Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

So Walmart and all it's success doesn't know of your little secret? Sorry, but why don't I believe that?

I'll tell you why, it's because the unions told Democrat leaders to spread the word around that all Walmart jobs are low paying garbage jobs. What they don't tell you is Walmart offers the best possibility for advancement. Low level Walmart jobs pay the same as Target or K-Mart. Walmart pays their management pretty well, they pay their truck drivers pretty well, they pay their office staff pretty well, they pay their warehouse people pretty well.

Don't believe Democrat politicians, they are all born liars.

As for what a company pays their employees, yes they could pay better wages, but why should they? They can get the same work done for less money and keep their investments attractive at the same time.

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I think they are starting to get it, they have recently made improvements.

So yes they could pay more, thank you. Now do you agree this would strengthen the economy? Imagine people having more to spend. Imagine fewer on welfare. Imagine more people paying income tax and appreciating the ideas of small gov and lower taxes.

so if walmart pays its employees more, what happens next? They have to raise prices. When they raise prices they sell less stuff. When they sell less stuff they don't need as many employees. So the end result is more people collecting unemployment.

economics is not complicated.

You are jumping ahead. One step at a time please. Remember there are plenty of profits to pay more. You don't think more people making good money is good? You don't think the economy would grow? You want people dependent on government?

Let's stop the loser attitude and discuss what would really help people out of poverty and grow the economy.

I don't want people dependent on the government, that's what you dems and libs want.

As to the amount of profit available to raise wages, you know nothing about the grocery and fast food industry if you think they are high profit businesses. Walmart makes on volume, not individual item mark up. Most grocery stores are in the 2-3% profit range.

Now, if you want to talk profit rates, look up what big pharma is making, look at Apple and Google and Facebook.

You don't fix the economy by raising minimum wage, that's a proven fact.

So shouldn't you be for lowering corporate taxes while getting people off welfare? Our current road is just growing dependence.

yes, for lowering corporate tax rates. Yes, for closing loopholes in the tax code. yes, for creating new jobs and getting people off UE and welfare. No, for raising the minimum wage. Yes, for letting supply and demand set the price of labor. Yes, for securing our borders and keeping illegals from taking American jobs, Yes, for fining employers that hire illegals.
It sure isn't Walmart overpaying their employees.

The "How" is easy. Work more hours or get a job that pays more. That's how. I've been doing it my entire life as have some of my friends and family.

You really are just defeated. No real interest in improvement. I guess slow economic growth and growing government independence is just your thing.

No, it's called living in reality.

I know what our past was. I know how it was formed, and I know why it died. I also know there is nothing you can do to bring it back. Automation and robots are not going to melt and never return. Overseas wages are not going to increase to such a point there will be no place to manufacture but the USA. American consumers are not going to change their priorities. Investors are not going to settle for lower profits.

When you can come to terms with those realities, only then will you be able to understand you can't turn the clock back. All you can do is put the cards on the table, look them over, and then make plans for the future.

Yes completely defeated. Not very American.

When do you expect the end? We continue on this course and the debt will kill us.

So creating more debt will help?

I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm glad I'll be off this planet (or at the very least, retired) before that happens. Manual labor jobs are being replaced by robots and automation. Even fast food restaurants are purchasing self-serve kiosks to have customers place orders and pay for their food. Down the road, those robots will be pouring your drinks, making your french fries, and even creating the hamburger you're going to eat. The entire restaurant will be run by one or two humans.

Automation is becoming cheaper and labor is becoming more expensive. I don't see the advantage of making labor so expensive that automation is the best investment for the future. JC Pennies closed down hundreds of stores. So did Game Stop recently. They are joining the many stores closing in the country because of internet sales. What are we supposed to do with the thousands of Americans that used to work in these stores?

Thinking of being a cab driver? How about working for Uber? Well, those are short-term incomes, because in the near future, cabs and Uber vehicles will be manless vehicles. You summons a car, swipe your credit card or debit card, and the vehicle will magically drive you to the destination you entered in the computer system of the vehicle.

It's very frightening. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that forcing industry to overpay manual labor will only speed up this disaster.

Getting people off welfare and creating more tax payers will decrease debt.

If automation is your big fear it would be very easy to tax it so it is not profitable.

someone has to design, build, and maintain the robots. you want to put a tax on progress, how liberal of you.
Not paying you unemployment is perfectly legal.
being legal to our own laws, is more legal and less hypocritical.

And that's why you'll get no unemployment benefits.
it needs to be litigated. A federal doctrine and State laws are more supreme than administrative law.

You should sue!
I'm sure plenty of lawyers would love to take your case pro bono.
Let me know how it turns out.
I already have a claim upon the State regarding redress of grievances.

I'm breathless with anticipation.....
It sure isn't Walmart overpaying their employees.

The "How" is easy. Work more hours or get a job that pays more. That's how. I've been doing it my entire life as have some of my friends and family.

You really are just defeated. No real interest in improvement. I guess slow economic growth and growing government independence is just your thing.

No, it's called living in reality.

I know what our past was. I know how it was formed, and I know why it died. I also know there is nothing you can do to bring it back. Automation and robots are not going to melt and never return. Overseas wages are not going to increase to such a point there will be no place to manufacture but the USA. American consumers are not going to change their priorities. Investors are not going to settle for lower profits.

When you can come to terms with those realities, only then will you be able to understand you can't turn the clock back. All you can do is put the cards on the table, look them over, and then make plans for the future.

Yes completely defeated. Not very American.

When do you expect the end? We continue on this course and the debt will kill us.

So creating more debt will help?

I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm glad I'll be off this planet (or at the very least, retired) before that happens. Manual labor jobs are being replaced by robots and automation. Even fast food restaurants are purchasing self-serve kiosks to have customers place orders and pay for their food. Down the road, those robots will be pouring your drinks, making your french fries, and even creating the hamburger you're going to eat. The entire restaurant will be run by one or two humans.

Automation is becoming cheaper and labor is becoming more expensive. I don't see the advantage of making labor so expensive that automation is the best investment for the future. JC Pennies closed down hundreds of stores. So did Game Stop recently. They are joining the many stores closing in the country because of internet sales. What are we supposed to do with the thousands of Americans that used to work in these stores?

Thinking of being a cab driver? How about working for Uber? Well, those are short-term incomes, because in the near future, cabs and Uber vehicles will be manless vehicles. You summons a car, swipe your credit card or debit card, and the vehicle will magically drive you to the destination you entered in the computer system of the vehicle.

It's very frightening. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that forcing industry to overpay manual labor will only speed up this disaster.

Getting people off welfare and creating more tax payers will decrease debt.

If automation is your big fear it would be very easy to tax it so it is not profitable.

If that's the way we're going to handle things, then should't we tax cars so it's cheaper to go horse and buggy? Shouldn't we have a huge tax on refrigerators since not having them will create jobs by bringing back ice men to deliver blocks of ice to your home? How about a huge tax on backhoes because they replaced ditch diggers?
You really are just defeated. No real interest in improvement. I guess slow economic growth and growing government independence is just your thing.

No, it's called living in reality.

I know what our past was. I know how it was formed, and I know why it died. I also know there is nothing you can do to bring it back. Automation and robots are not going to melt and never return. Overseas wages are not going to increase to such a point there will be no place to manufacture but the USA. American consumers are not going to change their priorities. Investors are not going to settle for lower profits.

When you can come to terms with those realities, only then will you be able to understand you can't turn the clock back. All you can do is put the cards on the table, look them over, and then make plans for the future.

Yes completely defeated. Not very American.

When do you expect the end? We continue on this course and the debt will kill us.

So creating more debt will help?

I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm glad I'll be off this planet (or at the very least, retired) before that happens. Manual labor jobs are being replaced by robots and automation. Even fast food restaurants are purchasing self-serve kiosks to have customers place orders and pay for their food. Down the road, those robots will be pouring your drinks, making your french fries, and even creating the hamburger you're going to eat. The entire restaurant will be run by one or two humans.

Automation is becoming cheaper and labor is becoming more expensive. I don't see the advantage of making labor so expensive that automation is the best investment for the future. JC Pennies closed down hundreds of stores. So did Game Stop recently. They are joining the many stores closing in the country because of internet sales. What are we supposed to do with the thousands of Americans that used to work in these stores?

Thinking of being a cab driver? How about working for Uber? Well, those are short-term incomes, because in the near future, cabs and Uber vehicles will be manless vehicles. You summons a car, swipe your credit card or debit card, and the vehicle will magically drive you to the destination you entered in the computer system of the vehicle.

It's very frightening. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that forcing industry to overpay manual labor will only speed up this disaster.

Getting people off welfare and creating more tax payers will decrease debt.

If automation is your big fear it would be very easy to tax it so it is not profitable.

If that's the way we're going to handle things, then should't we tax cars so it's cheaper to go horse and buggy? Shouldn't we have a huge tax on refrigerators since not having them will create jobs by bringing back ice men to deliver blocks of ice to your home? How about a huge tax on backhoes because they replaced ditch diggers?

Replace backhoes with teaspoons.
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

How long did the depression of 1920/21 last?

The Socialist policies of FDR extended the Great Depression for seven years. How was that a good thing?

I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

How long did the depression of 1920/21 last?

The Socialist policies of FDR extended the Great Depression for seven years. How was that a good thing?
Why did a Great Depression happen in the first place, with more, rather than less, laissez-fair capitalism?

It was simply, lousy economic management. We didn't have the understanding of economics then, we have now.

What actually ended the Great Depression, but the socialism of a wartime economy on a wartime footing.

I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.

I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
So the answer was regulation of the banking system?
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

How long did the depression of 1920/21 last?

The Socialist policies of FDR extended the Great Depression for seven years. How was that a good thing?
Why did a Great Depression happen in the first place, with more, rather than less, laissez-fair capitalism?

It was simply, lousy economic management. We didn't have the understanding of economics then, we have now.

What actually ended the Great Depression, but the socialism of a wartime economy on a wartime footing.

Why did a Great Depression happen in the first place, with more, rather than less, laissez-fair capitalism?

Economic booms and busts are part of human nature.

It was simply, lousy economic management.

The fact that you think government control would give better economic management is funny.
I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
So the answer was regulation of the banking system?

Partially. More importantly is a central bank that adds liquidity during a crisis, rather than withdrawing liquidity.
I think they are starting to get it, they have recently made improvements.

So yes they could pay more, thank you. Now do you agree this would strengthen the economy? Imagine people having more to spend. Imagine fewer on welfare. Imagine more people paying income tax and appreciating the ideas of small gov and lower taxes.

so if walmart pays its employees more, what happens next? They have to raise prices. When they raise prices they sell less stuff. When they sell less stuff they don't need as many employees. So the end result is more people collecting unemployment.

economics is not complicated.

You are jumping ahead. One step at a time please. Remember there are plenty of profits to pay more. You don't think more people making good money is good? You don't think the economy would grow? You want people dependent on government?

Let's stop the loser attitude and discuss what would really help people out of poverty and grow the economy.

I don't want people dependent on the government, that's what you dems and libs want.

As to the amount of profit available to raise wages, you know nothing about the grocery and fast food industry if you think they are high profit businesses. Walmart makes on volume, not individual item mark up. Most grocery stores are in the 2-3% profit range.

Now, if you want to talk profit rates, look up what big pharma is making, look at Apple and Google and Facebook.

You don't fix the economy by raising minimum wage, that's a proven fact.

So shouldn't you be for lowering corporate taxes while getting people off welfare? Our current road is just growing dependence.

yes, for lowering corporate tax rates. Yes, for closing loopholes in the tax code. yes, for creating new jobs and getting people off UE and welfare. No, for raising the minimum wage. Yes, for letting supply and demand set the price of labor. Yes, for securing our borders and keeping illegals from taking American jobs, Yes, for fining employers that hire illegals.

Glad we agree on much of that.
Is the central bank a part of the government or does the government just tell the bank to add? Is adding a form of Keynes?
You really are just defeated. No real interest in improvement. I guess slow economic growth and growing government independence is just your thing.

No, it's called living in reality.

I know what our past was. I know how it was formed, and I know why it died. I also know there is nothing you can do to bring it back. Automation and robots are not going to melt and never return. Overseas wages are not going to increase to such a point there will be no place to manufacture but the USA. American consumers are not going to change their priorities. Investors are not going to settle for lower profits.

When you can come to terms with those realities, only then will you be able to understand you can't turn the clock back. All you can do is put the cards on the table, look them over, and then make plans for the future.

Yes completely defeated. Not very American.

When do you expect the end? We continue on this course and the debt will kill us.

So creating more debt will help?

I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm glad I'll be off this planet (or at the very least, retired) before that happens. Manual labor jobs are being replaced by robots and automation. Even fast food restaurants are purchasing self-serve kiosks to have customers place orders and pay for their food. Down the road, those robots will be pouring your drinks, making your french fries, and even creating the hamburger you're going to eat. The entire restaurant will be run by one or two humans.

Automation is becoming cheaper and labor is becoming more expensive. I don't see the advantage of making labor so expensive that automation is the best investment for the future. JC Pennies closed down hundreds of stores. So did Game Stop recently. They are joining the many stores closing in the country because of internet sales. What are we supposed to do with the thousands of Americans that used to work in these stores?

Thinking of being a cab driver? How about working for Uber? Well, those are short-term incomes, because in the near future, cabs and Uber vehicles will be manless vehicles. You summons a car, swipe your credit card or debit card, and the vehicle will magically drive you to the destination you entered in the computer system of the vehicle.

It's very frightening. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that forcing industry to overpay manual labor will only speed up this disaster.

Getting people off welfare and creating more tax payers will decrease debt.

If automation is your big fear it would be very easy to tax it so it is not profitable.

If that's the way we're going to handle things, then should't we tax cars so it's cheaper to go horse and buggy? Shouldn't we have a huge tax on refrigerators since not having them will create jobs by bringing back ice men to deliver blocks of ice to your home? How about a huge tax on backhoes because they replaced ditch diggers?

Pretty sure there is much more labor involved in car over buggies. Ice men were replaced by refrigerator manufacturing. How many ditch diggers lost out?

If you think automation is the problem I simply gave you an easy answer.
And yet ceos make way more than they are worth and that makes you happy.

Those CEO's are worth exactly what they are paid. Just as you are paid what you are worth and the same for me.

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies

CEO's are contract people. People that work under contract have different parameters than those of us that work hourly or salary.

CEO's get hired and fired all the time. They are constantly relocating to different cities and states.

If you get a famous actress and she gets 15 million for a movie, it doesn't matter whether the movie is a flop or a hit. She still gets her 15 million.

If a recording company signs a deal with a famous band for 10 million that in the past, sold a lot of recordings, but this recording was a flop, they still get their 10 million for writing and recording the songs.

That's the way it works with contracts. Contracts are used for CEO's, entertainment, and even sports people.

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