Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

You're fucked up anyways. Maybe you need to smoke a j have a drink and get laid.
You can have mine dummie. Including the lay. But with someone else. I bet you have to pay for it.
We all have to pay for it. Do you work? Do you pay half of your bills? Did you pay half the mortgage? Is half that money in your 401K money you made?
I don’t work. I pay all my bills. I am retired. The house was built by my husband and by myself and was paid for the day We moved in

I didn't ask who built the house. Who's money paid for the house?

See? You proved my point. We all pay for it. You didn't put half down for that house. If you did, what did you do to raise that kind of money? Ya didn't. Check mate.
Well, it wasn’t yours!

Just don't make fun of me for paying for it when your man paid for it.
Wrong! I don’t do cannibis, alcohol or tobacco. All three can fuck you up.
You're fucked up anyways. Maybe you need to smoke a j have a drink and get laid.
You can have mine dummie. Including the lay. But with someone else. I bet you have to pay for it.
We all have to pay for it. Do you work? Do you pay half of your bills? Did you pay half the mortgage? Is half that money in your 401K money you made?
I don’t work. I pay all my bills. I am retired. The house was built by my husband and by myself and was paid for the day We moved in

I didn't ask who built the house. Who's money paid for the house?

See? You proved my point. We all pay for it. You didn't put half down for that house. If you did, what did you do to raise that kind of money? Ya didn't. Check mate.
Bullshit! I worked for 30 years. I had the cash to pay for it. I’m big into saving money! I don’t waste it buying a lay as you apparently do.
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
So how many ci
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
if pot were legal Dummie everyone would grow their own and the poor will still be poor. Dayumm
Shows how much you know. It's very hard to grow good weed and it's a lot of work. Plus you have to be able to buy all the equipment which is probably over $5000 per grow house.

You're making ignorant arguments.

Its weed ...you can still grow great shit outside....plants ...that grow outdoors....how novel

MaybE you guys should take action and petition government to do a weed gun bill .that way no one will be able to get thier hands on either ...do it fo the wittle children's

If ya make it illegal no one will be able to get any weed.... right?
Just like guns in the chicago ghetto

Wait wha

What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Because it is 100X more powerful? Because a lot of people cannot handle it?

Marijuana never should have been illegal in the first place, but its use should be restricted from kids under the age of 18, it should be restricted from use while driving, even up to 12-24 hours after smoking it, and definitely restricted from the use of people with certain mental and psychological problems.

Most important is the need that after a certain time of continued use, that it should be discontinued for a week or so to allow it to leave the tissues of the body.

Grass is a powerful psychoactive drug with huge religious, creative and social applications, but it is also a very therapeutic and potentially destructive substance in the wrong hands that in some cases, should be applied under careful, professional, clinical circumstances and not just sold and used indiscriminately to anyone like it was tea.
It's 100X more powerful and people can't handle it? That's not happening around here. I'm here at ground zero and you are pushing lies.

Sure one kid may have had a panic attack because the weed was strong and he's a pussy but he didn't die.

I also remember some kids when they drank for the first time got really drunk and couldn't handle it. Small percentage of kids.

Good pot can get you wasted on a piece the size of a match-head. Put that up against maybe a dozen shots of bourbon? Ground zero? What is that? Lies? Not me. Only the facts. $5,000 to grow pot? Hard to grow? It's a fucking weed. I could grow good weed with maybe a $200 investment.

Look Sealy, I know you don't want to hear it. You have a vested interest in its manufacture and sale. But do you have the background in the chemistry, biology, psychology and sociology to understand and appreciate the full impact of wanton legalization? I don't think so.

The biggest problem with grass is marijuana psychosis: what happens to people who are heavy, long term users who think they can handle it who don't realize their judgement and perception and thinking are both fundamentally (and possibly permanently) changed and impaired.

Try not using it for at least 6 months (possibly up to 2 years) when it has totally left the fatty tissues of your body, then reflect on just how much in control of it, and yourself, you really were.

Grass is great stuff, in the right hands and used properly. You ain't puffing on air.
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.

The subject is marijuana which permanently damages developing brains. Brains continue to develop until we are around 25 years old.
So too, do blows to the head. Yet youth sports flourish with parental approval.


Yeah, lets see, sports teach teamwork, work ethic, leadership, along with dozens of other things that lead to great members of society.

Drugs, on the other hand, marijuana causes...
  • Difficulty thinking and problem solving.
  • Problems with memory and learning.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Decline in school performance. Students who smoke marijuana may get lower grades and may more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who do not use.4
  • Increased risk of mental health issues. Marijuana use has been linked to a range of mental health problems in teens such as depression or anxiety.5 Psychosis has also been seen in teens at higher risk like those with a family history.6
  • Impaired driving. Driving while impaired by any substance, including marijuana, is dangerous. Marijuana negatively affects a number of skills required for safe driving, such as reaction time, coordination, and concentration.7, 8
  • Potential for addiction. Research shows that about 1 in 6 teens who repeatedly use marijuana can become addicted, which means that they may make unsuccessful efforts to quit using marijuana or may give up important activities with friends and family in favor of using marijuana.
What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use in Teens | Fact Sheets | Marijuana and Public Health | CDC
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.

The subject is marijuana which permanently damages developing brains. Brains continue to develop until we are around 25 years old.
So too, do blows to the head. Yet youth sports flourish with parental approval.


Yeah, lets see, sports teach teamwork, work ethic, leadership, along with dozens of other things that lead to great members of society.

Drugs, on the other hand, marijuana causes...
  • Difficulty thinking and problem solving.
  • Problems with memory and learning.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Decline in school performance. Students who smoke marijuana may get lower grades and may more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who do not use.4
  • Increased risk of mental health issues. Marijuana use has been linked to a range of mental health problems in teens such as depression or anxiety.5 Psychosis has also been seen in teens at higher risk like those with a family history.6
  • Impaired driving. Driving while impaired by any substance, including marijuana, is dangerous. Marijuana negatively affects a number of skills required for safe driving, such as reaction time, coordination, and concentration.7, 8
  • Potential for addiction. Research shows that about 1 in 6 teens who repeatedly use marijuana can become addicted, which means that they may make unsuccessful efforts to quit using marijuana or may give up important activities with friends and family in favor of using marijuana.
What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use in Teens | Fact Sheets | Marijuana and Public Health | CDC
Was someone suggesting legalizing marijuana use amongst minors? I missed that post...
I am conservative, and I am not against the legalization of it. In fact I support it as long as it is taxed and regulated. I also believe, as I do with alcohol, that those increased taxes on it are used for rehabilitation services, as well as like cigarettes used in ads to educate people on the problems of using it.
Myself, I have only smoked marijuana maybe 10 times in my whole life. Many years ago it just gave me a headache with a brief whisper of a buzz. Today it can totally fuck you up if you are not use to it and educated and aware of the different kinds and their effects.
It should not be taxpayer subsidized in any way. Do you think people on food stamps and welfare should use marijuana, alcohol, or tobacco? I don’t. None of those substances should be taxpayer subsidized.
Sorry, I didn't clarify my opinion well in that regards.
I support it, like cigarettes, to be taxed beyond sales tax, and that money used for aforementioned purposes.
That way only users are paying for it. Those that don't, don't.
And if they buy from sources that don’t tax and their little fund pot runs out........then what?

You mean illegally. That is what is happening now and we the taxpayers fund for the arrest, the jail sentence and all their medical while incarcerated. Exactly the way it works today.
So, let’s agree let all the people who wish to smoke weed, shoot heroin, snort cocaine, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes get off of welfare and food stamps the money we save we can use for their rehab. Since the poor can make a hundred grand growing weed let them do it.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
Social Sharing
  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
I am conservative, and I am not against the legalization of it. In fact I support it as long as it is taxed and regulated. I also believe, as I do with alcohol, that those increased taxes on it are used for rehabilitation services, as well as like cigarettes used in ads to educate people on the problems of using it.
Myself, I have only smoked marijuana maybe 10 times in my whole life. Many years ago it just gave me a headache with a brief whisper of a buzz. Today it can totally fuck you up if you are not use to it and educated and aware of the different kinds and their effects.
It should not be taxpayer subsidized in any way. Do you think people on food stamps and welfare should use marijuana, alcohol, or tobacco? I don’t. None of those substances should be taxpayer subsidized.
Sorry, I didn't clarify my opinion well in that regards.
I support it, like cigarettes, to be taxed beyond sales tax, and that money used for aforementioned purposes.
That way only users are paying for it. Those that don't, don't.
And if they buy from sources that don’t tax and their little fund pot runs out........then what?

You mean illegally. That is what is happening now and we the taxpayers fund for the arrest, the jail sentence and all their medical while incarcerated. Exactly the way it works today.
So, let’s agree let all the people who wish to smoke weed, shoot heroin, snort cocaine, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes get off of welfare and food stamps the money we save we can use for their rehab. Since the poor can make a hundred grand growing weed let them do it.

You forgot those that have multiple sex partners, and people that do extreme sports, overeat, eat high cholesterol and high fats, don't exercise, those that speed and those that drive small cars.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

The problem is, it ruins families, wrecks lives, and makes people stupid. Every single idiot I have ever run into, has been a pot head.

Additionally, THC is well known to cause birth problems, including learning disabilities, or low birth weight.

Lastly, work ethic and performance, are greatly impaired. 55% more accidents, more injuries, 75% higher rates of absenteeism. Higher job turn over.

This all matches my experience in the work place.

Additionally, on a purely economic standpoint, drugs have zero economic benefit.

When you produce say, iron ore, that iron ore has an economic benefit. That production has value, which grows the economy. The iron can be turned into other products, like steel, which can be turned into other products like beams, which can be turned into other products like buildings, bridges, or cars or on and on and on.

These are productive industries that build value in the economy, which in turn produce more jobs, and more value, and more products.

Pot, like gambling, produces nothing. It's poor people, paying rich people, to consume something that produces no value.
The subject is marijuana which permanently damages developing brains. Brains continue to develop until we are around 25 years old.
So too, do blows to the head. Yet youth sports flourish with parental approval.
Yep! And now look! Players want to sue schools because their heads got damaged. Who pays the bill? Taxpayers.
So... Are you also stumping for the banning of youth sports? Or more specifically; making them illegal? What happens if children get caught playing at home? What if they get caught riding a bike, or climbing a tree, or wrestling? What do you suggest is a fitting punishment?
Willow claims to be conservative, but loves some big government as the people can't take care of themselves and makes poor decisions that "cost"us all.
Another statist is all I see.
You're confusing conservatism with anarchy. Yeah, conservatives believe in minimal law. Not anarchy.
Legalizing pot is anarchy.
Can you folks be even bigger drama queens?
It should not be taxpayer subsidized in any way. Do you think people on food stamps and welfare should use marijuana, alcohol, or tobacco? I don’t. None of those substances should be taxpayer subsidized.
Sorry, I didn't clarify my opinion well in that regards.
I support it, like cigarettes, to be taxed beyond sales tax, and that money used for aforementioned purposes.
That way only users are paying for it. Those that don't, don't.
And if they buy from sources that don’t tax and their little fund pot runs out........then what?

You mean illegally. That is what is happening now and we the taxpayers fund for the arrest, the jail sentence and all their medical while incarcerated. Exactly the way it works today.
So, let’s agree let all the people who wish to smoke weed, shoot heroin, snort cocaine, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes get off of welfare and food stamps the money we save we can use for their rehab. Since the poor can make a hundred grand growing weed let them do it.

You forgot those that have multiple sex partners, and people that do extreme sports, overeat, eat high cholesterol and high fats, don't exercise, those that speed and those that drive small cars.
Don't forget those damn scooters.
Freaking death bikes and I shouldn't have to pay.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

The problem is, it ruins families, wrecks lives, and makes people stupid. Every single idiot I have ever run into, has been a pot head.

Additionally, THC is well known to cause birth problems, including learning disabilities, or low birth weight.

Lastly, work ethic and performance, are greatly impaired. 55% more accidents, more injuries, 75% higher rates of absenteeism. Higher job turn over.

This all matches my experience in the work place.

Additionally, on a purely economic standpoint, drugs have zero economic benefit.

When you produce say, iron ore, that iron ore has an economic benefit. That production has value, which grows the economy. The iron can be turned into other products, like steel, which can be turned into other products like beams, which can be turned into other products like buildings, bridges, or cars or on and on and on.

These are productive industries that build value in the economy, which in turn produce more jobs, and more value, and more products.

Pot, like gambling, produces nothing. It's poor people, paying rich people, to consume something that produces no value.
Who are you to place a value on a free mans enjoyment?
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
Social Sharing
  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
Social Sharing
  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.
Vaping is worse. Product quality isn't the concern, the concern is - will it kill you? Until kids started dropping like flies in hospitals the government wasn't involved.
There are things that only a government can do. You have to have the adult in the room.

Any and all health issues related to vaping are solely the responsibility of the user buying black-market cartridges of THC.
View attachment 304257

this is in the State of Florida! Oops! There goes a freedom.
You can't carry under the influence of any intoxicating substance, that means alcohol and impairing prescribed medication also.
Go to the bar you better leave your gun home. Or if your hip hurts.

Are you ignorant enough to believe all our guns are registered?
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
Social Sharing
  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
Social Sharing
  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
Social Sharing
  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?

Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.

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