Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Well none of them know anything about farming. How will they get to the farm? Will the government buy the farms, or do the rich farmers just get free labor?

1. picking crops is not a highly skilled activity
2. Buses, paid for by the farmer
3. The farmer pays the state, the state pays the workers. the taxpayers no longer have to fund UE payments. Everyone wins
4. the workers have the option of working directly for the farmer at a higher hourly wage.

These "problems" are easy to fix if we engage our brains and work together.

Yes get rid of good cheap labor and get the government more involved. You are a real conservative.

Throw a bunch of city people in the fields. Would be great for food prices. Haha. This is the stupid idea of the day. Bravo!

your "good cheap labor" is in our country illegally, most are paid in cash and no taxes are collected. a lot of that money is wired to mexico or central America and is not even spent in this country. BUT, we give them free medical care, schooling for their kids, and social security payments.

This is insanity, and you left wing fools can't even see it.

They are willing and good workers. You'd replace them with a shit show, that doesn't work.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ? I have absolutely no issue with LEGAL immigrants picking our crops. Do you?

And we are very good at agriculture. We even export it. You guys want to ruin that.
Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense:
$31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense:
$20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense:
$13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense:
$9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense:
$8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes

How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

No kidding they play accounting games

Losing money during a recession.....very sneaky!

Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions

Companies can deduct employee salary expense? You must be joking!
Next you'll be telling me they can deduct COGS. Outrageous loopholes, eh?

It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
1. picking crops is not a highly skilled activity
2. Buses, paid for by the farmer
3. The farmer pays the state, the state pays the workers. the taxpayers no longer have to fund UE payments. Everyone wins
4. the workers have the option of working directly for the farmer at a higher hourly wage.

These "problems" are easy to fix if we engage our brains and work together.

Yes get rid of good cheap labor and get the government more involved. You are a real conservative.

Throw a bunch of city people in the fields. Would be great for food prices. Haha. This is the stupid idea of the day. Bravo!

your "good cheap labor" is in our country illegally, most are paid in cash and no taxes are collected. a lot of that money is wired to mexico or central America and is not even spent in this country. BUT, we give them free medical care, schooling for their kids, and social security payments.

This is insanity, and you left wing fools can't even see it.

They are willing and good workers. You'd replace them with a shit show, that doesn't work.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ? I have absolutely no issue with LEGAL immigrants picking our crops. Do you?

And we are very good at agriculture. We even export it. You guys want to ruin that.

how does enforcing our immigration laws equal ruining agriculture? I just want people to enter our country legally and comply with our immigration laws. What do you find objectionable about that?
Yes get rid of good cheap labor and get the government more involved. You are a real conservative.

Throw a bunch of city people in the fields. Would be great for food prices. Haha. This is the stupid idea of the day. Bravo!

your "good cheap labor" is in our country illegally, most are paid in cash and no taxes are collected. a lot of that money is wired to mexico or central America and is not even spent in this country. BUT, we give them free medical care, schooling for their kids, and social security payments.

This is insanity, and you left wing fools can't even see it.

They are willing and good workers. You'd replace them with a shit show, that doesn't work.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ? I have absolutely no issue with LEGAL immigrants picking our crops. Do you?

And we are very good at agriculture. We even export it. You guys want to ruin that.

how does enforcing our immigration laws equal ruining agriculture? I just want people to enter our country legally and comply with our immigration laws. What do you find objectionable about that?

I'm just telling you the results of what you want.
No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes.

What is an accounting game? I ask because I'd like to pay no taxes too.

I've posted several, try to keep up.

so complying with the tax code legally is an accounting game? Are they doing anything illegal?

your problem is that you don't like some of the provisions of the tax code-------------written mostly by democrats to protect their cronies.
your "good cheap labor" is in our country illegally, most are paid in cash and no taxes are collected. a lot of that money is wired to mexico or central America and is not even spent in this country. BUT, we give them free medical care, schooling for their kids, and social security payments.

This is insanity, and you left wing fools can't even see it.

They are willing and good workers. You'd replace them with a shit show, that doesn't work.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ? I have absolutely no issue with LEGAL immigrants picking our crops. Do you?

And we are very good at agriculture. We even export it. You guys want to ruin that.

how does enforcing our immigration laws equal ruining agriculture? I just want people to enter our country legally and comply with our immigration laws. What do you find objectionable about that?

I'm just telling you the results of what you want.

no you are not, you are making shit up in a failed attempt to justify allowing illegal entry to our country.
How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

who wrote these deductions into the tax code? here's your answer: which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years?

CEO pay is not deductible. and CEOs pay income taxes on their pay, bonuses, stock grants, cars, etc.

Fact Sheet: Tax Subsidies for CEO Pay - Americans For Tax Fairness

a web site that distributes left wing talking points----------------you just lost what little credibility you ever had.

Sure deny facts because they prove you wrong.

Bud, this is simple...but you do have to think beyond trying to keep it legal for your familia to keep rolling in to be able to wrap your head around it. Come on man, how big can your familia possibly be...aren't they all here yet?

How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

No kidding they play accounting games

Losing money during a recession.....very sneaky!

Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions

Companies can deduct employee salary expense? You must be joking!
Next you'll be telling me they can deduct COGS. Outrageous loopholes, eh?

It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness
They are willing and good workers. You'd replace them with a shit show, that doesn't work.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ? I have absolutely no issue with LEGAL immigrants picking our crops. Do you?

And we are very good at agriculture. We even export it. You guys want to ruin that.

how does enforcing our immigration laws equal ruining agriculture? I just want people to enter our country legally and comply with our immigration laws. What do you find objectionable about that?

I'm just telling you the results of what you want.

no you are not, you are making shit up in a failed attempt to justify allowing illegal entry to our country.

Yes economics are made up. A true conservative.

How Immigration Reform Could Impact the Agriculture Industry
How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

No kidding they play accounting games

Losing money during a recession.....very sneaky!

Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions

Companies can deduct employee salary expense? You must be joking!
Next you'll be telling me they can deduct COGS. Outrageous loopholes, eh?

It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.
40% of Medicare is paid out of the genera fund above and beyond the payroll tax receipts.

For God's sake quit making shit up.

I gave you the facts, I'm sorry if that upsets you.

Medicare is like every other Progressive program just like Obamacare. GROSSLY underestimated and ultimately unaffordable.

For example:
Health Care Reform Cost Estimates: What is the Track Record?
Conn Carroll / August 04, 2009


Medicare (entire program). In 1967, the House Ways and Means Committee predicted that the new Medicare program, launched the previous year, would cost about $12 billion in 1990. Actual Medicare spending in 1990 was $110 billion—off by nearly a factor of 10.

Medicaid DSH program. In 1987, Congress estimated that Medicaid’s disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments—which states use to provide relief to hospitals that serve especially large numbers of Medicaid and uninsured patients—would cost less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost that year was a staggering $17 billion. Among other things, federal lawmakers had failed to detect loopholes in the legislation that enabled states to draw significantly more money from the federal treasury than they would otherwise have been entitled to claim under the program’s traditional 50-50 funding scheme.

Medicare home care benefit. When Congress debated changes to Medicare’s home care benefit in 1988, the projected 1993 cost of the benefit was $4 billion. The actual 1993 cost was more than twice that amount, $10 billion.

Medicare catastrophic coverage benefit. In 1988, Congress added a catastrophic coverage benefit to Medicare, to take effect in 1990. In July 1989, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) doubled its cost estimate for the program, for the four-year period 1990-1993, from $5.7 billion to $11.8 billion. CBO explained that it had received newer data showing it had significantly under-estimated prescription drug cost growth, and it warned Congress that even this revised estimate might be too low. This was a principal reason Congress repealed the program before it could take effect.


Read more: Health Care Reform Cost Estimates: What is the Track Record?

You lie. You claimed Medicare was not an entitlement program because you thought you were refuting my post that showed that over 90% of entitlements go to the elderly, disabled, and working poor.
The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense:
$31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense:
$20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense:
$13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense:
$9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense:
$8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes

So you're saying that the conservatives who claim corporations pay NO taxes because they just pass the cost to the customers are full of shit?
The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense:
$31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense:
$20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense:
$13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense:
$9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense:
$8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes
funny how the article doesn't differentiate between C corps and S corps

No S corp pays any corporate taxes because all the profit and or loss is reported on the individual shareholder's personal taxes
The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense:
$31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense:
$20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense:
$13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense:
$9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense:
$8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes

How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

who wrote these deductions into the tax code? here's your answer: which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years?

CEO pay is not deductible. and CEOs pay income taxes on their pay, bonuses, stock grants, cars, etc.
payroll is an expense
How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

No kidding they play accounting games

Losing money during a recession.....very sneaky!

Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions

Companies can deduct employee salary expense? You must be joking!
Next you'll be telling me they can deduct COGS. Outrageous loopholes, eh?

It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Framed bullshit for the most part.
Liberals like to whine about this as it opens the door for them to discuss not so clever ways to funnel more freebies to our bottom feeders.
S Corporations and LLC's "pass through" income to shareholders, the corp itself pays no tax.
Many C Corps use various legal methods to appear broke at years end to avoid high tax rates. Times have changed, tax code has changed and so has the methodologies used to avoid heavy taxation. Simple shit here.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ? I have absolutely no issue with LEGAL immigrants picking our crops. Do you?

And we are very good at agriculture. We even export it. You guys want to ruin that.

how does enforcing our immigration laws equal ruining agriculture? I just want people to enter our country legally and comply with our immigration laws. What do you find objectionable about that?

I'm just telling you the results of what you want.

no you are not, you are making shit up in a failed attempt to justify allowing illegal entry to our country.

Yes economics are made up. A true conservative.

How Immigration Reform Could Impact the Agriculture Industry

which is better. paying a little more for food, or opening our borders to everyone?

you just don't get it. No one is objecting to having people come to our country legally to harvest our crops. The only objection is to illegal entry. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Why do you think illegal entry is OK?
Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense:
$31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense:
$20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense:
$13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense:
$9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense:
$8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes

How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

who wrote these deductions into the tax code? here's your answer: which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years?

CEO pay is not deductible. and CEOs pay income taxes on their pay, bonuses, stock grants, cars, etc.
payroll is an expense

yes, it is. and taxes are collected on payroll. taxes paid by employees, including CEOs. Would you have that money taxed twice?

How can profitable companies end up with a $0 corporate income tax bill? There could be a few reasons, according to the GAO.

Among them, they may get a lot of tax deductions for losses they had in previous years but carried forward. They also may be able to write off more for depreciating assets than they have to claim on their financial statements. Or, if they made profits offshore and haven't brought them back to the United States, they would not owe U.S. tax on them until they do.

Is it surprising that companies had huge losses carried forward from 2008 and 2009?
Only to liberal morons.

No kidding they play accounting games and pay no taxes. Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions.

who wrote these deductions into the tax code? here's your answer: which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years?

CEO pay is not deductible. and CEOs pay income taxes on their pay, bonuses, stock grants, cars, etc.
payroll is an expense

yes, it is. and taxes are collected on payroll. taxes paid by employees, including CEOs. Would you have that money taxed twice?

payroll is a deductible expense you said it wasn't

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