Why do americans hate government spending?

Welfare, the military, foreign aid.

I think the reason is this: People prefer to use their resources to seek to attain their own ends, and not have their resources forcefully taken from them to be put to uses they prefer less. The government taxing and spending makes one worse off, because he is unable to pursue his preferred ends.

For example, say I have a dollar, and I want to use that dollar to help pay for my child's education. If that dollar is taken from me and used for, say, foreign aid, I am getting something I prefer less to the thing I preferred more. I am made worse off.
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?
I think most people who hate government spending, as a rule, just lack a basic education in economics. It is literally as simple as that.

However, people who have issues with how it is spent, how much is spent, deficit / surplus, and all the nuances that come with government spending can have some real legitimate points that may point towards less (or more) government spending depending on their argument.
A great example is Obama's EHR debacle that cost tens of billions of dollars. Obama got on TV and touted to the American people and congress that electronic medical records would allow health care providers to quickly access a patient's medical records from anywhere in the country. That would be a good thing if it worked. It would save lives.

The problem is that it does not work as advertised. Different hospitals and doctors offices use different systems that are not compatible with each other. All of that money was wasted because of the Obama administration's unbelievably idiotic and total incompetence.

That's the kind of wasteful spending that we are angry about.

Another example is the Obama administration spending $800,000 to study penis washing in Africa.
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Because we are paying through the nose for it. At least, some of us are.
You think federal taxes are needed to fund spending?
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?

Why do you hate thieves spending the money they stole from you?
Uh.. a government spending past tax receipts represents new financial assets for the private sector.
Leaving people more of their own money to spend does the same thing only more so because a chunk of that money isn't eaten up by government and all of it goes where the people want it to go
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?

… he says typing on the internet that would not exist if not for government spending….

Yeah some good comes from government spending, but by any objective analysis the bad far outweighs the good. The waste, ineffectiveness, and corruption are overwhelming.

Scoring Gov. Spending
Good - 1
Bad - to infinity and beyond.
Because we are paying through the nose for it. At least, some of us are.
You think federal taxes are needed to fund spending?
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?

Why do you hate thieves spending the money they stole from you?
Uh.. a government spending past tax receipts represents new financial assets for the private sector.
That's a deliberately nebulous way of saying that now the government owed money to the private sector.

You haven't fooled anyone.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

"Economies" don't spend. People do.
Most deficit spending in a month - US Record

Most deficit-spending in a year - US Record

Most total deficit spending - US Record

Added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years - US Record

Added More Debt than Every President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED - US Record

1st US Credit rating Downgrade due to Deficit-Spending / Debt Addition - US Record

1 Spending Bill - nearly $1 Trillion, consisting of over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork; resulted in over $742,000 PER job and a 10.1% Unemployment rate
-- Instead of addressing the crumbling infrastructure or ancient electrical grid he funded studies such as why homosexual Argentinian males have better sex lives than heterosexual American males

Gave Billions of US tax dollars to 'big-time' Obama donors so they would not lose any of THEIR investment money that gambled with by investing in Solyndra and 12 other failed / bankrupt Green Energy companies...

MILLIONS in numerous family vacations (spending nearly $2 million in tax dollars to go on A vacation (when many Americans can't even afford to go on 1 each year or longer)

18% approval rate, decisions costing Americans their insurance and jobs, failed policies, over-regulations etc and they get annual pay increases while hard-working Americans don't...

Billions spent to bring violent illegals into the country, housing, health care, welfare, food stamps, jobs, etc while Veterans are left to die waiting for health care and Social Security recipients fail to get annual cost of living increases...

This is a small sample of why Americans can't stand government spending.
Most deficit spending in a month - US Record

Most deficit-spending in a year - US Record

Most total deficit spending - US Record

Added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years - US Record

Added More Debt than Every President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED - US Record

1st US Credit rating Downgrade due to Deficit-Spending / Debt Addition - US Record

1 Spending Bill - nearly $1 Trillion, consisting of over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork; resulted in over $742,000 PER job and a 10.1% Unemployment rate
-- Instead of addressing the crumbling infrastructure or ancient electrical grid he funded studies such as why homosexual Argentinian males have better sex lives than heterosexual American males

Gave Billions of US tax dollars to 'big-time' Obama donors so they would not lose any of THEIR investment money that gambled with by investing in Solyndra and 12 other failed / bankrupt Green Energy companies...

MILLIONS in numerous family vacations (spending nearly $2 million in tax dollars to go on A vacation (when many Americans can't even afford to go on 1 each year or longer)

18% approval rate, decisions costing Americans their insurance and jobs, failed policies, over-regulations etc and they get annual pay increases while hard-working Americans don't...

Billions spent to bring violent illegals into the country, housing, health care, welfare, food stamps, jobs, etc while Veterans are left to die waiting for health care and Social Security recipients fail to get annual cost of living increases...

This is a small sample of why Americans can't stand government spending.
That is such a nice resume...to the liberal it means nothing. They justify all that shit by believing BO had to do those things because of BUSH.

Imagine if BO were a white R, his approval ratings would be very low.
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Because we are paying through the nose for it. At least, some of us are.
You think federal taxes are needed to fund spending?
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?

Why do you hate thieves spending the money they stole from you?
Uh.. a government spending past tax receipts represents new financial assets for the private sector.
That's a deliberately nebulous way of saying that now the government owed money to the private sector.

You haven't fooled anyone.
The private sector gained the dollars from spending and the bonds.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

"Economies" don't spend. People do.
How do people get dollars when banks aren't lending? Deficit spending.
Because we are paying through the nose for it. At least, some of us are.
You think federal taxes are needed to fund spending?
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?

Why do you hate thieves spending the money they stole from you?
Uh.. a government spending past tax receipts represents new financial assets for the private sector.
That's a deliberately nebulous way of saying that now the government owed money to the private sector.

You haven't fooled anyone.
The private sector gained the dollars from spending and the bonds.

The private sector gained nothing but IOUs. Government gained actual products and services.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

"Economies" don't spend. People do.
How do people get dollars when banks aren't lending? Deficit spending.
People get dollars by working and getting paid.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
You like driving on roads, don't you? You like to breath clean air and drink clean water, don't you? You like a strong military protecting us, don't you? Whats not to love about government spending? Conservatives love maintaining a global military empire. Liberals love spending money on poor people. Everybody loves government spending.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
You like driving on roads, don't you? You like to breath clean air and drink clean water, don't you? You like a strong military protecting us, don't you? Whats not to love about government spending? Conservatives love maintaining a global military empire. Liberals love spending money on poor people. Everybody loves government spending.

That accounts for about 20% of government spending. Issuing checks to ticks on the ass of society accounts for the other 80%. That's what most people dislike about government spending. Even the things they like are far more expensive than they need to be.
Leaving people more of their own money to spend does the same thing only more so because a chunk of that money isn't eaten up by government and all of it goes where the people want it to go

Without infrastructure there is no economy.

Without public safety / police / justice system there is no society.

Without school there is no tomorrow.

Without regulations businesses don't self-regulate.
Leaving people more of their own money to spend does the same thing only more so because a chunk of that money isn't eaten up by government and all of it goes where the people want it to go

Without infrastructure there is no economy.

Without public safety / police / justice system there is no society.

Without school there is no tomorrow.

Without regulations businesses don't self-regulate.

except for schooling, the items you list account for less then 5% of government spending. The private sector can provide schooling. So what's your justification for the other 95%?
The most idiotic aspect of the GOP/far-right platform is abortion or the closing of clinics and limiting access to abortions.

An abortion cost nothing when compared to a lifetime of public assistance / juvenile detention / adult incarceration.

How much does an unwanted poor child cost society (over his/her lifetime) compared to one 15 minute medical procedure?

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