Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.

They are not socialist countries, please read up on what socialism is, Socialism is the prohibition of an elite, Scandinavian countries have an elite class. The disqualifies them from being true socialists.
Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

People have too much freedom to make their own decisions.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

How's that awesome socialist economy in Venezuela?
Must be great with no capitalism anywhere.

Take a political science class as you don't know shit...How's that awesome social democratic south Korean, Germany or British economy doing is more like it...Venezuela is a dicatorship of one man at the top with little political power for the people...You really fucking think I want to fuck over the little guy with idiotic policies like in Venezuela? Lol....NO, I want that 50, 60 thousand per capita in much of western europe that has worked for decades.

How's that awesome social democratic south Korean

South Korea that has much lower government spending than us is socialist?

NO, I want that 50, 60 thousand per capita in much of western Europe

Germany is only $48,200.
France, $42,400.
Belgium, $44,900.
Maybe you mean the UK?

When you stop being such a stupid twat, maybe you'll be able to add something to the conversation? LOL!
Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism, and maybe even a dash of communism and a light sprinkling of fascism. Can anyone name a pure economy today, might be one or two.
His concern about the debt is shown by his $9.3 trillion addition to it.
It would have been $11- $12 trillion without the Republican sequester slowing his free spending ways.

It has cost far more going back in and trying to crush ISIS and the situation we now have in Syria.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism, and maybe even a dash of communism and a light sprinkling of fascism. Can anyone name a pure economy today, might be one or two.

I agree with you 100%.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism, and maybe even a dash of communism and a light sprinkling of fascism. Can anyone name a pure economy today, might be one or two.

I agree with you. Many however seem to think the US is pure capitalism while all of Europe is all socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism

Do you know the definition of Socialism?

What do you claim is Socialism in the United States.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

CEOs are like kings. They aren't elected to their position, they are appointed. Usually after several years of grueling internecine political warfare, back-stabbing colleagues and gerrymandering the organization. Once in the position, they pretty much get to set their own pay.

Yep, that's very true. They make the money they do because not many are able to perform the way they can.

A few years ago I purchased a new big screen. I'm not much of a television watcher, but I became one. I started to watch the show Big Bang Theory, and got interested in the cast. So I looked them up on the internet.

Turns out these are very wealthy people. They each get one million dollars per episode plus cuts when their shows get rerun and various other perks. It's a half-hour show. Take out the commercials, it's about 20 minutes. There are about eight or nine major players in the show, so how long could each one act, 2 to 5 minutes?????

I'm sure some of them put a lot of time into their career, took some risks, obviously have talents, but compared to a CEO that went through college, worked his or her way up the ladder, making business relationships, making political relationships, moving from town to town, yet they make a fraction of the money some in the entertainment field do, yet nobody on the left ever comments yet alone complains about the money actors make.

Being overpaid is probably the only thing those two have in common. The ceo at the television station makes the decision that they are making enough money off the show to pay the actors what they get. If the show isn't good it gets cancelled.

CEO's are giving themselves large raises. The complaints come because he is giving himself much larger raises than everyone else. And the feeling is a company only has so much for compensation and the CEO is taking so much the people doing the real work get very little. A ceo with good people below him can get away with doing very little.

And right there you hit the nail on the head. You actually believe that a CEO is taking pay away from other workers. There is no truth to that.

It's just like with the acting. How much do you think their hair people make? How about their makeup people? How about the stage hands? What about the people who actually create the episodes or write the jokes for the show? Do you believe any of them are near the pay scale of the actors themselves? And if you paid the actors less, would all those other people get more money?

I used to know a guy who was a drummer. Not bad drummer, but certainly not one of the best I've ever seen. Because his love was music, he became a roadie for a somewhat famous band. Yeah, he traveled around with them, set up and tore down the equipment, met a lot of interesting people, a lot of beautiful girls, but the job didn't pay squat. He would have made out better working here at McDonald's. The musicians of the band? Very wealthy and living the good life.

People get paid what they are worth. In other words, your worth to an employer is only as much as the next person willing to do the same job with the same quality. It doesn't matter if you're a CEO or a floor sweeper. If you are not bringing in money or contributing more than you get paid by a company, a company has no use for you.

CEO pay? If a CEO has a track record of increasing revenue of companies by 35%, then you pay that CEO what he wants or your competitor will and take business away from your company. That's just how it works.
Why did a Great Depression happen in the first place, with more, rather than less, laissez-fair capitalism?

It was simply, lousy economic management. We didn't have the understanding of economics then, we have now.

What actually ended the Great Depression, but the socialism of a wartime economy on a wartime footing.

You failed to answer the question I asked. How long did the depression of 1920 last?

A normal economy ebbs and flows. Trying to spend your way out of it extends the recessions/depressions. Japan has been trying to do that for decades and it did not work.
The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism, and maybe even a dash of communism and a light sprinkling of fascism. Can anyone name a pure economy today, might be one or two.

I agree with you. Many however seem to think the US is pure capitalism while all of Europe is all socialism.

Why did you bring up Scandinavian countries then? Just throwing out crap and seeing what sticks?
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

CEOs are like kings. They aren't elected to their position, they are appointed. Usually after several years of grueling internecine political warfare, back-stabbing colleagues and gerrymandering the organization. Once in the position, they pretty much get to set their own pay.

Yep, that's very true. They make the money they do because not many are able to perform the way they can.

A few years ago I purchased a new big screen. I'm not much of a television watcher, but I became one. I started to watch the show Big Bang Theory, and got interested in the cast. So I looked them up on the internet.

Turns out these are very wealthy people. They each get one million dollars per episode plus cuts when their shows get rerun and various other perks. It's a half-hour show. Take out the commercials, it's about 20 minutes. There are about eight or nine major players in the show, so how long could each one act, 2 to 5 minutes?????

I'm sure some of them put a lot of time into their career, took some risks, obviously have talents, but compared to a CEO that went through college, worked his or her way up the ladder, making business relationships, making political relationships, moving from town to town, yet they make a fraction of the money some in the entertainment field do, yet nobody on the left ever comments yet alone complains about the money actors make.

Being overpaid is probably the only thing those two have in common. The ceo at the television station makes the decision that they are making enough money off the show to pay the actors what they get. If the show isn't good it gets cancelled.

CEO's are giving themselves large raises. The complaints come because he is giving himself much larger raises than everyone else. And the feeling is a company only has so much for compensation and the CEO is taking so much the people doing the real work get very little. A ceo with good people below him can get away with doing very little.

And right there you hit the nail on the head. You actually believe that a CEO is taking pay away from other workers. There is no truth to that.

It's just like with the acting. How much do you think their hair people make? How about their makeup people? How about the stage hands? What about the people who actually create the episodes or write the jokes for the show? Do you believe any of them are near the pay scale of the actors themselves? And if you paid the actors less, would all those other people get more money?

I used to know a guy who was a drummer. Not bad drummer, but certainly not one of the best I've ever seen. Because his love was music, he became a roadie for a somewhat famous band. Yeah, he traveled around with them, set up and tore down the equipment, met a lot of interesting people, a lot of beautiful girls, but the job didn't pay squat. He would have made out better working here at McDonald's. The musicians of the band? Very wealthy and living the good life.

People get paid what they are worth. In other words, your worth to an employer is only as much as the next person willing to do the same job with the same quality. It doesn't matter if you're a CEO or a floor sweeper. If you are not bringing in money or contributing more than you get paid by a company, a company has no use for you.

CEO pay? If a CEO has a track record of increasing revenue of companies by 35%, then you pay that CEO what he wants or your competitor will and take business away from your company. That's just how it works.

Certainly the ceo is taking a big cut of payroll.

The actors are not deciding any of the pay. The CEO of the television station is deciding what to pay the actors and the makeup people. That is the difference and it obviously is a big one. The CEO is deciding his own pay, the actor is dependent on the CEO giving him/her that pay.

Again, that is not at all true with CEO's.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism, and maybe even a dash of communism and a light sprinkling of fascism. Can anyone name a pure economy today, might be one or two.

I agree with you. Many however seem to think the US is pure capitalism while all of Europe is all socialism.

Why did you bring up Scandinavian countries then? Just throwing out crap and seeing what sticks?

Due to the confusion. Without asking I don't know if your somebody who thinks all of Europe is socialism or not.
Why do republican want black people to live under bridges and on street corners?

Why not fund education and make adding additional job making skills easier...Oh'noo''s we can't do that as that would mean the big bad government....Give me a break.

Why do you believe that blacks must have their education funded and make "job making skills easier" than for other races and ethnic groups? How is that NOT racist and bigoted?
Excessive CEO Pay for Dumb Luck

The compensation packages of the chief executive officers of America have been rising faster than just about any rational metric upon which they are supposedly based. “CEO pay grew an astounding 943% over the past 37 years,” according to a recent Economic Policy Institute analysis. EPI further observes this was a far faster growth rate than “the cost of living, the productivity of the economy, and the stock market.”

CEO compensation isn’t the pay for performance its advocates claim. Instead, it is unmoored from any rational basis. This makes it an inappropriate wealth transfer from shareholders to management.
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

People have too much freedom to make their own decisions.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

How's that awesome socialist economy in Venezuela?
Must be great with no capitalism anywhere.
Mogadishu had no taxes and virtually no regulations for over a decade; how many fortune five hundred firms, relocated there?
Capitalism failed in 1929. Hoover was replaced with the more socialist FDR, and his brand of socialism, to bailout capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You'll have to explain why you feel it failed.
Because we needed more socialism to bailout lazy, laissez-fair capitalism.

The banking system failed, capitalism worked (and works) just fine.
Great Depressions only happen under laissez-fair capitalism, not socialism.

Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.
You don't know what socialism is. The US has a mixed-market economy. Socialism is like Palmolive, you are soaking in it.
Take a political science class as you don't know shit...How's that awesome social democratic south Korean, Germany or British economy doing is more like it...Venezuela is a dicatorship of one man at the top with little political power for the people...You really fucking think I want to fuck over the little guy with idiotic policies like in Venezuela? Lol....NO, I want that 50, 60 thousand per capita in much of western europe that has worked for decades.

Oops...Great Britain: In 2012-13, median income was approximately £21,000 a year but varies considerably by age, location, data source and occupation.

£1.00 = $1.24 so £21,000 equals $26,040. Not quite $60,000 per capita. Do you want their taxes too?

Income in the United Kingdom
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In terms of global poverty criteria, the United Kingdom is a wealthy country, with virtually no people living on less than £10 a day. In 2012-13, median income was approximately £21,000 a year but varies considerably by age, location, data source and occupation. [1] There is both significant income redistribution and income inequality; for instance, in 2013/14 income in the top and bottom fifth of households was £80,800 and £5,500, respectively, before taxes and benefits (15:1). After tax and benefits, household income disparities are significantly reduced to £60,000 and £15,500 (4:1).

Income in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
Sorry but you are wrong. Socialism is a failure where ever it has been. Socialism depends on no greed, man is inherently greedy. Socialism always has the elite.

What do you call the Scandinavian countries? They do quite well and some say they have a form of socialism.
Many economies such as the United States have a mixed economy capitalism and socialism, and maybe even a dash of communism and a light sprinkling of fascism. Can anyone name a pure economy today, might be one or two.

I agree with you. Many however seem to think the US is pure capitalism while all of Europe is all socialism.

Why did you bring up Scandinavian countries then? Just throwing out crap and seeing what sticks?

Due to the confusion. Without asking I don't know if your somebody who thinks all of Europe is socialism or not.

Gotcha, that makes sense. Europe is a mixture as is the US. If the US was pure capitalism, we would not have corporate welfare at all. Which would be fine with me.
They are not socialist countries, please read up on what socialism is, Socialism is the prohibition of an elite, Scandinavian countries have an elite class. The disqualifies them from being true socialists.

You are 100 percent correct. Moreover, Scandinavian countries do have serious economic classes. Given their massive taxes, they readily admit that whatever class they are born into it is virtually impossible for them to move up.

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