Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times


Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.

To keep them at poverty level. Not to move them from the public dole to self sustaining. Liberal programs keep them stuck in a poor pattern.

Not all of these keep them there. They are for certain reasons and to help people during certain times.

Right, like the times you don't feel like supporting yourself.

These are generalizations and you are talking in absolutes. What you should be doing is looking at things on a case by case basis. That is better and much more efficient and if you looked at things case by case, I'll likely even agree with you on some cases.
actually our founders came here to be free not to be leeches!!!

The America of the founders from the 18th century is not the America of the 21st century.

So? What's your point? Do you think that we are less responsible, less capable, lazier than our founders or the people of that time?

And if you do believe that, how did we get that way?

My point is that we have evolved as a nation for the better. This isn't black and white.

So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.
Because they relieve you of responsibilities?

You don't know me. You know nothing of me. Sometimes I might need this and other times they are beneficial for the better of society.

But we do.

Except you don't. You only know me through this forum, not my personal life and story or what I'm doing with myself.

I can figure out a poster in a heartbeat

That is what you say, but you are assuming the worst out of me, which is just not true. Even if I needed a safety net if I needed to, it is humane and necessary to help those through tough times.

If you want help and need a few bucks just ask... Don't steal it from me..
The America of the founders from the 18th century is not the America of the 21st century.

So? What's your point? Do you think that we are less responsible, less capable, lazier than our founders or the people of that time?

And if you do believe that, how did we get that way?

My point is that we have evolved as a nation for the better. This isn't black and white.

So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.
The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times


Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.

To keep them at poverty level. Not to move them from the public dole to self sustaining. Liberal programs keep them stuck in a poor pattern.

Not all of these keep them there. They are for certain reasons and to help people during certain times.

Right, like the times you don't feel like supporting yourself.

These are generalizations and you are talking in absolutes. What you should be doing is looking at things on a case by case basis. That is better and much more efficient and if you looked at things case by case, I'll likely even agree with you on some cases.

What some cases?

What is poverty? Poverty is the situation of having little money or no money.
What is the solution to poverty? More money.
How does one acquire more money? Get a job and avoid huge expenses like having children you can't afford.

Now, this is exactly what I did in life. Please explain to me how others cannot do what I did.
You don't know me. You know nothing of me. Sometimes I might need this and other times they are beneficial for the better of society.

But we do.

Except you don't. You only know me through this forum, not my personal life and story or what I'm doing with myself.

I can figure out a poster in a heartbeat

That is what you say, but you are assuming the worst out of me, which is just not true. Even if I needed a safety net if I needed to, it is humane and necessary to help those through tough times.

If you want help and need a few bucks just ask... Don't steal it from me..

Tax dollars are going to go somewhere and someone else is bound to use them and benefit from them one way or another. That's how it works. You have no control over it.
So? What's your point? Do you think that we are less responsible, less capable, lazier than our founders or the people of that time?

And if you do believe that, how did we get that way?

My point is that we have evolved as a nation for the better. This isn't black and white.

So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.


When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.
Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.

To keep them at poverty level. Not to move them from the public dole to self sustaining. Liberal programs keep them stuck in a poor pattern.

Not all of these keep them there. They are for certain reasons and to help people during certain times.

Right, like the times you don't feel like supporting yourself.

These are generalizations and you are talking in absolutes. What you should be doing is looking at things on a case by case basis. That is better and much more efficient and if you looked at things case by case, I'll likely even agree with you on some cases.

What some cases?

What is poverty? Poverty is the situation of having little money or no money.
What is the solution to poverty? More money.
How does one acquire more money? Get a job and avoid huge expenses like having children you can't afford.

Now, this is exactly what I did in life. Please explain to me how others cannot do what I did.

As I said earlier in this thread, jobs are ideal, but I'm unapologetic about believing people legitimately struggling should receive assistance and a safety net through hard times should they need one. I will always believe in that. Don't forget there's also the working poor who get assistance as well.
So? What's your point? Do you think that we are less responsible, less capable, lazier than our founders or the people of that time?

And if you do believe that, how did we get that way?

My point is that we have evolved as a nation for the better. This isn't black and white.

So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.

When has the government helped people by taking money?

Be specific
My point is that we have evolved as a nation for the better. This isn't black and white.

So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.


When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.

That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.
My point is that we have evolved as a nation for the better. This isn't black and white.

So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.

When has the government helped people by taking money?

Be specific

Spending through tax dollars to provide for social programs for the common good which has helped people's lives and the quality of said programs to assist others.
So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.

When has the government helped people by taking money?

Be specific

Spending through tax dollars to provide for social programs for the common good which has helped people's lives and the quality of said programs to assist others.

Assist? Or give them the option to not work and not try harder? That's the problem. These wonderful social programs also promote irresponsibility. Have as many kids as you like.......don't worry.....taxpayers will take care of them. Pissed off at your boss? No worry, quit your job and go on welfare. And don't worry about getting medical care. If you don't have anything, medical care is FREE! Just ask your working neighbor who is paying for it but can't afford healthcare insurance for himself!
So by evolved, you mean more dependent on the federal government? If so, I guess you got me there.

We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.


When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.

That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.
We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.

When has the government helped people by taking money?

Be specific

Spending through tax dollars to provide for social programs for the common good which has helped people's lives and the quality of said programs to assist others.

Assist? Or give them the option to not work and not try harder? That's the problem. These wonderful social programs also promote irresponsibility. Have as many kids as you like.......don't worry.....taxpayers will take care of them. Pissed off at your boss? No worry, quit your job and go on welfare. And don't worry about getting medical care. If you don't have anything, medical care is FREE! Just ask your working neighbor who is paying for it but can't afford healthcare insurance for himself!

Let me break this down for you by examples.

Person who is able to work but doesn't want to and is too lazy should get off the couch and go job hunting without a chance to abuse the system. You don't get to quit your job, do nothing and make no effort to work whatsoever.

Person who wants to work, but is unable to find work, gets laid off, is disabled and thus physically incapable to do work, person who has fallen on tough times, person who is working a job, maybe two and still needs extra help, go right ahead and get some assistance. I don't mind and the government can afford it.

That's my perspective. I have broken it down into different classifications.
We are more evolved that the government does a better job looking out for and serving its people and guaranteeing protections for them. Thank goodness for the programs that help certain people.

That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.


When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.

That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.

Maybe even they themselves are paying into some of these programs, and these programs aren't always a bad thing.

Maybe not everybody has the same circumstances you do.
That's exactly what I said, more government dependency.

It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.


When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.

That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.

Maybe even they themselves are paying into some of these programs, and these programs aren't always a bad thing.

Maybe not everybody has the same circumstances you do.

I wasn't born Rich I earned it.. And at this point it , it doesn't mean a thing
It's not dependency. It's people utilizing programs that help them and that isn't a bad thing. The government hasn't always done good things, but they've also done a lot of good for helping out the people at home. Serving the people is an obligation of the government.


When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.

That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.

Maybe even they themselves are paying into some of these programs, and these programs aren't always a bad thing.

Maybe not everybody has the same circumstances you do.

I wasn't born Rich I earned it.. And at this point it , it doesn't mean a thing

Good for you, but that's no reason for you to look down upon those who need help during tough times.

When you rely on others to give you money, housing, healthcare, food, you are dependent on them.

That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.

Maybe even they themselves are paying into some of these programs, and these programs aren't always a bad thing.

Maybe not everybody has the same circumstances you do.

I wasn't born Rich I earned it.. And at this point it , it doesn't mean a thing

Good for you, but that's no reason for you to look down upon those who need help during tough times.

But I never do, I was one of them..
That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.

Maybe even they themselves are paying into some of these programs, and these programs aren't always a bad thing.

Maybe not everybody has the same circumstances you do.

I wasn't born Rich I earned it.. And at this point it , it doesn't mean a thing

Good for you, but that's no reason for you to look down upon those who need help during tough times.

But I never do, I was one of them..

I am legitimately happy for you and hope others who are struggling do the same and lift themselves up. I just would like to ask you to look at things on a case by case basis instead of grouping everybody in the same boat and casting stones.
That is how we are more evolved because the government has often looked out for us that we the people enjoy certain programs from. This country is mixed and thankfully we have neither total capitalism nor total socialism. It shouldn't be looked down upon or justify calling people pejoratives.

Of course they are enjoying those programs. Somebody else is paying for them.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question how what I did can't be done by others.

Maybe even they themselves are paying into some of these programs, and these programs aren't always a bad thing.

Maybe not everybody has the same circumstances you do.

I wasn't born Rich I earned it.. And at this point it , it doesn't mean a thing

Good for you, but that's no reason for you to look down upon those who need help during tough times.

But I never do, I was one of them..

I knew what it was like, your preaching to the wrong person here.

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