Who's illegitimate now Mr Birtherism?

you see kaz you live by the sword you die by the sword It was YOUR president elect that called Obama illegitimate for 5 or so years Why shouldn't dems return the favor with even more reason to do so???

Trump is everyone's president. Not just kaz's. And that's despite kaz voting against him.

As for why democrats shouldn't do that: Because they are supposed to be adults. They could be mature and show the people they are better than trump. Instead they show that they are no better to worse.

Certainly all democrats are doing that.

Just like all Republican were Birthers.

That being said- I think we should all give Mr. Trump a chance.
2016 election:

1. Hillary Clinton won by almost 3 million votes. She actually got more votes than Obama did in 2012.

2. Democrats won the Senate vote, added up nationally, by 11 million.

3. Democrats gained seats in the House.

It's an exercise in mind bending delusion to call that an overwhelming victory for the GOP.
Then your party shouldn't change anything since they won the election. Pay no attention to the man in the white house.

Did I say anyone won the election who didn't?
My bad, it seemed like you were declaring a Democratic victory.

No, I was pointing out how ridiculous the people sound who declare that some sort of colossal landslide occurred in 2016 that is going to lead to a 1000 year GOP Reich.

You should. You lefties need constant reminders that opposing you doesn't make the GOP nazis

And the right needs constant reminders that opposing a Conservative agenda doesn't make someone a nazi or a Commie.
OMG your love for obummer is clouding your ability to see. you really didn't just say that right?

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement

"“The birther issue came out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2008 elections,” said Pastor Darrell Scott, who was on the panel over the weekend, only to be forcefully cut off."

Well, Obama was the ORIGINAL birther.

Well since you have yet to be able to produce a SINGLE example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya- this is just you kazzing again.
evidence already presented.

Again- what evidence? LOL

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.
evidence already posted in the thread.

Birthers- another reminder that all you have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.[
Well, Obama was the ORIGINAL birther.

Well since you have yet to be able to produce a SINGLE example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya- this is just you kazzing again.
evidence already presented.

Again- what evidence? LOL

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.
evidence already posted in the thread.

Birthers- another reminder that all you have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.[
well maybe the russians did it. There is as much evidence to that.
you see kaz you live by the sword you die by the sword It was YOUR president elect that called Obama illegitimate for 5 or so years Why shouldn't dems return the favor with even more reason to do so???

Trump is everyone's president. Not just kaz's. And that's despite kaz voting against him.

As for why democrats shouldn't do that: Because they are supposed to be adults. They could be mature and show the people they are better than trump. Instead they show that they are no better to worse.

Certainly all democrats are doing that.

Just like all Republican were Birthers.

That being said- I think we should all give Mr. Trump a chance.

Who said all Democrat are? But there is clearly a majority sitting in the House that do.
From what I understand Hillary was the first one to question Douchebag's American birth.

Oh and won't you have egg on you're face if they do in fact find out Obama wasn't born in the US??

Hillary never once questioned Barack Obama's American birth.

Trump did it for 5 years and then when he got the Birther votes for the nomination, 'pivoted' to the rational side to win the general election throwing the gullible Birthers under the bus.
OMG your love for obummer is clouding your ability to see. you really didn't just say that right?

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement

"“The birther issue came out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2008 elections,” said Pastor Darrell Scott, who was on the panel over the weekend, only to be forcefully cut off."

Well, Obama was the ORIGINAL birther.

Well since you have yet to be able to produce a SINGLE example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya- this is just you kazzing again.
evidence already presented.
What evidence? Melania wasn't working as an Escort when she met Trump!!!!
Last edited:
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

From what I understand Hillary was the first one to question Douchebag's American birth.

Oh and won't you have egg on you're face if they do in fact find out Obama wasn't born in the US??

Hillary never once questioned Barack Obama's American birth.

Trump did it for 5 years and then when he got the Birther votes for the nomination, 'pivoted' to the rational side to win the general election throwing the gullible Birthers under the bus.

I beg to differ.

You can beg as much as you want- you were not able to find a single quote by Hillary Clinton ever questioning Barack Obama place of birth.,

Meanwhile- Trump did for 5 years- why do you think that Trump was just Hillary's gullible bitch?

View attachment 107160

View attachment 107161
7 News Stories from 2008 that PROVE Hillary Started Obama 'Birtherism' - Media is LYING!
Yet it took Mr. Trump five years of dodging, winking and joking to surrender to reality, finally, on Friday, after a remarkable campaign of relentless deception that tried to undermine the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

In fact, it took Mr. Trump much longer than that: Mr. Obama released his short-form birth certificate from the Hawaii Department of Health in 2008. Most of the world moved on.

But not Mr. Trump.

He nurtured the conspiracy like a poisonous flower, watering and feeding it with an ardor that still baffles and embarrasses many around him.

Mr. Trump called up like-minded sowers of the same corrosive rumor, asking them for advice on how to take a falsehood and make it mainstream in 2011, as he weighed his own run for the White House.

“What can we do to get to the bottom of this?” Mr. Trump asked Joseph Farah, an author who has long labored on the fringes of political life. “What can we do to turn the tide?”

What he could do — and what he did do — was talk about it, uninhibitedly, on social media, where dark rumors flourish in 140-character bursts and, inevitably, find a home with those who have no need for facts and whose suspicions can never be allayed.
ovember ninth to discover the worlds greatest democracy is being governed by a single party, and leadby a lawless authoritarian. All the checks and balances the framers of our constitution put in place to prevent this nightmare have been lowered by the people.
We, the freedom loving Americans must stand up to this tyranny while we still can. Time is short very, very short.
~Kevin McDermott ~

Who is Kevin McDermott and why should we care what he thinks?
Just care about what conservatives think.......you nim rod.

At least conservatives do think, you just parrot

If you are a conservative, you certainly are not showing you do anything but parrot Birther talking points'
what the fk does this mean?

Were your fingers in knots?
The women are fingering themselves and the men are jerking off! Hence you don't see their hands. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
From what I understand Hillary was the first one to question Douchebag's American birth.

Oh and won't you have egg on you're face if they do in fact find out Obama wasn't born in the US??

Hillary never once questioned Barack Obama's American birth.

Trump did it for 5 years and then when he got the Birther votes for the nomination, 'pivoted' to the rational side to win the general election throwing the gullible Birthers under the bus.

I beg to differ.

You can beg as much as you want- you were not able to find a single quote by Hillary Clinton ever questioning Barack Obama place of birth.,

Meanwhile- Trump did for 5 years- why do you think that Trump was just Hillary's gullible bitch?

View attachment 107160

View attachment 107161
7 News Stories from 2008 that PROVE Hillary Started Obama 'Birtherism' - Media is LYING!
Yet it took Mr. Trump five years of dodging, winking and joking to surrender to reality, finally, on Friday, after a remarkable campaign of relentless deception that tried to undermine the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

In fact, it took Mr. Trump much longer than that: Mr. Obama released his short-form birth certificate from the Hawaii Department of Health in 2008. Most of the world moved on.

But not Mr. Trump.

He nurtured the conspiracy like a poisonous flower, watering and feeding it with an ardor that still baffles and embarrasses many around him.

Mr. Trump called up like-minded sowers of the same corrosive rumor, asking them for advice on how to take a falsehood and make it mainstream in 2011, as he weighed his own run for the White House.

“What can we do to get to the bottom of this?” Mr. Trump asked Joseph Farah, an author who has long labored on the fringes of political life. “What can we do to turn the tide?”

What he could do — and what he did do — was talk about it, uninhibitedly, on social media, where dark rumors flourish in 140-character bursts and, inevitably, find a home with those who have no need for facts and whose suspicions can never be allayed.

Good article. Thanks for the link.

The thing that makes the whole "Hillary started it" extra-on-steroids stupid is -- even if

...even if...someone on the campaign laid a brick on the matter (which as we know there is no proof) -- but IF,

that single brick of doubt of his birth was laid there, and, as we know, quickly abandoned

-- immediately after, near simultaneously a shit-ton on the right wing took that ill-formed single brick and built with thick, deep and pernicious conspiracy mortar a fucking Grand Central Station in size, volume and breadth, and had right wing trains running to and fro inside that enormous station, for years and years -- filled to capacity with those near fully and wholly on the right.


But THE BRICK! It's that person who laid down that single brick!!

Blame her!
Well since you have yet to be able to produce a SINGLE example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya- this is just you kazzing again.
evidence already presented.

Again- what evidence? LOL

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.
evidence already posted in the thread.

Birthers- another reminder that all you have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.[
well maybe the russians did it. There is as much evidence to that.

Yes there is as much evidence that the Russians said that Obama was born in Kenya as there is evidence that he said he was born in Kenya.

God Birthers are idiots.
Why do you suppose Obama started it all accusing himself of being born in Kenya? r

Why do you suppose kaz keeps making this lie?

He has been lying about this for years.

"Why do you think that Donald Trump had a three way with Putin?"

That is as truthful as kaz's posts.
ovember ninth to discover the worlds greatest democracy is being governed by a single party, and leadby a lawless authoritarian. All the checks and balances the framers of our constitution put in place to prevent this nightmare have been lowered by the people.
We, the freedom loving Americans must stand up to this tyranny while we still can. Time is short very, very short.
~Kevin McDermott ~

Who is Kevin McDermott and why should we care what he thinks?
Just care about what conservatives think.......you nim rod.

At least conservatives do think, you just parrot
Conservatives Are Knuckle Dragging Conservative Neanderthals with out an original thought in their prehistoric brains.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
TRUMP is in deep DooDoo
Nobody who’s reasonable questions Trump’s eligibility for the presidency, but questions surrounding his entitlement to keep the job are widespread, and not just on the left-wing fringe. Birtherism may have been Trump’s accidental springboard to the presidency, but the next four years are set to express themselves as a continuous fight over the legitimacy of his presidency in ways that will make birtherism seem like a footnote.

The fact that Trump’s weak lock on the presidency isn’t more widely discussed is attributable almost entirely to Republicans in Congress who, for now and for the foreseeable future, have resolved to foreclose inquiries into Trump’s conduct that may yield impeachable offenses.

Democrats can’t force investigations, and they can’t issue subpoenas, so they can’t isolate the source of all the smoke. But it’s everywhere.

Consider the following:

  • It is very likely that the FBI is investigating links between Trump’s campaign aides and Russian actors who allegedly conducted a sabotage campaign against the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, and into whether Russian officials have the capacity to blackmail Trump.
  • His designated CIA director, Mike Pompeo, not only vouchsafed the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia embarked on its disruption campaign with the goal of helping Trump, but promised the senators considering his nomination “to pursue foreign intelligence with vigor no matter where the facts lead.”
  • Trump has forced the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, Jr., to take the unprecedented step of upbraiding the president-elect for freezing out ethics officers, and for making financial decisions that leave him highly conflicted between his business and the public interest. Shaub calledTrump’s decision to hand executive control over his business to his sons “wholly inadequate” and urged him to fully divest from the Trump organization.
  • Ethics experts, and others on the left and right, have observed that Trump is very likely to become in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitutionalmost immediately after taking the oath of office. Trump will set off a silent constitutional crisis in hour zero, leaving everyone wondering when it will become impossible to ignore.
304 > 227. Your bitch lost.

Your candidate is compromised in ways that cannot be undone. Republicans will throw him under the bus at the first opportunity, because they never wanted him in the first place. The clock is ticking on the Trump Presidency, before it's even begun.

He didn't win the popular vote, and he's Putin's bitch. Trump has never said one critical thing about Putin. Nothing but praise for the murdering ex-head of the KGB. Ever wonder why that is?

You do know that the KGB is famous for "honey pot" extortion. And Trump has certainly taken on Putin's "deny, deflect, and attack" method of dealing with critics. And his false narritives.

Republicans have the White House, the Senate and the House. They don't need Trump. Pence will do just fine.

Tick tock Donnie.

He didn't have to win the popular vote. That's not what the CONSTITUTION says. What we do know is your bitch didn't win the type votes that it takes to become President.
evidence already presented.

Again- what evidence? LOL

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.
evidence already posted in the thread.

Birthers- another reminder that all you have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

Remember- you pulling Birther crap out of your ass is not 'evidence' of anything other than you rely upon crap as evidence.

You cannot find a single example of Barack Obama ever saying he was born in Kenya.

So of course that is 'evidence' to you.[
well maybe the russians did it. There is as much evidence to that.

Yes there is as much evidence that the Russians said that Obama was born in Kenya as there is evidence that he said he was born in Kenya.

God Birthers are idiots.

Pucker up. You only have 2 1/2 days left to kiss Obama's ass.
Why do you suppose kaz keeps making this lie?

He has been lying about this for years.

"Why do you think that Donald Trump had a three way with Putin?"

That is as truthful as kaz's posts.
ovember ninth to discover the worlds greatest democracy is being governed by a single party, and leadby a lawless authoritarian. All the checks and balances the framers of our constitution put in place to prevent this nightmare have been lowered by the people.
We, the freedom loving Americans must stand up to this tyranny while we still can. Time is short very, very short.
~Kevin McDermott ~

Who is Kevin McDermott and why should we care what he thinks?
Just care about what conservatives think.......you nim rod.

At least conservatives do think, you just parrot
Conservatives Are Knuckle Dragging Conservative Neanderthals with out an original thought in their prehistoric brains.
You said Conservative twice, dumass.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
TRUMP is in deep DooDoo
Nobody who’s reasonable questions Trump’s eligibility for the presidency, but questions surrounding his entitlement to keep the job are widespread, and not just on the left-wing fringe. Birtherism may have been Trump’s accidental springboard to the presidency, but the next four years are set to express themselves as a continuous fight over the legitimacy of his presidency in ways that will make birtherism seem like a footnote.

The fact that Trump’s weak lock on the presidency isn’t more widely discussed is attributable almost entirely to Republicans in Congress who, for now and for the foreseeable future, have resolved to foreclose inquiries into Trump’s conduct that may yield impeachable offenses.

Democrats can’t force investigations, and they can’t issue subpoenas, so they can’t isolate the source of all the smoke. But it’s everywhere.

Consider the following:

  • It is very likely that the FBI is investigating links between Trump’s campaign aides and Russian actors who allegedly conducted a sabotage campaign against the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, and into whether Russian officials have the capacity to blackmail Trump.
  • His designated CIA director, Mike Pompeo, not only vouchsafed the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia embarked on its disruption campaign with the goal of helping Trump, but promised the senators considering his nomination “to pursue foreign intelligence with vigor no matter where the facts lead.”
  • Trump has forced the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, Jr., to take the unprecedented step of upbraiding the president-elect for freezing out ethics officers, and for making financial decisions that leave him highly conflicted between his business and the public interest. Shaub calledTrump’s decision to hand executive control over his business to his sons “wholly inadequate” and urged him to fully divest from the Trump organization.
  • Ethics experts, and others on the left and right, have observed that Trump is very likely to become in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitutionalmost immediately after taking the oath of office. Trump will set off a silent constitutional crisis in hour zero, leaving everyone wondering when it will become impossible to ignore.
304 > 227. Your bitch lost.

Your candidate is compromised in ways that cannot be undone. Republicans will throw him under the bus at the first opportunity, because they never wanted him in the first place. The clock is ticking on the Trump Presidency, before it's even begun.

He didn't win the popular vote, and he's Putin's bitch. Trump has never said one critical thing about Putin. Nothing but praise for the murdering ex-head of the KGB. Ever wonder why that is?

You do know that the KGB is famous for "honey pot" extortion. And Trump has certainly taken on Putin's "deny, deflect, and attack" method of dealing with critics. And his false narritives.

Republicans have the White House, the Senate and the House. They don't need Trump. Pence will do just fine.

Tick tock Donnie.

He didn't have to win the popular vote. That's not what the CONSTITUTION says. What we do know is your bitch didn't win the type votes that it takes to become President.
Meh! Trump hasn't been sworn in yet and already his approval ratings are in the low 40's.

Meanwhile, estimated Inaugural Day audience will be 700K and that's counting the protestors!!!!!!

President Obama's Inaugural Day audience was 1.8 million.....almost 2 million!!!!
Last edited:
What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
TRUMP is in deep DooDoo
Nobody who’s reasonable questions Trump’s eligibility for the presidency, but questions surrounding his entitlement to keep the job are widespread, and not just on the left-wing fringe. Birtherism may have been Trump’s accidental springboard to the presidency, but the next four years are set to express themselves as a continuous fight over the legitimacy of his presidency in ways that will make birtherism seem like a footnote.

The fact that Trump’s weak lock on the presidency isn’t more widely discussed is attributable almost entirely to Republicans in Congress who, for now and for the foreseeable future, have resolved to foreclose inquiries into Trump’s conduct that may yield impeachable offenses.

Democrats can’t force investigations, and they can’t issue subpoenas, so they can’t isolate the source of all the smoke. But it’s everywhere.

Consider the following:

  • It is very likely that the FBI is investigating links between Trump’s campaign aides and Russian actors who allegedly conducted a sabotage campaign against the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, and into whether Russian officials have the capacity to blackmail Trump.
  • His designated CIA director, Mike Pompeo, not only vouchsafed the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia embarked on its disruption campaign with the goal of helping Trump, but promised the senators considering his nomination “to pursue foreign intelligence with vigor no matter where the facts lead.”
  • Trump has forced the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, Jr., to take the unprecedented step of upbraiding the president-elect for freezing out ethics officers, and for making financial decisions that leave him highly conflicted between his business and the public interest. Shaub calledTrump’s decision to hand executive control over his business to his sons “wholly inadequate” and urged him to fully divest from the Trump organization.
  • Ethics experts, and others on the left and right, have observed that Trump is very likely to become in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitutionalmost immediately after taking the oath of office. Trump will set off a silent constitutional crisis in hour zero, leaving everyone wondering when it will become impossible to ignore.
304 > 227. Your bitch lost.

Your candidate is compromised in ways that cannot be undone. Republicans will throw him under the bus at the first opportunity, because they never wanted him in the first place. The clock is ticking on the Trump Presidency, before it's even begun.

He didn't win the popular vote, and he's Putin's bitch. Trump has never said one critical thing about Putin. Nothing but praise for the murdering ex-head of the KGB. Ever wonder why that is?

You do know that the KGB is famous for "honey pot" extortion. And Trump has certainly taken on Putin's "deny, deflect, and attack" method of dealing with critics. And his false narritives.

Republicans have the White House, the Senate and the House. They don't need Trump. Pence will do just fine.

Tick tock Donnie.
when someone doesn't do their job we call them out. you all call out your failing politicians?

obummer was a failure and you will sit in here and tell us how great he was. yeah that's sad you have no integrity in your bones.

You all can't even admit obummercare a failure when Bill Clinton said it was.

Obama was a success . Just use regular objective criteria that we have for all presidents.

Here's what conservatives do . They create new/obscure statistics that are specifically designed to slander obama .

For example "people not in the workforce ". A stat never really used before . And they also do not adjust it for population growth in order to make it look more damning . They would have you believe 1/3 of America is unemployed . Rediculous.

So record numbers on food stamps is a success?

The workforce participation rate stat has never really been used before? That's strange, the chart below goes back almost 70 years. Are you telling me that the keeping of it was a waste of time?

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
TRUMP is in deep DooDoo
Nobody who’s reasonable questions Trump’s eligibility for the presidency, but questions surrounding his entitlement to keep the job are widespread, and not just on the left-wing fringe. Birtherism may have been Trump’s accidental springboard to the presidency, but the next four years are set to express themselves as a continuous fight over the legitimacy of his presidency in ways that will make birtherism seem like a footnote.

The fact that Trump’s weak lock on the presidency isn’t more widely discussed is attributable almost entirely to Republicans in Congress who, for now and for the foreseeable future, have resolved to foreclose inquiries into Trump’s conduct that may yield impeachable offenses.

Democrats can’t force investigations, and they can’t issue subpoenas, so they can’t isolate the source of all the smoke. But it’s everywhere.

Consider the following:

  • It is very likely that the FBI is investigating links between Trump’s campaign aides and Russian actors who allegedly conducted a sabotage campaign against the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, and into whether Russian officials have the capacity to blackmail Trump.
  • His designated CIA director, Mike Pompeo, not only vouchsafed the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia embarked on its disruption campaign with the goal of helping Trump, but promised the senators considering his nomination “to pursue foreign intelligence with vigor no matter where the facts lead.”
  • Trump has forced the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, Jr., to take the unprecedented step of upbraiding the president-elect for freezing out ethics officers, and for making financial decisions that leave him highly conflicted between his business and the public interest. Shaub calledTrump’s decision to hand executive control over his business to his sons “wholly inadequate” and urged him to fully divest from the Trump organization.
  • Ethics experts, and others on the left and right, have observed that Trump is very likely to become in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitutionalmost immediately after taking the oath of office. Trump will set off a silent constitutional crisis in hour zero, leaving everyone wondering when it will become impossible to ignore.
304 > 227. Your bitch lost.

Your candidate is compromised in ways that cannot be undone. Republicans will throw him under the bus at the first opportunity, because they never wanted him in the first place. The clock is ticking on the Trump Presidency, before it's even begun.

He didn't win the popular vote, and he's Putin's bitch. Trump has never said one critical thing about Putin. Nothing but praise for the murdering ex-head of the KGB. Ever wonder why that is?

You do know that the KGB is famous for "honey pot" extortion. And Trump has certainly taken on Putin's "deny, deflect, and attack" method of dealing with critics. And his false narritives.

Republicans have the White House, the Senate and the House. They don't need Trump. Pence will do just fine.

Tick tock Donnie.

He didn't have to win the popular vote. That's not what the CONSTITUTION says. What we do know is your bitch didn't win the type votes that it takes to become President.
Meh! Trump hasn't been sworn in yet and already his approval ratings are in the low 40's.

Meanwhile, estimated Inaugural Day audience will be 700K and counting the protestors!!!!!!

Why don't you explain how someone can have an approval rating when the job for which the rating is supposed to be based isn't one the person is currently doing? It's not an approval rating, it's a bitching rating by all those that lost.
Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
Trump must deal with his birtherisms over the next 4 years. Obama did it for 8 years! Why can't Trump do 4 years Trump deal with the same????

Why it's not the same thing fruit loop, it is a requirement to be born in the United States.. It's not a requirement to show tax forms

Both Barack Obama and Donald Trump were born in the United States.

There is no requirement that either prove that they were-but Barack Obama did- and then Donald Trump spent 5 years trying to undermine the President by claiming he was not.

There is no requirement that the President ever show his tax returns. Trump hasn't- making Trump the least transparent President in decades.

So a requirement of being President is that you be born a citizen and you're saying that it doesn't have to be proven? What are we supposed to do, take the word of the person running? No wonder the bitch you supported lost.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Don't be stupid.

No one's talking about the electoral college vote.

The irony is sweet, Trump now being seen as less legitimate than Obama ever was.

Trump's parents were married - to each other. Can't say that about Obama. can you?

Sure can.

Of course cowardly right wing asswipes love to attack the dead parents of a President.

Obama's baby daddy was the typical runaway sperm donor type of his kind and his mother was a piece of white trash.
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
Trump must deal with his birtherisms over the next 4 years. Obama did it for 8 years! Why can't Trump do 4 years Trump deal with the same????

Why it's not the same thing fruit loop, it is a requirement to be born in the United States.. It's not a requirement to show tax forms

Both Barack Obama and Donald Trump were born in the United States.

There is no requirement that either prove that they were-but Barack Obama did- and then Donald Trump spent 5 years trying to undermine the President by claiming he was not.

There is no requirement that the President ever show his tax returns. Trump hasn't- making Trump the least transparent President in decades.

So a requirement of being President is that you be born a citizen and you're saying that it doesn't have to be proven? What are we supposed to do, take the word of the person running? No wonder the bitch you supported lost.
Meh......Trump will be impeached.

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