Why are libs so triggered about Russia? Obama said they were no threat.

my thoughts are that leftys are supporting muslims same as mrobama did . Russians are White and most are Christian being Russian Orthodox . imo Smedley

It's all bullshit outrage for political purposes.

That's what Dems do.
Since WWII, this is how long the Russians have been spying on us

Same for us with them

Witch hunt gonna witch hunt
I missed the part where Obama said Russia was no threat.
The Russia story is the same old political game of attempting to keep your opponent off message. No different then the last crop of sore losers' fake news concerning Obama's birthplace.
May 2017 - Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner - "Comey's firing clearly shows Comey was about to expose Trump's Russia connection"

October 2016 -Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner - "Comey clearly js assisting Trump's election effort"

If the narrative fits....

This is what you do when you've got nothing.
That was 5 years ago. A lot has changed .

Just last month Trump said relations wh Russia were bad . Then he has putins media in the Oval Office .

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