Why are the stocks diving so much lately?

The chickens came home to roost. This was inevitable
It's called competition..Or,,,,King of the Hill...

Gawd you're a dope...go play outside
If you have ever built houses or speculated for a living you'd understand.....but,,,Nooooooooooooooooooooo...

I trade daily. Now run along runt, you don't even amuse me anymore
I do to, Pokemon cards...Then I flip a house....

Yeah sure....you're always on here making a joke of yourself. You and Eddie should get together and share fantasies....I mean financial ones, not sexual
I just heard they're down 340 or so. If it's a course correction where is the bottom?
20 years ago you went to the library to study stocks and read the morning newspaper to decide when to buy/sell. Now with 7/24 talking heads on TV and buy/sell capability at every persons fingertips the market is on a roller coaster of people over reacting.

The basic economic indicators are there that says the market should go up slightly this year. But someone farts and it's a house of cards.
1. The US has the highest corporate tax rate on earth and other countries are taking advantage of this by luring our businesses to relocate to their countries. Hell even Canada has a substantially lower corporate tax rate. Can you blame the corporations for leaving the left shits on them every chance they get.

2. Government has passed hundreds of thousands of pages of government regulations, a pile so enormous businesses have to hire consultants to figure out how to comply with it, then government up and changes the rules and regulations on a whim.

3. Millions of illegals are allowed to flood into our country depressing wages, consuming limited welfare resources, jacking up the cost of schools, the courts, the emergency rooms they are a whopping net loss and that's before we talk about all the crime they commit.
I really think it is because Obama didn't will it into existence. SHouldn't his divine powers be able to maintain the stock market? WHy stop there. HE should be able to lift it to 1000000000 by the end of the week.

Liberals...do you have an explanation about why Obama's will didn't fix this. I know you guys are obeying him blindly. JUst go out there and make it happen....Sing coombayyaaaa....
Watching my retirement $$$ disappear...
Moving more and more of my 401 K Plan into an annuity fund....

Wish I had some weed....
Weed like bacon makes everything better....
I really think it is because Obama didn't will it into existence. SHouldn't his divine powers be able to maintain the stock market? WHy stop there. HE should be able to lift it to 1000000000 by the end of the week.

Liberals...do you have an explanation about why Obama's will didn't fix this. I know you guys are obeying him blindly. JUst go out there and make it happen....Sing coombayyaaaa....

Late last year they were all screaming how well the markets were doing because of Dear Leader....today? Not so much
It's called competition..Or,,,,King of the Hill...

Gawd you're a dope...go play outside
If you have ever built houses or speculated for a living you'd understand.....but,,,Nooooooooooooooooooooo...

I trade daily. Now run along runt, you don't even amuse me anymore
I do to, Pokemon cards...Then I flip a house....

Yeah sure....you're always on here making a joke of yourself. You and Eddie should get together and share fantasies....I mean financial ones, not sexual
To flip a house, one must not have to do all the work..
Why are the stocks diving so much lately?

Because China is manipulating the economy she now controls to cause the American Bull to fall finally to its knees before she and Russia and pals move in for the feast. Our Bull was gaffed nearly to death by BigRobotics, BigOutsourcing & BigHealth and its job-stripping, economy killing rippling-attrition.

They were counting on ruthless capitalism to fell the beast and what do you know? They were right. There still may be milliseconds to pull this around but you know how slowly things work in DC. I fear we are doomed.

I don't understand this fear of China.

If you think China as the manufacturing plant of a big company, US is the marketing department, where the people who run the company usually comes from. If there were no American brands on the market, a lot of Chinese people would be unemployed overnight.

I don't know why stocks are diving,... and would think you know much less than what you think you know if you claimed to do so. But it is highly unlikely scenario Chinese would want America to be doomed...
I really think it is because Obama didn't will it into existence. SHouldn't his divine powers be able to maintain the stock market? WHy stop there. HE should be able to lift it to 1000000000 by the end of the week.

Liberals...do you have an explanation about why Obama's will didn't fix this. I know you guys are obeying him blindly. JUst go out there and make it happen....Sing coombayyaaaa....

Late last year they were all screaming how well the markets were doing because of Dear Leader....today? Not so much
Anybody can get your grits.....What with the way they toy with your intellectual emotions...Anybody with half a brain knows that there is two ways the stock market can go, up or down, and we all know it goes both ways..It's bi....
It's called competition..Or,,,,King of the Hill...

Gawd you're a dope...go play outside
If you have ever built houses or speculated for a living you'd understand.....but,,,Nooooooooooooooooooooo...

I trade daily. Now run along runt, you don't even amuse me anymore
I do to, Pokemon cards...Then I flip a house....

Yeah sure....you're always on here making a joke of yourself. You and Eddie should get together and share fantasies....I mean financial ones, not sexual
Oh my don't let them two have a child together.

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