Why can't our "intel" find ISIS' servers??


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Our "Homeland Security" can find servers when they want to.

There exist servers that spew ISIS' hate filled recruiting all over the globe.

Why can't we find those servers?

A: our "intel" doesn't want to
ur "Homeland Security" can find servers when they want to.

There exist servers that spew ISIS' hate filled recruiting all over the globe.

Why can't we find those servers?
Because ISIS is not as stupid and careless as Hillary and Podesta...
What makes you think they want to get rid of em?

They don't.

They love it. They ARE "the terror," and have been since a missile hit the USS Cole and was blamed on "Al Qaeda."

Putin could find those servers, but they are either in Tel Aviv or McLean VA.... and Putin isn't ready to start WW3.
Knowing our history, it wouldn't surprise me if the CIA didn't set that shit up
What makes you think they want to get rid of em?

They don't.

They love it. They ARE "the terror," and have been since a missile hit the USS Cole and was blamed on "Al Qaeda."

Putin could find those servers, but they are either in Tel Aviv or McLean VA.... and Putin isn't ready to start WW3.

Except a "missile" didn't hit the Cole....a skiff laden with explosives rammed it. Also, ISIS doesn't have servers...they use social media like here. Does anybody believe Fakey Jake's lunatic posts aren't code for some impending operation against us?
Knowing our history, it wouldn't surprise me if the CIA didn't set that shit up

When Bill Clinton sold the CIA to the Mossad by appointing Zionist Traitor George Tenet as CIA Director, he basically gave Israel the right to do 911.

Those "intel officials" who endorsed Hillary....

The Intelligence Community Casts Its Vote for Hillary Clinton – emptywheel

they are the ones behind 911 and ISIS.

Now this just came out....

MUTINY -- Julian Assange Says These Two Groups Are 'Quietly' Plotting A 'Pence Takeover'

Indeed, Pence just started some PAC - disloyal act - if Trump is not impeached, Pence will vanish from public view
Except a "missile" didn't hit the Cole.


That's a boat, not something travelling 400+mph on contact???


That was not done by a "boat" with explosives. Whatever hit the Cole left damage similar to taking a 357 and shooting through sheet metal.
Except a "missile" didn't hit the Cole.


That's a boat, not something travelling 400+mph on contact???


That was not done by a "boat" with explosives. Whatever hit the Cole left damage similar to taking a 357 and shooting through sheet metal.

On the morning of Thursday, 12 October 2000, USS Cole, under the command of Commander Kirk Lippold, docked in Aden harbor for a routine fuel stop. Cole completed mooring at 9:30; refueling started at 10:30. Around 11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small fiberglass boat carrying explosives and two suicide bombers approached the port side of the destroyer and exploded,[2] creating a 40-by-60-foot (12 by 18 m) gash in the ship's port side, according to the memorial plate to those who lost their lives. Former CIA intelligence officer Robert Finke said the blast appeared to be caused by explosives molded into a shaped charge against the hull of the boat.[3] Around 400 to 700 pounds (180 to 320 kg) of explosive were used.[4]
a small fiberglass boat carrying explosives and two suicide bombers approached the port side of the destroyer and exploded

but you do not have a video of that.

Sorry. A metallurgy expert from the US Marines was the first one to clue me in on that. Whatever hit the Cole was going way faster than a boat.
Our "Homeland Security" can find servers when they want to.

There exist servers that spew ISIS' hate filled recruiting all over the globe.

Why can't we find those servers?

A: our "intel" doesn't want to
They do find them. They leave them up so they can track potential terrorists. It's a very useful tool.

ISIS,just like Al Qaeda was invented and funded and armed by the US's CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only Al Qaeda was designed to fight to Russians in Afghanistan but ended up turning on the US....shocker I know. ISIS was invented to keep the "war on terror" going....more money for the military industrial complex.
but you do not have a video of that.

Sorry. A metallurgy expert from the US Marines was the first one to clue me in on that. Whatever hit the Cole was going way faster than a boat.

:lol: whatever you say, Abdul.

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