Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

Communism is what Rush Limbaugh felt conservatism should be ?

Why do Rush's feelings hurt you so ?

his idea of not compromising with dems "AT ALL" is what he said .... my comment was isn't that what Communism is ... not allowing the people to have a say in anything ...just what he has the say in how government should be or did you not comprehend that....

My elected officials not compromising with Dems at all is my say.

no its not ... you have no say ... you're not bright enough to understand what SAY IS

Do you not comprehend the push-back response to your political will are others' same duly elected, political freewill ?

riiiiiiiiiiiight ??? free will ... not when RUSH has a say in your so called FREE WILL
LOL, you're brainwashed - in your case only a light rinse was necessary. Would you like me to correct the syntax (no Kosh, a syntax is not a tax on sin; sorry if I confused you) in the sentence you posted?

Standard English and the nature and placement of words used to convey meaning are the first indication we humans have in determining the intelligence and education of others. You fail in both to convince anyone - even partisan hacks like you - that anything you post is substantive or valuable or even has a modicum of truth. You're a clone of a brain damaged parrot and don't even provide humor, only pity.

Even more far left Obama drone irony from those that follow the far left scripture to the letter.

Actually I don't pity you, I know I should, but even brain damaged people like you are easy to dislike. Maybe a private school will help you in understanding this:

Standard English and the nature and placement of words used to convey meaning are the first indication we humans have in determining the intelligence and education of others. You fail in both to convince anyone - even partisan hacks like you - that anything you post is substantive or valuable or even has a modicum of truth. You're a clone of a brain damaged parrot and don't even provide humor, only pity.

More proof that the far left will lie to protect their religion.
And the far left shows they want the far left government to dictate your thoughts via public schools.

LOL, you're brainwashed - in your case only a light rinse was necessary. Would you like me to correct the syntax (no Kosh, a syntax is not a tax on sin; sorry if I confused you) in the sentence you posted?

Standard English and the nature and placement of words used to convey meaning are the first indication we humans have in determining the intelligence and education of others. You fail in both to convince anyone - even partisan hacks like you - that anything you post is substantive or valuable or even has a modicum of truth. You're a clone of a brain damaged parrot and don't even provide humor, only pity.
in his defense, he's a moron.:thup:

as to the OP, both are intertwined like in fascism :)

If you far left Obama drones would stop posting the far left propaganda/scripture you won't be called on it.

Pretty simple if you ask me.
its people like me who make his ideals look immoral ... he's not bright enough to realize what his Ideals did ... he made himself look immoral... not dems ... no republican could ever hurt my feelings ... they're too stupid ...

Example of one of his more immoral quotes ?

called Sandra Fluke a Slut just because she felt that birth control should be part of your health care

What is it with all of these young, single white women? Overeducated doesn't mean intelligent." He said an "example" is Tracie McMillan

Limbaugh took note of the fact that writer of the article is female -- a woman named Lucia Mutikani. The fact that she's a woman allowed Limbaugh to refer to her as "the infobabe or the reporter, whoever, who wrote the story with tongue hanging out." He then made panting noises and said she had been "eager and panting away for Obama's success."

On March 8, Limbaugh attacked Washington Post writer Alexandra Petri, saying she had injected her "b-i-itchy opinion" into her writing. Limbaugh said Petri had incorrectly reported that his show accepted advertisements from Ashley Madison, a website marketed to adulterers. Petri's blog post on the subject suggested that Limbaugh's listeners are "jerks" because Ashley Madison was targeting them.

It's because Limbaugh has a decades-old persecution complex about women who hold any power in our society, and he feels no compunction about attacking them in extremely personal ways -- even sexually -- when they make him angry.
It's no larger than a voter taking responsibility to become informed, vote for a candidate that she/he thinks will do a good job, holding that elected official responsible, and acting accordingly.

If we do that or at least get 2X as many people to do that, it doesn't matter what the lobbyists do; votes will speak louder than money; ask Meg Whitman or that wrestling promoter out in Connecticut.

It really is no larger than that. Except for one thing I have overlooked; stop blaming the "other guy" and worry about your self.

the problem you have here is money ... it talks the loudest ... where the lobbyists have the loudest mouths ... we all know how brain damaged republicans are, if they are lied to by a lobbyists they buy it cause the republicans said it was a good idea ... oh say like not having affordable health care

Billy bob speaks.............Only the Republicans...............


You as always are useless to me.............

anyway you look at it ...you're a dumb fuck ... as useless as a dumb fucks can be .... but I all ready knew that... so does everybody else ... dumb fuck
It's no larger than a voter taking responsibility to become informed, vote for a candidate that she/he thinks will do a good job, holding that elected official responsible, and acting accordingly.

If we do that or at least get 2X as many people to do that, it doesn't matter what the lobbyists do; votes will speak louder than money; ask Meg Whitman or that wrestling promoter out in Connecticut.

It really is no larger than that. Except for one thing I have overlooked; stop blaming the "other guy" and worry about your self.

the problem you have here is money ... it talks the loudest ... where the lobbyists have the loudest mouths ... we all know how brain damaged republicans are, if they are lied to by a lobbyists they buy it cause the republicans said it was a good idea ... oh say like not having affordable health care

Regardless of the volume, it's whomever gets the plurality of votes that wins most elections. If the poor were to get out and vote, they'd be the greatest, most powerful voting block this nation has ever seen. Yet few vote.

If you want a great place to study go to any PTA meeting in a poor neighborhood. You and the teachers will be the only ones there. Right up until the State wants to close the school district or merge it with a district where the parents pay 1/2 assed attention. Then you see vocal involvement and engagement.

I heard the same non-sense from Ron Paul supporters last year during the primaries...if you get more votes, your guy will win. Nobody is rigging anything.

I think you need to look a little closer at North Carolina about rigging ... if they get their way there, they meaning the republicans, then this country is fucked .... many people like you feel well hell, all they have to do is go and attend a PTA meeting or a political meeting... many Poor people work from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM at two different jobs and work a third job on the week end just to make end meet ... they haven't any time to go to the local state run office to get a special voters ID ... just so they can vote .... hell, one would think a drivers license would work ... but the republicans want a special voters ID ... that makes it not only a hard ship on the poor and the elderly ... many don't have a way to get there easily ... so they don't vote ... don't you pay attention what the republicans are trying to do??? it has nothing to do with stopping Illegals from voting it has every thing to do with getting people who don't support the republicans to not vote
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Big government and big business are two ends of the same stick. The size of government correlates with the size of the domestic economy. Government first began to grow during the Civil War, the war also dramatically accelerated the growth of railroads and manufacturing. The symbiosis has continued ever since. War has been the principal driver of both economic growth and government expansion. You can't have one without the other.
Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

Big government, of course.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction
, according to a new Reports national telephone survey for the week ending December 22.

That’s up three points from 26% the previous week and the highest level of confidence since early September. In early October during the federal government shutdown, confidence in the country’s course fell to 13%, the lowest finding in five years. A year ago, 35% said the country was heading in the right direction.

more: Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports?

when Rasmussen is no longer own by Rupert Murdoch then we might take it serious ...
the problem you have here is money ... it talks the loudest ... where the lobbyists have the loudest mouths ... we all know how brain damaged republicans are, if they are lied to by a lobbyists they buy it cause the republicans said it was a good idea ... oh say like not having affordable health care

Regardless of the volume, it's whomever gets the plurality of votes that wins most elections. If the poor were to get out and vote, they'd be the greatest, most powerful voting block this nation has ever seen. Yet few vote.

If you want a great place to study go to any PTA meeting in a poor neighborhood. You and the teachers will be the only ones there. Right up until the State wants to close the school district or merge it with a district where the parents pay 1/2 assed attention. Then you see vocal involvement and engagement.

I heard the same non-sense from Ron Paul supporters last year during the primaries...if you get more votes, your guy will win. Nobody is rigging anything.

I think you need to look a little closer at North Carolina about rigging ... if they get their way there, they meaning the republicans, then this country is fucked ....

many people like you feel well hell, all they have to do is go and attend a PTA meeting or a political meeting... many Poor people work from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM at two different jobs and work a third job on the week end just to make end meet ... they haven't any time to go to the local state run office to get a special voters ID ... just so they can vote ....

Few are that busy. Those that are need to have their voices heard even more so they can find relief from the 3 jobs. As for special voters ID...puh-leeze. I'm likely the most liberal person on this board and I'm here to tell you that any liberal that says it infringes on their rights or they are too busy to get an ID is selling you a bill of goods. As long as there is no poll tax or literacy test or any other uncommon hardships involved, we should have photo-voter-ID cards mandatory to cast a vote.

hell, one would thing a drivers license would work ... but the republicans want a special voters ID ... that makes it not only a hard ship on the poor and the elderly ... many don't have a way to get there easily ... so they don't vote ... don't you pay attention what the republicans are trying to do???
I'm unfamiliar with anywhere that a drivers license isn't accepted as valid ID to vote.

it has nothing to do with stopping Illegals from voting it has every thing to do with getting people who don't support the republicans to not vote

If any political party is dependent upon persons who can't muster the chutzpa to register to vote...they deserve to lose. Bigtime.
The right of the collective over the individual right.

Government equalization of perceived wealth disparity through punitive taxation under the guise of social justice.

Provision by government beyond infrastructure, common defense and the general welfare and into sufficiency and sustainment entitlement.

The de-evolution of man's innate motivation to provide for himself and his own.

Bullshit, a commie to you people is simply anyone who has a slightly more moderate political position while ignoring your own horrible tendency to follow blindly.

60,933,500 voted for Romney in 2012. Many, many moderates.

Conservative tenets do not require you to follow personality.

Liberal / Progressive tenets are fluctuating and whimsy based therefore they need to be sold for you to follow and are hawked via cult of personality.

Obama won the moderates 56% to 41% As a moderate, I voted/wrote-in Jon Huntsman!
LOL, you're brainwashed - in your case only a light rinse was necessary. Would you like me to correct the syntax (no Kosh, a syntax is not a tax on sin; sorry if I confused you) in the sentence you posted?

Standard English and the nature and placement of words used to convey meaning are the first indication we humans have in determining the intelligence and education of others. You fail in both to convince anyone - even partisan hacks like you - that anything you post is substantive or valuable or even has a modicum of truth. You're a clone of a brain damaged parrot and don't even provide humor, only pity.
in his defense, he's a moron.:thup:

as to the OP, both are intertwined like in fascism :)

If you far left Obama drones would stop posting the far left propaganda/scripture you won't be called on it.

Pretty simple if you ask me.

I've asked you nicely to define far left, a term you use ad nausea. In fact you never have and I suspect you have no more an idea of what a "far left" person believes as you do about anything.

I do need to apologize to all brain injured parrots, to equate you with them was rude and uncalled for - parrots have some redeeming value.
I totally agree that the problem is with people who hold certain mentalities and they are everywhere!

Many of the big companies in the private sector control Washington. Lobbyists always seem to get what they want. There are no lobbyists for the little people.

We need to get back to basics. Flushing the toilet is a good way to start, but there are years of fixing to be done. They need to go through each and every law and start throwing some out and changing others.
My understanding of our constitution is limited, at best; however, the concepts of "privacy" and "corporation" need to spelled out in bright red letters for the 21st Century, IMHO. The sort of changes you are talking about could occur at a Second Constitutional Convention, but I really don't trust today's Democrats OR Republicans to resist the lobbyists' siren songs. Those of us with third party candidates for congress already appearing on our ballots have the power to reject both major parties when it comes to populating the Legislative branch of government. If social media can convince millions of US voters to FLUSH next November, dozens (or even hundreds) of congressional incumbents might receive a well-earned pink slip in a single news cycle.

Good stuff.

Both ends are causing damage, and they're both pointing the finger at the other guy. The government could play a vital and valuable service by (1) committing more to effective regulation than control, and (2) understanding that "more" regulation doesn't necessarily translate to "better" regulation.

Capitalism invites corruption just as does government. Seems to me the key is finding a proper equilibrium between the two.

Maybe it is also worth pointing out how every "government" yet devised has existed primarily to serve its wealthiest citizens. If there's a way to erect a wall of separation between the effects of private wealth and the state, it would probably be fought tooth and nail by today's Democrats and Republicans in DC since both parties depend on the same 1% of voters to fund their election campaigns and retirements. Possibly, both major parties have outlived their usefulness to this Republic?
Those who dont vote are the problem. Do we need a stoplight at Fourth and Main? There are two ways to find out. A costly study that isoften deemed wasteful or citizenry getting involved, storming neighborhood meetings and holding their elected officials accountable. We, as a group, have deferred to lawmakers to tell us what is best. While I tend to think that most want to do the right thing and would come up with good solutions, the best come from the people. Blaming the nameless, faceless always unpopular "them" is flat out lazy.
Millions of eligible US voters regularly don't bother to cast a ballot.
Maybe what they need is an "Event Election" in which social media convinces tens of millions of US voters they are wasting their ballot by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican for their congressional representatives? It is probably not as difficult as we think, but the stakes would be enormous, and Revolution typically doesn't offer Silver medals.

Good stuff.

Both ends are causing damage, and they're both pointing the finger at the other guy. The government could play a vital and valuable service by (1) committing more to effective regulation than control, and (2) understanding that "more" regulation doesn't necessarily translate to "better" regulation.

Capitalism invites corruption just as does government. Seems to me the key is finding a proper equilibrium between the two.

Maybe it is also worth pointing out how every "government" yet devised has existed primarily to serve its wealthiest citizens. If there's a way to erect a wall of separation between the effects of private wealth and the state, it would probably be fought tooth and nail by today's Democrats and Republicans in DC since both parties depend on the same 1% of voters to fund their election campaigns and retirements. Possibly, both major parties have outlived their usefulness to this Republic?

Oh no, you've given me an excuse to say:

Do you want real change?

1. Short, strict term limits - They'd behave differently if they weren't worried about satisfying their donors
2. Publicly-funded elections - See above
3. Balanced Budget Amendment - Both parties would be forced to defend their taxing and spending agendas

Take the power from those who abuse it the most!

My weekly rant! Woot!


Both are to blame.

But honestly, I blame big business more.
We need to have politicians who won't submit to big businesses, but yet remain conservative.
Yet in today's multi-million dollar arena, politicians which lack funds seldom survive their primaries. One recent exception to this rule just happened in New York's race for mayor:

"On November 5, 2013, de Blasio won the mayoral election by a landslide, receiving over 73% of the vote and will become the first Democratic mayor of the city in nearly 20 years.[3] He is the first white American politician with a black spouse elected to a major office.[4]"

I think the reason de Blasio won his primary, much less the general election, has to do with the fact all candidates have the same amount of money to spend on their campaigns.

It could work just as favorably for conservatives in Red States, IMHO.

Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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