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Why Do Democrats Continue To Engage In Political Theater / Waste Our Time?

B'loney. The Oversight Committee doesn't need to see the names of people who are not charged with anything. The only reason Schiff-4-Brains wants to see them is to identify additional political targets.
You know damn-well that if the names of innocent people mentioned in the report are released to Democrats the SOBs will only leak their names to the fake news media who will then attack them with more lies / false narratives. Comey, McCabe, and Schiff have already proven the conspirators leak like a screen sh!t-house door on a submarine....

Indeed. All they need to do is to release the names with just enough insinuations, and the Twitter Lynch Hoard will do everything it can to destroy the lives of these people.
This is not the first time a political party has pushed a narrative even after multiple investigations have not found it to be valid.
This is the 1st time it has been done as part of an exposed coup attempt....and of course it is the Democrats who have been busted doing it...
Congress reviews classified data all the time.

Why does Trumpybear want to deep six the information?
He's not, why do you want it right now, so bad? Why can't you wait a couple of weeks?

Of course he is. He could order it's release today. If Lynch had done something similar with Comey's statement on the Clinton investigation, would you be so patient? Would the House have not demanded more information from the investigation than a few quotes?
It's just for show. There is no way to compel Barr to send the report any sooner and any unreasonable demands for unredacted copies will likely be met with an assertion of executive privilege that will go all the way up to the Supreme Court after a few years. Some one once said politics is showbusiness for ugly people, and Nadler seems determined to prove that's right.

It should have been released to them before the letter was sent. Barr should also be asking for release of the Grand Jury testimony to give to Congress as well. Executive Privilege will not apply in the case.

Yeah, I'm pretty shallow too. I can't believe we elected a guy "with a face like that"!
When Obama cited executive privilege over fast and furious documents, he lost but it took 3 1/2 years before the Count finally decided the case. An assertion of executive privilege will effectively prevent this Congress and the next Congress from receiving anything the AG doesn't want to give them. Nadler can huff and puff all he wants but he has no power to force the AG to provide anything faster than he wants to or anything he doesn't want to provide.
I think it's great! The majority of the public think that the Mueller probe was a political witch hunt (true), and that it's time to move on. The more the Dems engage in Sore Loserman Part III, the more we'll get Trump 2020!

Yup. The more time they waste on bull shit the better it is for Trump. The shit show that is the Dem led House sure is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Oh and Barr can tell them to pound sand. He doesn't have to abide by their subpoena at all.

They sure are whinny little shits.
I think it's great! The majority of the public think that the Mueller probe was a political witch hunt (true), and that it's time to move on. The more the Dems engage in Sore Loserman Part III, the more we'll get Trump 2020!

Yup. The more time they waste on bull shit the better it is for Trump. The shit show that is the Dem led House sure is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

They sure are whinny little shits.

They all have sand in their manginas-vanginas.
The coup is overblown rhetoric. If you want to stick to facts and reality then talk about their politicalization of the investigation.
You sound like Adam Schiff, who continues to deny all the existing and overwhelming evidence of crimes committed by the Democrats. YOU can continue to do like 'Schiff' and repeating 'nuh-huh' and claiming definitive evidence of Trump illegal collusion does exist while refusing to provide any such evidence...except for personal belief - like Schiff demonstrated last week.

By doing so, as already pointed out, you will only continue to ensure President Trump is re-elected.
That should be great for you with such an easy re-election coming. I’ll wait to see how many of these traitors Trumps DOJ throws in jail. If none then we know all this crap you are spewing is nothing more than political garbage.
Truth is not part of a Democrat's Lifestyle. Very few Democrats are JFK Democrats.

I had a close friend who was a Democrat, and he was an Honorable Man. He stayed with The Democrat Party because he wanted to make it an honorable party again. He wanted to make it about America, and Unity, and Truth and Justice. All good stuff.

The Local Democrat Party, would not support him. And I have to tell you, this guy was knowledgeable, well liked, had integrity, could tell a good story, was excellent in debate.

But The Local Democrat Party always gave the support to someone way more liberal than him. Because they don't want to go back to The Party of JFK. They don't want people with integrity in that party. You are an outcast in that party if you can't be bought and walk upright.
Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.

Not really. This isnt an eighth frivilous Benghazi investigation. This is the real deal.
Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.

Both engage in political theater. The Democrats are the only ones doing it right now as part of their on-going exposed criminal / treasonous coup attempt.
The coup is overblown rhetoric. If you want to stick to facts and reality then talk about their politicalization of the investigation. When you take it a step to far like you do then you discredit yourself.
is it?

*if* they lied to get an elected president out of office by means of using the government against them, then a threat like this to me is every bit as bad as if russia were in fact involved.

the president is here to defend the constitution against foreign OR domestic threats. *if* this was all based off revenge politics then the coup is NOT overblown rhetoric and i would want it dug into. this is not revenge on the democrats but rather, if no issue was there we cannot allow some kabuki theater every time someone is elected you don't like. that WILL happen if we don't penalize people for the behavior IF NOT based off actual events, but contrived ones it would seem that it was.
That’s just the thing... people like Rush and Hannity have been pushing false narratives and inaccurate timelines to create this coup conspiracy. Chris Wallace just debunked some
Major talking points of theirs a few days ago.

Fox News' Chris Wallace sets record straight on Russia probe: "This is going to drive some of our viewers nuts"
I’ll wait to see how many of these traitors Trumps DOJ throws in jail. If none then we know all this crap you are spewing is nothing more than political garbage.
How so? You attempt to spread the false narrative that if someone is not convicted they never committed the crime. We know that NOT to be the case. The Obama administration and Democrats protected just about the entire Obama administration Cabinet / Agency Directors from indictment despite being proven to have committed crimes.
- Clapper was caught perjuring himself multiple times but protected.

- Brennan was caught illegally spying on US Senators - his 'punishment' was to admit it before Congress.

- Holder was protected from indictment for Perjury but was the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured after being caught committing Felony Perjury while trying to cover up Obama's fast and furious.

- THE FBI publicly announced they had recovered over 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy that were each individually 1 count of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and Federal records act.
*** Evidence has now exposed the Obama administration's DOJ and FBI agreement to protect Hillary from indictment / prison for her crimes.

Nice fairy tale, snowflake, but Democrats protecting Democrats from being held accountable for their crimes is just another reality on the list of things snowflakes refuse to accept.
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
I’ll wait to see how many of these traitors Trumps DOJ throws in jail. If none then we know all this crap you are spewing is nothing more than political garbage.
How so? You attempt to spread the false narrative that if someone is not convicted they never committed the crime. We know that NOT to be the case. The Obama administration and Democrats protected just about the entire Obama administration Cabinet / Agency Directors from indictment despite being proven to have committed crimes.
- Clapper was caught perjuring himself multiple times but protected.

- Brennan was caught illegally spying on US Senators - his 'punishment' was to admit it before Congress.

- Holder was protected from indictment for Perjury but was the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured after being caught committing Felony Perjury while trying to cover up Obama's fast and furious.

- THE FBI publicly announced they had recovered over 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy that were each individually 1 count of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and Federal records act.
*** Evidence has now exposed the Obama administration's DOJ and FBI agreement to protect Hillary from indictment / prison for her crimes.

Nice fairy tale, snowflake, but Democrats protecting Democrats from being held accountable for their crimes is just another reality on the list of things snowflakes refuse to accept.
If all of that was true then Trump would surly rectify it now that he is in charge, right? I’ll wait and see but forgive me for not holding my breath.
The coup is overblown rhetoric.

Coup may not be the right word but there is nothing overblown about what the left did and continues to do.

If overblown is what you seek just turn on CNN or BSNBC
Overblown is not what I seek at all. It’s the problem

Yeah, perhaps 'coup' - at least according to snowflakes - is too strong of a word to describe the intentional illegal investigation of the President for collusion, finding NO evidence of any crime (as per Page's testimony), and then collaborating with the DOJ, NSA, CIA, Trump-hating foreign spies and the Russians, knowingly illegally using a known unreliable document (according to Ohr's testimony) to defraud the FISA Court and Congress to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election and to get an official investigation opened up on Trump for something they already knew never happened and for which no evidence existed...all in an attempt to alter the 2016 election to ensure Hillary, who was protected from indictment / prison, would win.

Democrats? How about Dems and Reps... or Congress. It’s coming from both sides and has for a while now. If you can’t see that then you have blinders on.

Both engage in political theater. The Democrats are the only ones doing it right now as part of their on-going exposed criminal / treasonous coup attempt.
The coup is overblown rhetoric. If you want to stick to facts and reality then talk about their politicalization of the investigation. When you take it a step to far like you do then you discredit yourself.
is it?

*if* they lied to get an elected president out of office by means of using the government against them, then a threat like this to me is every bit as bad as if russia were in fact involved.

the president is here to defend the constitution against foreign OR domestic threats. *if* this was all based off revenge politics then the coup is NOT overblown rhetoric and i would want it dug into. this is not revenge on the democrats but rather, if no issue was there we cannot allow some kabuki theater every time someone is elected you don't like. that WILL happen if we don't penalize people for the behavior IF NOT based off actual events, but contrived ones it would seem that it was.
That’s just the thing... people like Rush and Hannity have been pushing false narratives and inaccurate timelines to create this coup conspiracy. Chris Wallace just debunked some
Major talking points of theirs a few days ago.

Fox News' Chris Wallace sets record straight on Russia probe: "This is going to drive some of our viewers nuts"
No one likes Chris Wallace. Chris Wallace exists to provide opposition opinion. Chris Wallace is more suited to CBS or MSNBC.

He is not bad enough to ever place at CNN. He'd be an outcast there.
I’ll wait to see how many of these traitors Trumps DOJ throws in jail. If none then we know all this crap you are spewing is nothing more than political garbage.
How so? You attempt to spread the false narrative that if someone is not convicted they never committed the crime. We know that NOT to be the case. The Obama administration and Democrats protected just about the entire Obama administration Cabinet / Agency Directors from indictment despite being proven to have committed crimes.
- Clapper was caught perjuring himself multiple times but protected.

- Brennan was caught illegally spying on US Senators - his 'punishment' was to admit it before Congress.

- Holder was protected from indictment for Perjury but was the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured after being caught committing Felony Perjury while trying to cover up Obama's fast and furious.

- THE FBI publicly announced they had recovered over 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy that were each individually 1 count of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and Federal records act.
*** Evidence has now exposed the Obama administration's DOJ and FBI agreement to protect Hillary from indictment / prison for her crimes.

Nice fairy tale, snowflake, but Democrats protecting Democrats from being held accountable for their crimes is just another reality on the list of things snowflakes refuse to accept.
If all of that was true then Trump would surly rectify it now that he is in charge, right? I’ll wait and see but forgive me for not holding my breath.

Give us about 3 years of tormenting you until we put these people behind bars.
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.
Why? Because proving you're full of shit is just fun.
But all you succeeded in demonstrating is that you are a reality-denying, fake-news spreading liar, continuing to help facilitate the Democrats' continued coup attempt against Trump....or that you are just stupid and had no idea that there is actually law that dictates what can and can not be released.

Whatever makes you happy in your own little delusional bubble....

Yet I just gave you an example how Trumpybear recently dictated that Congress receive highly classified data.

Yes, the coup will be completed some time in Nov. 2020 and will involve over 65 million American citizens rising up in unison to destroy the Trumpybear......um ....errrr, ops, I mean vote. Yeah rise up and vote....
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.
You expect snowflakes, who have denied reality since the day after the election in 2016, to simply suddenly embrace reality in 1 day?!

What are you thinking? :p

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