Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Plenty of jobs around--not enough takers. The Democrats have them in their suburban HUD homes, on their Obama phone, with a generous SNAP's card, and using Obama Care. Why work?
If they're on welfare, they have to apply and prove it. Being on welfare is a job unless you're disabled. Min wage jobs are a joke...Thanks GOP

If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

Not 10, you are lying. Three jobs and all they have to do is pick up a phone, call a business and ask if they are hiring, make a note of the time and date they called. Do that three times and they are eligible.
That's the way it is here. Me lie? I don't think so. Maybe because it's a rural GOP area....

You have been caught lying several times and then you change the subject. 10 jobs they have to apply? Then they wouldn't be unemployed in this market for long, so I think you are way off.
You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

What about the millions of folks having horrific experiences WITH Obamacare? No choice of companies, skyrocketing prices, and $5,000 to $10,000 deductibles making the insurance totally unusable?
You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

What about the millions of folks having horrific experiences WITH Obamacare? No choice of companies, skyrocketing prices, and $5,000 to $10,000 deductibles making the insurance totally unusable?

You hit the nail on the head. I applied for Commie Care, and that's exactly what they offer.

To keep my medical facility and doctor, they wanted over 20% of my net pay. The policy had a $7,000 deductible and a $7,000 out of pocket. No dental, no eye care, and a $50.00 copay for office visits.

For anything close to what I could use, they wanted over half of my net pay. WTF can live on half their income if they are a regular blue collar worker?

The good thing is the guy that makes my french fries has coverage. But french fry makers are Democrat voters, so of course they rigged it so they could afford subsidized healthcare insurance.
Damn hard to find in the typical corrupt GOP economic bubble/bust meltdown....see 1929, S+L, 2008 etc...just about anytime they have 8 years...

Plenty of jobs around--not enough takers. The Democrats have them in their suburban HUD homes, on their Obama phone, with a generous SNAP's card, and using Obama Care. Why work?
If they're on welfare, they have to apply and prove it. Being on welfare is a job unless you're disabled. Min wage jobs are a joke...Thanks GOP

If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

If they are disabled, then they go on disability, not welfare.

If they want to work a real job, send them our way. We need tens of thousands of drivers that industry can't find. Some companies will not only provide free training, but pay you while you learn.
They can be disabled temporarily, or waiting for SS disability. You don't see those paid training programs anymore. Wonder why, dupe...35 years of pander to the rich Reaganism, maybe?
If they're on welfare, they have to apply and prove it. Being on welfare is a job unless you're disabled. Min wage jobs are a joke...Thanks GOP

If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

Not 10, you are lying. Three jobs and all they have to do is pick up a phone, call a business and ask if they are hiring, make a note of the time and date they called. Do that three times and they are eligible.
That's the way it is here. Me lie? I don't think so. Maybe because it's a rural GOP area....

You have been caught lying several times and then you change the subject. 10 jobs they have to apply? Then they wouldn't be unemployed in this market for long, so I think you are way off.
Like most people, like you, I don't lie but may be mistaken, hater dupe. But I'm not. And you are usually baffled by New BS GOP BS. The little bits of misinformation add up to your hate of the poor. A lot have disqualifying history, crime, drug history, bad employment history not their fault. Dems have tried to make those less so. Blacks have been hurt the most. 1 out of 6 are disqualified though they've been punished and are reformed. HR computers don't care.
So the Hollywood elitist don't want to voluntarily give money to the poor, they want government to take money from them and go to all of government and not give it just to the poor. What a bunch of rich bastards! Why do the liberals hate the poor?

A conservative gets satisfaction by giving his or her money to the needy.

A liberal gets satisfaction by giving other peoples money to the needy.
Seems to me conservatives take more from the needy than they give. Even now congressional conservatives are plotting to take healthcare from millions of poor people.
Conservatives are also against raising the minimum wage and are dedicated to destroying the middle class.

bullshit. the ACA hurt the middle and lower classes much more than it hurt the rich. Higher premiums and deductibles are not a big deal for rich people, but they can devastate a middle class family.

Obamacare must go. The GOP missed an opportunity, they better get it done soon.
Have you ever stopped to consider why the GOP let the ACA stay intact? They control the government so what's up? Hint: Too many of their poor constituents like it. Repealing Obamacare is political suicide.

Yes, those getting it free like it. Those paying hate it. Who do you think represents the most GOP votes? Hint: not the ones getting it free.
ACTUALLY, dupe, rural poor are helped more than anyone. GOP poor. Even with GOP states mindlessly holding out.

The problem with ACA is the COST after decades of the bought off GOP letting costs run wild. FIX THE COSTS. Going back to scam policies and suffering is not the answer, chump.
Have you ever stopped to consider why the GOP let the ACA stay intact? They control the government so what's up? Hint: Too many of their poor constituents like it. Repealing Obamacare is political suicide.

They couldn't agree what to replace it with. Some thought it was ill advised to just kill it and let the government dependents hang.

But they are working on the plan again, and this time it has more Freedom Caucus supporters.
There will be no repeal. Its political suicide to do so!

How do you figure?

According to the DumBama White House, they created 20 million more new government dependents. 20 million more in a country of 315 million people.

Many others (including myself) got screwed because DumBama gave reasonable healthcare to Democrat constituents at the expense of likely Republican voters.

I think there are more of us than more of them, and making us happy about the change outweighs the liberal losers even if it boiled down to them losing their healthcare.

If they do something so I can get my coverage back, guess what? I could care less if all of them lost theirs. After all, they had no concern about people like us when they got coverage paid by us.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.
Now you're covered for catastrophe, so you don't lose your real estate empire- the way insurance was going anyway. FIX THE COSTS. At last we have a way of doing so.
They couldn't agree what to replace it with. Some thought it was ill advised to just kill it and let the government dependents hang.

But they are working on the plan again, and this time it has more Freedom Caucus supporters.
There will be no repeal. Its political suicide to do so!

How do you figure?

According to the DumBama White House, they created 20 million more new government dependents. 20 million more in a country of 315 million people.

Many others (including myself) got screwed because DumBama gave reasonable healthcare to Democrat constituents at the expense of likely Republican voters.

I think there are more of us than more of them, and making us happy about the change outweighs the liberal losers even if it boiled down to them losing their healthcare.

If they do something so I can get my coverage back, guess what? I could care less if all of them lost theirs. After all, they had no concern about people like us when they got coverage paid by us.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.
Now you're covered for catastrophe, so you don't lose your real estate empire- the way insurance was going anyway. FIX THE COSTS. At last we have a way of doing so.

I'm not covered at all, that's the problem.

Without DumBama and the Democrats, I would still likely have coverage today. But this scheme was designed to give lowlifes insurance that they could afford at a cost to working middle-class people. Lowlifes vote Democrat--productive working people likely vote Republican.
Seems to me conservatives take more from the needy than they give. Even now congressional conservatives are plotting to take healthcare from millions of poor people.
Conservatives are also against raising the minimum wage and are dedicated to destroying the middle class.

How do conservatives take from the needy when the needy doesn't have anything of their own?

Raise minimum wage, and you encourage more businesses to invest in automation. Raise minimum wage, employers cut jobs. Why do you suppose many jobs left the country or were replaced with automation? That's right, because American labor is too expensive. So how will making it more expensive help?

You don't know what the conservatives have in mind for healthcare, so until it comes out, your statement is ridiculous.
The needy have Obamacare for one thing and the GOP wants to take it away. The working poor do some of the most dangerous jobs but the GOP wants to tone down safety requirements. Most egregious of all is the exploitation of poor kids who see hope in joining the military for a better future...only to be used as canon fodder when capitalists deem it necessary to start a war somewhere to protect their investments. Moreover, war is profitable... war doubles annual profits at the expense of the poor soldier looking for a better life.

Key findings include:

  • Increasing the federal minimum wage would raise the wages of about 28 million workers, who would receive nearly $40 billion in additional wages over the phase-in period.2
  • Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period.
  • Those who would see wage increases do not fit some of the stereotypes of minimum-wage workers.
    • Women would be disproportionately affected, comprising nearly 55 percent of those who would benefit.
    • Nearly 88 percent of workers who would benefit are at least 20 years old.
    • Although workers of all races and ethnicities would benefit from the increase, non-Hispanic white workers comprise the largest share (about 56 percent) of those who would be affected.
    • About 42 percent of affected workers have at least some college education.
    • Around 54 percent of affected workers work full time, over 70 percent are in families with incomes of less than $60,000, more than a quarter are parents, and over a third are married.
    • The average affected worker earns about half of his or her family’s total income.
How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost

You have to be completely brainwashed or completely stupid to believe that any politician gives a shit whether you (or the poor) have healthcare or not. This was not about getting everybody covered, it was about creating as many government dependents as they could. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. Considering most of those workers are kids in school, stay at home moms working for extra money while their kids are in school, or senior citizens looking to get out of the house, raising minimum wage would only encourage employers to invest in automation to replace them as McDonald's and Wendy's are currently doing.

The politicians care about staying in office. I haven't suggested they are concerned about anything else. Threatening to fire them via the vote is the only leverage we have to get them to do what we want. Obviously that tactic worked... we still have Obamacare.

You seem to be completely delusional and selectively ignorant. Even when I put data right in front of you it is ignored and you ramble on.
I said:
"Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period."

You looked at that and wrote:

"As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. "

There will be no repeal. Its political suicide to do so!

How do you figure?

According to the DumBama White House, they created 20 million more new government dependents. 20 million more in a country of 315 million people.

Many others (including myself) got screwed because DumBama gave reasonable healthcare to Democrat constituents at the expense of likely Republican voters.

I think there are more of us than more of them, and making us happy about the change outweighs the liberal losers even if it boiled down to them losing their healthcare.

If they do something so I can get my coverage back, guess what? I could care less if all of them lost theirs. After all, they had no concern about people like us when they got coverage paid by us.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.

You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

Maybe there's something you didn't know, and that is we are a country of 315 million people. Even if your hand picked estimates were true, WTF is 100,000 jobs in that time? Hell, nearly 300,000 jobs were created in February alone without minimum wage increases.

The Republican led Congress ran on getting rid of Commie Care since they took leadership. Since that time, the Republicans have gained more momentum every year. So they're not worried about 20 million people--most of whom are on government programs anyway. We have less of a percentage of people with private healthcare today than we did in 2008.
The point duh is no job loss, as you're duped.

ACA keeps poor workers off welfare to get care. Which you already paid for anyway, just in the stupidest way possible.
Plenty of jobs around--not enough takers. The Democrats have them in their suburban HUD homes, on their Obama phone, with a generous SNAP's card, and using Obama Care. Why work?
If they're on welfare, they have to apply and prove it. Being on welfare is a job unless you're disabled. Min wage jobs are a joke...Thanks GOP

If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

If they are disabled, then they go on disability, not welfare.

If they want to work a real job, send them our way. We need tens of thousands of drivers that industry can't find. Some companies will not only provide free training, but pay you while you learn.
They can be disabled temporarily, or waiting for SS disability. You don't see those paid training programs anymore. Wonder why, dupe...35 years of pander to the rich Reaganism, maybe?

Sure they do, transportation companies offer free training all the time. Need me to go to Craigs List and pull a couple out to post here?
There will be no repeal. Its political suicide to do so!

How do you figure?

According to the DumBama White House, they created 20 million more new government dependents. 20 million more in a country of 315 million people.

Many others (including myself) got screwed because DumBama gave reasonable healthcare to Democrat constituents at the expense of likely Republican voters.

I think there are more of us than more of them, and making us happy about the change outweighs the liberal losers even if it boiled down to them losing their healthcare.

If they do something so I can get my coverage back, guess what? I could care less if all of them lost theirs. After all, they had no concern about people like us when they got coverage paid by us.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.
Now you're covered for catastrophe, so you don't lose your real estate empire- the way insurance was going anyway. FIX THE COSTS. At last we have a way of doing so.

I'm not covered at all, that's the problem.

Without DumBama and the Democrats, I would still likely have coverage today. But this scheme was designed to give lowlifes insurance that they could afford at a cost to working middle-class people. Lowlifes vote Democrat--productive working people likely vote Republican.
It's your dupe boss to blame. And I'm sorry. Won't he have to do it soon under ACA? Or FIX IT. It was just a framework to use forever- The GOP plan. And needs a little time to work.

There is no difference in standing between white Dems and GOPers- Yes, blacks are feqed. And rural GOPers have been helped more than anyone by ACA.
If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

Not 10, you are lying. Three jobs and all they have to do is pick up a phone, call a business and ask if they are hiring, make a note of the time and date they called. Do that three times and they are eligible.
That's the way it is here. Me lie? I don't think so. Maybe because it's a rural GOP area....

You have been caught lying several times and then you change the subject. 10 jobs they have to apply? Then they wouldn't be unemployed in this market for long, so I think you are way off.
Like most people, like you, I don't lie but may be mistaken, hater dupe. But I'm not. And you are usually baffled by New BS GOP BS. The little bits of misinformation add up to your hate of the poor. A lot have disqualifying history, crime, drug history, bad employment history not their fault. Dems have tried to make those less so. Blacks have been hurt the most. 1 out of 6 are disqualified though they've been punished and are reformed. HR computers don't care.

I interview everyone. I hate computers sifting through the apps, I want the communication with real people. Computers are terrible for sifting out potential candidates.
If they're on welfare, they have to apply and prove it. Being on welfare is a job unless you're disabled. Min wage jobs are a joke...Thanks GOP

If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

If they are disabled, then they go on disability, not welfare.

If they want to work a real job, send them our way. We need tens of thousands of drivers that industry can't find. Some companies will not only provide free training, but pay you while you learn.
They can be disabled temporarily, or waiting for SS disability. You don't see those paid training programs anymore. Wonder why, dupe...35 years of pander to the rich Reaganism, maybe?

Sure they do, transportation companies offer free training all the time. Need me to go to Craigs List and pull a couple out to post here?
What's the catch? Always seem to be one...
How do you figure?

According to the DumBama White House, they created 20 million more new government dependents. 20 million more in a country of 315 million people.

Many others (including myself) got screwed because DumBama gave reasonable healthcare to Democrat constituents at the expense of likely Republican voters.

I think there are more of us than more of them, and making us happy about the change outweighs the liberal losers even if it boiled down to them losing their healthcare.

If they do something so I can get my coverage back, guess what? I could care less if all of them lost theirs. After all, they had no concern about people like us when they got coverage paid by us.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.
Now you're covered for catastrophe, so you don't lose your real estate empire- the way insurance was going anyway. FIX THE COSTS. At last we have a way of doing so.

I'm not covered at all, that's the problem.

Without DumBama and the Democrats, I would still likely have coverage today. But this scheme was designed to give lowlifes insurance that they could afford at a cost to working middle-class people. Lowlifes vote Democrat--productive working people likely vote Republican.
It's your dupe boss to blame. And I'm sorry. Won't he have to do it soon under ACA? Or FIX IT. It was just a framework to use forever- The GOP plan. And needs a little time to work.

There is no difference in standing between white Dems and GOPers- Yes, blacks are feqed. And rural GOPers have been helped more than anyone by ACA.

If they are on welfare, they have to prove it? Prove what????

How is being on welfare a job? Thanks Commies.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

If they are disabled, then they go on disability, not welfare.

If they want to work a real job, send them our way. We need tens of thousands of drivers that industry can't find. Some companies will not only provide free training, but pay you while you learn.
They can be disabled temporarily, or waiting for SS disability. You don't see those paid training programs anymore. Wonder why, dupe...35 years of pander to the rich Reaganism, maybe?

Sure they do, transportation companies offer free training all the time. Need me to go to Craigs List and pull a couple out to post here?
What's the catch? Always seem to be one...

Some make you sign a year contract to work with them, some two years, but hey, you're guaranteed a job, plus after your contract is up, you can work anywhere in the country, make your own schedule, and have a well paying job.
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

Not 10, you are lying. Three jobs and all they have to do is pick up a phone, call a business and ask if they are hiring, make a note of the time and date they called. Do that three times and they are eligible.
That's the way it is here. Me lie? I don't think so. Maybe because it's a rural GOP area....

You have been caught lying several times and then you change the subject. 10 jobs they have to apply? Then they wouldn't be unemployed in this market for long, so I think you are way off.
Like most people, like you, I don't lie but may be mistaken, hater dupe. But I'm not. And you are usually baffled by New BS GOP BS. The little bits of misinformation add up to your hate of the poor. A lot have disqualifying history, crime, drug history, bad employment history not their fault. Dems have tried to make those less so. Blacks have been hurt the most. 1 out of 6 are disqualified though they've been punished and are reformed. HR computers don't care.

I interview everyone. I hate computers sifting through the apps, I want the communication with real people. Computers are terrible for sifting out potential candidates.
Good man. But an exception.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.
Now you're covered for catastrophe, so you don't lose your real estate empire- the way insurance was going anyway. FIX THE COSTS. At last we have a way of doing so.

I'm not covered at all, that's the problem.

Without DumBama and the Democrats, I would still likely have coverage today. But this scheme was designed to give lowlifes insurance that they could afford at a cost to working middle-class people. Lowlifes vote Democrat--productive working people likely vote Republican.
It's your dupe boss to blame. And I'm sorry. Won't he have to do it soon under ACA? Or FIX IT. It was just a framework to use forever- The GOP plan. And needs a little time to work.

There is no difference in standing between white Dems and GOPers- Yes, blacks are feqed. And rural GOPers have been helped more than anyone by ACA.

Obama's Health Law: Who Was Helped Most - The New York Times
Oct 29, 2014 - Rural areas have fallen further behind larger metropolitan areas. Women are the one modest exception. They have benefited more from Obamacare than men, and they ... who was helped most by the passage of the Affordable Care Act. ... insurance gains does not mean that only Republicans signed up; ...
PressReader - Los Angeles Times: 2017-03-12 - Obamacare ...
PressReader.com - Connecting People Through News
Mar 12, 2017 - Obamacare replacement hits Trump voters hard ... in conservative, rural parts of the country — stand to lose the most in ... In nearly 1,500 counties nationwide, such a person stands to lose more than$6,000 a ... But many of the areas where Trump won big have been helped most by Obamacare's system of ...
Obamacare Repeal Threatens Rural Hospitals and the Trump Voters ...
Jan 4, 2017 - Obamacare Repeal Threatens Rural Hospitals and the Trump ... “This hospital, all my life, has been here,” says Keller, now retired. ... In the past six years, more than 70 such facilities have closed, citing ... While the passage of Obamacare was described as historic, many here do not think it helped them.
Donald Trump's Betrayal of the White Working Class - The Atlantic
Nov 22, 2016 - Simply Repealing Obamacare Will Hurt the White Working Class ... its passage, Republicanswill have what they need to repeal the Affordable Care Act. ... Trump has been widely credited for tapping the economic anxiety of many white .... discovers is way more complicated than “anyone” ever imagined?
As Republicans And Democrats Argue Over Obamacare Repeal - NPR
Jan 4, 2017 - Lots of facts have been thrown around as the new GOP Congress takes steps ... Obamacareis also actually cheaper on average than the typical employer-provided plan. ... Most people buying insurance on the exchanges receive a ... Schumer also suggested that repealing Obamacare would hurtrural ...
Seems to me conservatives take more from the needy than they give. Even now congressional conservatives are plotting to take healthcare from millions of poor people.
Conservatives are also against raising the minimum wage and are dedicated to destroying the middle class.

How do conservatives take from the needy when the needy doesn't have anything of their own?

Raise minimum wage, and you encourage more businesses to invest in automation. Raise minimum wage, employers cut jobs. Why do you suppose many jobs left the country or were replaced with automation? That's right, because American labor is too expensive. So how will making it more expensive help?

You don't know what the conservatives have in mind for healthcare, so until it comes out, your statement is ridiculous.
The needy have Obamacare for one thing and the GOP wants to take it away. The working poor do some of the most dangerous jobs but the GOP wants to tone down safety requirements. Most egregious of all is the exploitation of poor kids who see hope in joining the military for a better future...only to be used as canon fodder when capitalists deem it necessary to start a war somewhere to protect their investments. Moreover, war is profitable... war doubles annual profits at the expense of the poor soldier looking for a better life.

Key findings include:

  • Increasing the federal minimum wage would raise the wages of about 28 million workers, who would receive nearly $40 billion in additional wages over the phase-in period.2
  • Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period.
  • Those who would see wage increases do not fit some of the stereotypes of minimum-wage workers.
    • Women would be disproportionately affected, comprising nearly 55 percent of those who would benefit.
    • Nearly 88 percent of workers who would benefit are at least 20 years old.
    • Although workers of all races and ethnicities would benefit from the increase, non-Hispanic white workers comprise the largest share (about 56 percent) of those who would be affected.
    • About 42 percent of affected workers have at least some college education.
    • Around 54 percent of affected workers work full time, over 70 percent are in families with incomes of less than $60,000, more than a quarter are parents, and over a third are married.
    • The average affected worker earns about half of his or her family’s total income.
How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost

You have to be completely brainwashed or completely stupid to believe that any politician gives a shit whether you (or the poor) have healthcare or not. This was not about getting everybody covered, it was about creating as many government dependents as they could. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. Considering most of those workers are kids in school, stay at home moms working for extra money while their kids are in school, or senior citizens looking to get out of the house, raising minimum wage would only encourage employers to invest in automation to replace them as McDonald's and Wendy's are currently doing.

The politicians care about staying in office. I haven't suggested they are concerned about anything else. Threatening to fire them via the vote is the only leverage we have to get them to do what we want. Obviously that tactic worked... we still have Obamacare.

You seem to be completely delusional and selectively ignorant. Even when I put data right in front of you it is ignored and you ramble on.
I said:
"Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period."

You looked at that and wrote:

"As for minimum wage: those workers are only 3% of our workforce, hardly any percentage large enough to create any positive effect on the economy or poverty. "

There will be no repeal. Its political suicide to do so!

How do you figure?

According to the DumBama White House, they created 20 million more new government dependents. 20 million more in a country of 315 million people.

Many others (including myself) got screwed because DumBama gave reasonable healthcare to Democrat constituents at the expense of likely Republican voters.

I think there are more of us than more of them, and making us happy about the change outweighs the liberal losers even if it boiled down to them losing their healthcare.

If they do something so I can get my coverage back, guess what? I could care less if all of them lost theirs. After all, they had no concern about people like us when they got coverage paid by us.
DO you want to go back to the days of "pre-existing conditions"and "drop 'em when they get sick" no matter how much they paid for the premiums?

I would love to, because I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 30 years, and until Commie Care became the law of the land, I was covered with my preexisting condition my entire adult life.

You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

your last sentence is a blatant lie. NO one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE, even those in our country illegally.
Yup, 500k bankruptcies WITH good (scam) insurance, 45k deaths with no insurance, choosing assets over life, many cutoffs, 17+% of GDP and no end in sight etc etc etc. Great job!!
They have to apply for 10 jobs/week and prove it, and work at min wage for benefits usually, unless they're disable. No picnic. They want a real job. You live in a dream world.

If they are disabled, then they go on disability, not welfare.

If they want to work a real job, send them our way. We need tens of thousands of drivers that industry can't find. Some companies will not only provide free training, but pay you while you learn.
They can be disabled temporarily, or waiting for SS disability. You don't see those paid training programs anymore. Wonder why, dupe...35 years of pander to the rich Reaganism, maybe?

Sure they do, transportation companies offer free training all the time. Need me to go to Craigs List and pull a couple out to post here?
What's the catch? Always seem to be one...

Some make you sign a year contract to work with them, some two years, but hey, you're guaranteed a job, plus after your contract is up, you can work anywhere in the country, make your own schedule, and have a well paying job.
I never saw one in 3 years of looking 2006-9.
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You were one of the lucky ones. But the world does not revolve around YOU. Other folks had horrific experiences before Obamacare.

What about the millions of folks having horrific experiences WITH Obamacare? No choice of companies, skyrocketing prices, and $5,000 to $10,000 deductibles making the insurance totally unusable?
GOP/crony sabotage and ridiculous costs make it difficult. It needs time to work- GOP plan.

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