Who's having a worse week? Putin or Trump?

Who's having a worse week?

  • Putin

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • Trump

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Protests erupt in Russia, Trump and his children sued for scamming people.
I myself cannot answer this question as it is not an easy one. Please tell me your opinion in my poll and discuss if you so wish. Thanks.
Putin may have a bad day in the future and decide to go out with a bang. A nuclear bang,
Protests erupt in Russia, Trump and his children sued for scamming people.
I myself cannot answer this question as it is not an easy one. Please tell me your opinion in my poll and discuss if you so wish. Thanks.
We can look to history: Hyper-nationalist authoritarians usually get what they deserve.

Here's hoping that trend continues. I'm just concerned about the damage they decide to cause at the end.
Wait until Putin starts using tactical nukes.

Not a good place we're in. Those moron Democrats could very well escalate something like that into a full-blown nuclear war. They don't have a fucking clue about diplomacy or "peace through strength."
MalcolmEXLax is trying ^ to communicate. That’s so precious.

MalcolmExlax always uses the same fake twitter blurbs. I think he had to make them up to compensate for his limited vocabulary. I blame his union teachers and inner-city affirmative action schools. Hope he at least got a participation trophy for the kitchen table.
Protests erupt in Russia, Trump and his children sued for scamming people.
I myself cannot answer this question as it is not an easy one. Please tell me your opinion in my poll and discuss if you so wish. Thanks.

Even if Trump loses, it's a tiny percent of his wealth. And Democrats continuing to persecute him over and over has a cumulative affect of increasing his support because you asses are fucking nuts
Can you talk about Putin?

That would be a good clip if it actually happened. Lame! Booo Booo
Pretty funny watching them (try to) spin this.

Not like you ignoring Nancy Pelosi's flagrant insider trading. Oh wait, it is ...:itsok::itsok:

I don't dislike Nancy because she did that, I would dislike her anyway. Neither of us gives a shit about what Trump did. You'd hate him anyway and I'd like him.

But wow, a three year investigation by the State of New York and a civil suit is all they got? And you're trumpeting it? (ha ha) Even for a Trump hater, you're pathetic.

I'm sorry, that was mean :itsok::itsok:

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