Why are the stocks diving so much lately?

The chickens came home to roost. This was inevitable

No. Chickens coming home to roost would be if China called in the debt baby bush ran up
After how much Obama has spent I'm speechless.

you mean bush didn't run two wars of choice on china's dime while being the first leader in history to cut taxes during wartime?

the budget on anything that isn't war has been cut and cut and cut.... if you were interested in any type of reality, you wouldn't be "shocked"/
Obama has outspent all of the presidents combined. Hillary supported and voted for the Iraq war. So voting for her would be like voting for Bush again.

On what? The bailout we needed because Bush crashed the economy? I think you might want to check your numbers. I don't believe your information is correct. Besides, it's WHAT we spend money on. You can't keep cutting anything that helps people while cutting taxes for the top 1% and dumping all of our money into waging war.

I would like to see what you're basing your assertion on though. My feeling is we should dump huge amounts of money into infrastructure which we desperately need and which will actually grow, instead of screw, the middle class.
Shovel ready jobs? Bush started the bailouts which I was against. Are you saying Obama is doing the exact something as Bush?
No. Chickens coming home to roost would be if China called in the debt baby bush ran up
After how much Obama has spent I'm speechless.

you mean bush didn't run two wars of choice on china's dime while being the first leader in history to cut taxes during wartime?

the budget on anything that isn't war has been cut and cut and cut.... if you were interested in any type of reality, you wouldn't be "shocked"/
Obama has outspent all of the presidents combined. Hillary supported and voted for the Iraq war. So voting for her would be like voting for Bush again.

On what? The bailout we needed because Bush crashed the economy? I think you might want to check your numbers. I don't believe your information is correct. Besides, it's WHAT we spend money on. You can't keep cutting anything that helps people while cutting taxes for the top 1% and dumping all of our money into waging war.

I would like to see what you're basing your assertion on though. My feeling is we should dump huge amounts of money into infrastructure which we desperately need and which will actually grow, instead of screw, the middle class.
Shovel ready jobs? Bush started the bailouts which I was against. Are you saying Obama is doing the exact something as Bush?

I merely said the bailout was bush's we haven't had an infrastructure program so I'd suggest that congress hasn't passed one and should have.
After how much Obama has spent I'm speechless.

you mean bush didn't run two wars of choice on china's dime while being the first leader in history to cut taxes during wartime?

the budget on anything that isn't war has been cut and cut and cut.... if you were interested in any type of reality, you wouldn't be "shocked"/
Obama has outspent all of the presidents combined. Hillary supported and voted for the Iraq war. So voting for her would be like voting for Bush again.

On what? The bailout we needed because Bush crashed the economy? I think you might want to check your numbers. I don't believe your information is correct. Besides, it's WHAT we spend money on. You can't keep cutting anything that helps people while cutting taxes for the top 1% and dumping all of our money into waging war.

I would like to see what you're basing your assertion on though. My feeling is we should dump huge amounts of money into infrastructure which we desperately need and which will actually grow, instead of screw, the middle class.
Shovel ready jobs? Bush started the bailouts which I was against. Are you saying Obama is doing the exact something as Bush?

I merely said the bailout was bush's we haven't had an infrastructure program so I'd suggest that congress hasn't passed one and should have.
Then why didn't the democrat houses pass them in the beginning?
This thread is funny. Everyone is speculating about why the market is going do. And what people don't realize is that the real reason the market is going down is because the market itself is nothing more than a giant slopfest of perpetual speculation.

The irony is delicious.

Who cares why the market is going down? The market is over-rated. Democrats have been like "Oh look, the market so high! It so high! Obama so good! We love him long time!" As if the stock market were the economy itself. Alot of good it was, though. The market soared while employment stagnated and wages went backwards. Jobs, wages, people earning a living, that's the real economy. Not pieces of paper flying around the trading floor. Now, in the very recent past the economy is finally starting to improve, and ohes noes the stock market is having a bad day!

The stock market is all fantasy and imagination, and nothing more. It will never do anything other than to behave based on fantasy and imagination. It will do whatever. Period.
This thread is funny. Everyone is speculating about why the market is going do. And what people don't realize is that the real reason the market is going down is because the market itself is nothing more than a giant slopfest of perpetual speculation.

The irony is delicious.

Who cares why the market is going down? The market is over-rated. Democrats have been like "Oh look, the market so high! It so high! Obama so good! We love him long time!" As if the stock market were the economy itself. Alot of good it was, though. The market soared while employment stagnated and wages went backwards. Jobs, wages, people earning a living, that's the real economy. Not pieces of paper flying around the trading floor. Now, in the very recent past the economy is finally starting to improve, and ohes noes the stock market is having a bad day!

The stock market is all fantasy and imagination, and nothing more. It will never do anything other than to behave based on fantasy and imagination. It will do whatever. Period.

What a bunch of gibberish
So what's the big deal, you may be wondering. It's not like the oil in the ground is actually someone's bank account and they have lost money.

Oh, but it actually is someone's bank account. You see, those people who own those reserves have gotten loans and issued high interest bonds, using those reserves as collateral.

What happens to a debtor when their collateral loses value? What do you think all those creditors holding those high interest bonds and the paper on all those loans are thinking as they ponder the fact the collateral backing all those bonds has lost $120 trillion in value?

What do you think the investors who bought tranches of derivatives build on all those loans and bonds are thinking?


Let the fun times begin.
Update: Soured Corporate Loans Surge at Biggest U.S. Banks on Oil

As I said, "those people who own those reserves have gotten loans and issued high interest bonds".

And now those junk bonds are defaulting.

From the link:

Soured loans to companies jumped 67 percent at the three biggest U.S. banks in the first quarter, the latest sign that corporate credit quality is eroding after energy prices plunged.

"We’re at the very early stages of an inflection point in corporate credit quality, and it’s getting worse from here," Peabody said.

Fitch: $40 billion more energy debt could default this year

The Millstone of Debt and the Dangers of Junk Bonds

In the first quarter of 2016, 21 companies have defaulted on loans worth $31.4 billion, which is the fifth-highest quarterly default in history!


There are no signs of contagion outside the energy sector yet, but keep your eyes open.

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