Why do conservatives think reducing government would fix our nation's problems?

Then work to improve govt. and reduce the bad parts instead of eliminating things wholesale like a reactionary moron.

Working to improve government is like working to improve small pox.

So when are you leaving for Somalia?

Somalia has an abundance of government.
So basically you agree that no libertarian system can function to exist anywhere in the world?

Still looking for loopholes?

More like excuses from him.
How would reducing government fix our crumbling infrastructure system that ranks one of the worst in the developed world?

How would reducing government lower medical costs such as prescription drug costs?

How would reducing government raise wages in the lower classes and keep all income gains from going to the top earners?

How would reducing government fix our public school system which for decades is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would reducing government keep environmental crises like Flint crisis from happening elsewhere?

How would reducing government stop Wall Street corruption?

All those questions have been answered a gazillion times. But the op is looking for a pretext to vote for politicians who supports the bankrupt gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

1- health care has been regulated since the mid 1800's . The costs of healthcare increased substantially after medicaid/medicare were implemented.; Furthermore , fedgov has no Constitutional authority to finance and operate a healthcare system - I know that as a fascist the last argument is irrelevant

2- It is NOT the government responsibility to finance and operate a schools system ; especially when the students who attend such schools will turn out to be dumb government supremacists;

3- There is NO competititon between utilities - the fascists only allow one utility company to operate

4- Wall Street corruption exists because corrupt businessmen know that they will be bailed out by DC

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Because the debt is an even bigger problem than most of those. The debt can cause the government and economy to collapse. Remember when our credit rating was reduced? That was just a warning that the US government is not too big to fail, and that if we don't get serious about this debt, very bad things are coming.
We have this DEBT because REPUBLICANS refuse to pay any taxes to pay it down.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge and we came out of that war with little debt and it was soon paid off and the Surcharge was lifted.

But now Republicans don't want to pay for anything they do or want ... they have been putting the nation's bills on the nation's credit card instead of paying the damn bills.

No, it's actually 100% correct. If you look at any of the problems this country has, at bottom the government is the cause. Just take the price of new drugs, for instance. It costs about $5 billion to bring a new drug to market. The FDA is almost entirely the cause of this incomprehensible expense. Get rid of the FDA and the price of developing new drugs would drop to something like $1 million.
Oh that's a fantastic idea. Let's get rid of any oversight on the drugs being produced. Let's let any drug companies put in any ingredients they like and we'll just ignore any harmful side effects.

It's amazing you don't think these things through.

Oh, come on now. Everyone knows that new drugs don't need to be developed or tested or refined. There's no scientific process involved at all.

Drugs actually grow on trees, and if it wasn't for the Mean Ol' Gubmint, anyone could just drive to the local orchard and pick as many drugs for as many illnesses as they needed.

Only a leftwing idiot like you believes corporations think killing their customers is a good way to make money. Do you really think a multi billion dollar corporation will put a product on the market unless they are dead certain it won't harm people?

Why don't you describe for us the process that goes into developing a new drug? We both know you can't, so you'll just jump up and down and scream obscenities, but it'll be fun to watch.
The process must not be very good because all night long I see commercials from Lawyers ' did you take this drug that prevents pimples? Well you may be entitled to millions of dollars from a victims fund because this drug causes brain lessions ( or some other horrible condition ) in a portion of the people who have been taking it ... call 1-800-555-555 NOW to get YOUR share '.

Drug after drug after drug turns out to be not so fucking good after a few million people have used it for several years. They only test for a few months and then release it. Then after a few years along come the lawsuits.
No, it's actually 100% correct. If you look at any of the problems this country has, at bottom the government is the cause. Just take the price of new drugs, for instance. It costs about $5 billion to bring a new drug to market. The FDA is almost entirely the cause of this incomprehensible expense. Get rid of the FDA and the price of developing new drugs would drop to something like $1 million.
Oh that's a fantastic idea. Let's get rid of any oversight on the drugs being produced. Let's let any drug companies put in any ingredients they like and we'll just ignore any harmful side effects.

It's amazing you don't think these things through.

Oh, come on now. Everyone knows that new drugs don't need to be developed or tested or refined. There's no scientific process involved at all.

Drugs actually grow on trees, and if it wasn't for the Mean Ol' Gubmint, anyone could just drive to the local orchard and pick as many drugs for as many illnesses as they needed.

Only a leftwing idiot like you believes corporations think killing their customers is a good way to make money. Do you really think a multi billion dollar corporation will put a product on the market unless they are dead certain it won't harm people?

Why don't you describe for us the process that goes into developing a new drug? We both know you can't, so you'll just jump up and down and scream obscenities, but it'll be fun to watch.
The process must not be very good because all night long I see commercials from Lawyers ' did you take this drug that prevents pimples? Well you may be entitled to millions of dollars from a victims fund because this drug causes brain lessions ( or some other horrible condition ) in a portion of the people who have been taking it ... call 1-800-555-555 NOW to get YOUR share '.

Drug after drug after drug turns out to be not so fucking good after a few million people have used it for several years. They only test for a few months and then release it. Then after a few years along come the lawsuits.

On average, it takes ten years of paperwork passing and testing before a drug actually makes it to the market. The drug may help millions, but one or two might have adverse results.

That's why some Americans leave the country to buy drugs that are not available here.
Because the debt is an even bigger problem than most of those. The debt can cause the government and economy to collapse. Remember when our credit rating was reduced? That was just a warning that the US government is not too big to fail, and that if we don't get serious about this debt, very bad things are coming.
We have this DEBT because REPUBLICANS refuse to pay any taxes to pay it down.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge and we came out of that war with little debt and it was soon paid off and the Surcharge was lifted.

But now Republicans don't want to pay for anything they do or want ... they have been putting the nation's bills on the nation's credit card instead of paying the damn bills.

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of collected income taxes. If that's not enough, then what is?

And how come the Democrats didn't pay for Commie Care or the Pork Bill? That's a near two trillion right there.
Working to improve government is like working to improve small pox.

So when are you leaving for Somalia?

Somalia has an abundance of government.
So basically you agree that no libertarian system can function to exist anywhere in the world?

Still looking for loopholes?
I definitely don't need to and you know it. You're kind of desperate aren't you? You don't like my source, prove me wrong.

I definitely don't need to and you know it.

All that whining about loopholes and you can't even list a few.
Typical liberal moron.

You don't like my source, prove me wrong.

You didn't post a source listing loopholes. Just copy and paste a few.
Because the debt is an even bigger problem than most of those. The debt can cause the government and economy to collapse. Remember when our credit rating was reduced? That was just a warning that the US government is not too big to fail, and that if we don't get serious about this debt, very bad things are coming.
We have this DEBT because REPUBLICANS refuse to pay any taxes to pay it down.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge and we came out of that war with little debt and it was soon paid off and the Surcharge was lifted.

But now Republicans don't want to pay for anything they do or want ... they have been putting the nation's bills on the nation's credit card instead of paying the damn bills.
Johnson refused to raise taxes to pay for Vietnam and the Great Society. The result was a massive inflation that peaked in the Carter years.
When have leftwing douche nozzles ever considered limiting government agencies? They're constantly screaming that Republicans are destroying America by deregulating when regulations increase every year.

I've said many times that the phrase "limited government" is an oxymoron.
Then work to improve govt. and reduce the bad parts instead of eliminating things wholesale like a reactionary moron.

Working to improve government is like working to improve small pox.

So when are you leaving for Somalia?

Somalia has an abundance of government.
So basically you agree that no libertarian system can function to exist anywhere in the world?

Where did I agree to that?
Because the debt is an even bigger problem than most of those. The debt can cause the government and economy to collapse. Remember when our credit rating was reduced? That was just a warning that the US government is not too big to fail, and that if we don't get serious about this debt, very bad things are coming.
We have this DEBT because REPUBLICANS refuse to pay any taxes to pay it down.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge and we came out of that war with little debt and it was soon paid off and the Surcharge was lifted.

But now Republicans don't want to pay for anything they do or want ... they have been putting the nation's bills on the nation's credit card instead of paying the damn bills.
Johnson refused to raise taxes to pay for Vietnam and the Great Society. The result was a massive inflation that peaked in the Carter years.
Johnson imposed a 10% surtax to pay for the Vietnam war.
Because the debt is an even bigger problem than most of those. The debt can cause the government and economy to collapse. Remember when our credit rating was reduced? That was just a warning that the US government is not too big to fail, and that if we don't get serious about this debt, very bad things are coming.
We have this DEBT because REPUBLICANS refuse to pay any taxes to pay it down.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge and we came out of that war with little debt and it was soon paid off and the Surcharge was lifted.

But now Republicans don't want to pay for anything they do or want ... they have been putting the nation's bills on the nation's credit card instead of paying the damn bills.
Johnson refused to raise taxes to pay for Vietnam and the Great Society. The result was a massive inflation that peaked in the Carter years.
Johnson imposed a 10% surtax to pay for the Vietnam war.
Still wasnt enough. Between the war and Great Society the deficit went way up and it produced inflation. Nixon had to take us off the gold standard completely to maintain it.
How would reducing government fix our crumbling infrastructure system that ranks one of the worst in the developed world?

How would reducing government lower medical costs such as prescription drug costs?

How would reducing government raise wages in the lower classes and keep all income gains from going to the top earners?

How would reducing government fix our public school system which for decades is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would reducing government keep environmental crises like Flint crisis from happening elsewhere?

How would reducing government stop Wall Street corruption?

All those questions have been answered a gazillion times. But the op is looking for a pretext to vote for politicians who supports the bankrupt gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

1- health care has been regulated since the mid 1800's . The costs of healthcare increased substantially after medicaid/medicare were implemented.; Furthermore , fedgov has no Constitutional authority to finance and operate a healthcare system - I know that as a fascist the last argument is irrelevant

2- It is NOT the government responsibility to finance and operate a schools system ; especially when the students who attend such schools will turn out to be dumb government supremacists;

3- There is NO competititon between utilities - the fascists only allow one utility company to operate

4- Wall Street corruption exists because corrupt businessmen know that they will be bailed out by DC


All those questions have been answered a gazillion times. But the op is looking for a pretext to vote for politicians who supports the bankrupt gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

1- health care has been regulated since the mid 1800's . The costs of healthcare increased substantially after medicaid/medicare were implemented.; Furthermore , fedgov has no Constitutional authority to finance and operate a healthcare system - I know that as a fascist the last argument is irrelevant

2- It is NOT the government responsibility to finance and operate a schools system ; especially when the students who attend such schools will turn out to be dumb government supremacists;

3- There is NO competititon between utilities - the fascists only allow one utility company to operate

4- Wall Street corruption exists because corrupt businessmen know that they will be bailed out by DC

How would reducing government fix our crumbling infrastructure system that ranks one of the worst in the developed world? Beyond the economic toll this has on our country, scientists warn that natural disasters could severely cripple our unstable power grid.

How would reducing government lower medical costs such as prescription drug costs?

How would reducing government raise wages in the lower classes and keep all income gains from going to the top earners?

How would reducing government fix our public school which for decades is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would reducing government keep environmental crises like Flint crisis from happening elsewhere?

How would reducing government stop Wall Street corruption?

It's simple: government has caused all our nation's problems that are humanly solvable. Solution: get rid of the problem.

Solve the pollution problem without the use of government.


China has few pollution laws and you can't even see the sun there. Yeah that's what we want.
Correction, that's what Republicans want.
How would reducing government fix our crumbling infrastructure system that ranks one of the worst in the developed world? Beyond the economic toll this has on our country, scientists warn that natural disasters could severely cripple our unstable power grid.

How would reducing government lower medical costs such as prescription drug costs?

How would reducing government raise wages in the lower classes and keep all income gains from going to the top earners?

How would reducing government fix our public school which for decades is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would reducing government keep environmental crises like Flint crisis from happening elsewhere?

How would reducing government stop Wall Street corruption?

It's simple: government has caused all our nation's problems that are humanly solvable. Solution: get rid of the problem.

Solve the pollution problem without the use of government.


China has few pollution laws and you can't even see the sun there. Yeah that's what we want.
Correction, that's what Republicans want.

The government is directly responsible for most of the pollution in China. The government builds and runs all the coal fired power plants in the country, which are the main source of pollution. Private corporations use government cronies to prevent people from suing when they have been harmed by pollution. That isn't a problem of too few regulations. That's a problem of government preventing people from solving their pollution problems.

Government is the cause of China's pollution, not the solution.

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