Why can't Republicans explain their "Fiscal Policy"?

How's that annual trillion deficit spending lifting people out of poverty and building a middle class?
I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

so why have the Dems blocked 22 Republican jobs bills?
How's that annual trillion deficit spending lifting people out of poverty and building a middle class?
Got some proof of the trillion dollar spending, oh con tool. Ever hear of decreased revenues, dipshit. Just out spreading the con dogma, as usual.

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

22 million unemployed thanks to Obama's deficits:

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.
How's that annual trillion deficit spending lifting people out of poverty and building a middle class?
Got some proof of the trillion dollar spending, oh con tool. Ever hear of decreased revenues, dipshit. Just out spreading the con dogma, as usual.

You never heard of a trillion deficit?

Neither did anyone else, until Obama
How's that annual trillion deficit spending lifting people out of poverty and building a middle class?
Got some proof of the trillion dollar spending, oh con tool. Ever hear of decreased revenues, dipshit. Just out spreading the con dogma, as usual.

You never heard of a trillion deficit?

Neither did anyone else, until Obama

Yes Obama's deficits will be greater than all other presidents combined. Liberals think he needs to lift debt ceiling too?? They are irresponsible and should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.
How's that annual trillion deficit spending lifting people out of poverty and building a middle class?
Got some proof of the trillion dollar spending, oh con tool. Ever hear of decreased revenues, dipshit. Just out spreading the con dogma, as usual.

You never heard of a trillion deficit?

Neither did anyone else, until Obama
Yes, well, as a con, you do not understand complex arguments. That is an argument with more than ONE part. You see, deficits do not equal spending. Deficits also get bigger if revenues are reduced. I know you would rather just call the budget spending, but you see, it is not. Or are you simply too stupid to see that? Or is it just dishonesty?
I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

so why have the Dems blocked 22 Republican jobs bills?
Because they were not, for the most part, jobs bills. And they voted and passed several. Something different than repubs, who ONLY vote against the democratic jobs bills. Always.
repubs, who ONLY vote against the democratic jobs bills. .

of course Republicans vote on the basis of an intellectual philosophy which explains why they vote against democratic jobs bill.

Its easy enough to prove. Please explain how a Democrat bill could create a real job? See how easy that was?
I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

Your usual stupidity. You excell at being wrong.
I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

That is their solution to every problem

Economy good? Cut taxes
Economy bad? Cut taxes
Need Jobs? Cut taxes
Reduce debt? Cut tasxes
Healthcare? Cut taxes

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and no, we never said that last one.
Now, relative to the subject of this thread, Republicans can define their fiscal policy. Low Taxes. Sounds good, and fits well on a bumper sticker. And they cons believe that saying low taxis is defining their policy.

Typical moronic liberal thinking:

"Republicans can't define their fiscal policy!"

"Yeah we can, it's low taxes frees up money for businesses to expand and hire, and then more money comes in to the government."

"You're wrong, that won't work! Republicans can't define their fiscal policy!"

Bunch of low-forhead nose pickers.
Got some proof of the trillion dollar spending, oh con tool. Ever hear of decreased revenues, dipshit. Just out spreading the con dogma, as usual.

You never heard of a trillion deficit?

Neither did anyone else, until Obama
Yes, well, as a con, you do not understand complex arguments. That is an argument with more than ONE part. You see, deficits do not equal spending. Deficits also get bigger if revenues are reduced. I know you would rather just call the budget spending, but you see, it is not. Or are you simply too stupid to see that? Or is it just dishonesty?

In the real and factual world, we call what you just posted "Spin".
And they cons believe that saying low taxis is defining their policy.

low taxes =less government=freedom, exactly the principle our country is based on and exactly the principle that made it the greatest country in human history
Now, relative to the subject of this thread, Republicans can define their fiscal policy. Low Taxes. Sounds good, and fits well on a bumper sticker. And they cons believe that saying low taxis is defining their policy.

Typical moronic liberal thinking:

"Republicans can't define their fiscal policy!"

"Yeah we can, it's low taxes frees up money for businesses to expand and hire, and then more money comes in to the government."

"You're wrong, that won't work! Republicans can't define their fiscal policy!"

Bunch of low-forhead nose pickers.

Thats only as much a "plan" as buying lottery tickets with the rent money is "prudent investing". Borrowing money from china to hand out to the rich via tax credits has failed thoroughly under the bush tax cuts.
What rock have you been living under? bush took our deficit from a surplus to well over a trillion in the hole, incurring over 5 trillion in debt in the process.
What rock have you been living under? bush took our deficit from a surplus to well over a trillion in the hole, incurring over 5 trillion in debt in the process.

dear, we live in a democracy in which power is divided. Bush was not the government nor was he even a Tea Party Republican, Jeffersonian Republican or Libertarian Republican.
The presidency is a no vote doubler, and if you want a change of course you need a yes out of the house and senate.
I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

Have you seen the Ryan budget? i have.

Have you seen the Obama budget? Me either.

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