Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

The solution is simpler than that: mind your own business. What worries me is that the arguments you are using can be applied to all kinds of busy-body government regulation proposals. You're making essentially the same arguments as those who want to regulate our diets (eg to ban fattening drinks and snacks). Do you support that kind of nanny state government as well?

I'm not "essentially" making the argument about anything else.

If what you do on your time impedes your ability to be clean and sober at work or on the road, then it is your employers and/or my business.
The solution is simpler than that: mind your own business. What worries me is that the arguments you are using can be applied to all kinds of busy-body government regulation proposals. You're making essentially the same arguments as those who want to regulate our diets (eg to ban fattening drinks and snacks). Do you support that kind of nanny state government as well?

I'm not "essentially" making the argument about anything else.

But why not? If drugs should be banned because they have negative effects on society, why not unhealthy foods? Or guns? If it's the same argument, I'd think you'd agree.

If what you do on your time impedes your ability to be clean and sober at work or on the road, then it is your employers and/or my business.

The cause is irrelevant. If you're not clean and sober at work, you should be fired (for most jobs at least). But so what? Do you think this justifies making drugs illegal? Someone might be just as distracted and ineffective at work because they got in a fight with their girlfriend. Should we make getting in a fight with your girlfriend illegal too?
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The solution is simpler than that: mind your own business. What worries me is that the arguments you are using can be applied to all kinds of busy-body government regulation proposals. You're making essentially the same arguments as those who want to regulate our diets (eg to ban fattening drinks and snacks). Do you support that kind of nanny state government as well?

I'm not "essentially" making the argument about anything else.

But why not? If drugs should be banned because they have negative effects on society, why not unhealthy foods? Or guns? If it's the same argument, I'd think you'd agree.

If what you do on your time impedes your ability to be clean and sober at work or on the road, then it is your employers and/or my business.

The cause is irrelevant. If you're not clean and sober at work, you should be fired (for most jobs at least). But so what? Do you think this justifies making drugs illegal? Someone might be just as distracted and ineffective at work because they got in a fight with their girlfriend. Should we make getting in a fight with your girlfriend illegal too?

Grow up. You're behaving like a child.
The solution is simpler than that: mind your own business. What worries me is that the arguments you are using can be applied to all kinds of busy-body government regulation proposals. You're making essentially the same arguments as those who want to regulate our diets (eg to ban fattening drinks and snacks). Do you support that kind of nanny state government as well?

I'm not "essentially" making the argument about anything else.

But why not? If drugs should be banned because they have negative effects on society, why not unhealthy foods? Or guns? If it's the same argument, I'd think you'd agree.

If what you do on your time impedes your ability to be clean and sober at work or on the road, then it is your employers and/or my business.

The cause is irrelevant. If you're not clean and sober at work, you should be fired (for most jobs at least). But so what? Do you think this justifies making drugs illegal? Someone might be just as distracted and ineffective at work because they got in a fight with their girlfriend. Should we make getting in a fight with your girlfriend illegal too?

Grow up. You're behaving like a child.

Harrumphing doesn't answer the question.
Harrumphing doesn't answer the question.
When your freedom harms others you no longer want freedom but license.
Which doesn't describe individual consumption. And hurt feelings, or offended sensibilities dont count...

Freedom also includes other peoples' rights to say how they feel about it, whether you like or agree with it or not.
Sure. Free to say it. But to impose your will, on the unwilling is another matter altogether.
When you get high and crash your car killing a family of five you have imposed your will on the unwilling.
That's already illegal. Just like it's illegal to get drunk and crash your car killing a family of five. What's your point?
That getting high on pot and killing people is not an exercise of individual freedom. You do impose your impaired will on the unwilling.
We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal.

lol actually, a lot of people did, and still do; it has done more damage and harm than any other drug in history.

If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Nonsense. Most people are opposed to being robbed and killed by doped up meth heads and junkies, for one, just like they were against booze when consumption per capita in the U.S. was three to four times what is was in Europe, a country full of violent nasty drunks; violence against women and children was rampant and epidemic; that's why it was finally banned in many states more than decade before national Prohibition, and the only reason it was repealed was because the govt. wanted tax revenues during the Depression. It reduced consumption quite a bit when it was in force, despite all the drunks and dopers claiming it was some giant failure; consumption after repeal didn't get back to the levels before Prohibition until the 1960's, when the blood bath on the highways killed some 60,000-80,000 people a year, much of it due to drunks; the entire death toll from Viet Nam was tiny compared to the drunk driving deaths over the same years.

The fact is most people can't handle freedom responsibly, and it's people themselves who want the laws we have protecting themselves from their fellow man; they don't just drop in from outer space or something.
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Older cancer patients ....send em to jail or into big pharma poison arms and god forbid sufferers of epilepsy get a lil relief

Its 420
Im logging off and twisting some funky purple in my 4 dollar rollin machine
They come out like perfect filterless cigarettes .

Maybe have a michelob light...pretzel? Anything possible probably take the dog for his late night pee.

Such evil and drug addicted despair lol

Yes, well, you are a bit strange. Maybe you need to lay off the stuff for a while? :D

I'll take that as a compliment .....and would probably agree :04::10:
And it is especially stupid for someone who is struggling to make ends meet, like the OP stated. There are plenty of ways to relieve stress without spending money or doing dope. Also, prevents a person who is barely making ends meet from getting a better job in a lot of cases because most companies do drug testing.

I will say that I don't think it's fair that they do drug testing. A person can do an ounce of cocaine and sweat it out in 24-48 hours, but weed stays in your system for a long time. I don't think it's a company's business if you want to smoke it on your own time, but it's a black mark against you if you do.

I think there are professions where partaking of marijuana should be illegal. Pilots, truck drivers are two that come to mind.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...
When your freedom harms others you no longer want freedom but license.
Which doesn't describe individual consumption. And hurt feelings, or offended sensibilities dont count...

Freedom also includes other peoples' rights to say how they feel about it, whether you like or agree with it or not.
Sure. Free to say it. But to impose your will, on the unwilling is another matter altogether.
When you get high and crash your car killing a family of five you have imposed your will on the unwilling. When you can't work because you would rather be buzzed you have imposed your will on an unwilling employer, co workers and when you do get canned on your unwilling family.
It's already against the law to drive under the influence...
Against freedom I see....why the hatred of freedom?

Marijuana damages adolescent brains, health professionals write in op-ed

So freedom in exchange for a brain damaged youth. Good job!
Parental oversight has more to do with youth using marijuana, than laws do. Last time I checked, kids were having exactly zero trouble getting, and staying supplied with the stuff. Then there’s the lifelong problems caused by being unlucky enough to be caught holding, or using it. That will cripple a kids future worse than smoking it will. You either believe in freedom, and respect the risks that freedom brings with it. Or you don’t respect freedom...

well hell then, let’s legalize bank robbery.
Yeah because robbing a bank is exactly the same as using a little weed
Against freedom I see....why the hatred of freedom?

Marijuana damages adolescent brains, health professionals write in op-ed

So freedom in exchange for a brain damaged youth. Good job!
Parental oversight has more to do with youth using marijuana, than laws do. Last time I checked, kids were having exactly zero trouble getting, and staying supplied with the stuff. Then there’s the lifelong problems caused by being unlucky enough to be caught holding, or using it. That will cripple a kids future worse than smoking it will. You either believe in freedom, and respect the risks that freedom brings with it. Or you don’t respect freedom...

well hell then, let’s legalize bank robbery.
Lame... Was that really supposed to be a serious response?
Why can’t I have the “freedom” to rob a bank if I want too. Why would ewe infringe on my freedom?
What you can't understand is that robbing a bank is stealing someone else's property.

If I take a hit off the hash pipe I am not doing anything to anyone else
And it is especially stupid for someone who is struggling to make ends meet, like the OP stated. There are plenty of ways to relieve stress without spending money or doing dope. Also, prevents a person who is barely making ends meet from getting a better job in a lot of cases because most companies do drug testing.

I will say that I don't think it's fair that they do drug testing. A person can do an ounce of cocaine and sweat it out in 24-48 hours, but weed stays in your system for a long time. I don't think it's a company's business if you want to smoke it on your own time, but it's a black mark against you if you do.

I think there are professions where partaking of marijuana should be illegal. Pilots, truck drivers are two that come to mind.

only when they are on duty.

What they do on their own time is no one's business
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

When someone drinks alcohol in public it doesn't up in my stomach. When someone smokes weed in public it ends up in my lungs. I don't want someone else's smoke in my lungs. Eat all the marijuana cookies you want. Quite honestly, snort all the coke you want and shoot up with anything you want for all I care. Just don't do something in public that will end up in everyone's lungs who happen to be standing by.

Even where pot is legal you can't smoke just anywhere
Lame... Was that really supposed to be a serious response?
Why can’t I have the “freedom” to rob a bank if I want too. Why would ewe infringe on my freedom?
Because your freedom ends where someone else’s begins; are you a child? Your parents should have taught you this basic concept. Individual liberty and the respect for others individual liberty, are the foundational principles of this nation. Freedom over others is what we fought against, and won.
Right. Which is why marijuana should not be legal. It kills other people.

No. It doesn’t...

And again alcohol is far worse so why don't you want to make it illegal?
If there is no harm in marijuana let your surgeon have a toke before your surgery. It will relax him and make his life more enjoyable and ewe have given him freedom.
Stupid question is stupid

No one is advocating that people be impaired while at work.

If a person wants to smoke a little after work or on the weekends it's not you business
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

The problem is, it ruins families, wrecks lives, and makes people stupid. Every single idiot I have ever run into, has been a pot head.

Additionally, THC is well known to cause birth problems, including learning disabilities, or low birth weight.

Lastly, work ethic and performance, are greatly impaired. 55% more accidents, more injuries, 75% higher rates of absenteeism. Higher job turn over.

This all matches my experience in the work place.

Additionally, on a purely economic standpoint, drugs have zero economic benefit.

When you produce say, iron ore, that iron ore has an economic benefit. That production has value, which grows the economy. The iron can be turned into other products, like steel, which can be turned into other products like beams, which can be turned into other products like buildings, bridges, or cars or on and on and on.

These are productive industries that build value in the economy, which in turn produce more jobs, and more value, and more products.

Pot, like gambling, produces nothing. It's poor people, paying rich people, to consume something that produces no value.
So what?

everything you listed can be applied to other legal drugs.

And people buy shit everyday that produces no value.

If a person wants to indulge in recreational drug use it is his choice and you have absolutely no right to tell him otherwise.

If a persons. pot use, alcohol use, cigarette use etc etc affects his job that's between him and his employer and not your concern.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

So you're dead set on simply pushing more drugs onto the market in spite of the failure of legalizing marijuana in various states. Why?

Why Colorado's black market for marijuana is booming 4 years after legalization
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  • Briar Stewart · CBC News · Posted: May 28, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 28, 2018
When recreational marijuana went on sale in Colorado in 2014, the government's goal was to regulate and tax a drug that was already widely used and to squeeze out dealers and traffickers in the process.

But law enforcement authorities in the state say legalization has done the exact opposite.

Even though there are more than 500 recreational marijuana dispensaries in the state, the black market is booming. It's being driven by criminal organizations that grow weed in Colorado and smuggle their crop into states where it is still illegal and can be sold for a much greater profit.

The black market hasn't gone away within the state, either, because some marijuana users are deterred by the higher dispensary prices and are loyal to their long-time dealers.


Investigators say the illegal trade has flourished because the state laws around growing marijuana were overly generous in the beginning and hard to enforce.
That's where you're mistaken... There is no need to push drugs. There is a willing market that freely desires them. Those who provide are merely meeting a demand that already exists...
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
So what?

It's not your concern what other people to do their own bodies
The only ones really pushing drugs are Big Pharm with a variety of toxic, addictive sustances all available with just "speaking to your doctor to see if_____ is right for you."

Yet lets freak out about pot.

Doesn't make pot a good, healthy or a smart choice.
Doesn’t make marriage, unprotected sex with randos, or one night stands, a healthy, or smart choice either. Are we gonna outlaw those too?

Don't put words in my mouth! I never said to make it illegal. I said it is not a smart choice.
Freedom entails the ability to make choices for ones self that others might not approve of, or deem “smart”...
When your freedom harms others you no longer want freedom but license.
My occasional drinking and/or cannabis use harms no one.

It doesn't even harm me.

I just had a physical and am in top shape. my blood pressure is on the extreme low end of normal my total cholesterol was 150 my LDL ( the bad) was 40, optimal weight and a resting pulse of 60.
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Responsible people don't get drunk or use drugs including marijuana.
Responsible people use what ever they want responsibly

People who think they can't be responsible choose abstinence because deep down they know they have no self control

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