Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

What works in some places might not work here. What may work here might not work in other places.

It all looks good on paper, but in practice, it just isn't the right way to go. You can't read the positives about a program or policy without looking at the ramifications.

Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.

No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

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I can also provide a source which doesn't portray our system favorably versus others.

My impression is that if it was up to some people on here, there would be:

No unions
No Social Security
No Medicare
No Medicaid
No protection for pre-existing conditions
No consumer protection
No environmental protection
Complete deregulations
No welfare/social programs/safety
An increase to an already bloated defense budget and caving in the the military industrial complex.

I'm just thankful those aren't in charge.

Thankful? Now take a look at your list and tell me we're not too dependent on the federal government.
Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.
Absolutely deadly insane liberals would have us adopt socialism in healthcare and every industry even though it killed 120 million

Socialized healthcare is how we ensure everyone is treated. It's an irrational fear of socialism without realizing socialist programs and services are around us in our everyday lives.
We already have a form of (emergency) health care. It is probably the most expensive option.

In my opinion, it is about optimizing social safety nets to lower costs.

nothing run by the government results in lower costs, nothing!
trying to be right, at least, twice a day?

We already have a form of (emergency) health care. It is probably the most expensive option.

Is socialized medicine, less expensive than that?

Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.

No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

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I can also provide a source which doesn't portray our system favorably versus others.

My impression is that if it was up to some people on here, there would be:

No unions
No Social Security
No Medicare
No Medicaid
No protection for pre-existing conditions
No consumer protection
No environmental protection
Complete deregulations
No welfare/social programs/safety
An increase to an already bloated defense budget and caving in the the military industrial complex.

I'm just thankful those aren't in charge.

Thankful? Now take a look at your list and tell me we're not too dependent on the federal government.

My list tells me I'm glad the federal government has gotten involved.
No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I can also provide a source which doesn't portray our system favorably versus others.

My impression is that if it was up to some people on here, there would be:

No unions
No Social Security
No Medicare
No Medicaid
No protection for pre-existing conditions
No consumer protection
No environmental protection
Complete deregulations
No welfare/social programs/safety
An increase to an already bloated defense budget and caving in the the military industrial complex.

I'm just thankful those aren't in charge.

Thankful? Now take a look at your list and tell me we're not too dependent on the federal government.

My list tells me I'm glad the federal government has gotten involved.

so why not tell us the best example of govt involvement if you dare??
Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I can also provide a source which doesn't portray our system favorably versus others.

My impression is that if it was up to some people on here, there would be:

No unions
No Social Security
No Medicare
No Medicaid
No protection for pre-existing conditions
No consumer protection
No environmental protection
Complete deregulations
No welfare/social programs/safety
An increase to an already bloated defense budget and caving in the the military industrial complex.

I'm just thankful those aren't in charge.

Thankful? Now take a look at your list and tell me we're not too dependent on the federal government.

My list tells me I'm glad the federal government has gotten involved.

so why not tell us the best example of govt involvement if you dare??

All of the above are great examples, in my opinion and getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.
getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be worth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberalism is based in ignorance>?
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getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???
If they vote Dem, they want their own taxes raised to help the poor and the nonrich. You're not aware of a helluva lot lol. Change the channel.

So the Hollywood elitist don't want to voluntarily give money to the poor, they want government to take money from them and go to all of government and not give it just to the poor. What a bunch of rich bastards! Why do the liberals hate the poor?

A conservative gets satisfaction by giving his or her money to the needy.

A liberal gets satisfaction by giving other peoples money to the needy.
Seems to me conservatives take more from the needy than they give. Even now congressional conservatives are plotting to take healthcare from millions of poor people.
Conservatives are also against raising the minimum wage and are dedicated to destroying the middle class.

How do conservatives take from the needy when the needy doesn't have anything of their own?

Raise minimum wage, and you encourage more businesses to invest in automation. Raise minimum wage, employers cut jobs. Why do you suppose many jobs left the country or were replaced with automation? That's right, because American labor is too expensive. So how will making it more expensive help?

You don't know what the conservatives have in mind for healthcare, so until it comes out, your statement is ridiculous.
The needy have Obamacare for one thing and the GOP wants to take it away. The working poor do some of the most dangerous jobs but the GOP wants to tone down safety requirements. Most egregious of all is the exploitation of poor kids who see hope in joining the military for a better future...only to be used as canon fodder when capitalists deem it necessary to start a war somewhere to protect their investments. Moreover, war is profitable... war doubles annual profits at the expense of the poor soldier looking for a better life.

Key findings include:

  • Increasing the federal minimum wage would raise the wages of about 28 million workers, who would receive nearly $40 billion in additional wages over the phase-in period.2
  • Across the phase-in period of the minimum-wage increase, GDP would increase by roughly $25 billion, resulting in the creation of approximately 100,000 net new jobs over that period.
  • Those who would see wage increases do not fit some of the stereotypes of minimum-wage workers.
    • Women would be disproportionately affected, comprising nearly 55 percent of those who would benefit.
    • Nearly 88 percent of workers who would benefit are at least 20 years old.
    • Although workers of all races and ethnicities would benefit from the increase, non-Hispanic white workers comprise the largest share (about 56 percent) of those who would be affected.
    • About 42 percent of affected workers have at least some college education.
    • Around 54 percent of affected workers work full time, over 70 percent are in families with incomes of less than $60,000, more than a quarter are parents, and over a third are married.
    • The average affected worker earns about half of his or her family’s total income.
How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost
So what you're saying is trickle up poor

getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times

getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

It's money I'm going to get. Money I paid into. If there still is Social Security since I'm about 40 years away from retirement. They tell me how much money they take out on each check that I'll get back.
getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times


Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.
getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times


Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.

Translation you want other people's money

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times


Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.

Translation you want other people's money


For what it's worth I am not on welfare but I know social programs and benefits are essential to who we are as a nation.
getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

It's money I'm going to get. Money I paid into. If there still is Social Security since I'm about 40 years away from retirement. They tell me how much money they take out on each check that I'll get back.
Your counting on that?

40 years?
It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

The liberals want you to die

We have heard it so many times


Not at all. I want programs that are going to benefit people who need them for one way or another.

Translation you want other people's money


For what it's worth I am not on welfare but I know social programs and benefits are essential to who we are as a nation.

You're a female... Carry on I will Back off

It's money I'm going to get. Money I paid into.

totally stupid and liberal as always. The govt is $20 trillion in debt and projected to be $100 million in debt by time you retire. Would you rather put your 15% in a private account that govt liberals can not touch to yield $1.4 million or pray the govt stays solvent enough to give you your dog food money when you retire. What is your favorite brand of dog food??
getting universal healthcare would add to that wonderful list.

how is social security wonderful when you get dog food money after giving them 15% of your life time income that would normally be wroth $1.4 million??? See why we say liberallism is based in ignorance>?

It's something we have for us later in lives. Our hard earned money that we could collect and fall back on when we near retirement age.
actually the question is, later in life do you want dog food money from liberal swine or $1.4 million dollars that is rightfully yours???

It's money I'm going to get. Money I paid into. If there still is Social Security since I'm about 40 years away from retirement. They tell me how much money they take out on each check that I'll get back.

40 years? Then allow me to suggest something.

Take your deductions on paper and give that to a reputable investment company, and ask them at that rate of the deduction, calculate how much would you be worth in 40 years? Take the quote they give you, divide that up by the months of the average American lifespan.

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