Debate Now Why Are We Still Talking About Abortion?

Our country has to understand that abortion is now here, and for some, the option for them, may be their only option.
The narrative currently focuses on "choice", Pro Choice or Pro Life. But what we don't examine is where we can land in the middle, by discussing all the other "choices" that as humans we can make regarding sex and the potential outcome of sex.

  • What are those other choices:
    • Let's choose better and more informed sex education and post pregnancy and birth consequences
    • Let's choose to make birth control for those that have overactive sexual lifestyles and partners, the ability to find contraception easily and at lower costs
    • Let's choose to make better choices about sexual partners, meaning; If he's a bum, and only wanting to get his dick wet, don't have unprotected sex.
    • Men, let's be better humans. Let's choose to not think with our dick, chasing the next lay. Instead let's teach men to respect woman and appreciate them as much more than sexual objects.
    • Let's choose to revere our capacity to reproduce when we want and when we choose life, we protect that life.
    • Let's choose to revere our capacity to have sex for pleasure, but revere even more the consequence of unprotected sex.
    • Let's choose to hold men more accountable for their responsibility in procreation
    • Let's choose, that if a sexual encounter is to happen, and protection is not available, that we choose other methods of sexual pleasure. Vaginal intercourse isn't the only way to have "sex".
    • Let's choose to stop acting as if we don't know how pregnancy happens and treating a fetus/baby as if it's a common cold
    • Let's choose to revere our capacity to create the highest form of intelligence and species on this planet
    • Let's choose to understand that we are not every person and my personal belief does not apply to everyone else.
    • Let's choose to understand that how you would choose to respond to one circumstance is not always applicable to someone else facing the same circumstance
    • Let's choose that if abortion is a choice made, that all other options are presented.
    • Let's choose pre and post counseling for both mother and father and all family willing to be involved.
    • Let's choose to understand the weight that one carries with them when abortion has been a part of their life.
    • Let's choose to take measures that individual repeat abortions are eliminated.


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