Why can't Republicans explain their "Fiscal Policy"?

I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

That is their solution to every problem

Economy good? Cut taxes
Economy bad? Cut taxes
Need Jobs? Cut taxes
Reduce debt? Cut tasxes
Healthcare? Cut taxes

The Democrat plan for everything is spend more money, what's your point?
What rock have you been living under? bush took our deficit from a surplus to well over a trillion in the hole, incurring over 5 trillion in debt in the process.

And Obama has incurred over 6 trillion in debt in slightly more than one term...so what's your point?

The GOP fiscal policy SHOULD be centered around cutting the size and cost of government. We have enough revenue coming in if we'd simply spend it in an intelligent manner.
I repeat...Barack Obama has run up over 6 Trillion in deficits since taking office. How is that W's fault? Obama has been in charge of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression because his fiscal policies have been idiotic.
ok, suppose we both work at the same place, Im day shift, you are night shift, as my shift ends I set the building on fire; I argue that the building was hardly on fire at all during my shift, while the building was on fire during your entire shift.

now as far as obama's recovery?
ok, suppose we both work at the same place, Im day shift, you are night shift, as my shift ends I set the building on fire; I argue that the building was hardly on fire at all during my shift, while the building was on fire during your entire shift.

now as far as obama's recovery?

too stupid! Obama has done everything socialistic rather then capitalistic so of course there is minimal recovery!!

We all know socialism is anti business so how could it possible lead to economic growth and jobs. China just switched from socialism to capitalism to give us the
100th perfect example of what is obvious.

We can not fathom the depth of liberal ignorance.
Let's see... Explain their "fiscal policy". I'd say it has something to do with not spending money you don't have.
Let's see... Explain their "fiscal policy". I'd say it has something to do with not spending money you don't have.

I hear the liberals are going to introduce their concept: spend what you don't have, to the American family and then to American businesses too!! Its such an obviously good concept!!
The failure of austerity in europe has proven Keynesian economics right, all over again. Just because revenues have stumbled, doesnt mean you should panic and gut public spending. I dont know how republicans think that the solution to high unemployment is to KILL JOBS, but think about how stupid the average person is: half of them are stupider than that.
The failure of austerity in europe has proven Keynesian economics right, all over again. Just because revenues have stumbled, doesnt mean you should panic and gut public spending. I dont know how republicans think that the solution to high unemployment is to KILL JOBS, but think about how stupid the average person is: half of them are stupider than that.

Austerity has "failed" in Europe? I find that latest progressive talking point to be rather humorous, Really. Nobody ever said that living within your means isn't hard...even painful if you've spent yourself too deeply into a hole. Fiscal sanity has never failed anywhere.

As for the US? We just passed a "compromise" that was $41 dollars in tax increases for every dollar in spending cuts...hardly a "gutting" of public spending! When do spending cuts begin? President Obama has routinely stated that he advocated a "balanced" approach to cutting the deficit. He got his tax increases...so when do we get spending cuts?

As for Keynesian economics? While it's true Keynes advocated spending money on government stimulus to boost a lagging economy he also advocated against the raising of taxes during such an economy. If you're going to be a proponent of Keynesian economic theory then you can't use one part that supports your desire to tax and spend while ignoring another that doesn't.
The failure of austerity in europe has proven Keynesian economics right, all over again. Just because revenues have stumbled, doesnt mean you should panic and gut public spending. I dont know how republicans think that the solution to high unemployment is to KILL JOBS, but think about how stupid the average person is: half of them are stupider than that.

And what's "stupid" is raising taxes while you are trying to create jobs. It's a surefire way to slow an already moribund economy. Somehow Democrats don't seem to grasp that concept...which is probably why we've seen record levels of unemployment for the length of time that we have with little relief in sight.
The failure of austerity in europe has proven Keynesian economics right,

All of Europe is trying to steal money from Germany that it has thanks to austerity!! Moreover, since there have been very little tax cutting in Europe one cant say there has been austerity. But, th minor belt tightening in Europe is working wonderfully!! Their numbers are getting better while ours are getting worse!!!The idea that tax and spend idiotic liberalism will get us to a smaller debt and bigger economy is identical to saying more drugs will cure the junkie. How stupid can a liberal be???

Why be so afraid to explain how on earth that could possibly work ???? What does your inability tell us say about the IQ and character of liberals???????

Wolfgang Schauble:

"According to the latest estimates, the Euro zone's budget shortfall should be 3.2% of GDP this year, half the level of 2009 and well below the deficits of the USA and Japan. In the last 3 years the structural deficit- the fiscal shortfall adjusted for the change in the business cycle- has shrunk to
2.1% from 4.6%.

After years of steady rises in Spain Portugal and Greece and other places the current account deficits have fallen rapidly driven not just by retreating consumption and imports but also, crucially, by rising exports.

Unit labor costs in Ireland and Greece have dropped 12% since 2009 and by 6% and 5% in Spain and Portugal respectively. As the OECD acknowledged in its recent "Going for Growth"
the crisis has served as a catalyst for structural reform in those countries that most needed it, particularly in the labor market.

As these trend show Europe's crises management has proved itself."
You love whats happening in greece so much, move there, Im not stopping you. by all means, take that job whose salary dropped by 12%, if you're going to trumpet on about how great it is that wages decline, by all means work for minimum wage.

Remember, it was republicans that dug us into this hole, starting with reagan.

Raising taxes on profits doesnt impair job growth one bit, even a grade schooler can figure that out, tax hikes on the working class does however cripple demand, resulting in employers having no reason to hire more people. Different taxes have different effects, you cant hide taxes on investment class profits behind taxes on labor.
You love whats happening in greece so much, move there, Im not stopping you. by all means, take that job whose salary dropped by 12%, if you're going to trumpet on about how great it is that wages decline, by all means work for minimum wage.

Remember, it was republicans that dug us into this hole, starting with reagan.

Raising taxes on profits doesnt impair job growth one bit, even a grade schooler can figure that out, tax hikes on the working class does however cripple demand, resulting in employers having no reason to hire more people. Different taxes have different effects, you cant hide taxes on investment class profits behind taxes on labor.

Since it's quite obvious that Economics was not included in your course of studies, Really...I'll simply point out that, YES raising taxes on profits does indeed impair job growth!

Jobs are created when investors see the potential for profit. Anything you do to lessen that potential for profit will lessen the number of investors willing to risk their capital in order to create goods or provide services. Raising taxes on profits impedes job growth. That's basic economics.

You might want to go back and examine why Bill Clinton lowered taxes on capital gains from 28% to 20% during his administration. Once again...that's basic economics.
You're one of those confused people that thinks "demand" drives an economy. It's a nice concept if you're a progressive but totally misguided. It's the anticipation of profit that drives free market economies...not demand. As an example? There would be HUGE "demand" if Chevrolet suddenly started selling it's Corvettes for $10,000 instead of $60,000. People would be lined up at Chevy dealerships to buy Corvettes at that price! So why doesn't Chevrolet do so? Because you only create a product or provide a service if you anticipate making a profit in doing so.
Raising taxes on profits doesnt impair job growth one bit,

Econ 101 class one day one for you: profits =savings=investment. People had to invest in Apple Google Amazon Intel to grow the economy.

resulting in employers having no reason to hire more people. .

real new jobs come only from real new profits and real new investment!!
As I said its gospel in Econ 101 that S=I( savings equals investment)
I'm watching Michael Steele talk about Republican "fiscal policy". His only policy is "cut taxes". He said cutting taxes will lift people out of poverty.

No mention of education.

No mention of the job's bill Republicans blocked.

No mention of building up American infrastructure.

Just "cut taxes".

I hate to break it to him, if you don't have a job, you aren't worrying about "taxes".

So is that it? Cut taxes? Nothing else? If there is more, what is it?

Just because you do not understand something does not mean it has not been explained.
Ok, if demand is down, why would anyone hire? If demand is up then you're losing money by not hiring /expanding. WOW look at that, demand really does drive the economy, nimrod. If more people were earning wages so that 60k seemed like a reasonable price, then they would make that investment, but instead a third of Americans are working, yet are in poverty for it (18k), they're doing their part, and yet you expect them to live under a bridge when theyre too old to work.

So by your own admission, investors dont create jobs, they are just lazy shiftless piles of money that need to be plied, coerced and bribed into going along with someone who actually cares about America. Right now, everyones just piling their money into short term t bills, you know the things that lose money vs inflation, savings only grow the economy when there is a demand for money to be lent, some dingleberry flush with cash isnt going to help apple one bit when apple isnt looking to borrow money to expand.
Ok, if demand is down, why would anyone hire?

if demand is down they would not hire.The issue is where does real demand come from. It comes from real supply. People like Gates and Jobs create real supply that leads to real demand and hiring.

We got from the stone age to here thanks to real supply. Got it now??
Ok, if demand is down, why would anyone hire? If demand is up then you're losing money by not hiring /expanding. WOW look at that, demand really does drive the economy, nimrod. If more people were earning wages so that 60k seemed like a reasonable price, then they would make that investment, but instead a third of Americans are working, yet are in poverty for it (18k), they're doing their part, and yet you expect them to live under a bridge when theyre too old to work.

So by your own admission, investors dont create jobs, they are just lazy shiftless piles of money that need to be plied, coerced and bribed into going along with someone who actually cares about America. Right now, everyones just piling their money into short term t bills, you know the things that lose money vs inflation, savings only grow the economy when there is a demand for money to be lent, some dingleberry flush with cash isnt going to help apple one bit when apple isnt looking to borrow money to expand.

Employers hire because they see opportunity to make a profit. What part of that can't you grasp? The truth is...there is no such thing as "trickle down" economics. It's actually profit that trickles UP. Jobs are created and people hired LONG before most profits are ever realized (if a profit ever is!). You REALLY want to have more people employed? Provide more opportunities to make a profit so that investors are willing to risk their capital.

There is a simple reason why capital is now flowing into things like T-bills instead of start-ups like Apple. Investors are seeking tax shelters to protect their capital from an Administration that sees them as walking, talking ATM's to pay for Barack Obama's "agenda". Seeking tax shelters is what people with large amounts of capital DO when the government comes after them with tax increases. That's another basic economic premise that you don't seem to be able to understand.

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