Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Socialized healthcare is how we ensure everyone is treated. It's an irrational fear of socialism without realizing socialist programs and services are around us in our everyday lives.

Sock, where? What do you consider to be the socialist programs and services around us every day?

People joining together to pay for a service is NOT Socialism.

Do you know the definition of Socialism?

So public ownership in which we all pay taxes into something and fund it so all of us could use it sounds like socialism to me.
So public ownership in which we all pay taxes into something and fund it so all of us could use it sounds like socialism to me.

Which proves you do not know the meaning of the word.

Sock, do yourself a favor and educate yourself even just slightly would help you.

To learn what is Socialism, see Venezuela or North Korea.
So public ownership in which we all pay taxes into something and fund it so all of us could use it sounds like socialism to me.

Which proves you do not know the meaning of the word.

Sock, do yourself a favor and educate yourself even just slightly would help you.

To learn what is Socialism, see Venezuela or North Korea.

I am against both total socialism and total capitalism and would like to see middle ground.
Socialized healthcare is how we ensure everyone is treated. It's an irrational fear of socialism without realizing socialist programs and services are around us in our everyday lives.

Sock, where? What do you consider to be the socialist programs and services around us every day?

People joining together to pay for a service is NOT Socialism.

Do you know the definition of Socialism?

So public ownership in which we all pay taxes into something and fund it so all of us could use it sounds like socialism to me.
hahahahahahaha how much tax do the poor pay into your new system?
Because of the GOP and discrimination. Great job! Charles is a selfish dupe.

You are a hater, the issue is the Dems have done absolutely nothing to get poor blacks out of the ghettos and making it even to middle class. Decades and decades, liberal cities, liberal states and they have democrats have done nothing.
Blocked by the GOP the last 30 years- Carter and Teddy feuding blew that 4 years. You have to go back to LBJ....this is GOP policy the last 30-35 years. Great for the rich...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

So you can't give one example of a Democratic getting a poor black family off the public dole? But I thought the Democratic Party is pure and noble? Lol! They are the rich, helping the rich!
MANY in Dem cities with high min wages...NY getting free U's...

Minimum wage is getting people out of property? Lol! Try again, because you have named one program yet that has moved them off public assistance.
Because the GOP has done nothing but block and cut such programs since Nixon duhhh. The stimulus infrastructure jobs got many out of poverty temporarily...and Obama did get college loans a bit cheaper. Otherwise, Great job, GOP! BTW, you're a brainwashed fool of the greedy idiot rich...
No, if you think another country is doing better, you should move to that country and try it out first before you ruin things here.

No. If I think another country is doing better I will support it to come here because I want my country to do better. If certain elements of another country are better than they are here, I propose to bring said elements here.

What works in some places might not work here. What may work here might not work in other places.

It all looks good on paper, but in practice, it just isn't the right way to go. You can't read the positives about a program or policy without looking at the ramifications.

Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.

No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner.

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

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Socialized healthcare is how we ensure everyone is treated. It's an irrational fear of socialism without realizing socialist programs and services are around us in our everyday lives.

Sock, where? What do you consider to be the socialist programs and services around us every day?

People joining together to pay for a service is NOT Socialism.

Do you know the definition of Socialism?

So public ownership in which we all pay taxes into something and fund it so all of us could use it sounds like socialism to me.
hahahahahahaha how much tax do the poor pay into your new system?
They pay 17-18% now in all taxes- count fees and they're getting close to 20% if they're working. More than many rich, who average 28% and less than the upper middle class. Great job, GOP and dupes...

Socialism is FAIR, democratic capitalism, dupe. See Scandinavia, original, EU, OZ, NZ and the
US- tho ours is a feqqed up pander to the rich GOP mess. See sig.
I will say that I think corporate welfare is often largely ineffective.

What do you consider corporate welfare?

Subsidies and handouts to large organizations.

No company gets a handout from government unless they are about to collapse.
Many giant corps make huge profits and pay no taxes. That's the bother.

Paying less in taxes is different than getting a handout unless you're one of those who believe that all money belongs to government, and whatever they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.

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No. If I think another country is doing better I will support it to come here because I want my country to do better. If certain elements of another country are better than they are here, I propose to bring said elements here.

What works in some places might not work here. What may work here might not work in other places.

It all looks good on paper, but in practice, it just isn't the right way to go. You can't read the positives about a program or policy without looking at the ramifications.

Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.

No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

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I can also provide a source which doesn't portray our system favorably versus others.

My impression is that if it was up to some people on here, there would be:

No unions
No Social Security
No Medicare
No Medicaid
No protection for pre-existing conditions
No consumer protection
No environmental protection
Complete deregulations
No welfare/social programs/safety
An increase to an already bloated defense budget and caving in the the military industrial complex.

I'm just thankful those aren't in charge.
No. If I think another country is doing better I will support it to come here because I want my country to do better. If certain elements of another country are better than they are here, I propose to bring said elements here.

What works in some places might not work here. What may work here might not work in other places.

It all looks good on paper, but in practice, it just isn't the right way to go. You can't read the positives about a program or policy without looking at the ramifications.

Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.

No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

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Yeah, we get the most death, the most bankruptcies and suffering, and the most worry of any subject and most people going to Thailand. The rest of the world can't believe you dupes put up with this crap.
I will say that I think corporate welfare is often largely ineffective.

What do you consider corporate welfare?

Subsidies and handouts to large organizations.

No company gets a handout from government unless they are about to collapse.
Many giant corps make huge profits and pay no taxes. That's the bother.

Paying less in taxes is different than getting a handout unless you're one of those who believe that all money belongs to government, and whatever they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.

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Nobody believes all money belongs to the gov't, dupe. When everyone pays about the same % and the middle class and the country are falling apart, and the richest keep basically all the new wealth, SOMETHING IS WRONG. Duh.
Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.

For one I don't have any kids. Also, I don't know of any drug addicts whom I have ever dealt with. As I said, I am against abuse, but I support genuine help for people on it to help them get through struggles. I'd love it if everyone had a job and wouldn't have to use government assistance. Unfortunately that isn't the case and rather than hurt those who need it, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.

Since you state that you know nothing about drug abuse, why not educate yourself? Find an NA group in your area and find out when they are having an open meeting. You could also find an Al-Anon chapter and attend some of their meetings. They are made up of the family and loved ones of alcoholics and drug addicts and how better to cope with the issue.
Let's stick with pot.

Of course you're going to stay here......hypocrite.
Unless you're superrich or married to a citizen or lucky, you can't move anywhere with a fairer economy than here, as I said. Are you capable of learning anything, superdupe? And as I said, I love the USA, and no doubt more than you a-hole RWer dupes who are always with the "love it or leave it" when some one points out what ignorant racist jackasses you are. We've fallen behind the rest of the modern world the last 35 years under you Reaganist a-hole lairs, cheats, and dupes... every one on here is an ignorant dupe.
The drug war could be abolished in five minutes or less, by executive order.

Why do you advocate for more kids to become addicted to drugs? How is that a good thing?

Why do you advocate for more kids to damage their brains by smoking marijuana?

How does any of that benefit America except for creating far more of our population dependent on drugs and society to exist?
Pot is not addictive and NO ONE is taking about kids getting it. It's also proven they already DO have it lol and legalization cuts their possession of it.

Utter BS. Pot is addictive to some people. I've lost friends over it.
BS. You dumped them out of ignorance and intolerance typical of hater dupes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:


Well Fn move already. I get so sick of Americans telling us how great other countries are, yet never pack a suitcase and leave for those countries.

If you don't like this country, then GTF out of it. Go to one of these paradises you commies post all the time and leave the rest of us alone; nobody will miss you. You think it's so great in other places, then WTF are you doing here?

We like our capitalist country the way it is. We don't want socialism or communism here. There are plenty of places like that such as Cuba. The government takes care of you, nobody has money except the government, everybody is equal--equally poor, only the government has guns, and you get your socialized healthcare. Move already if you think it's so great.

Then come back (if they let you) and tell us how wonderful your experience was. You'll kiss the ground of this country you despise so much now.
We already HAVE socialism here, with ACA, just a feqing GOP pander to the rich mess, dupe. "Now we're all socialists!" -Finland PM when ACA passed.

You know what the min wage is every modern country BUT us? LIVING! With universal health care? Thanks to dupess like you and the GOP, not here.

Yeah, right. That's why Europe's unemployment rate is 8.2% today. That's down from 11% in 2013.

So move to any of these place that have a higher minimum wage and universal healthcare. But when you need serious medical procedures to save your life, don't come back here to get it. Deal with a government surgeon who is paid crap for what he does.
No, it's 8.2% because W BOOOSH and the GOP wrecked their economies and they don't have fracking to bring them back duh.

Oh! Fracking, now is it? It's what we've been telling you socialists all along. It's lower fuel prices that helped the economy, not some big eared clown spending a trilling dollars on unions.
It was first the stimulus, then fracking. Can you keep 2 things in your tiny mind at once? Like the GOP is a disastrous disgrace and you're an ignorant dupe? And we're damn lucky to have these advantages over all other countries to get us out of the ditches the GOP drives us into every chance they get?
So public ownership in which we all pay taxes into something and fund it so all of us could use it sounds like socialism to me.

Which proves you do not know the meaning of the word.

Sock, do yourself a favor and educate yourself even just slightly would help you.

To learn what is Socialism, see Venezuela or North Korea.
Anecdotal examples of extreme forms of socialism is not very convincing.

The US has a mixed-market economy.
You are a hater, the issue is the Dems have done absolutely nothing to get poor blacks out of the ghettos and making it even to middle class. Decades and decades, liberal cities, liberal states and they have democrats have done nothing.
Blocked by the GOP the last 30 years- Carter and Teddy feuding blew that 4 years. You have to go back to LBJ....this is GOP policy the last 30-35 years. Great for the rich...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

So you can't give one example of a Democratic getting a poor black family off the public dole? But I thought the Democratic Party is pure and noble? Lol! They are the rich, helping the rich!
MANY in Dem cities with high min wages...NY getting free U's...

Minimum wage is getting people out of property? Lol! Try again, because you have named one program yet that has moved them off public assistance.
Because the GOP has done nothing but block and cut such programs since Nixon duhhh. The stimulus infrastructure jobs got many out of poverty temporarily...and Obama did get college loans a bit cheaper. Otherwise, Great job, GOP! BTW, you're a brainwashed fool of the greedy idiot rich...

You are an idiot! I recognize that neither party is for the poor, you are foolish enough to believe the democrats actually have helped people get out of poverty and they have done nothing, all they give are more programs that keep them poor and voting for Democrats.

The stimulus did nothing to get anyone out of poverty temporarily, you are dead wrong!

How did loans become cheaper? The interest rate? Big deal as the price of college continues to grow and grow and grow. So more of the left claiming crap that really hasn't helped with much, thanks for nothing!

So far you have offered no proof that over the last 50 years that the Democratic party has done anything to get poor people out of poverty.

Out of the last 84 years the Democratic Party has control the House and the Senate for 60 years. In the same time frame the Democrats have been in control of the Presidency 48 years. So, you are really full of it because even with the numbers favoring the Democrats, not one bill has been introduced that moves those from poverty out of poverty. Spare the pointing of fingers and take responsibility your party that loves that rich and created the largest gap between the poor and the wealthy, which was over the last eight years.
What works in some places might not work here. What may work here might not work in other places.

It all looks good on paper, but in practice, it just isn't the right way to go. You can't read the positives about a program or policy without looking at the ramifications.

Key word is might. Not an absolute. Adopt it and make it better. It's worth a shot.

No it is not. Once you invent a new freebie, it's virtually impossible to get rid of.

It's what I call my Ray in Cleveland's raccoon theory:

You see a raccoon digging in a garbage can and decide to give him a nice meaty ham bone. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him the bone. Now try taking it away from him and see what happens to you.

Of course the animal would not have starved to death without your gift, he would have found a different source of food.

Democrats are well aware of my raccoon theory although they might think of it in different ways, but they understand that no politician wants to get their hand bit up right or left.

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Yes it is worth a shot, especially if formal think tanks and academic researchers rank our systems behind other world systems. It's time to catch up and join the rest of the civilized world, in which it isn't a freebie if it's publicly funded.

If you're talking about healthcare, the only reason we are behind others is because not everybody is covered. As for quality, people come here from all over the world to get our quality of care.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic. Let me tell you, when you walk into the Clinic, you feel like the foreigner. I

There is a trade off when you go to socialized healthcare. We pay the most but we also get the most.

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I can also provide a source which doesn't portray our system favorably versus others.

My impression is that if it was up to some people on here, there would be:

No unions
No Social Security
No Medicare
No Medicaid
No protection for pre-existing conditions
No consumer protection
No environmental protection
Complete deregulations
No welfare/social programs/safety
An increase to an already bloated defense budget and caving in the the military industrial complex.

I'm just thankful those aren't in charge.

Funny impression, I don't know of any on this board that advocate all of that. Maybe you watch and read too much propaganda.
Blocked by the GOP the last 30 years- Carter and Teddy feuding blew that 4 years. You have to go back to LBJ....this is GOP policy the last 30-35 years. Great for the rich...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

So you can't give one example of a Democratic getting a poor black family off the public dole? But I thought the Democratic Party is pure and noble? Lol! They are the rich, helping the rich!
MANY in Dem cities with high min wages...NY getting free U's...

Minimum wage is getting people out of property? Lol! Try again, because you have named one program yet that has moved them off public assistance.
Because the GOP has done nothing but block and cut such programs since Nixon duhhh. The stimulus infrastructure jobs got many out of poverty temporarily...and Obama did get college loans a bit cheaper. Otherwise, Great job, GOP! BTW, you're a brainwashed fool of the greedy idiot rich...

You are an idiot! I recognize that neither party is for the poor, you are foolish enough to believe the democrats actually have helped people get out of poverty and they have done nothing, all they give are more programs that keep them poor and voting for Democrats.

The stimulus did nothing to get anyone out of poverty temporarily, you are dead wrong!

How did loans become cheaper? The interest rate? Big deal as the price of college continues to grow and grow and grow. So more of the left claiming crap that really hasn't helped with much, thanks for nothing!

So far you have offered no proof that over the last 50 years that the Democratic party has done anything to get poor people out of poverty.

Out of the last 84 years the Democratic Party has control the House and the Senate for 60 years. In the same time frame the Democrats have been in control of the Presidency 48 years. So, you are really full of it because even with the numbers favoring the Democrats, not one bill has been introduced that moves those from poverty out of poverty. Spare the pointing of fingers and take responsibility your party that loves that rich and created the largest gap between the poor and the wealthy, which was over the last eight years.
Thank you for your support of democrat policy regarding a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

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