Whom do you believe....Mueller or Barr???

History will memorialize the Prog Era:

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds: Flaming Perpetual Butt Hurt in the Early Twenty-First Century"

Hey, fuckhead, address the thread's topic or go have a much-needed diaper change
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

Barr has witnesses and probably recordings.
Mueller is the liar.
But whatever happened to "Total Exoneration"?
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

For me it's simple. Mueller did the investigating and wrote the report. His report came first. Barr "summarized" it in a way that was politically advantageous for the president but not accurate to Mueller's actual findings.
As Mueller's boss, he could and should have asked Mueller to clarify. Even possibly asking Mueller to amend his report to include a conclusion on criminality. He did not.

Barr dishonored himself, the DOJ and the USA.

For me it’s simple as well, but I have a different take. You liberals are the biggest pathetic, sore losers in the history of this country, and you’ll stop at nothing to bring down a duly elected president with whom you disagree with.
This is not a game, we are all losers if Trump and his judges makes it normal for a president to be explicitly above the law. We are witnessing the greatest expansion of executive power in our lifetimes. Like always republicans will complain bitterly if a democrat ever takes those increasingly imperial powers and actually tries to use them for the betterment of the country.

You guys don’t give two shits about expansion of executive powers when one of your guys is in charge. As far as criminality, it’s all about your psychosis
Barr. Easily. See morons, he has witnesses. Apparently senile Bobby forgot other people were in the room when he made those statements to Barr. Mueller totally embarrassed himself so badly his office had to release a statement saying what he MEANT, not what he said.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

Barr has witnesses and probably recordings.
Mueller is the liar.
But whatever happened to "Total Exoneration"?

When there isn’t enough evidence to incriminate you then you are totally exonerated. That’s how it works.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

Barr, by a country mile. You have be deaf, dumb, and stupid as a post hole, to believe anything mewler invented. The only thing mewler has reported correctly is that trump and Co. committed no crime.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

For me it's simple. Mueller did the investigating and wrote the report. His report came first. Barr "summarized" it in a way that was politically advantageous for the president but not accurate to Mueller's actual findings.
As Mueller's boss, he could and should have asked Mueller to clarify. Even possibly asking Mueller to amend his report to include a conclusion on criminality. He did not.

Barr dishonored himself, the DOJ and the USA.

For me it’s simple as well, but I have a different take. You liberals are the biggest pathetic, sore losers in the history of this country, and you’ll stop at nothing to bring down a duly elected president with whom you disagree with.
This is not a game, we are all losers if Trump and his judges makes it normal for a president to be explicitly above the law. We are witnessing the greatest expansion of executive power in our lifetimes. Like always republicans will complain bitterly if a democrat ever takes those increasingly imperial powers and actually tries to use them for the betterment of the country.

You guys don’t give two shits about expansion of executive powers when one of your guys is in charge. As far as criminality, it’s all about your psychosis
You're going to be like one of those pathetic people who always thought Nixon did nothing wrong and it was all a setup.
When there isn’t enough evidence to incriminate you then you are totally exonerated. That’s how it works.

No, moron..........There are moral and ethical issue for sane voters to also consider.

Are you an OJ Simpson juror?
The only thing mewler has reported correctly is that trump and Co. committed no crime.

See.......in just a short sentence you divulge that you're an ASSHOLE....who has NOT read one fucking line of the Mueller report because your lips were glued to Trump's ass.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

For me it's simple. Mueller did the investigating and wrote the report. His report came first. Barr "summarized" it in a way that was politically advantageous for the president but not accurate to Mueller's actual findings.
As Mueller's boss, he could and should have asked Mueller to clarify. Even possibly asking Mueller to amend his report to include a conclusion on criminality. He did not.

Barr dishonored himself, the DOJ and the USA.
Barr isn't paid to read Mueller's mind.
He read the report and summarized the final findings.
You leftists are reading into it what you want....like you do with everything.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.
Who the fuck cares? :4_13_65:

The special counsel did its job, which was to investigate links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump. It apparently found none.

It's over. Move on.
The only thing mewler has reported correctly is that trump and Co. committed no crime.

See.......in just a short sentence you divulge that you're an ASSHOLE....who has NOT read one fucking line of the Mueller report because your lips were glued to Trump's ass.

Wrong, dumbass. I have read the entire thing save that which is redacted. The conclusion "we can find no evidence that he didn't commit a crime" is asinine. It is the verbiage of an asshole. That is not the standard we use in the civilized world. Maybe in your third world shithole country's, but not THIS one.
For me it's simple. Mueller did the investigating and wrote the report. His report came first. Barr "summarized" it in a way that was politically advantageous for the president but not accurate to Mueller's actual findings.
As Mueller's boss, he could and should have asked Mueller to clarify. Even possibly asking Mueller to amend his report to include a conclusion on criminality. He did not.

Barr dishonored himself, the DOJ and the USA.

Yesterday's brief Mueller monologue should have been aired FIRST, and not Barr's slanted and biased interpretation that has lingered as propaganda for several weeks.

Transaction~ my propaganda is better then your propaganda.

Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.
Mueller reaffirmed that there was No Collusion and No Obstruction in his No Collusion No Obstruction Report
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

Barr has witnesses and probably recordings.
Mueller is the liar.
But whatever happened to "Total Exoneration"?

I am sure the Senate will fulfill its Article One responsibility and totally exonerate the President if it gets that far. Mueller surely realized there was no way the Senate or any court would convict on this kind of evidence. So, instead of being the target of the left for the rest of his life, he kicked it to Congress to take the heat.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

For me it's simple. Mueller did the investigating and wrote the report. His report came first. Barr "summarized" it in a way that was politically advantageous for the president but not accurate to Mueller's actual findings.
As Mueller's boss, he could and should have asked Mueller to clarify. Even possibly asking Mueller to amend his report to include a conclusion on criminality. He did not.

Barr dishonored himself, the DOJ and the USA.

For me it’s simple as well, but I have a different take. You liberals are the biggest pathetic, sore losers in the history of this country, and you’ll stop at nothing to bring down a duly elected president with whom you disagree with.

Nice job. :thup:
Is that all you could muster?
Mueller always hated Trump...he is/was a true Trump-hater even well before he was even made Special Counselor. Lots of holes in the Mueller Report. It reads like a freakin' Cinderella story. Except, it was nothing more than a propaganda piece for the left to indulge.

So, I believe Barr all the way... :D

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