Why Cops Reaction Different - White vs Black Carrying AR15

Racist people like you? Read my last post.

You're the one making racist slurs, racist.
lol these are the people who voted for barry "n-igger" obama

Thanks for finally proving that you are racist.....
I can't be racist my family was holocausted. We invented the word racist and get to decide its meaning. Shut up and know your place goy.

That explains a lot. Now you just need to grow up.
you need to grow up and get with the times. You can't handle some edgy humor, I bet you faint at the idea of caitlyn jenner cutting off her dick and having pee come out the cut. #womenwithpenises #courage #yesmeansyes #yeswecan.
White 13 year old Andy Lopez shot & killed by California Gun Grabber Police for open carrying toy gun.
Something must be seriously wrong with one of the primary themes of police training, which is Officer Safety. It seems an impression is being conveyed to police officers that the very sight of a gun, or anything that appears to be a gun, calls for unhesitatingly reflexive defensive deadly force.

Inasmuch as the Baltimore riots have prompted an investigation by the Justice Department I believe a good place to start would be scrutiny of training manuals and attendance at training sessions of a few major police agencies. Because it's quite possible these training sessions are implanting conditioned reflexes in the minds of receptive individuals -- as well as providing justifiable opportunity for those with homicidal inclination.
You're the one making racist slurs, racist.
lol these are the people who voted for barry "n-igger" obama

Thanks for finally proving that you are racist.....
I can't be racist my family was holocausted. We invented the word racist and get to decide its meaning. Shut up and know your place goy.

That explains a lot. Now you just need to grow up.
you need to grow up and get with the times. You can't handle some edgy humor, I bet you faint at the idea of caitlyn jenner cutting off her dick and having pee come out the cut. #womenwithpenises #courage #yesmeansyes #yeswecan.

You don't know the definition of humor. But then, you're not an adult, I'm surprised you're allowed to stay up this late.
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.
lol these are the people who voted for barry "n-igger" obama

Thanks for finally proving that you are racist.....
I can't be racist my family was holocausted. We invented the word racist and get to decide its meaning. Shut up and know your place goy.

That explains a lot. Now you just need to grow up.
you need to grow up and get with the times. You can't handle some edgy humor, I bet you faint at the idea of caitlyn jenner cutting off her dick and having pee come out the cut. #womenwithpenises #courage #yesmeansyes #yeswecan.

You don't know the definition of humor. But then, you're not an adult, I'm surprised you're allowed to stay up this late.
LOL, from the guy that unironically has a clown avatar.

if you can't handle a tranny on the cover of vanity fair, stop posting bigot.
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Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.

Too bad that exposing your racist ass has made you rabid.....maybe instead of denying it you should try changing your attitude....or at least have the balls to admit what you are.
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.

Too bad that exposing your racist ass has made you rabid.....maybe instead of denying it you should try changing your attitude....or at least have the balls to admit what you are.
Wow just wow, women can have balls too you homophobic bigot. #genderisasocialconstruct
if you can't handle a tranny on the cover of vanity fair, stop posting bigot.

Bwahahaha....what does Vanity Fair or its cover have to do with anything I've said? You're not only stupid, you're confused and stupid.
if you can't handle a tranny on the cover of vanity fair, stop posting bigot.

Bwahahaha....what does Vanity Fair or its cover have to do with anything I've said? You're not only stupid, you're confused and stupid.
you just othered SJ for having no balls, attacking his masculinity as though manhood is determined by testicles.

Put a trigger warning next time.

Ideally, you should put a trigger warning for that battered trangendered man in your sig as well. Many of us here are sensitive to violence LGBT community and don't care for such callous shit #blacklivesmatter #courage #caitlynjenner #2015
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.

Too bad that exposing your racist ass has made you rabid.....maybe instead of denying it you should try changing your attitude....or at least have the balls to admit what you are.
Why don't you want to address what you said, you racist prick? You can't defend your own words so you resort to parroting your programmed talking points. That's all you racist leftists ever have, isn't it?
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.

Too bad that exposing your racist ass has made you rabid.....maybe instead of denying it you should try changing your attitude....or at least have the balls to admit what you are.
Why don't you want to address what you said, you racist prick? You can't defend your own words so you resort to parroting your programmed talking points. That's all you racist leftists ever have, isn't it?

I'm not the ones making racist remarks like the ones you have made which I posted in the "Racist Hall of Shame" - you just confirmed that conservatives are the most racist....count the number of racist posts in that thread....99% are from conservatives, so quit denying that the majority of racists are in your party.
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.

Too bad that exposing your racist ass has made you rabid.....maybe instead of denying it you should try changing your attitude....or at least have the balls to admit what you are.
Why don't you want to address what you said, you racist prick? You can't defend your own words so you resort to parroting your programmed talking points. That's all you racist leftists ever have, isn't it?

I'm not the ones making racist remarks like the ones you have made which I posted in the "Racist Hall of Shame" - you just confirmed that conservatives are the most racist....count the number of racist posts in that thread....99% are from conservatives, so quit denying that the majority of racists are in your party.
Still avoiding talking about your OWN remarks, I see. Why don't you explain what you meant when you described black conservatives as "token conservatives"? That term is never used but the term "token n*ggers" is, isn't it? And it's used to described blacks who choose to leave the liberal plantation, isn't it? You like to claim to be the champions of civil rights but if a black person shows some independence and doesn't walk the liberal line, you label him or her as an "Uncle Tom" or a "Token N*gger", don't you? You think by constantly calling conservatives racists, no one will notice YOUR racism? You think nobody notices when you slip and say "token" when talking about a black conservative? You are the embodiment of hypocrisy and it's pretty plain for all to see.
White 13 year old Andy Lopez shot & killed by California Gun Grabber Police for open carrying toy gun.


Surprised more open carry nuts are not shot
You guys are running out of excuses when you believe the black guy did something that warranted being drawn down on and arrested...and the white guy didnt.

Same actions...very different results. I'm just waiting for someone to blame it on a cloudy day

It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why he was treated differently.
So I guess it's no surprise you cant figure it out.

Yeah. He's black...that's what I said

And how many times have you seen a black guy exercising his right to open carry? That would probably be ZERO.
So given that info and the fact that blacks commit the most violent offenses the cop was right in not taking any chances.
You may not like it but those are the facts.
If they're not doing anything wrong how are they getting arrested?

Boy, you're obtuse. If you don't want to believe something, you never will.

Blacks still majority of the wrongfully convicted

Blacks commit the majority of crimes.

No, blacks get arrested for crimes whites get off with.......end of story.
Was this guy arrested?

Was the white guy asked to lie down on the ground?

Just because you cant accept the fact that blacks are prone to criminal activity and the cops know this isnt my problem.
Why don't you say what you REALLY mean, racist??? Token ni**ers? Go ahead, say it.

Those would be your words, racist. I have never posted that word against any person, because I'm not racist like you.
You don't have to say the word, we know what you mean. Any black conservative is seen as a token n*gger to leftist racists like you. The fact that you substituted the word "conservative" doesn't negate what everyone knows you meant. The term "token conservative" doesn't fit. No one uses that term but they DO use the other one, the one you wanted to say but don't say because you would expose yourself as the racist we all know you are. Too bad you're not smart enough to hide what you really feel, racist asshole.

Too bad that exposing your racist ass has made you rabid.....maybe instead of denying it you should try changing your attitude....or at least have the balls to admit what you are.
Why don't you want to address what you said, you racist prick? You can't defend your own words so you resort to parroting your programmed talking points. That's all you racist leftists ever have, isn't it?

I'm not the ones making racist remarks like the ones you have made which I posted in the "Racist Hall of Shame" - you just confirmed that conservatives are the most racist....count the number of racist posts in that thread....99% are from conservatives, so quit denying that the majority of racists are in your party.

So if conservatives are the racist,why is the black community in such a shambles after all these years supporting dems?
They vote dem almost exclusively yet they still cant manage to get out of the ghetto.
Why are you holding down the black man?
The LIBs use negros like five dollar whores.
The LIBs know the negro race generally has double didgit IQs. This means the LIBs can promise the negroes anything knowing of course they will never fulfill any promises.
The negro in the US is worse off now then 8 years ago.
Now Hillary is 'going to the well' promising the negroes whatever they want if they will turn out and vote for her.
Hillary Clinton plays to raucous but HALF-EMPTY arena at Texas Southern University Daily Mail Online

Troll much?

OK. I'll play....Your post is racist and highly offensive. You should be ashamed of yourself

Is that enough attention?
You guys are running out of excuses when you believe the black guy did something that warranted being drawn down on and arrested...and the white guy didnt.

Same actions...very different results. I'm just waiting for someone to blame it on a cloudy day

It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why he was treated differently.
So I guess it's no surprise you cant figure it out.

Yeah. He's black...that's what I said

And how many times have you seen a black guy exercising his right to open carry? That would probably be ZERO.
So given that info and the fact that blacks commit the most violent offenses the cop was right in not taking any chances.
You may not like it but those are the facts.

How many times? Plenty, remember the black panthers? They exersized the right but weirdly enough white people didnt care about rights more than they cared about going "OMG that black guy has a gun"

Point 1...you were wrong.

So given that you made a bullshit foundation its easy to have a bullshit conclusion.

Let also remember the fact that even when black kids have toy guns they get shot within a few seconds.

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