Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
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  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?

Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
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  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
I have never stated that.
Just that it is my choice to make.
Along with the occasional whiskey and greasy fat cheeseburger if I feel the urge.
Maybe even foolish risky stuff like skiing, rock climbing or even sky diving.
Here is Michigan we have a booming pot industry. No different than the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries we have going on here. No crimes are happening because of it. It's a new industry/market/product. It's great. No one is OD'ing. It's not a gateway drug. Car accidents are not happening because of it.

Everything the right wing said would happen didn't.

Before it was illegal to carry an ounce in your possession. Today it's not. No reason why carrying around some pot should land you in court and on probation and having to get a lawyer and pee in a cup. It's fucking POT. It's like cigarettes only better.

If you are going to make something illegal pick cigarettes. Terrible things. Plus that will just fuck the farmers in red states.

Why lie? I thought it wasn't possible to OD on marijuana?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina Oct 19, 2018

Car crashes were up as much as 6 percent in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, said two studies.

Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show
Here is Michigan we have a booming pot industry. No different than the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries we have going on here. No crimes are happening because of it. It's a new industry/market/product. It's great. No one is OD'ing. It's not a gateway drug. Car accidents are not happening because of it.

Everything the right wing said would happen didn't.

Before it was illegal to carry an ounce in your possession. Today it's not. No reason why carrying around some pot should land you in court and on probation and having to get a lawyer and pee in a cup. It's fucking POT. It's like cigarettes only better.

If you are going to make something illegal pick cigarettes. Terrible things. Plus that will just fuck the farmers in red states.

Why lie? I thought it wasn't possible to OD on marijuana?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina Oct 19, 2018

Car crashes were up as much as 6 percent in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, said two studies.

Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show
Is it legal to drive under the influence in the state in your link? Did the deceased referenced in your link, die of an overdose? Just askin’...
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?

Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...

And I have already stated that I don't think it should be illegal, so don't put words in my mouth. It is also not "illegal" for me to state my opinions on any topic posted here. *middle finger*
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?

Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...

And I have already stated that I don't think it should be illegal, so don't put words in my mouth. It is also not "illegal" for me to state my opinions on any topic posted here. *middle finger*
Don’t wave that at me... God only knows where it’s been...
I didn’t put words in your mouth. I put perspective to your objection.
And it is especially stupid for someone who is struggling to make ends meet, like the OP stated. There are plenty of ways to relieve stress without spending money or doing dope. Also, prevents a person who is barely making ends meet from getting a better job in a lot of cases because most companies do drug testing.

I will say that I don't think it's fair that they do drug testing. A person can do an ounce of cocaine and sweat it out in 24-48 hours, but weed stays in your system for a long time. I don't think it's a company's business if you want to smoke it on your own time, but it's a black mark against you if you do.
Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?

Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...

And I have already stated that I don't think it should be illegal, so don't put words in my mouth. It is also not "illegal" for me to state my opinions on any topic posted here. *middle finger*
Don’t wave that at me... God only knows where it’s been...
I didn’t put words in your mouth. I put perspective to your objection.

You give yourself WAY too much credit.
Here is Michigan we have a booming pot industry. No different than the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries we have going on here. No crimes are happening because of it. It's a new industry/market/product. It's great. No one is OD'ing. It's not a gateway drug. Car accidents are not happening because of it.

Everything the right wing said would happen didn't.

Before it was illegal to carry an ounce in your possession. Today it's not. No reason why carrying around some pot should land you in court and on probation and having to get a lawyer and pee in a cup. It's fucking POT. It's like cigarettes only better.

If you are going to make something illegal pick cigarettes. Terrible things. Plus that will just fuck the farmers in red states.

Why lie? I thought it wasn't possible to OD on marijuana?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina Oct 19, 2018

Car crashes were up as much as 6 percent in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, said two studies.

Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show
Again, the blame lies with any particular individual driving impaired under ANY intoxicant. Already covered under existing DUI laws.

The cop out is it's the drugs fault is about as valid as blaming the gun in a shooting or blaming the booze when someone is killed.
The individual committed the crime.

Frankly the idiots with cell phones are the real danger and the reckless idiots who treat rush hour like goddamn NASCAR.
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.

The subject is marijuana which permanently damages developing brains. Brains continue to develop until we are around 25 years old.
So too, do blows to the head. Yet youth sports flourish with parental approval.


Yeah, lets see, sports teach teamwork, work ethic, leadership, along with dozens of other things that lead to great members of society.

Drugs, on the other hand, marijuana causes...
  • Difficulty thinking and problem solving.
  • Problems with memory and learning.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Decline in school performance. Students who smoke marijuana may get lower grades and may more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who do not use.4
  • Increased risk of mental health issues. Marijuana use has been linked to a range of mental health problems in teens such as depression or anxiety.5 Psychosis has also been seen in teens at higher risk like those with a family history.6
  • Impaired driving. Driving while impaired by any substance, including marijuana, is dangerous. Marijuana negatively affects a number of skills required for safe driving, such as reaction time, coordination, and concentration.7, 8
  • Potential for addiction. Research shows that about 1 in 6 teens who repeatedly use marijuana can become addicted, which means that they may make unsuccessful efforts to quit using marijuana or may give up important activities with friends and family in favor of using marijuana.
What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use in Teens | Fact Sheets | Marijuana and Public Health | CDC
Was someone suggesting legalizing marijuana use amongst minors? I missed that post...

Apparently, you missed the part where our brains continue to develop through the age of twenty-five. Further, do you honestly believe the use of marijuana by kids does NOT increase substantially when the parents have it in the house? Really?
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.

The subject is marijuana which permanently damages developing brains. Brains continue to develop until we are around 25 years old.
So too, do blows to the head. Yet youth sports flourish with parental approval.


Yeah, lets see, sports teach teamwork, work ethic, leadership, along with dozens of other things that lead to great members of society.

Drugs, on the other hand, marijuana causes...
  • Difficulty thinking and problem solving.
  • Problems with memory and learning.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Decline in school performance. Students who smoke marijuana may get lower grades and may more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who do not use.4
  • Increased risk of mental health issues. Marijuana use has been linked to a range of mental health problems in teens such as depression or anxiety.5 Psychosis has also been seen in teens at higher risk like those with a family history.6
  • Impaired driving. Driving while impaired by any substance, including marijuana, is dangerous. Marijuana negatively affects a number of skills required for safe driving, such as reaction time, coordination, and concentration.7, 8
  • Potential for addiction. Research shows that about 1 in 6 teens who repeatedly use marijuana can become addicted, which means that they may make unsuccessful efforts to quit using marijuana or may give up important activities with friends and family in favor of using marijuana.
What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use in Teens | Fact Sheets | Marijuana and Public Health | CDC
Was someone suggesting legalizing marijuana use amongst minors? I missed that post...

Apparently, you missed the part where our brains continue to develop through the age of twenty-five. Further, do you honestly believe the use of marijuana by kids does NOT increase substantially when the parents have it in the house? Really?
So... we should remove the age of voting, driving and majority as a whole till then? Is that what you’re saying? Help me out... Fuck a girl under 25 jail time? C’mon... How’s this play out in your world?
The main thing is, and I think both left and right agree on this, government should make the call. We should take a vote and force everyone to do it the same way. That's what democracy is all about, idn't it?
Here is Michigan we have a booming pot industry. No different than the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries we have going on here. No crimes are happening because of it. It's a new industry/market/product. It's great. No one is OD'ing. It's not a gateway drug. Car accidents are not happening because of it.

Everything the right wing said would happen didn't.

Before it was illegal to carry an ounce in your possession. Today it's not. No reason why carrying around some pot should land you in court and on probation and having to get a lawyer and pee in a cup. It's fucking POT. It's like cigarettes only better.

If you are going to make something illegal pick cigarettes. Terrible things. Plus that will just fuck the farmers in red states.

Why lie? I thought it wasn't possible to OD on marijuana?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina Oct 19, 2018

Car crashes were up as much as 6 percent in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, said two studies.

Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show
Is it legal to drive under the influence in the state in your link? Did the deceased referenced in your link, die of an overdose? Just askin’...

As Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make?

What state in the union is it legal to drive impaired?
Heroin isn't marijuana....pot is not even a gateway drug
Personally, I believe any drug can be a gateway drug.
Having said that, I also believe that people who can least afford it, buy it.....regardless if it's a state
that legalized it, or from Guido or Malcolm behind the gas station. I was a long time partaker of the hemp.
and had wished that it was legal. I've been away from it for a long long time, and see things differently now.
Here is Michigan we have a booming pot industry. No different than the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries we have going on here. No crimes are happening because of it. It's a new industry/market/product. It's great. No one is OD'ing. It's not a gateway drug. Car accidents are not happening because of it.

Everything the right wing said would happen didn't.

Before it was illegal to carry an ounce in your possession. Today it's not. No reason why carrying around some pot should land you in court and on probation and having to get a lawyer and pee in a cup. It's fucking POT. It's like cigarettes only better.

If you are going to make something illegal pick cigarettes. Terrible things. Plus that will just fuck the farmers in red states.

Why lie? I thought it wasn't possible to OD on marijuana?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina Oct 19, 2018

Car crashes were up as much as 6 percent in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, said two studies.

Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show
Is it legal to drive under the influence in the state in your link? Did the deceased referenced in your link, die of an overdose? Just askin’...

As Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make?

What state in the union is it legal to drive impaired?
That’s quite the point... Isn’t it..?
My final thought of the night on this entire matter, which has frankly gone to pot.

To all my nanny control freak friends...
Here is a dose of reality thrown into the "fog" of your sobriety. I will step into my garage, have a couple one hits of some fantastic bud, which I easily get and always will easily have despite its legality, watch a little television, have a good nights sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. No one will be harmed, robbed or frankly even know.
Not a damn thing you can or ever do in the last four decades or years to come to stop me from making my own choice on the matter.
I will go to work, pay my bills, enjoy my middle class life and walk among you during the day.
That my friends is the reality of it.
How threatening.

To the not so anal retentive...
And it is especially stupid for someone who is struggling to make ends meet, like the OP stated. There are plenty of ways to relieve stress without spending money or doing dope. Also, prevents a person who is barely making ends meet from getting a better job in a lot of cases because most companies do drug testing.

I will say that I don't think it's fair that they do drug testing. A person can do an ounce of cocaine and sweat it out in 24-48 hours, but weed stays in your system for a long time. I don't think it's a company's business if you want to smoke it on your own time, but it's a black mark against you if you do.

You don't believe that an employer should be able to require that you be clean and sober on the job? Why?

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