Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

Well, since I don't think 18 is an adult and I don't feel you are an adult until you move out of your parents' home and are self sufficient, I think 25 is a good age for everything, drinking, smoking, fighting in wars, voting, etc.

Don't forget it is the 18-year-old voters who will be voting for Bernie Sanders mostly, and that is because they are selfish children.
So you'd leave the "procreation" of the species in the hands of minors? Hello extinction...

What? :cuckoo:
Its self explanatory if you understand human,(particularly female) biology...

What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
Well, since I don't think 18 is an adult and I don't feel you are an adult until you move out of your parents' home and are self sufficient, I think 25 is a good age for everything, drinking, smoking, fighting in wars, voting, etc.

Don't forget it is the 18-year-old voters who will be voting for Bernie Sanders mostly, and that is because they are selfish children.
So you'd leave the "procreation" of the species in the hands of minors? Hello extinction...

What? :cuckoo:
Its self explanatory if you understand human,(particularly female) biology...

What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
People make bad decisions regardless of age.
Well, since I don't think 18 is an adult and I don't feel you are an adult until you move out of your parents' home and are self sufficient, I think 25 is a good age for everything, drinking, smoking, fighting in wars, voting, etc.

Don't forget it is the 18-year-old voters who will be voting for Bernie Sanders mostly, and that is because they are selfish children.
So you'd leave the "procreation" of the species in the hands of minors? Hello extinction...

What? :cuckoo:
Its self explanatory if you understand human,(particularly female) biology...

What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
People make bad decisions regardless of age.

Sure they do, and that is what I said. It is a bad choice. Correct?
So you'd leave the "procreation" of the species in the hands of minors? Hello extinction...

What? :cuckoo:
Its self explanatory if you understand human,(particularly female) biology...

What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
People make bad decisions regardless of age.

Sure they do, and that is what I said. It is a bad choice. Correct?
Dont know what you're asking... There is no magic age wherein some people cease to make bad decisions...
Its self explanatory if you understand human,(particularly female) biology...

What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
People make bad decisions regardless of age.

Sure they do, and that is what I said. It is a bad choice. Correct?
Dont know what you're asking... There is no magic age wherein some people cease to make bad decisions...

There is such a thing as growing up and maturing and being able to make BETTER decisions and being able to weigh the pros and the cons. Well, at least for some of us. :)
Its self explanatory if you understand human,(particularly female) biology...

What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
People make bad decisions regardless of age.

Sure they do, and that is what I said. It is a bad choice. Correct?
Dont know what you're asking... There is no magic age wherein some people cease to make bad decisions...

There is such a thing as growing up and maturing and being able to make BETTER decisions and being able to weigh the pros and the cons. Well, at least for some of us. :)
So youre arguing for an arbitrary age of majority?
What? People making bad decisions and becoming parents before they are ready to be responsible and good parents, which is probably just one reason why we have so MANY problems? Well, that is what birth control is for, I suppose.
People make bad decisions regardless of age.

Sure they do, and that is what I said. It is a bad choice. Correct?
Dont know what you're asking... There is no magic age wherein some people cease to make bad decisions...

There is such a thing as growing up and maturing and being able to make BETTER decisions and being able to weigh the pros and the cons. Well, at least for some of us. :)
So youre arguing for an arbitrary age of majority?

Well, MRI scans say that the frontal lobes (which have a lot to do with decision making processes and impulsivity) are not fully formed until around 26 years old. I totally believe that, although there are exceptions.
And it is especially stupid for someone who is struggling to make ends meet, like the OP stated. There are plenty of ways to relieve stress without spending money or doing dope. Also, prevents a person who is barely making ends meet from getting a better job in a lot of cases because most companies do drug testing.

I will say that I don't think it's fair that they do drug testing. A person can do an ounce of cocaine and sweat it out in 24-48 hours, but weed stays in your system for a long time. I don't think it's a company's business if you want to smoke it on your own time, but it's a black mark against you if you do.
So I am shocked to hear you are fine with your surgeon and airline pilots being under the influence! How about school bus drivers?
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And it is especially stupid for someone who is struggling to make ends meet, like the OP stated. There are plenty of ways to relieve stress without spending money or doing dope. Also, prevents a person who is barely making ends meet from getting a better job in a lot of cases because most companies do drug testing.

I will say that I don't think it's fair that they do drug testing. A person can do an ounce of cocaine and sweat it out in 24-48 hours, but weed stays in your system for a long time. I don't think it's a company's business if you want to smoke it on your own time, but it's a black mark against you if you do.
So I am shocked to hear you are fine with your surgeon and airline pilots being under the influence!

But that's the thing, they don't have to be under the influence. Marijuana metabolizes very slowly. You can smoke it once a month and you will test positive. Whereas, cocaine, alcohol, and other drugs will not show up because they metabolize much faster. It just really says that drug testing is kind of useless and discriminates only against people who indulge in marijuana.
I can have sympathy for those who became addicted as teens because teens are notoriously bad decision makers because they are basically children. I have no sympathy for people who decided, as adults, to do drugs and become addicts. Sorry, but that is their own fault and stupidity.
I don't consider marijuana to be a hard drug though. It's similar to alcohol, IMO, only you act even more dopey and stupid when drinking from what I've seen. I hate alcohol. I used to indulge when I was younger, but I have no desire to drink now. Thankfully I didn't inherit my father's alcoholism.

Older cancer patients ....send em to jail or into big pharma poison arms and god forbid sufferers of epilepsy get a lil relief

Its 420
Im logging off and twisting some funky purple in my 4 dollar rollin machine
They come out like perfect filterless cigarettes .

Maybe have a michelob light...pretzel? Anything possible probably take the dog for his late night pee.

Such evil and drug addicted despair lol
View attachment 304371

Older cancer patients ....send em to jail or into big pharma poison arms and god forbid sufferers of epilepsy get a lil relief

Its 420
Im logging off and twisting some funky purple in my 4 dollar rollin machine
They come out like perfect filterless cigarettes .

Maybe have a michelob light...pretzel? Anything possible probably take the dog for his late night pee.

Such evil and drug addicted despair lol

Yes, well, you are a bit strange. Maybe you need to lay off the stuff for a while? :D
Marijuana is very slow to metabolize. Other much worse drugs are metabolized within hours or days.

As I said. The solution is simple, don't use marijuana.

The solution is simpler than that: mind your own business. What worries me is that the arguments you are using can be applied to all kinds of busy-body government regulation proposals. You're making essentially the same arguments as those who want to regulate our diets (eg to ban fattening drinks and snacks). Do you support that kind of nanny state government as well?
Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...
When your freedom harms others you no longer want freedom but license.
Which doesn't describe individual consumption. And hurt feelings, or offended sensibilities dont count...

Freedom also includes other peoples' rights to say how they feel about it, whether you like or agree with it or not.
Sure. Free to say it. But to impose your will, on the unwilling is another matter altogether.
When you get high and crash your car killing a family of five you have imposed your will on the unwilling. When you can't work because you would rather be buzzed you have imposed your will on an unwilling employer, co workers and when you do get canned on your unwilling family.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...
When your freedom harms others you no longer want freedom but license.
Which doesn't describe individual consumption. And hurt feelings, or offended sensibilities dont count...

Freedom also includes other peoples' rights to say how they feel about it, whether you like or agree with it or not.
Sure. Free to say it. But to impose your will, on the unwilling is another matter altogether.
When you get high and crash your car killing a family of five you have imposed your will on the unwilling.
That's already illegal. Just like it's illegal to get drunk and crash your car killing a family of five. What's your point?

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