as the Dem nominee?

I'll say this, whoever the tool might be the dems will breathe a collective sigh of relief......After last evening if they don't replace FJB millions upon millions of prospective dem voters will just stay home.

This is a great point. There will be no enthusiasm for the DEMS to vote Biden. He is a corpse.

Last night was devastating for the Dem Party.
Who will replace Biden as the Dem nominee?

Easy, unless she absolutely says no, Michelle.


Go ahead Dems, throw Khamala under the bus. Do you know what black Americans would do! Understand how this would be spun by the right----------->oh, Khamala was good enough for VP, but not good enough for POTUS!

Now, I got a 1.380 that says IM who and a few others are going to respond to this by insisting I am full of it.

I am NOT full of it! The Dems are already bleeding Black voters which every poll taken of BLACK VOTERS proves.

So maybe you don't see the dis of Khamala for some white guy or gal as bad, but I am willing to wager, that another 10% of the black voting population..........especially Black Women say, oh hell no! 10% more bleeding of the Black community of voting for Trump, or refusing to vote at all, and we are reasonably in LANDSLIDE territory.

This is why the only viable answer if Joe is thrown overboard, is Michelle. Dems know this! And FORGET putting some White person other than Joe at the top of the ticket, and letting Khamala stay VP. That is NOT how party succession works in politics, and try and pull that one off, and you will look just as bad, if not worse, for bypassing a Black woman who IS the sitting VP, and for why? That is going to be the BILLION DOLLAR QUESTION, and everyone is going to be asking it!
Who will replace Biden as the Dem nominee?
What makes you think Biden is interested in stepping down and giving up his current immunity from prosecution? If he wins the election, he can run out the clock on the statute of limitations for all of his families crimes. What could anyone offer him to step down that outweighs going to prison? There was a chance to maybe replace him two years ago, but they said Joe was awesome, so Democrats are stuck with him now. :dunno:
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I do not see a winning play by the Dems.

They are going to have to cheat like crazy to pull this one off.

LOL, they aren't going to be able to cheat so easily this time! The red states are going red, blue states going blue......maybe not for all blue, but we will give them that.

This time, ALL the GOP money for election over site is going to be spent in the swing states. Heck, they don't even have to watch Ohio or Florida this time around.

The Left is going to have so many noses up their rearends in these swing states, that this time, if they try being slick it will be called DURING the election process, not after. There is going to be video cameras everywhere, and if they get caught, they WILL delegitimize not only Bidens 4 years, but very possibly Obamas 2nd term...............along with any chance they have in 28.

If they lose fair and square, for the future, they would be wise just to take the L. But, somehow.......since most every conservative and independent are convinced that Biden really is not in charge, I somehow feel that the string pullers may still try; since it is not their names or legacies being drug through the mud if they.....when they, are busted! And trust me; they get busted, Trump WILL prosecute heavily!
We all know that O is behind the curtains puppeteering joe. Of course newsomes policies would be catastrophic, look no further than failed state CA. But.............O wouldn't be able to control big hair so much. That where big mikey comes in and he doesn't like the bidens too much anyway. O would be able to somewhat control his husband.
Who will replace Biden as the Dem nominee?
I'm betting that unless Biden keels over, he will be the nominee. But, if he were to drop out and they don't go with Kamala Harris, blacks will have even more reason to vote for Trump. The Titanic is going down but it's too late to think that changing Captains is going to help now. The damage is already done. The ship is going to sink.
There are two other people running for the Democrat nomination, they are Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson.
But the media doesn't tell you about them.


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