Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

You might have noticed a trend away from strict Constitutionalism. There's a reason for it. The American people have gained immeasurably from government involvement in R&D, infrastructure and a safety net. None of these things are numerated in the Constitution. Good luck convincing people they'd be better off going your way.

All those things should be left to the states.
I can eat healthy for $60 a week.
Fast food is around $150 a week for cheap stuff.

So your entire theory is blown to hell of which it came from.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
Keep voting for the pander to the rich, screw the nonrich New BS GOP then, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!
Who is the poor democrat in government? Please point him/her out. Even the commie Sanders OWNS three houses in rich areas. Hell Hillary was most funded buy GIANT RICH corporations and banks. So please take your hypocrisy and shove it.
Look at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!
at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!

Every Marxist leader supports the policies of Marxism to keep the people suppressed and living in poverty while they themselves live in luxury.

While most Soviets who were not part of the 60 million slaughtered by their government lived in 400 sq ft apartments with no heat, Lenin lived here.

View attachment 119268
What does that have to do with Dems, superdupe? OMG
I can eat healthy for $60 a week.
Fast food is around $150 a week for cheap stuff.

So your entire theory is blown to hell of which it came from.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
Keep voting for the pander to the rich, screw the nonrich New BS GOP then, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!
Who is the poor democrat in government? Please point him/her out. Even the commie Sanders OWNS three houses in rich areas. Hell Hillary was most funded buy GIANT RICH corporations and banks. So please take your hypocrisy and shove it.
Look at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!
at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!

Every Marxist leader supports the policies of Marxism to keep the people suppressed and living in poverty while they themselves live in luxury.

While most Soviets who were not part of the 60 million slaughtered by their government lived in 400 sq ft apartments with no heat, Lenin lived here.

View attachment 119268

So what? that's Russia.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
Keep voting for the pander to the rich, screw the nonrich New BS GOP then, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!
Who is the poor democrat in government? Please point him/her out. Even the commie Sanders OWNS three houses in rich areas. Hell Hillary was most funded buy GIANT RICH corporations and banks. So please take your hypocrisy and shove it.
Look at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!
at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!

Every Marxist leader supports the policies of Marxism to keep the people suppressed and living in poverty while they themselves live in luxury.

While most Soviets who were not part of the 60 million slaughtered by their government lived in 400 sq ft apartments with no heat, Lenin lived here.

View attachment 119268

So what? that's Russia.
Exactly. Soviet Union.
Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Not communism. Vive la difference.

I have been self-employed for over 40 years.

As such, there is no "retirement" or "pension provision".

I've been semi-retired or retired for about 10 years. I'm very comfortable, my SS is like a bonus each month and my net worth is more than when I retired.

Why do you believe that government should be responsible for everyone's comfort after retirement?
I think this posting sort of underlines one of the main answers to the op question. Lack of empathy.

Ive worked for a corporation and I have been self employed. In both fields I was able to make provision for my retirement. As it seems you have been able to do.
However I have never had to cope on a temporary zero hours contract.
Low pay,no pay,no security,bills................pension provision can wait till later.

And we have a government that hails the flexibility of this system and corporations that grow fat on it and threaten to up sticks if we protest.

And there are also dupes who state that it is all the fault of the poor because, hey, the system worked for me.
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
The well off should never have to pay for the poor…
Is that a Christian stance ?
There is no obligation in the Christian faith for one group to take care of the other group…

There is a real dumb ugliness in your opinions. I wonder if you are trolling ?
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
The well off should never have to pay for the poor…
Is that a Christian stance ?
There is no obligation in the Christian faith for one group to take care of the other group…

There is a real dumb ugliness in your opinions. I wonder if you are trolling ?
God takes care of those who take care of themselves...
So there is no obligation to help those in need ?
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
The well off should never have to pay for the poor…
Is that a Christian stance ?
There is no obligation in the Christian faith for one group to take care of the other group…

There is a real dumb ugliness in your opinions. I wonder if you are trolling ?
God takes care of those who take care of themselves...
So there is no obligation to help those in need ?
People in need? Whom that defines is a matter of opinion. I am poor and I manage.
So just your imagination then?

No, it's an ugly reality. Y'all are systematically arresting poor homeless folks in areas of the country. And what's their crime?... Being poor.

Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves. But you're incapable of that.

Where on Earth are poor people being arrested for being poor? Are you huffing meth?

In many Republican-controlled areas of the country, poor homeless folks are routinely arrested and thrown in jail. And what's their real crime?... Being poor.
No evidence, no belief. Repeating yourself proves nothing.

You ever been homeless? I know some who have been. And they've been treated miserably by you supposed 'Good Christian' Republicans. They've been arrested and thrown in cages. Their only 'crime' being, they were poor.
No evidence, no belief.
To answer the question in the OP, it's because conservatives are selfish pieces of shit, almost across the board, and they are only concerned about themselves. They don't hate the poor as much as libertarians, but they come close. Everything they say about "giving" is bullshit, their childish Christian religion breeds a bizarre sort of hypocrisy that permeates into every aspect of their self-centered, materialistic lives. They really are the worst of humanity.

If I wanted this kind of shit from you I would scrape it off of your teeth. Churches provide tons of food for the poor with their food banks and do it with donations from some grocery stores and donations in church by the members. They man the food bank as volunteers. I know, because I am a conservative and help at my churches food bank 4 times a month and there are many more churches in the area that do the same.
Blocked for 37 years now, dupe. Keep voting for tax cuts for the rich and corrupt GOP bubbles.
I gave you a whole list of democrat policies that have been implemented, and you're still pretending they don't have anything to do with it? Wow, the blinders are on strong in that one.
Where? BS

Republicans are working very hard to criminalize being poor. Very evil folks. They do remind you of the Nazis. Americans better be paying attention.

Prove he is wrong. Until you can do that, we can only assume he is correct
Sorry, that's not the way it works. When you make a claim, it's up to you to prove it, not someone else to disprove it. Here's a good example:

I claim that friction is the result of extremely tiny demons that leap out from the surfaces of the two objects being rubbed together and hold hands. According to you, someone would have to prove I am wrong. Until they can do that, we can only assume I am correct. Of course, that's bunk. It's up to me to prove my assertion. Likewise for him.
Every other modern country does, and without our advantages in natural resources. Don't worry, we can still be loudmouth rubes lol. If you GOP dupes would study actual facts the gov't wouldn't be screwing us all now with pander to the rich GOP garbage.
Every other country that does it cannot afford it, we would be in the same boat....

And despite your misinformation, not one single country is the world has opted to change to our employer group health insurance system.
Who's going to pay for your socialism? Why include everybody that does not want anything to do with your social?
You are going to pay if you are employed.

Because you were born in a country that demands you pay taxes for the right to make as much money as you want. You simply dont have good options. You either pay up or go to prison.
You ever hear of taxation without representation?
You ever heard of voting for your representation?
I gave you a whole list of democrat policies that have been implemented, and you're still pretending they don't have anything to do with it? Wow, the blinders are on strong in that one.
Where? BS

Republicans are working very hard to criminalize being poor. Very evil folks. They do remind you of the Nazis. Americans better be paying attention.

Prove he is wrong. Until you can do that, we can only assume he is correct
Sorry, that's not the way it works. When you make a claim, it's up to you to prove it, not someone else to disprove it. Here's a good example:

I claim that friction is the result of extremely tiny demons that leap out from the surfaces of the two objects being rubbed together and hold hands. According to you, someone would have to prove I am wrong. Until they can do that, we can only assume I am correct. Of course, that's bunk. It's up to me to prove my assertion. Likewise for him.
Report: Cities passing more laws making homelessness a crime | Fox ...
Nov 15, 2016 - Dallas was criticized for issuing thousands of citations for sleeping in public, and Puyallup, for making it illegal to camp, panhandle or sit and lie ...
Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities
May 29, 2015 - Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities ... butRepublican legislators all over have taken it upon themselves to make the ... “Cities think by cutting off the food source, it will make the homeless go ...
'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away
Oct 25, 2015 - 'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away ... Others are designed with a clear casing to make it more difficult to hide a ... Lest anyone pin blame for the GOP'sfailure on that faction, Reihan Salam ...
South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal | Fox News
Aug 28, 2013 - 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who ...
I gave you a whole list of democrat policies that have been implemented, and you're still pretending they don't have anything to do with it? Wow, the blinders are on strong in that one.
Where? BS

Republicans are working very hard to criminalize being poor. Very evil folks. They do remind you of the Nazis. Americans better be paying attention.

Prove he is wrong. Until you can do that, we can only assume he is correct
Sorry, that's not the way it works. When you make a claim, it's up to you to prove it, not someone else to disprove it. Here's a good example:

I claim that friction is the result of extremely tiny demons that leap out from the surfaces of the two objects being rubbed together and hold hands. According to you, someone would have to prove I am wrong. Until they can do that, we can only assume I am correct. Of course, that's bunk. It's up to me to prove my assertion. Likewise for him.

Using Trumponian logic, the burden shifts to you until YOU to prove what he said is wrong. Until you can do that, his claim must be taken as fact
Report: Cities passing more laws making homelessness a crime | Fox ...
Nov 15, 2016 - Dallas was criticized for issuing thousands of citations for sleeping in public, and Puyallup, for making it illegal to camp, panhandle or sit and lie ...
Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities
May 29, 2015 - Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities ... butRepublican legislators all over have taken it upon themselves to make the ... “Cities think by cutting off the food source, it will make the homeless go ...
'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away
Oct 25, 2015 - 'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away ... Others are designed with a clear casing to make it more difficult to hide a ... Lest anyone pin blame for the GOP'sfailure on that faction, Reihan Salam ...
South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal | Fox News
Aug 28, 2013 - 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who ...
I wonder if this has anything to do with the "for-profit" prison industry?
Report: Cities passing more laws making homelessness a crime | Fox ...
Nov 15, 2016 - Dallas was criticized for issuing thousands of citations for sleeping in public, and Puyallup, for making it illegal to camp, panhandle or sit and lie ...
Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities
May 29, 2015 - Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities ... butRepublican legislators all over have taken it upon themselves to make the ... “Cities think by cutting off the food source, it will make the homeless go ...
'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away
Oct 25, 2015 - 'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away ... Others are designed with a clear casing to make it more difficult to hide a ... Lest anyone pin blame for the GOP'sfailure on that faction, Reihan Salam ...
South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal | Fox News
Aug 28, 2013 - 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who ...
I wonder if this has anything to do with the "for-profit" prison industry?
I'm sure after a few years. Anything for money...
They're arresting poor homeless by the thousands.

Where? Your unbiased source and link please.
Report: Cities passing more laws making homelessness a crime | Fox ...
Nov 15, 2016 - Dallas was criticized for issuing thousands of citations for sleeping in public, and Puyallup, for making it illegal to camp, panhandle or sit and lie ...
Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities
May 29, 2015 - Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities ... butRepublican legislators all over have taken it upon themselves to make the ... “Cities think by cutting off the food source, it will make the homeless go ...
'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away
Oct 25, 2015 - 'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away ... Others are designed with a clear casing to make it more difficult to hide a ... Lest anyone pin blame for the GOP'sfailure on that faction, Reihan Salam ...
South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal | Fox News
Aug 28, 2013 - 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who ...
There'll be a lot more poor and we will see more slums...

I guess they're going to start arresting all these people and put them in prison camps...Conservatism is as far away from freedom as you can get.
There'll be a lot more poor and we will see more slums...

I guess they're going to start arresting all these people and put them in prison camps...Conservatism is as far away from freedom as you can get.

Conservatives value freedom....Matthew.

That they don't want to do what YOU want them to only inspires you try and use government to force them. When they resist, you resort to name calling.

Let me ask you: Who died and left you God ?
Thousands of poor homeless are routinely arrested and imprisoned. In most cases, their only 'crime' was being poor.

Where are thousands of homeless being arrested and imprisoned?

I thought they were massing by the tens of thousands in Sanctuary cities.

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