Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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IMEURU, your reply, while heartfelt, is looking for blame somewhere. I can't speak for the OP, but for me being pro-life isn't about blaming the woman. You are absolutely right that it takes two to tango. It's both parents' fault if they don't think through the consequences. But the focus need not be on fault.

The focus should be on the biology. Some excellent things were said early on in this thread.

1. A baby is a human life
2. A baby, while inside the mother is separate from the mother
3. If left untouched, the child will grow to be viable. (the vast majority of the time)

I'm not religious at all - and my pro-life beliefs have nothing to do with religion especially. It's simply logical that abortion is murder once you realize the 3 facts above.

Are there special cases when the doctor thinks that the only medically safe course is to have an abortion? Yes. And that should be taken into account. A mother's immediate medical health is important too.

The problem is when abortion used like contraceptive - in the sense of fixing a "mistake" (not that any child should ever be seen as a mistake). Once fertilization occurs...there's no fixing the mistake except with murder.

IMEURU, please don't take my words as an attack on you. I'm speaking in the abstract. No woman should be hounded about abortion and treated evilly. I must, however, agree with those who say that if the child were 1 or 2 and it was killed...everyone would be up in arms.

I really wish humans had evolved so that the pregnancy stomach was clear...if that were the case, we wouldnt think of the baby as this "thing" that we can put out of our brains...but instead a living, breathing child that deserves protection.
Thank you for your pro life post that shows some compassion.

Though I disagree with you that abortion is murder, it's a well defined legal term, I share your sentiments on the unfortunate facts of how humans give birth. It would be so much easier if we laid eggs instead. :lol:
Im becoming very agitated and mean with this subject and I dont like being mean. Im off to find other news stories to discuss.
So you think you have the right to eliminate people who get in your way?

Of course, that's what all people who support abortion think.

Poor Bubblehead, she hasn't the sense to know when she's been smacked down.

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IMEURU, your reply, while heartfelt, is looking for blame somewhere. I can't speak for the OP, but for me being pro-life isn't about blaming the woman. You are absolutely right that it takes two to tango. It's both parents' fault if they don't think through the consequences. But the focus need not be on fault.

The focus should be on the biology. Some excellent things were said early on in this thread.

1. A baby is a human life
2. A baby, while inside the mother is separate from the mother
3. If left untouched, the child will grow to be viable. (the vast majority of the time)

I'm not religious at all - and my pro-life beliefs have nothing to do with religion especially. It's simply logical that abortion is murder once you realize the 3 facts above.

Are there special cases when the doctor thinks that the only medically safe course is to have an abortion? Yes. And that should be taken into account. A mother's immediate medical health is important too.

The problem is when abortion used like contraceptive - in the sense of fixing a "mistake" (not that any child should ever be seen as a mistake). Once fertilization occurs...there's no fixing the mistake except with murder.

IMEURU, please don't take my words as an attack on you. I'm speaking in the abstract. No woman should be hounded about abortion and treated evilly. I must, however, agree with those who say that if the child were 1 or 2 and it was killed...everyone would be up in arms.

I really wish humans had evolved so that the pregnancy stomach was clear...if that were the case, we wouldnt think of the baby as this "thing" that we can put out of our brains...but instead a living, breathing child that deserves protection.

2- Then if it is a separate entity there should be no problem taking it out and letting it BE a separate entity all on its own at any point from the moment of fertlization.

3- So you agree that it is not a viable until it grows up. Is 4 weeks viable?
And furthermore...it matters not to me when it becomes human to my thinking. I didnt want it growing in my body. Period. And Id do it again.

I agree. A woman has the absolute right to control HER body. If that means not gestating something that is working on her body like a parasite...that is HER choice.

If that means using abortion as birth control...again HER choice HER body.
And furthermore...it matters not to me when it becomes human to my thinking. I didnt want it growing in my body. Period. And Id do it again.

Sooo...now that you have decided that his discussion is going to be all about you,is everyone just supposed to stop talking about it now or something since it uspets you?? :eusa_eh:

Nope. Continue bickering amongst yourselves on when a seed entering an egg becomes human. Or start another Palin thread so the whole front of the board is thread after thread of the same subject. Whatever floats yer boat.

The cells are all human from the start. Cells and tissue are not babies yet.

It is all a matter of opinion just where that tissue becomes a baby.
Sooo...now that you have decided that his discussion is going to be all about you,is everyone just supposed to stop talking about it now or something since it uspets you?? :eusa_eh:

Nope. Continue bickering amongst yourselves on when a seed entering an egg becomes human. Or start another Palin thread so the whole front of the board is thread after thread of the same subject. Whatever floats yer boat.

The cells are all human from the start. Cells and tissue are not babies yet.

It is all a matter of opinion just where that tissue becomes a baby.

No. It's a matter of when those human cells are offered the same rights and respect that the mother has.
Dont see him bitching out the guys to keep their dicks in their drawers, do ya?


Maybe men should keep their dick in their pants.
If they're not prepared to provide and care for any child that might result, yes they should. It's called personal responsibility.

You're making progress.

Why do you people have to lie at every turn?

Too bad you can't hide from your conscience so easily.
I got fed up with his thread hippity hoppity prancings, always stating the same thing about it being the womans fault. Takes two to tango. Dont see him bitching out the guys to keep their dicks in their drawers, do ya? He isnt indignant about abortions. Hes just on a fucking witch hunt. So I lost my temper, then slapped his sorry ass on ignore. NOW Ill be able to read and digest more informative information instead of him asking if I wanna be raped and he will be right over, or for me to keep my legs closed, or how about if he shoots me in the face. Idiot mumble jumble that is now hidden.

So do carry on with the discussion. At least it might be semi readable now for me.

He is actually on your side of the fence on this from what I understand. However, he enjoys pushing everyone's buttons.
No, I just don't like liars.

Also, I can't stand mindless parrots who can't be bothered to think about what they believe and why.

The truth is that Grace believes herself to be a murderer. That is why she can't discuss this matter honestly- she cannot confront what she has done, forgive herself, and move on.

Three times in this very thread, I've outlined why I don't think what she did is murder. However, her own conscience tells her otherwise and her emotions prevent her from being able to approach the matter in a remotely intellectual matter.

If she really didn't believe she is a murderer and a baby killer, she would be able to state why what she did is okay. Not only is she unable to do that, she cannot even be bothered to consider arguments that would support her desire to believe she isn't a baby-killer because she operates solely on emotions.

It is a simple question: at what point did what change that made killing you in cold blood go from an okay thing to a not-okay thing?

The reason she can't answer that? Because her heart tells her it never was okay to kill her baby. Until she can forgive herself for what she'd done and move on, it's going to continue to eat her up inside.
If the embryo doesn't have a nervous system, it doesn't have a brain or a soul, which are 2 things that make us uniquely human.

Science has proven this doesn't happen until after the 40 day point. If it doesn't have a nervous system, it's just a mass of cells.
"having an abortion is NOT an easy choice". And choice it is. And no, its not easy.

1/3 are repeat business.

Apparently plenty of women disagree with you
Conerning the percentages of who gets an abortion and why is no longer being discussed anyway.

You keep using your rape as the excuse to justify your actions, yet the fact that 93 percent of abortions are done for convenience isn't an issue? If the reason has nothing to do with it, why keep going on about being raped?
Whats being discussed is when a fetus is considered a human being with rights.

A question you've refused to answer in multiple threads spanning hundreds of posts.
For me...its prior to the heart being formed and beginning to pump

So ~ six weeks.

Now... Dick Cheney no longer a human being with rights? After all, he has no heartbeat.
I got reamed by a few posters, accused of this and that

The only accusations came from your own conscience
And furthermore...it matters not to me when it becomes human to my thinking. I didnt want it growing in my body. Period. And Id do it again.
So you're a liar; when it 'becomes a human being with rights' has nothing to do with it at all. You just want to be allowed to kill a baby if it's inconvenient at any point in its life.
Nope. Continue bickering amongst yourselves on when a seed entering an egg becomes human. Or start another Palin thread so the whole front of the board is thread after thread of the same subject. Whatever floats yer boat.

The cells are all human from the start. Cells and tissue are not babies yet.

It is all a matter of opinion just where that tissue becomes a baby.

No. It's a matter of when those human cells are offered the same rights and respect that the mother has.
Mothers have no right to inhabit other people's bodies against those people's wishes, either.
So who in this thread thinks all abortion should be illegal?

So who in this thread thinks all abortion should be illegal, with exceptions (name your exceptions)?
I got fed up with his thread hippity hoppity prancings, always stating the same thing about it being the womans fault. Takes two to tango. Dont see him bitching out the guys to keep their dicks in their drawers, do ya? He isnt indignant about abortions. Hes just on a fucking witch hunt. So I lost my temper, then slapped his sorry ass on ignore. NOW Ill be able to read and digest more informative information instead of him asking if I wanna be raped and he will be right over, or for me to keep my legs closed, or how about if he shoots me in the face. Idiot mumble jumble that is now hidden.

So do carry on with the discussion. At least it might be semi readable now for me.

He is actually on your side of the fence on this from what I understand. However, he enjoys pushing everyone's buttons.
No, I just don't like liars.

Also, I can't stand mindless parrots who can't be bothered to think about what they believe and why.

The truth is that Grace believes herself to be a murderer. That is why she can't discuss this matter honestly- she cannot confront what she has done, forgive herself, and move on.

Three times in this very thread, I've outlined why I don't think what she did is murder. However, her own conscience tells her otherwise and her emotions prevent her from being able to approach the matter in a remotely intellectual matter.

If she really didn't believe she is a murderer and a baby killer, she would be able to state why what she did is okay. Not only is she unable to do that, she cannot even be bothered to consider arguments that would support her desire to believe she isn't a baby-killer because she operates solely on emotions.

It is a simple question: at what point did what change that made killing you in cold blood go from an okay thing to a not-okay thing?

The reason she can't answer that? Because her heart tells her it never was okay to kill her baby. Until she can forgive herself for what she'd done and move on, it's going to continue to eat her up inside.
The only one cold blooded in your dispute with IMEURU is you.

Add yourself to the list of rapacious harpies.
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