Why are Democrats against Voter ID?

There is no voter fraud! Get that out of your fucking head. It occurs .006% of the time.

Why are you making such an issue over something that is non-existent?
I will be damned. He admits it happens, then tells us all it never happens.
If you live in the best place, the average place, and the worst place, how long does it take to have acceptable voting ID?

And what factors create the best place, the average place, and the worst place for ID?
Many poorer neighborhoods have no facilities nearby to get an ID, usually a DMV office. So the closest is a hour or 2 to get to by bus. You need 3 hours to get there and back, plus whatever time spent there. You need to take a day off. You lose a day's pay, that you can't afford.
Many poorer neighborhoods have no facilities nearby to get an ID, usually a DMV office. So the closest is a hour or 2 to get to by bus. You need 3 hours to get there and back, plus whatever time spent there. You need to take a day off. You lose a day's pay, that you can't afford.
Can you name those Democrat cities for us please?
Many poorer neighborhoods have no facilities nearby to get an ID, usually a DMV office. So the closest is a hour or 2 to get to by bus. You need 3 hours to get there and back, plus whatever time spent there. You need to take a day off. You lose a day's pay, that you can't afford.
Well, if they set off tomorrow from a poor place, they should have ID come election time.

They can't afford to take the day off to go and vote either.
According to Democrats black Americans are not smart enough to get ID, they don’t know how to operate a computer, I can’t believe they actually believe their racist crap.
What is tragic is Democrats teach at the schools. They really virtually own and operate our schools. They want blacks to seem to be stupid.
Many poorer neighborhoods have no facilities nearby to get an ID, usually a DMV office. So the closest is a hour or 2 to get to by bus. You need 3 hours to get there and back, plus whatever time spent there. You need to take a day off. You lose a day's pay, that you can't afford.
Well guess what? Black people do have to spend some time and effort to get to a DMV, but poorer white and Hispanic/Latino communities have the same issue. So how come we don't hear that we can't have voter ID because of a class issue instead of hearing BS from people like you saying that black people are somehow uniquely ill-equipped to get an ID. I'm black, and I'm getting an ID for my child since she can't drive and needs one to start working this summer. I'm not all that special, so if I can figure it out, others can as well. BTW, the vast majority of black people have IDs already.
I heard it on the Daily Show, and then I live in a conservative place and I found it puts its DMV out in the middle of nowhere with no bus access.
Cool story, bro. I'm sure that you can back that up with an example of the state putting its DMVs in places that somehow black people find really hard to get to.

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