Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

No, it's called living in reality.

I know what our past was. I know how it was formed, and I know why it died. I also know there is nothing you can do to bring it back. Automation and robots are not going to melt and never return. Overseas wages are not going to increase to such a point there will be no place to manufacture but the USA. American consumers are not going to change their priorities. Investors are not going to settle for lower profits.

When you can come to terms with those realities, only then will you be able to understand you can't turn the clock back. All you can do is put the cards on the table, look them over, and then make plans for the future.

Yes completely defeated. Not very American.

When do you expect the end? We continue on this course and the debt will kill us.

So creating more debt will help?

I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm glad I'll be off this planet (or at the very least, retired) before that happens. Manual labor jobs are being replaced by robots and automation. Even fast food restaurants are purchasing self-serve kiosks to have customers place orders and pay for their food. Down the road, those robots will be pouring your drinks, making your french fries, and even creating the hamburger you're going to eat. The entire restaurant will be run by one or two humans.

Automation is becoming cheaper and labor is becoming more expensive. I don't see the advantage of making labor so expensive that automation is the best investment for the future. JC Pennies closed down hundreds of stores. So did Game Stop recently. They are joining the many stores closing in the country because of internet sales. What are we supposed to do with the thousands of Americans that used to work in these stores?

Thinking of being a cab driver? How about working for Uber? Well, those are short-term incomes, because in the near future, cabs and Uber vehicles will be manless vehicles. You summons a car, swipe your credit card or debit card, and the vehicle will magically drive you to the destination you entered in the computer system of the vehicle.

It's very frightening. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that forcing industry to overpay manual labor will only speed up this disaster.

Getting people off welfare and creating more tax payers will decrease debt.

If automation is your big fear it would be very easy to tax it so it is not profitable.

If that's the way we're going to handle things, then should't we tax cars so it's cheaper to go horse and buggy? Shouldn't we have a huge tax on refrigerators since not having them will create jobs by bringing back ice men to deliver blocks of ice to your home? How about a huge tax on backhoes because they replaced ditch diggers?

Pretty sure there is much more labor involved in car over buggies. Ice men were replaced by refrigerator manufacturing. How many ditch diggers lost out?

If you think automation is the problem I simply gave you an easy answer.

My question is do we slow down or even halt advancements because those advancements take jobs away? And what if we did do that the last 50 years or so? Would we have cell phones today, cable or satellite television, home video games?

You're never going to be able to tax something so high that it won't be worth the investment. Human labor and benefits are only going to continue increasing, and even more so as liberal cities and states force industry to overpay their labor.
Democrats use black people to get themselves elected and then forget about them after they are elected, Obama used blacks to get elected and then did nothing for them, except use them to create conflict in America.
And yet ceos make way more than they are worth and that makes you happy.

Those CEO's are worth exactly what they are paid. Just as you are paid what you are worth and the same for me.

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies

CEO's are contract people. People that work under contract have different parameters than those of us that work hourly or salary.

CEO's get hired and fired all the time. They are constantly relocating to different cities and states.

If you get a famous actress and she gets 15 million for a movie, it doesn't matter whether the movie is a flop or a hit. She still gets her 15 million.

If a recording company signs a deal with a famous band for 10 million that in the past, sold a lot of recordings, but this recording was a flop, they still get their 10 million for writing and recording the songs.

That's the way it works with contracts. Contracts are used for CEO's, entertainment, and even sports people.
So they perform poorly and are overpaid.
Yes completely defeated. Not very American.

When do you expect the end? We continue on this course and the debt will kill us.

So creating more debt will help?

I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm glad I'll be off this planet (or at the very least, retired) before that happens. Manual labor jobs are being replaced by robots and automation. Even fast food restaurants are purchasing self-serve kiosks to have customers place orders and pay for their food. Down the road, those robots will be pouring your drinks, making your french fries, and even creating the hamburger you're going to eat. The entire restaurant will be run by one or two humans.

Automation is becoming cheaper and labor is becoming more expensive. I don't see the advantage of making labor so expensive that automation is the best investment for the future. JC Pennies closed down hundreds of stores. So did Game Stop recently. They are joining the many stores closing in the country because of internet sales. What are we supposed to do with the thousands of Americans that used to work in these stores?

Thinking of being a cab driver? How about working for Uber? Well, those are short-term incomes, because in the near future, cabs and Uber vehicles will be manless vehicles. You summons a car, swipe your credit card or debit card, and the vehicle will magically drive you to the destination you entered in the computer system of the vehicle.

It's very frightening. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that forcing industry to overpay manual labor will only speed up this disaster.

Getting people off welfare and creating more tax payers will decrease debt.

If automation is your big fear it would be very easy to tax it so it is not profitable.

If that's the way we're going to handle things, then should't we tax cars so it's cheaper to go horse and buggy? Shouldn't we have a huge tax on refrigerators since not having them will create jobs by bringing back ice men to deliver blocks of ice to your home? How about a huge tax on backhoes because they replaced ditch diggers?

Pretty sure there is much more labor involved in car over buggies. Ice men were replaced by refrigerator manufacturing. How many ditch diggers lost out?

If you think automation is the problem I simply gave you an easy answer.

My question is do we slow down or even halt advancements because those advancements take jobs away? And what if we did do that the last 50 years or so? Would we have cell phones today, cable or satellite television, home video games?

You're never going to be able to tax something so high that it won't be worth the investment. Human labor and benefits are only going to continue increasing, and even more so as liberal cities and states force industry to overpay their labor.

It's easy to argue automating service is the work of the devil. Automated phone customer service for example.
Why haven't Republicans passed a law that everyone must have a job and work? We have been letting Americans get away with not working since the Constitution, was ratified; time Republicans changed that.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

CEOs are like kings. They aren't elected to their position, they are appointed. Usually after several years of grueling internecine political warfare, back-stabbing colleagues and gerrymandering the organization. Once in the position, they pretty much get to set their own pay.
Is the central bank a part of the government or does the government just tell the bank to add? Is adding a form of Keynes?

Is the central bank a part of the government


Is adding a form of Keynes?

Keynesian economics includes Monetary policy.
So if the government pumps money into the economy as in WWII is that a form of Keynes?

Keynes was a person, so no, pumping money into the economy is not a form of Keynes.

And yet ceos make way more than they are worth and that makes you happy.

Those CEO's are worth exactly what they are paid. Just as you are paid what you are worth and the same for me.

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies

CEO's are contract people. People that work under contract have different parameters than those of us that work hourly or salary.

CEO's get hired and fired all the time. They are constantly relocating to different cities and states.

If you get a famous actress and she gets 15 million for a movie, it doesn't matter whether the movie is a flop or a hit. She still gets her 15 million.

If a recording company signs a deal with a famous band for 10 million that in the past, sold a lot of recordings, but this recording was a flop, they still get their 10 million for writing and recording the songs.

That's the way it works with contracts. Contracts are used for CEO's, entertainment, and even sports people.
So they perform poorly and are overpaid.

Performing poorly and being overpaid is pretty common in the workforce.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

CEOs are like kings. They aren't elected to their position, they are appointed. Usually after several years of grueling internecine political warfare, back-stabbing colleagues and gerrymandering the organization. Once in the position, they pretty much get to set their own pay.

Yep, that's very true. They make the money they do because not many are able to perform the way they can.

A few years ago I purchased a new big screen. I'm not much of a television watcher, but I became one. I started to watch the show Big Bang Theory, and got interested in the cast. So I looked them up on the internet.

Turns out these are very wealthy people. They each get one million dollars per episode plus cuts when their shows get rerun and various other perks. It's a half-hour show. Take out the commercials, it's about 20 minutes. There are about eight or nine major players in the show, so how long could each one act, 2 to 5 minutes?????

I'm sure some of them put a lot of time into their career, took some risks, obviously have talents, but compared to a CEO that went through college, worked his or her way up the ladder, making business relationships, making political relationships, moving from town to town, yet they make a fraction of the money some in the entertainment field do, yet nobody on the left ever comments yet alone complains about the money actors make.

I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.
I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

People have too much freedom to make their own decisions.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

How's that awesome socialist economy in Venezuela?
Must be great with no capitalism anywhere.
Why do republican want black people to live under bridges and on street corners?

Why not fund education and make adding additional job making skills easier...Oh'noo''s we can't do that as that would mean the big bad government....Give me a break.
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

People have too much freedom to make their own decisions.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

How's that awesome socialist economy in Venezuela?
Must be great with no capitalism anywhere.

Take a political science class as you don't know shit...How's that awesome social democratic south Korean, Germany or British economy doing is more like it...Venezuela is a dicatorship of one man at the top with little political power for the people...You really fucking think I want to fuck over the little guy with idiotic policies like in Venezuela? Lol....NO, I want that 50, 60 thousand per capita in much of western europe that has worked for decades.
I wish you could back up your claim....but you can't
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

CEOs are like kings. They aren't elected to their position, they are appointed. Usually after several years of grueling internecine political warfare, back-stabbing colleagues and gerrymandering the organization. Once in the position, they pretty much get to set their own pay.

Yep, that's very true. They make the money they do because not many are able to perform the way they can.

A few years ago I purchased a new big screen. I'm not much of a television watcher, but I became one. I started to watch the show Big Bang Theory, and got interested in the cast. So I looked them up on the internet.

Turns out these are very wealthy people. They each get one million dollars per episode plus cuts when their shows get rerun and various other perks. It's a half-hour show. Take out the commercials, it's about 20 minutes. There are about eight or nine major players in the show, so how long could each one act, 2 to 5 minutes?????

I'm sure some of them put a lot of time into their career, took some risks, obviously have talents, but compared to a CEO that went through college, worked his or her way up the ladder, making business relationships, making political relationships, moving from town to town, yet they make a fraction of the money some in the entertainment field do, yet nobody on the left ever comments yet alone complains about the money actors make.

Being overpaid is probably the only thing those two have in common. The ceo at the television station makes the decision that they are making enough money off the show to pay the actors what they get. If the show isn't good it gets cancelled.

CEO's are giving themselves large raises. The complaints come because he is giving himself much larger raises than everyone else. And the feeling is a company only has so much for compensation and the CEO is taking so much the people doing the real work get very little. A ceo with good people below him can get away with doing very little.
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.

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