Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy

Farms are like any other business in that we try to hire the best employees for the best price. The cheapest workers are not always the best workers. I want someone that knows how to take care of my tractors and equipment. I do not hire illegals for fear of the government making an example out of me. I also want someone that understands what I tell them to do. With there not being any immigration enforcement illegals are not cheap workers anymore.
Manual labor doesn't take much training.

"The world needs ditch diggers too" - Judge Smails
Stop pretending that all the illegals are in the fields picking produce

That is a lie.
Some certainly do: Where America’s undocumented immigrants work
As a percentage of industries, far more undocumented immigrants work in agriculture, construction and leisure than would be expected if considering only their density in the entire workforce.


Your second graph is more informative. Note the small portion of illegals employed in the small agricultural sector. And not all of them would be pickers.

The pretense that illegals are all in the fields doing stoop labor is a lie.

Construction and service, includes quite a few jobs that used to or still can provide a decent middle class lifestyle.
I was curious about that second graph too. Obviously the work areas are shifting and that piqued my curiosity. The Pew link doesn't specify the "why", but I suspect we're not talking about common Mexican laborers moving into white collar jobs. My best guess is that these are "dreamers"; illegals who came to the US as very young children and, except for paperwork, are, for all intents and purposes "American" kids. They speak English fluently, are fully assimilated and know no other culture than as an American.

Share of Unauthorized Immigrant Workers in Production, Construction Jobs Falls Since 2007

From your second graph, the percentage of illegals in agriculture, ALL agriculture, is at most 5%.

The work for isn't "Shifting" it SHIFTED, a long time ago.

Common mexican laborers? Dreamers?

YOu seem to be trying to explain away the fact that illegals are taking jobs and lowering wages in all walks of life, either directly or indirectly.
You seem to be reading far too much into this. Assume all you like. The fact remains illegal immigration is a problem and neither party seems to really be interested in changing the status quo. Why? My guess is the Almighty Dollar.

Money for both, votes for the Dems.

Other than some of the WORST of the stoop labor, ALL those jobs are jobs that native born Americans would be happy to do, if the pay rate was not based on a labor pool flooded with Third World Labor.
Farms are like any other business in that we try to hire the best employees for the best price. The cheapest workers are not always the best workers. I want someone that knows how to take care of my tractors and equipment. I do not hire illegals for fear of the government making an example out of me. I also want someone that understands what I tell them to do. With there not being any immigration enforcement illegals are not cheap workers anymore.
Manual labor doesn't take much training.

"The world needs ditch diggers too" - Judge Smails

YOu didn't see the guy that laid the tile in my bathroom.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy

Why is the OP following white supremacists and concerned about their feelings?

And why did he 'out' himself as a sore-losing, butthurt Snowflake by posting this thread? :p
Money for both, votes for the Dems.....
Yes on money. If the Republicans were really concerned about the "votes", why don't they do something about it? My guess is because they know the whole "illegal immigrant vote" thing is a snipe hunt but a useful snipe hunt since it makes them a ton of cash and keeps the less intelligent RW voters distracted from the lack of interest by Republican leaders.

Money for both, votes for the Dems.....
Yes on money. If the Republicans were really concerned about the "votes", why don't they do something about it? My guess is because they know the whole "illegal immigrant vote" thing is a snipe hunt but a useful snipe hunt since it makes them a ton of cash and keeps the less intelligent RW voters distracted from the lack of interest by Republican leaders....

The Republicans aren't concerned about the votes. That is why they haven't done anything about it.

At least the leadership.

Less intelligent? What makes you think that the Republican leadership is more intelligent than the republican voter?
The DNC, thanks to its own hacked and released e-mails, were exposed as racist, sexist, anti-catholic, homophobic anti-Semites...and they were extremely, violently, seditiously, and subversively upset Hillary lost...so what does that say about Hillary?!
The Republicans aren't concerned about the votes. That is why they haven't done anything about it.

At least the leadership.

Less intelligent? What makes you think that the Republican leadership is more intelligent than the republican voter?
1) Agreed.

2) Correct.

3) The average voter, yes. Maybe not the elected rep themselves, but certainly the people keeping them in power. If TPTB didn't like a rep, wouldn't that rep find themselves unemployed due to non-support on their next election? Money rules in this country. Citizens United proves this to be true.
The Republicans aren't concerned about the votes. That is why they haven't done anything about it.

At least the leadership.

Less intelligent? What makes you think that the Republican leadership is more intelligent than the republican voter?
1) Agreed.

2) Correct.

3) The average voter, yes. Maybe not the elected rep themselves, but certainly the people keeping them in power. If TPTB didn't like a rep, wouldn't that rep find themselves unemployed due to non-support on their next election? Money rules in this country. Citizens United proves this to be true.

Hillary vastly out spent Trump and lost.

And what about that indicates stupidity on the part of the voter?
....The wages are so low that by the time the workers drive from their homes to the fields and back again, they don't have the money to pay for the gas it took to get there. That's why crops rotted in the fields in Alabama. .....
The reason wages are low is because Big Farma looks for the cheapest workers. Consider if they didn't find those workers, the crops would, indeed, rot in the fields. Ergo, they'd either pay higher wages, mechanize or go bankrupt. Illegal immigration allows them to exploit workers and pocket the profit.

The left is being contradictory in this matter. They can't fight for higher wages for fast food workers and then turn around and fight for the right of farmers to hire people to do hard labor dirt cheap.
Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.

Actually Odium brought up that Alabama HB 56 2011 ruling an anti illegal immigration bill. I strongly suggest you read that to enhance your knowledge about anti immigration. Then see the results what happened.

You don't have the credibility to get me to look up something. If you think you are aware of something relevant, you bring it to the thread.

I don't have to bring up anything bc you already proven to me your ignorance.
It is not a theory. It's a proven fact that prices will skyrocket not only on agricultural products but meat, poultry, fisheries, janitorial services, home care services, convalescence home etc. if you get rid of these people.
It's also a proven facts that Americans especially whites or blacks will not take over these jobs.

1. So, despite all the talk on the left about raising minimum wage, you support the super cheap labor illegals offer. I see how it is. You like them to come and work for lower than average wages just so you can buy produce cheap and have that illegal clean your house for a few bucks.

2. I don't know why libs think Americans won't take some jobs. People used to take anything available and young people entering the work force were all about working on farms. Just because some arrogant liberals, who consider the heartland of America to be flyover country, wouldn't take some jobs, they think no one will but illegal aliens. Liberals don't seem to grasp the pride that some people have when they make their own way. You guys prefer cry babies who run to you for everything.

3. I suppose those high school drop outs are waiting for an executive position with a 6 figure salary before they'll drag their asses out of bed in the morning.

4. Illegal aliens have taken over some jobs here that many of us grew up doing. It's all illegal aliens in the fields detasseling corn and many took highway construction jobs and even meat packing plants. Some of those jobs used to pay quite well and offered good benefits but the illegals offering to work for little pay just lowered wages for everyone.

5. The left wants citizens who flip burgers to make $15 an hour but would bitch if any prices were raised to make up for it. Now you want to keep veggies and fruit cheap so you support farmers, hotels and other companies who pay them less than minimum just to keep prices low.

6. The only reason some won't take those jobs, even though it's all they are qualified to do, is because having kids and going on welfare pays better. And too many these days act like they are allergic to work.

1. Unless you only buy produce and services from American citizens then you can say..... You don't support illegals. If you buy your produce from your local grocery and services like car wash, lawn, janitorial etc etc. You support illegals.
2. American behavior, attitude and work ethics had changed compared from years ago. It's not only liberals think this way but both only people like you are in denials. My neighborhood both PS and KB are predominantly whites since I was born. Long time ago kids in my neighborhood comes and take care of my lawn. Currently I pay my gardener $115/month 3x a month for less than an hour job. Now a days there are no kids wants to do these jobs. That is just one example.
3. I don't know what to tell you.
4. See item 2.
5. Try to make a living with $10/hour. See time 1.
6. I cannot help you there.
Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.

The bigger picture is good to look at, if we do it accurately.

Your post implied that the Illegals were still primarily employed as migrant farm workers.

THat is not true.

The vast majority of jobs that illegals do, Americans want to do.

Nobody are stopping the Americans to take over these jobs. And where are they?

I guess you haven't heard about Disney and a few other companies that hired foreign workers and made the citizen workers train them before getting the boot.

As far as some other jobs, it's illegals who drove wages down, which is the reason why many citizens don't want them. I know people who used to work at local meat packing plants and they had good wages and benefits. Then the illegals increased and they took the jobs for lower wages. Of course, companies won't offer the same money and benefits as before when people are willing to do it cheaper.

The left has pushed welfare and encouraged an entitlement mentality so I'm sure there are many who won't work anywhere, let alone a job that requires labor.

You can't push for higher minimum wage and then insist that we need illegals to work for cheap wages to keep costs of fresh produce down. Is the left now advocating for slavery of Hispanics and other illegal aliens?

While it appears that Dems are contradicting themselves, everything they do is toward the same goal. Whether it's bringing in more illegals, demanding higher pay for starter jobs, or luring people onto government dependence, it's all designed to get votes and stay in power.

And so is your role model Trump hired foreign workers. It's funny you keep blaming liberals when conservatives are also enjoying and using the same benefits.
Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.

It is not a theory. It's a proven fact that prices will skyrocket not only on agricultural products but meat, poultry, fisheries, janitorial services, home care services, convalescence home etc. if you get rid of these people.
It's also a proven facts that Americans especially whites or blacks will not take over these jobs.

Bullshit. The price of meat and poultry will not increase a jot since few jobs related to these products are done by illegals.

How do you know that?
He denounced it 3 days later only because he was pressured by NYT.
So, like Hillary's recanting of her "deplorables" statement, it doesn't count?

A lot of Trump supporters here proved themselves as deplorables.
How so, by voting for Trump?

You should ask yourself there buddy.
I'm asking you, douche nozzle. You made the claim. Now defend it.
It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.

It is not a theory. It's a proven fact that prices will skyrocket not only on agricultural products but meat, poultry, fisheries, janitorial services, home care services, convalescence home etc. if you get rid of these people.
It's also a proven facts that Americans especially whites or blacks will not take over these jobs.

Bullshit. The price of meat and poultry will not increase a jot since few jobs related to these products are done by illegals.

How do you know that?

At what point in the process do you imagine illegals are involved?
It is not a theory. It's a proven fact that prices will skyrocket not only on agricultural products but meat, poultry, fisheries, janitorial services, home care services, convalescence home etc. if you get rid of these people.
It's also a proven facts that Americans especially whites or blacks will not take over these jobs.

1. So, despite all the talk on the left about raising minimum wage, you support the super cheap labor illegals offer. I see how it is. You like them to come and work for lower than average wages just so you can buy produce cheap and have that illegal clean your house for a few bucks.

2. I don't know why libs think Americans won't take some jobs. People used to take anything available and young people entering the work force were all about working on farms. Just because some arrogant liberals, who consider the heartland of America to be flyover country, wouldn't take some jobs, they think no one will but illegal aliens. Liberals don't seem to grasp the pride that some people have when they make their own way. You guys prefer cry babies who run to you for everything.

3. I suppose those high school drop outs are waiting for an executive position with a 6 figure salary before they'll drag their asses out of bed in the morning.

4. Illegal aliens have taken over some jobs here that many of us grew up doing. It's all illegal aliens in the fields detasseling corn and many took highway construction jobs and even meat packing plants. Some of those jobs used to pay quite well and offered good benefits but the illegals offering to work for little pay just lowered wages for everyone.

5. The left wants citizens who flip burgers to make $15 an hour but would bitch if any prices were raised to make up for it. Now you want to keep veggies and fruit cheap so you support farmers, hotels and other companies who pay them less than minimum just to keep prices low.

6. The only reason some won't take those jobs, even though it's all they are qualified to do, is because having kids and going on welfare pays better. And too many these days act like they are allergic to work.

1. Unless you only buy produce and services from American citizens then you can say..... You don't support illegals. If you buy your produce from your local grocery and services like car wash, lawn, janitorial etc etc. You support illegals.
2. American behavior, attitude and work ethics had changed compared from years ago. It's not only liberals think this way but both only people like you are in denials. My neighborhood both PS and KB are predominantly whites since I was born. Long time ago kids in my neighborhood comes and take care of my lawn. Currently I pay my gardener $115/month 3x a month for less than an hour job. Now a days there are no kids wants to do these jobs. That is just one example.
3. I don't know what to tell you.
4. See item 2.
5. Try to make a living with $10/hour. See time 1.
6. I cannot help you there.
Okay, so by your logic, since you pay taxes, you support both illegal immigration and the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq. That's assuming you paid taxes from 2003 through 2012. Did you?
It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.

It is not a theory. It's a proven fact that prices will skyrocket not only on agricultural products but meat, poultry, fisheries, janitorial services, home care services, convalescence home etc. if you get rid of these people.
It's also a proven facts that Americans especially whites or blacks will not take over these jobs.

"Proven Fact"?

I love how we just assume no Americans will take those jobs.

Allow those who want to legally immigrate to the USA become citizens and then take those jobs.

It doesn't seem like a difficult concept to grasp.

I received 2 or 3 of these containers each week. During summer temperatures inside these containers is around 115 to 125°f. This is the time when I hired several temp employees. They get paid between $16 to $18/ hour carrying boxes no more than 30 lbs each. Two teams rotates every hour with plenty of supplied ice water.
Every pricking summer whiteys or blacks walk out on their jobs because they cannot handle heat. I have this problem in San Diego and Atlanta warehouses. Allentown warehouse has the same problem during cold weather but Russians are there to rescue.
The only people that stayed are the white old timers or anchor babies. Young whites and blacks are so spoiled and they don't work hard like they used to be. Things had change. The sad part is some of these kids have college worthless degrees that they cannot find a job.
Now tell me who is responsible for that. Liberals?

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.

The bigger picture is good to look at, if we do it accurately.

Your post implied that the Illegals were still primarily employed as migrant farm workers.

THat is not true.

The vast majority of jobs that illegals do, Americans want to do.

Nobody are stopping the Americans to take over these jobs. And where are they?

1. People are stopping them.

2. Most of those jobs are still being done by Americans.

3. Everything you think you know is wrong.

Nope. Every thing I posted are the reality in life. It's just you that you are in denial because you have proven to me your ignorance over and over.

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