Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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If the embryo doesn't have a nervous system, it doesn't have a brain or a soul, which are 2 things that make us uniquely human.

Science has proven this doesn't happen until after the 40 day point. If it doesn't have a nervous system, it's just a mass of cells.

Science can prove when you have a soul? :eusa_liar:

I wonder what sort of gas Puke-enema is getting high on in that mask?
Rape victims account for 1% of abortions

Parading them around to justify the 93% of abortions that are done out of simple convenience is bullshit. It is nothing short of the exploitation of their suffering to serve the political and economic interests of the abortion industry.

Should all abortions be illegal?

Should the fertilized egg be constitutionally protected as a person, the way born Americans are?
Rape victims account for 1% of abortions

Parading them around to justify the 93% of abortions that are done out of simple convenience is bullshit. It is nothing short of the exploitation of their suffering to serve the political and economic interests of the abortion industry.

Should all abortions be illegal?

Should the fertilized egg be constitutionally protected as a person, the way born Americans are?

They will never answer that one.
If the embryo doesn't have a nervous system, it doesn't have a brain or a soul, which are 2 things that make us uniquely human.

Science has proven this doesn't happen until after the 40 day point. If it doesn't have a nervous system, it's just a mass of cells.

Science can prove when you have a soul? :eusa_liar:


First off, you need to know a bit about Judaic theology, as well as science.

In Judaic theology, it states that ElOhim (God of Many Powers) created the world. Says so in Genesis as a matter of fact. And, in their teachings, they state that God carves off a small piece of His energy which He then places into the embryo created by your parents at around the 40 day point of pregnancy.

Next, realize that what runs your body is the electricity that courses through your nervous system.

Take the Judaic concept and you would understand that your "soul" is actually the electricity that runs your nervous system.
If the embryo doesn't have a nervous system, it doesn't have a brain or a soul, which are 2 things that make us uniquely human.

Science has proven this doesn't happen until after the 40 day point. If it doesn't have a nervous system, it's just a mass of cells.

Science can prove when you have a soul? :eusa_liar:


First off, you need to know a bit about Judaic theology
No, I don't. All religious arguments will be dismissed out of hand until you prove your religion is correct.

Take the Judaic concept and you would understand that your "soul" is actually the electricity that runs your nervous system.

Sop now we're not talking about a soul at all?

Make up your mind.

Now, if electricity is so important, why is it so important? What fundamental aspect of your nature changes when the first electrical signal passes through your body that makes killing you in cold blood go from being an okay thing to a not-okay thing? Why not the first heartbeat? Or the first breath?
Rape victims account for 1% of abortions

Parading them around to justify the 93% of abortions that are done out of simple convenience is bullshit. It is nothing short of the exploitation of their suffering to serve the political and economic interests of the abortion industry.

Should all abortions be illegal?

Should the fertilized egg be constitutionally protected as a person, the way born Americans are?

They will never answer that one.

They like the rhetoric, they like the 'abortion is murder', and 'baby killer', and 'holocaust' sloganeering,

but they can't make a rational argument against allowing a pregnant woman a reasonable opportunity early on in a pregnancy the right to choose to terminate it,

so we get the exploiting of fallacious emotionalism instead.

Outside of a few mental cases, these people no more believe that a fertilized egg is a person than I do.
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If the embryo doesn't have a nervous system, it doesn't have a brain or a soul, which are 2 things that make us uniquely human.

Science has proven this doesn't happen until after the 40 day point. If it doesn't have a nervous system, it's just a mass of cells.

Science can prove when you have a soul? :eusa_liar:


First off, you need to know a bit about Judaic theology, as well as science.

In Judaic theology, it states that ElOhim (God of Many Powers) created the world. Says so in Genesis as a matter of fact. And, in their teachings, they state that God carves off a small piece of His energy which He then places into the embryo created by your parents at around the 40 day point of pregnancy.

Next, realize that what runs your body is the electricity that courses through your nervous system.

Take the Judaic concept and you would understand that your "soul" is actually the electricity that runs your nervous system.

1. Religious myths = science
2. You are interpreting the word "energy. Who says energy means electricity? do you DARE assume you know everything G*d knows? Be humble and just answer that with a polite "no."

3. Most importantly, the lack of a nervous system does NOT mean lack of humanity. All the parts are HUMAN and developing. The fact that the child isn't finished developing doesnt mean it's not going to become a human.

That's like saying...hey this apple just dropped from a tree...and it's half-way down at this point. Do you know for sure it'll hit the ground? Assuming there's nothing that bothers it...yep. It'll hit the ground. Has it done so yet? No. Can I be pretty damn certain? Yes.

There's your little thought experiment.

Anti-lifers want to use technicalities to get out of reasonable, rational thought. You know it's a kid...you just don't find it convenient. Admit it.
I've stipulated that the zygote/embryo/fetus is human.

I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me that relevant in the context of deciding the right or wrong, the legality or illegality,

of a 1st trimester abortion,

the use of RU486,

the use of the morning after pill,

the discarding of fertilized eggs at a fertility clinic.

Anyone? No one?
I've stipulated that the zygote/embryo/fetus is human.

I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me that relevant in the context of deciding the right or wrong, the legality or illegality

Why is killing an ant okay but kill you isn't?

You're a human.

What age were you when killing you in cold blood went from being an okay thing to being a not-okay thing and why was it suddenly wrong to kill you in cold blood?
Nope. Continue bickering amongst yourselves on when a seed entering an egg becomes human. Or start another Palin thread so the whole front of the board is thread after thread of the same subject. Whatever floats yer boat.

The cells are all human from the start. Cells and tissue are not babies yet.

It is all a matter of opinion just where that tissue becomes a baby.

No. It's a matter of when those human cells are offered the same rights and respect that the mother has.

C-sections the cells out, just as you would a full grown baby, and give them all the respect you want.
I've stipulated that the zygote/embryo/fetus is human.

I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me that relevant in the context of deciding the right or wrong, the legality or illegality,

of a 1st trimester abortion,

the use of RU486,

the use of the morning after pill,

the discarding of fertilized eggs at a fertility clinic.

Anyone? No one?

Of course it's relevant because we protect human life with our laws. Try killing a human that's OUTSIDE the womb...you'll very soon (unless you're Dexter) see the relevance.

We protect human life in this country. The Founding Fathers made it a right. The Right to Life.

And as to when cells become a baby...they become a baby at conception. De-humanizing them into "cells" is a deflection of the highest order. They are HUMAN cells...that if left alone...will most certainly become a child.

Anti-Lifers dehumanize the baby into cells because it suits their rationalization of killing because the child inconveniences one or both of the parents.
HER choice HER body.
The baby's not your body

your catchphrase is bullshit

First you say it is now you say it is not. Can you please make up your mind? It either is a stand along thing or it is not. It is either part of a womans body in terms of she is the one living and breathing for it to keep it alive, or she is not. If she is not, then it should have no problems being taken out and put on a table at ANY stage of its gestation.

If it was in my body, it either is part of me, of which i have complete control, or it is not. If it isnot part of my body it should have no problem being outside of my body.

How hard is that for you to understand?
I've stipulated that the zygote/embryo/fetus is human.

I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me that relevant in the context of deciding the right or wrong, the legality or illegality,

of a 1st trimester abortion,

the use of RU486,

the use of the morning after pill,

the discarding of fertilized eggs at a fertility clinic.

Anyone? No one?

So you concur that from conception it is a human being. Good.

Now you want to know the 'right and wrong' of destroying that human being via:

discarding fertilized eggs at a fertility clinic
(I believe the morning after pill prevents conception)


It's been answered throughout this thread. So sad that you can't see the answer for yourself.

Try answering JB's question that's been asked of you ad nauseum.
Science can prove when you have a soul? :eusa_liar:


First off, you need to know a bit about Judaic theology, as well as science.

In Judaic theology, it states that ElOhim (God of Many Powers) created the world. Says so in Genesis as a matter of fact. And, in their teachings, they state that God carves off a small piece of His energy which He then places into the embryo created by your parents at around the 40 day point of pregnancy.

Next, realize that what runs your body is the electricity that courses through your nervous system.

Take the Judaic concept and you would understand that your "soul" is actually the electricity that runs your nervous system.

1. Religious myths = science
2. You are interpreting the word "energy. Who says energy means electricity? do you DARE assume you know everything G*d knows? Be humble and just answer that with a polite "no."

3. Most importantly, the lack of a nervous system does NOT mean lack of humanity. All the parts are HUMAN and developing. The fact that the child isn't finished developing doesnt mean it's not going to become a human.

That's like saying...hey this apple just dropped from a tree...and it's half-way down at this point. Do you know for sure it'll hit the ground? Assuming there's nothing that bothers it...yep. It'll hit the ground. Has it done so yet? No. Can I be pretty damn certain? Yes.

There's your little thought experiment.

Anti-lifers want to use technicalities to get out of reasonable, rational thought. You know it's a kid...you just don't find it convenient. Admit it.

Funny, even you say it yourself in may posts


Which also implies that it is not a baby YET.
Why do you people have to lie? The baby never was your body and I never bought your bullshit line.

If I put you underwater and keep you there, you die. Same if I put you into a fire. Any human, at any stage of development, dies outside of the environment for which it is meant.

If you're not part of Earth's body, why can't you survive outside her atmosphere? :cuckoo:
HER choice HER body.
The baby's not your body

your catchphrase is bullshit

First you say it is now you say it is not. Can you please make up your mind? It either is a stand along thing or it is not. It is either part of a womans body in terms of she is the one living and breathing for it to keep it alive, or she is not. If she is not, then it should have no problems being taken out and put on a table at ANY stage of its gestation.

If it was in my body, it either is part of me, of which i have complete control, or it is not. If it isnot part of my body it should have no problem being outside of my body.

How hard is that for you to understand?

Just as you should have no problem surviving just fine in Siberia, regardless of being unprepared and unequipped to do so. Right?
Why do you people have to lie? The baby never was your body and I never bought your bullshit line.

If I put you underwater and keep you there, you die. Same if I put you into a fire. Any human, at any stage of development, dies outside of the environment for which it is meant.

If you're not part of Earth's body, why can't you survive outside her atmosphere? :cuckoo:

So you agree that it is a parasite, a parasite that requites the environment of a host. If it is not part of a womans body then it is something alien to herself inhabiting her womb.

Good to know you see it at last.
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