Why again do leftists NOT want this country secure the borders?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.

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Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


That is what we know. I would respect them a tad if they just admitted it.

Like when Harry Reid said they deliberately lied about Romney tax shit and laughed when he said, "it worked didn't it?"

As much of a scumbag that piece of unrepentant lying shit he is, at least he just came out and said it. Oh, and the stupid left wing voters will still not admit they lied about it, even though the democrats admitted they did...sigh.

Like I said, I would respect them a tad. As it is, they can all kiss my proud American button.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


That is what we know. I would respect them a tad if they just admitted it.

Like when Harry Reid said they deliberately lied about Romney tax shit and laughed when he said, "it worked didn't it?"

As much of a scumbag that piece of unrepentant lying shit he is, at least he just came out and said it. Oh, and the stupid left wing voters will still not admit they lied about it, even though the democrats admitted they did...sigh.

Like I said, I would respect them a tad. As it is, they can all kiss my proud American button.

Liberal/progtards are vile....they will never earn any respect from me
The reason is simple: Demography is Destiny.

The Leftists know that essentially all of the wretched bastards who invade our shores and their progeny will be some combination of (1) welfare dependents, (2) oppressed minority, or (3) Leftists leaving leftist-hellholes with the intention of making the U.S. just as bad as where they came from.

In any of these cases, they will ultimately become reliable Democrat voters - for generations. And the more of them get in now, the more certain is the ultimate triumph of American Leftism, where we are an American version of the failed and failing social democracies of Europe. Mark it well: The election of Donald Trump is a mere anomaly, caused by the Democrats presenting the electorate with the worst candidate of the past hundred years. By the end of Trump's presidency, the tidal wave will have taken full effect. He will be the last Republican President in any of our lifetimes.

If a couple of terrorists make it across the border, so what? They won't kill any more Americans that the thugs inhabiting our inner cities right now. The end result justifies the means.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


That is what we know. I would respect them a tad if they just admitted it.

Like when Harry Reid said they deliberately lied about Romney tax shit and laughed when he said, "it worked didn't it?"

As much of a scumbag that piece of unrepentant lying shit he is, at least he just came out and said it. Oh, and the stupid left wing voters will still not admit they lied about it, even though the democrats admitted they did...sigh.

Like I said, I would respect them a tad. As it is, they can all kiss my proud American button.

Liberal/progtards are vile....they will never earn any respect from me

If any sane person had your respect, they should re-evaluate their actions to figure out what they had done wrong.
Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
Razor wire twenty yards high and fifty yards wide. Electronic sensors can detect ANYthing that touches the razor wire. Increased border patrols who have President Trump's 'blessing' if a few illegals happen to reach for a weapon and are shot dead!
THAT news will get around in the illegal community in mexico.
Electronic sensors can pick up ANY tunneling activity down to 200 yards deep.
Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
Razor wire twenty yards high and fifty yards wide. Electronic sensors can detect ANYthing that touches the razor wire. Increased border patrols who have President Trump's 'blessing' if a few illegals happen to reach for a weapon and are shot dead!
THAT news will get around in the illegal community in mexico.
Electronic sensors can pick up ANY tunneling activity down to 200 yards deep.
All that's good, but it still needs a 50 ft wall right down the middle of it all the way from California to Texas. It's what we were promised.
The fact remains we are a borderless country, and that sucks by any account… :lmao:
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.

They want to eliminate the Middle Class and transform us into a Third World disaster of slaves and a ruling political class

Why is the president elect backing away from building that promised wall? It was his main goal during the campaign, and the cost doesn't matter, because Mexico will pay for it. Will you demand he keeps his promise?
He still wants a wall, but like a smart man he listened to his advisors and realized some spots a fence would do. Unlike the man child you support.

Why is the president elect backing away from building that promised wall? It was his main goal during the campaign, and the cost doesn't matter, because Mexico will pay for it. Will you demand he keeps his promise?
He still wants a wall, but like a smart man he listened to his advisors and realized some spots a fence would do. Unlike the man child you support.

So he didn't know what he was talking about and he was just making shit up to make his supporters happy? Of course, we will be receiving a check from Mexico soon, though, right?

Why is the president elect backing away from building that promised wall? It was his main goal during the campaign, and the cost doesn't matter, because Mexico will pay for it. Will you demand he keeps his promise?
He's not backing away. in fact he wants to put you to work building the south side of the wall

Forget that. I'm retired. So all the talk about a fence is just someone lying about what he will do?

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