Why are so many Leftists in Media lying about Joe Rogan?

There needs to be FOX news that competes with Leftist run social media sites to preserve our constitutional rights and freedoms.
He is a guy that does long form interview with people from all stripes.

People give a damn because media that engages your mind has been decidedly absent from sources of news and information. People are starved for it.
didn't the same complainers complain about Rush L? ditto
didn't the same complainers complain about Rush L? ditto

And they were wrong then too. He was the main reason they pushed the 'fairness doctrine.' But Rush could never do even a 100th of what Rogan has done, the technology and distribution networks simply were not there.

What they face now is a power that has the ability to outright bring them down. The major networks simply do not have market control anymore.
Those in power hate that Rogan tells the truth.

They push progaganda.

See, no one on this site can even cite ONE LIE that Rogan told.

You communist sheep are fucking pathetic….just DYING TO BE RULED.

Seriously, you cucks should move to a totalitarian nation, because that is what you want.
But they loved him when he was playing Bernie bro.

Yes, but that was "yesterday". :auiqs.jpg:

The left do not want ANY news source THEY DO NOT CONTROL.

They LIE, so they have to control the news. They HATE people who tell the truth.

Rogan has on the man WHO INVENTED mRNA vaccines......AND THE LEFT CALLS IT MISINFORMATION. :hyper: :laughing0301:

Such lying bags of dirt!
Man, the leftist media sure has a vendetta against Joe Rogan. I'd imagine it's because he gives a platform to people who don't support the leftist narrative, and instead of trying to debate or compete with his narrative, the left simply wants to brand him with bad labels, as they always do to anyone who they disagree with, so that those in power fear being branded and cut him loose.

I mean, Joe Rogan had a COVID expert on who said, in his PROFESSIONAL OPINION, things that didn't agree with the leftist narrative, the media has freaked out saying JOE ROGAN IS SPREADING MISINFORMATION...

A. The guy is a grade A scientist in the field.. I thought science mattered.
B. Joe Rogan didn't say it.

Isn't it crazy how the leftist mob never addresses points, they just try to censor it via any means necessary?

The answer is easy.

It's more important for them to be right than to be correct.
Yes, but that was "yesterday". :auiqs.jpg:

The left do not want ANY news source THEY DO NOT CONTROL.

They LIE, so they have to control the news. They HATE people who tell the truth.

Rogan has on the man WHO INVENTED mRNA vaccines......AND THE LEFT CALLS IT MISINFORMATION. :hyper: :laughing0301:

Such lying bags of dirt!
Malone admitted to Logically in July that he did not invent the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines of today, and instead claimed credit for creating the "vaccine technology platform."

Malone was involved with early research decades ago.

You fuckers are absolutely TRIGGERED by this.

Poor little snowflakes
You really didn’t just write that? Seriously, you can’t be that fking stupid. Who’s having the problem? I don’t see how you can sleep at night being that fking stupid
That is ridiculous.
Dr Robert Malone is highly respected, intelligent, got covid, and then took the mRNA antibody stimulant.
He's a fukkin quack.

Of course our Kremlin troll loves him
Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making claims about the toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines;[3][19][5][31] using interviews on mass media to popularize medication with ivermectin;[32] and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted.[3] He said that LinkedIn temporarily suspended his account over a post stating that the Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation was also a board member at Pfizer, and other posts questioning the efficacy of some COVID-19 vaccines.[33][34] Malone has also falsely claimed that the Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines could worsen COVID-19 infections,[1] and that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had not granted full approval to the Pfizer vaccine in August 2021.[35] On December 29, 2021, Twitter permanently suspended Malone from its platform, citing "repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy",[36][37] after he shared on that platform a video about supposed harmful effects of the Pfizer vaccine.[38][39]

On December 30, 2021, Malone claimed on the The Joe Rogan Experience podcast that something called "mass formation psychosis" was developing in American society in its reaction to COVID-19 just as during the rise of Nazi Germany.[40][41] Clips of the podcast episode were removed by YouTube from their platform for violating the site's Community Guidelines.[41] 270 physicians, scientists, academics, nurses and students wrote an open letter to Spotify complaining about the content of the podcast.[42][43] On January 3, 2022, Congressman Troy Nehls entered a full transcript[2][44] of The Joe Rogan Experience interview with Malone into the Congressional Record in order to circumvent what he said was censorship by social media.[45][2]

On January 23, 2022, Malone spoke at an anti-vaccine and anti-vaccine mandate rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.[46][47]

Dr. Malone is totally correct.
The mRNA injections are very dangerous.
They do not contain dead viruses or even spike proteins, but just mRNA instruction forcing our own cells to make spike proteins.
That has lots of obvious risks.
For example, with some people, the amount of spike proteins sprouted many be zero, while in others, it could be a way fatal overdose.
Another known problem is that mRNA instructions are motile, so then if they get into the blood, can cause the heart, brain, etc., to start growing spike proteins, which obviously would be fatal.
If the mRNA instructions migrate to hands or feet, they can require amputations.
Hundreds have happened.
Everything Dr. Malone said was totally true.
The mRNA injections confer zero immunity, so are NOT at all vaccines.
They also are about 10 times more dangerous than any previous vaccine.
We know, we know.

Malone admitted to Logically in July that he did not invent the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines of today, and instead claimed credit for creating the "vaccine technology platform."

Malone was involved with early research decades ago.

That is true, but it is also true NO ONE has or ever will be able to use mRNA technology for vaccine purposes.
There simply is not way to instruct your own ribosomes in order to get them generate anything remotely resembling vaccines in our body.
Nor is that ever desirable or a good idea.
If you are going to generate something, it is better to do that OUTSIDE of the body ahead of time, so that you do not risk the body in the process.
All nRNA can do is get your ribosomes to produce proteins, and proteins can NEVER cause any sort of immunity to anything.

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