Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Here is Michigan we have a booming pot industry. No different than the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries we have going on here. No crimes are happening because of it. It's a new industry/market/product. It's great. No one is OD'ing. It's not a gateway drug. Car accidents are not happening because of it.

Everything the right wing said would happen didn't.

Before it was illegal to carry an ounce in your possession. Today it's not. No reason why carrying around some pot should land you in court and on probation and having to get a lawyer and pee in a cup. It's fucking POT. It's like cigarettes only better.

If you are going to make something illegal pick cigarettes. Terrible things. Plus that will just fuck the farmers in red states.
In fact I support it as long as it is taxed and regulated
So you still believe in Nanny State. Especially if you can profit off the weaknesses of the addicted.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

The problem is, you're arguing for the profits going to the gangs and thugs in government instead. How about neither?

Now talk about unrealistic.... neither?
Who else would get the money, it is either or. Period.
A good example to follow is the Vaping and CBD oil industries. Was totally unregulated. It was anybody's market. And no one was watching. So what did you get? Quality of product was literally all over the place. To this day you can buy CBD oil and the product literally has zero CBD in it. Yet is legally sold saying it is. Why? Because it is unregulated.
Vaping is worse. Product quality isn't the concern, the concern is - will it kill you? Until kids started dropping like flies in hospitals the government wasn't involved.
There are things that only a government can do. You have to have the adult in the room.

We can have government and laws without "regulating" (telling people how to live). We can have laws against fraud and negligence without letting the government leeches attach themselves. Regulation is a loaded term, and subject to much equivocation. Laws that punish wrongdoers are legitimate. But "regulation" that dictates norms and practices merely for the convenience and profits of lobbyists is bullshit.

You may see the "legalize it, then tax and regulate it" as being an adult. I see it as a copout and a concession to unnecessary state intrusion. If you're simply saying that legalization won't be politically viable without such a concession, you may be right. The bureaucrats and their rent-seeking lobbyists want their cut. But I'll fight them on that as much as I can.
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Against freedom I see....why the hatred of freedom?

Marijuana damages adolescent brains, health professionals write in op-ed

So freedom in exchange for a brain damaged youth. Good job!

Those kids have to figure it out just like we did. Alcohol and cigarettes were legal and we had to choose to stay away from them because if you wanted them bad enough, you could get your hands on them. So do you want to ban cigs and booze? There is a trade off. Your kids could get their hands on it. So what say you?

Last week my brother bought his son and his friends (17 year olds) a case of beer. We were up north partying. They asked me if I could roll them a couple j's. I did. The next week he called asking for more and I told him that he shouldn't be smoking weed all the time at his age. Right now he's learning how to be comfortable in his skin. I don't want him to need pot, or cigs, or beer or coffee. So at his age, he shouldn't be forming bad habits. If you want to smoke weed occasionally with your friends have fun but don't let it become a habit. Not until you are a little bit older. Preferrably once out of college.
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
In fact I support it as long as it is taxed and regulated
So you still believe in Nanny State. Especially if you can profit off the weaknesses of the addicted.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

The problem is, you're arguing for the profits going to the gangs and thugs in government instead. How about neither?

Now talk about unrealistic.... neither?
Who else would get the money, it is either or. Period.
A good example to follow is the Vaping and CBD oil industries. Was totally unregulated. It was anybody's market. And no one was watching. So what did you get? Quality of product was literally all over the place. To this day you can buy CBD oil and the product literally has zero CBD in it. Yet is legally sold saying it is. Why? Because it is unregulated.
Vaping is worse. Product quality isn't the concern, the concern is - will it kill you? Until kids started dropping like flies in hospitals the government wasn't involved.
There are things that only a government can do. You have to have the adult in the room.

We can have government and laws without "regulating" (telling people how to live). We can have laws against fraud and negligence without letting the government leeches attach themselves. Regulation is a loaded term, and subject to much equivocation. Laws that punish wrongdoers are legitimate. But "regulation" that dictates norms and practices merely for the convenience and profits of lobbyists is bullshit.

You may see the "legalize it, then tax and regulate it" as being an adult. I see it as a copout and a concession to unnecessary state intrusion. If you're simply saying that legalization won't be politically viable without such a concession, you may be right. The bureaucrats and their rent-seeking lobbyists want their cut. But I'll fight them on that as much as I can.
Good point. They could have just said, "ok everyone, pot is now legal" and left pot growers and smokers alone. But instead they want their cut so they're going to regulate it and try to find out who's not paying their taxes. Because ultimately they don't care if it's unhealthy as long as it's making them money. Look at Casino's. HOw many lives are ruined every week at Casinos? Yet they aren't closing them to protect the kids who's parents are going to spend rent money playing 21.
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.
Wrong! I don’t do cannibis, alcohol or tobacco. All three can fuck you up.
You're fucked up anyways. Maybe you need to smoke a j have a drink and get laid.
You can have mine dummie. Including the lay. But with someone else. I bet you have to pay for it.
We all have to pay for it. Do you work? Do you pay half of your bills? Did you pay half the mortgage? Is half that money in your 401K money you made?
In fact I support it as long as it is taxed and regulated
So you still believe in Nanny State. Especially if you can profit off the weaknesses of the addicted.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

The problem is, you're arguing for the profits going to the gangs and thugs in government instead. How about neither?

Now talk about unrealistic.... neither?
Who else would get the money, it is either or. Period.
A good example to follow is the Vaping and CBD oil industries. Was totally unregulated. It was anybody's market. And no one was watching. So what did you get? Quality of product was literally all over the place. To this day you can buy CBD oil and the product literally has zero CBD in it. Yet is legally sold saying it is. Why? Because it is unregulated.
Vaping is worse. Product quality isn't the concern, the concern is - will it kill you? Until kids started dropping like flies in hospitals the government wasn't involved.
There are things that only a government can do. You have to have the adult in the room.

We can have government and laws without "regulating" (telling people how to live). We can have laws against fraud and negligence without letting the government leeches attach themselves. Regulation is a loaded term, and subject to much equivocation. Laws that punish wrongdoers are legitimate. But "regulation" that dictates norms and practices merely for the convenience and profits of lobbyists is bullshit.

You may see the "legalize it, then tax and regulate it" as being an adult. I see it as a copout and a concession to unnecessary state intrusion. If you're simply saying that legalization won't be politically viable without such a concession, you may be right. The bureaucrats and their rent-seeking lobbyists want their cut. But I'll fight them on that as much as I can.

A phrase you have heard before - Absolute power corrupts absolutely. A commonly misunderstood phrase. It means basically you can measure the corruption someone(s) has by the power they posses.
I completely subscribe to that point.
And to expand on your point - the problem we have today is not what everyone pays attention to, or thinks is the problem. It is something almost no one talks about. - Globalism/Corporatism.
The Elitist/Globalist/Corporatist have systematically taken over pretty much every modicum of communication. And they control it well, just like they have infiltrated and control our federal government. Democrat or Republican
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
So how many ci
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
if pot were legal Dummie everyone would grow their own and the poor will still be poor. Dayumm
So you still believe in Nanny State. Especially if you can profit off the weaknesses of the addicted.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

The problem is, you're arguing for the profits going to the gangs and thugs in government instead. How about neither?

Now talk about unrealistic.... neither?
Who else would get the money, it is either or. Period.
A good example to follow is the Vaping and CBD oil industries. Was totally unregulated. It was anybody's market. And no one was watching. So what did you get? Quality of product was literally all over the place. To this day you can buy CBD oil and the product literally has zero CBD in it. Yet is legally sold saying it is. Why? Because it is unregulated.
Vaping is worse. Product quality isn't the concern, the concern is - will it kill you? Until kids started dropping like flies in hospitals the government wasn't involved.
There are things that only a government can do. You have to have the adult in the room.

We can have government and laws without "regulating" (telling people how to live). We can have laws against fraud and negligence without letting the government leeches attach themselves. Regulation is a loaded term, and subject to much equivocation. Laws that punish wrongdoers are legitimate. But "regulation" that dictates norms and practices merely for the convenience and profits of lobbyists is bullshit.

You may see the "legalize it, then tax and regulate it" as being an adult. I see it as a copout and a concession to unnecessary state intrusion. If you're simply saying that legalization won't be politically viable without such a concession, you may be right. The bureaucrats and their rent-seeking lobbyists want their cut. But I'll fight them on that as much as I can.
Good point. They could have just said, "ok everyone, pot is now legal" and left pot growers and smokers alone. But instead they want their cut so they're going to regulate it and try to find out who's not paying their taxes. Because ultimately they don't care if it's unhealthy as long as it's making them money. Look at Casino's. HOw many lives are ruined every week at Casinos? Yet they aren't closing them to protect the kids who's parents are going to spend rent money playing 21.

We don't live in a perfect world.
Therefore there are no perfect answers.
It's like I said earlier - is the situation better today? Where the profits are going to gangs and thugs and the clean up costs are paid by the taxpayer?
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.
Wrong! I don’t do cannibis, alcohol or tobacco. All three can fuck you up.
You're fucked up anyways. Maybe you need to smoke a j have a drink and get laid.
You can have mine dummie. Including the lay. But with someone else. I bet you have to pay for it.
We all have to pay for it. Do you work? Do you pay half of your bills? Did you pay half the mortgage? Is half that money in your 401K money you made?
I don’t work. I pay all my bills. I am retired. The house was built by my husband and by myself and was paid for the day We moved in
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
So how many ci
Yep. But if used in moderation they help relieve the awful stress that one endures grinding out a living in america. If one works hard to barely squeak by why take away the little enjoyment of this life?

And we all complain that there are no economic opportunities in poor communities. The Pot business fixes that. There are many grow houses now in the hood. One month harvest can make the grower $100,000.

Republicans don't like the poor being able to make this money. They'd rather regulate it so only Marlboro and Camel can make any money.
if pot were legal Dummie everyone would grow their own and the poor will still be poor. Dayumm
Shows how much you know. It's very hard to grow good weed and it's a lot of work. Plus you have to be able to buy all the equipment which is probably over $5000 per grow house.

You're making ignorant arguments.
Yep...like alcohol yet you have no problem with it being available. Want it both ways. Fail.
Wrong! I don’t do cannibis, alcohol or tobacco. All three can fuck you up.
You're fucked up anyways. Maybe you need to smoke a j have a drink and get laid.
You can have mine dummie. Including the lay. But with someone else. I bet you have to pay for it.
We all have to pay for it. Do you work? Do you pay half of your bills? Did you pay half the mortgage? Is half that money in your 401K money you made?
I don’t work. I pay all my bills. I am retired. The house was built by my husband and by myself and was paid for the day We moved in

I didn't ask who built the house. Who's money paid for the house?

See? You proved my point. We all pay for it. You didn't put half down for that house. If you did, what did you do to raise that kind of money? Ya didn't. Check mate.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Because it is 100X more powerful? Because a lot of people cannot handle it?

Marijuana never should have been illegal in the first place, but its use should be restricted from kids under the age of 18, it should be restricted from use while driving, even up to 12-24 hours after smoking it, and definitely restricted from the use of people with certain mental and psychological problems.

Most important is the need that after a certain time of continued use, that it should be discontinued for a week or so to allow it to leave the tissues of the body.

Grass is a powerful psychoactive drug with huge religious, creative and social applications, but it is also a very therapeutic and potentially destructive substance in the wrong hands that in some cases, should be applied under careful, professional, clinical circumstances and not just sold and used indiscriminately to anyone like it was tea.
No I am a realist.
People who want to use drugs are...wait for it... going to use drugs.
It's not rocket science.
So is it better that the money goes to criminal thugs and murderous gangs - or the general public.
Or is it better like it is now, the profits goes to gangs and thugs while the public pays the price for rehabilitation?

The problem is, you're arguing for the profits going to the gangs and thugs in government instead. How about neither?

Now talk about unrealistic.... neither?
Who else would get the money, it is either or. Period.
A good example to follow is the Vaping and CBD oil industries. Was totally unregulated. It was anybody's market. And no one was watching. So what did you get? Quality of product was literally all over the place. To this day you can buy CBD oil and the product literally has zero CBD in it. Yet is legally sold saying it is. Why? Because it is unregulated.
Vaping is worse. Product quality isn't the concern, the concern is - will it kill you? Until kids started dropping like flies in hospitals the government wasn't involved.
There are things that only a government can do. You have to have the adult in the room.

We can have government and laws without "regulating" (telling people how to live). We can have laws against fraud and negligence without letting the government leeches attach themselves. Regulation is a loaded term, and subject to much equivocation. Laws that punish wrongdoers are legitimate. But "regulation" that dictates norms and practices merely for the convenience and profits of lobbyists is bullshit.

You may see the "legalize it, then tax and regulate it" as being an adult. I see it as a copout and a concession to unnecessary state intrusion. If you're simply saying that legalization won't be politically viable without such a concession, you may be right. The bureaucrats and their rent-seeking lobbyists want their cut. But I'll fight them on that as much as I can.
Good point. They could have just said, "ok everyone, pot is now legal" and left pot growers and smokers alone. But instead they want their cut so they're going to regulate it and try to find out who's not paying their taxes. Because ultimately they don't care if it's unhealthy as long as it's making them money. Look at Casino's. HOw many lives are ruined every week at Casinos? Yet they aren't closing them to protect the kids who's parents are going to spend rent money playing 21.

We don't live in a perfect world.
Therefore there are no perfect answers.
It's like I said earlier - is the situation better today? Where the profits are going to gangs and thugs and the clean up costs are paid by the taxpayer?

No gangs are involved. A lot of Chaldean/Arab/Iranian Americans have cornered the weed market here in Metro Detroit. Another thing white Americans could have done but were too lazy.

My buddy runs a business all day then goes and works his grow houses every night till midnight. Any poor American could save up, buy all the equipment that's needed, do all the work, make mistakes and lose an entire crop and have to start all over again, and who knows in a year or two you too could have 5 grow houses and be making over $1 million dollars a year.

Unfortunately the only Americans smart and hard working enough to do it are Arab Americans. Every white guy I've known who tried to grow pot has flaked out and quit suddenly on me because it's a lot of work. Of course they didn't have better jobs to fall back on they just quit and now are doing construction or something else that doesn't pay very much. Dummies.
Wrong! I don’t do cannibis, alcohol or tobacco. All three can fuck you up.
You're fucked up anyways. Maybe you need to smoke a j have a drink and get laid.
You can have mine dummie. Including the lay. But with someone else. I bet you have to pay for it.
We all have to pay for it. Do you work? Do you pay half of your bills? Did you pay half the mortgage? Is half that money in your 401K money you made?
I don’t work. I pay all my bills. I am retired. The house was built by my husband and by myself and was paid for the day We moved in

I didn't ask who built the house. Who's money paid for the house?

See? You proved my point. We all pay for it. You didn't put half down for that house. If you did, what did you do to raise that kind of money? Ya didn't. Check mate.
Well, it wasn’t yours!
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Because it is 100X more powerful? Because a lot of people cannot handle it?

Marijuana never should have been illegal in the first place, but its use should be restricted from kids under the age of 18, it should be restricted from use while driving, even up to 12-24 hours after smoking it, and definitely restricted from the use of people with certain mental and psychological problems.

Most important is the need that after a certain time of continued use, that it should be discontinued for a week or so to allow it to leave the tissues of the body.

Grass is a powerful psychoactive drug with huge religious, creative and social applications, but it is also a very therapeutic and potentially destructive substance in the wrong hands that in some cases, should be applied under careful, professional, clinical circumstances and not just sold and used indiscriminately to anyone like it was tea.
It's 100X more powerful and people can't handle it? That's not happening around here. I'm here at ground zero and you are pushing lies.

Sure one kid may have had a panic attack because the weed was strong and he's a pussy but he didn't die.

I also remember some kids when they drank for the first time got really drunk and couldn't handle it. Small percentage of kids.

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