Why Cops Reaction Different - White vs Black Carrying AR15

You guys are running out of excuses when you believe the black guy did something that warranted being drawn down on and arrested...and the white guy didnt.

Same actions...very different results. I'm just waiting for someone to blame it on a cloudy day

It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why he was treated differently.
So I guess it's no surprise you cant figure it out.

Yeah. He's black...that's what I said

And how many times have you seen a black guy exercising his right to open carry? That would probably be ZERO.
So given that info and the fact that blacks commit the most violent offenses the cop was right in not taking any chances.
You may not like it but those are the facts.

How many times? Plenty, remember the black panthers? They exersized the right but weirdly enough white people didnt care about rights more than they cared about going "OMG that black guy has a gun"

Point 1...you were wrong.

So given that you made a bullshit foundation its easy to have a bullshit conclusion.

Let also remember the fact that even when black kids have toy guns they get shot within a few seconds.

So you really think that was the black panthers objective,just practicing there 2nd Amendment rights?:lmao:

And as slow as you are I'd have thought it would have sunk in by now.
Cops dont trust black people because a large portion of them are criminals.
You guys are running out of excuses when you believe the black guy did something that warranted being drawn down on and arrested...and the white guy didnt.

Same actions...very different results. I'm just waiting for someone to blame it on a cloudy day

It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why he was treated differently.
So I guess it's no surprise you cant figure it out.

Yeah. He's black...that's what I said

And how many times have you seen a black guy exercising his right to open carry? That would probably be ZERO.
So given that info and the fact that blacks commit the most violent offenses the cop was right in not taking any chances.
You may not like it but those are the facts.

How many times? Plenty, remember the black panthers? They exersized the right but weirdly enough white people didnt care about rights more than they cared about going "OMG that black guy has a gun"

Point 1...you were wrong.

So given that you made a bullshit foundation its easy to have a bullshit conclusion.

Let also remember the fact that even when black kids have toy guns they get shot within a few seconds.

So you really think that was the black panthers objective,just practicing there 2nd Amendment rights?:lmao:

Adding "so you really" before a question and adding a smiley afterwards isnt a rebuttal. You said none, after you say that stupid shit you're pretending to know about the black men that open carry that you said never existed? ok buddy...stick to the smilies

And as slow as you are I'd have thought it would have sunk in by now.
Cops dont trust black people because a large portion of them are criminals.

cops dont trust black people because they are scared of the image of blacks.

Like I said if cops tomorrow focused on red heads you'd see a rise in red head arrests. Not because suddenly red heads went crazy.

Its cause and effect
Hey how many black guy open carry? Probably none!

Oh wait, there are some and now let me tell you all about their true motives!!!
It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why he was treated differently.
So I guess it's no surprise you cant figure it out.

Yeah. He's black...that's what I said

And how many times have you seen a black guy exercising his right to open carry? That would probably be ZERO.
So given that info and the fact that blacks commit the most violent offenses the cop was right in not taking any chances.
You may not like it but those are the facts.

How many times? Plenty, remember the black panthers? They exersized the right but weirdly enough white people didnt care about rights more than they cared about going "OMG that black guy has a gun"

Point 1...you were wrong.

So given that you made a bullshit foundation its easy to have a bullshit conclusion.

Let also remember the fact that even when black kids have toy guns they get shot within a few seconds.

So you really think that was the black panthers objective,just practicing there 2nd Amendment rights?:lmao:

Adding "so you really" before a question and adding a smiley afterwards isnt a rebuttal. You said none, after you say that stupid shit you're pretending to know about the black men that open carry that you said never existed? ok buddy...stick to the smilies

And as slow as you are I'd have thought it would have sunk in by now.
Cops dont trust black people because a large portion of them are criminals.

cops dont trust black people because they are scared of the image of blacks.

Like I said if cops tomorrow focused on red heads you'd see a rise in red head arrests. Not because suddenly red heads went crazy.

Its cause and effect

You lefties and your ability to deny the obvious....amazing.
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.
So lame.
You guys are running out of excuses when you believe the black guy did something that warranted being drawn down on and arrested...and the white guy didnt.

Same actions...very different results. I'm just waiting for someone to blame it on a cloudy day

It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why he was treated differently.
So I guess it's no surprise you cant figure it out.

Yeah. He's black...that's what I said

And how many times have you seen a black guy exercising his right to open carry? That would probably be ZERO.
So given that info and the fact that blacks commit the most violent offenses the cop was right in not taking any chances.
You may not like it but those are the facts.

How many times? Plenty, remember the black panthers? They exersized the right but weirdly enough white people didnt care about rights more than they cared about going "OMG that black guy has a gun"

Point 1...you were wrong.

So given that you made a bullshit foundation its easy to have a bullshit conclusion.

Let also remember the fact that even when black kids have toy guns they get shot within a few seconds.
Less than 2 seconds in fact.
Here is a hostile one with a white guy carrying.

A very brave man, and his wife, to do what he did considering.
Not really.

I don't agree with open carriers that open carry in order to provoke a response.

The reason to open carry a rifle within an urban area is mainly due to that reason.
The reason so many LIBs don't like OC is less than 5% of negroes can qualify for OC.
About 90% of Whites do qualify for OC.
Why do the cops react differently to a white person open-carrying an AR15, but go ballistic when a black person is doing the same thing?

And many want to claim that there is no discrimination? Hmmmm....

Was it in the same neighborhood? any way, if the white guy wasnt dressed as a yogurt eating yuppie with a big camera in his hand, he may have gotten a different reaction. Cops are constantly profiling as they patrol. They take in more than just color. You may just have well gotten the same reactions from black officers as well.

Sad fact is, depending on the neigborhood, most violent crimes are disproportionaly commited by young african american males. So what neighbor hood was that ? was it a place with high incidence of gang activity? Cops in that area might be used to going on calls where there is a
amount of gang activity and shootings.

Now if the white guy pulled that off in an area where there was a high incidence of white gang violence, You might very well get the same type of action by the police.

So whats the point of your post??? you all think we should federalize the police? Fire them all and start over? It doesnt matter who you put in the cop uniform, they can start out with the best of intentions but after a couple years or less of seeing the same bullshit crimes on the street, rolling up to calls where kids are shot dead, or fed drugs by crack dealers, arresting lowlifes to see them back on the street again, they are going to profile in a similar way. Its what you see every day that imprints itself in your mind. Just like what you eat every day effects your health.

Its easy for you to sit back and judge without being a cop everyday on the street. I think my point is pretty much proved by the fact that as a percentage, Black officers have a higher rate of shooting other Blacks by percentage, than do white police officers. I cant believe those black officers became cops because they were racists, they probably wanted to serve their neighborhoods, and im sure they didnt plan on shooting anyone or look forward to it, Its the shit they are exposed to every day.

Your only solution is to have NO POLICE. thats it. guarantee it would me much much worse

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