Why are so many Leftists in Media lying about Joe Rogan?

Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens.
You just pull shit up out of their ass and sling it don't you.........Are you posting from the zoo.

Man, the leftist media sure has a vendetta against Joe Rogan. I'd imagine it's because he gives a platform to people who don't support the leftist narrative, and instead of trying to debate or compete with his narrative, the left simply wants to brand him with bad labels, as they always do to anyone who they disagree with, so that those in power fear being branded and cut him loose.

I mean, Joe Rogan had a COVID expert on who said, in his PROFESSIONAL OPINION, things that didn't agree with the leftist narrative, the media has freaked out saying JOE ROGAN IS SPREADING MISINFORMATION...

A. The guy is a grade A scientist in the field.. I thought science mattered.
B. Joe Rogan didn't say it.

Isn't it crazy how the leftist mob never addresses points, they just try to censor it via any means necessary?
Fascist gotta Fascist. Fascist Cancel Culture existed in Nazi Germany, and now we have it here.
Leftists hate this country and personal freedom. Rogan loves our country and personal freedom. Leftists believe everything big pharma and the MSM says. Rogan questions both of them. The only way the MSM and their leftist partners in crime can get their way is to twist the facts to slander Rogan. Reality, science and facts are all on Rogan's side.
They will eventually cancel him.. now they are freaking out because he had the great Alex Jones on.
I hope he does get canceled.. democrats won’t lose 100 seats in November, it will a 1,000
Because of the nature of podcasting and the internet, Rogan is flatly impossible to cancel or they would have already gone that rout. They have already tried to pressure Spotify to kick him out and they will drop anyone else in a hot minute over Rogan. He is to popular. The truth is that if they did kick him it would accomplish nothing anyway, he was massive before Spotify and he would remain so after.
There’s a lot of money to be made catering to the crazy out there.
How about anyone listing the exact MISINFORMATION that Rogan is spreading?


Man, the leftist media sure has a vendetta against Joe Rogan. I'd imagine it's because he gives a platform to people who don't support the leftist narrative, and instead of trying to debate or compete with his narrative, the left simply wants to brand him with bad labels, as they always do to anyone who they disagree with, so that those in power fear being branded and cut him loose.

I mean, Joe Rogan had a COVID expert on who said, in his PROFESSIONAL OPINION, things that didn't agree with the leftist narrative, the media has freaked out saying JOE ROGAN IS SPREADING MISINFORMATION...

A. The guy is a grade A scientist in the field.. I thought science mattered.
B. Joe Rogan didn't say it.

Isn't it crazy how the leftist mob never addresses points, they just try to censor it via any means necessary?
Who is this guy and why do so many care so much about him?
I don't know. Spotify paid 100 million for rights to his podcast.
and Neil Young is angry they didn't give him that money. Too fking funny. demofks never let me down for a good laugh in a day.

Somehow, Rogan keeps canadian Neil's music from being downloaded. hahahhahahahahahahhahaha dudes can't make it up.

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