Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Of course everything you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper. Illegals are not on welfare and do not vote. D u h.
Uh, no. I worked with some illegals that got welfare AND voted. They don't usually admit it, but I had the unenviable position of being between blacks and Hispanics and they wanted to prove they were as American as the blacks. I said what you did- you can't collect or vote, they said sure and showed me fake id's., which explained how they were even working next to me. Things are not as clear cut as you would like to think-if someone can make money by cheating the system, they do it.
Yes they have fake IDs now because it's so easy to fake them thanks to the GOP. But they don't vote or get welfare they don't take chances like that. They just want to work.
Which party doesn’t want real IDs?
The GOP. Every time Democrats bring it up there called communist fascist you name it. The last time was for the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill which would have ended this crap...
Are you on crack?
I listen to the radio and watch all 3 spews networks and you’re full of shit.
Wrong again brainwashed functional moron.Just goes to prove that mainstream media are also terrified of your propaganda machine.

Trump owns the shutdown.

And good for him. Keep it shut down. Nonessential employees are overpaid and nonessential. Fire them. Let them get real jobs---the Trump economy is booming and we Tax Payers need the relief and so does our deficit .

And we don't need a bunch of Central Americans loading the Prison System and Welfare rolls back up.
Illegals cause less crime than citizens, and they don't get welfare or vote, super duper.
All false. They commit identity theft to get fake identification and apply for SS cards, food stamps and welfare. Federal and state prisons are overflowing with criminal illegals.
SS cards yes welfare and voting not worth the risk. All they want to do is work. You need evidence, not your usual tidal Wave of garbage propaganda...
Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.pass a national ID card and enforce it like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism LOL...

After we stop the 42% with the wall, then we will round up the other 58% and deport their ass.

Trump owns the shutdown.

And good for him. Keep it shut down. Nonessential employees are overpaid and nonessential. Fire them. Let them get real jobs---the Trump economy is booming and we Tax Payers need the relief and so does our deficit .

And we don't need a bunch of Central Americans loading the Prison System and Welfare rolls back up.
Illegals cause less crime than citizens, and they don't get welfare or vote, super duper.
All false. They commit identity theft to get fake identification and apply for SS cards, food stamps and welfare. Federal and state prisons are overflowing with criminal illegals.
SS cards yes welfare and voting not worth the risk. All they want to do is work. You need evidence, not your usual tidal Wave of garbage propaganda...
I notice you have no problem with identity theft.
Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.

On most issues you would be correct. But on the issue of illegals flooding into our country its not just about obstructing Trump and the GOP. Flooding the country with illegals is the Dem's long term plan to permanently seize control of the country without fear of reprisal by voters. If you have 20-40 million reliable illegals voting Dem its over.
Pass the goddamn ID card, the only solution, super duper. There is no crisis it's all manufactured by your propaganda machine. Numbers coming in haven't been lower in years.

You don't need an ID card to traffic and sell illegal drugs franco, here :itsok: No ID card required to mooch off welfare. No ID card required to work under the table. These are law breakers, do you think they have any problem ignoring your ID card scheme?
Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.pass a national ID card and enforce it like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism LOL...

After we stop the 42% with the wall, then we will round up the other 58% and deport their ass.
Only 20% of the country are brainwashed functional racist idiots like you. It's never going to happen. They are a necessary part of our economy. Plus you GOP assholes invited them in 4 years and years by refusing a good SS ID card. The GOP only gives a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Your GOP Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor, and you dupes love the cheap maids and landscapers. Shove it up your ass and passed the goddamn ID card.
...the Democrats have been trying to get a national ID card like other countries with this problem have, for decades...
That doesn't prevent them from crossing the border.

...dingbat Dupe...
You really DO need to get some new material, boy...

...The wall won't work...
Maybe it will Maybe it won't. But it looks like we're about ready to try, regardless. We'll know, soon enough.

...and is immoral...

Now, if we had built a Berlin Wall designed to keep people IN, now THAT would have been "immoral".

Building a wall to slow-down or stop invaders is a time-tested solution, used without moral dilemma by every human civilization.

...and unamerican...
Like the wall recently installed outside former President Barack Obama's home?


... Pass the goddamn ID card morons.
Tell the Republicans it's a mandatory photo- and chip-equipped Voter ID Card and maybe you'll get one. :21:
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.

Right, you traitors on the left foam at the mouth opposing the wall, shut down government over it because it "wont do anything" LMAO here let me point at you and laugh in your face. ^^^ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Very impressive, brainwashed functional moron LOL...

Then go ahead and explain to the forum franco, if the wall is utterly useless and won't work the WHY are you on the left so vehemently opposed to it hmmm? ^^^ franco meltdown in 3...2...1 :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.

On most issues you would be correct. But on the issue of illegals flooding into our country its not just about obstructing Trump and the GOP. Flooding the country with illegals is the Dem's long term plan to permanently seize control of the country without fear of reprisal by voters. If you have 20-40 million reliable illegals voting Dem its over.
Pass the goddamn ID card, the only solution, super duper. There is no crisis it's all manufactured by your propaganda machine. Numbers coming in haven't been lower in years.

You don't need an ID card to traffic and sell illegal drugs franco, here :itsok: No ID card required to mooch off welfare. No ID card required to work under the table. These are law breakers, do you think they have any problem ignoring your ID card scheme?
Pass the ID card and end all that illegal crap and don't let any more in... A wall will just keep this stupid GOP scam going on and on.
It's never going to happen. They are a necessary part of our economy. Plus you GOP assholes invited them in 4 years and years by refusing a good SS ID card. The GOP only gives a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Your GOP Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor, and you dupes love the cheap maids and landscapers. Shove it up your ass and passed the goddamn ID card.

Having lost the debate on the wall now you are deflecting, shocker. Okay fine, lets deport all these low wage welfare mooching loser illegals and replace them with educated, trained, skilled legal immigrants deal?
That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.

Right, you traitors on the left foam at the mouth opposing the wall, shut down government over it because it "wont do anything" LMAO here let me point at you and laugh in your face. ^^^ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Very impressive, brainwashed functional moron LOL...

Then go ahead and explain to the forum franco, if the wall is utterly useless and won't work the WHY are you on the left so vehemently opposed to it hmmm? ^^^ franco meltdown in 3...2...1 :auiqs.jpg:
You answered your own question, plus it costs a lot of money to do nothing about the problem...
It's never going to happen. They are a necessary part of our economy. Plus you GOP assholes invited them in 4 years and years by refusing a good SS ID card. The GOP only gives a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Your GOP Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor, and you dupes love the cheap maids and landscapers. Shove it up your ass and passed the goddamn ID card.

Having lost the debate on the wall now you are deflecting, shocker. Okay fine, lets deport all these low wage welfare mooching loser illegals and replace them with educated, trained, skilled legal immigrants deal?
There is no material thicker than dupe skull. Never going to happen. But a great brainwashed functional Nazi idea LOL... The second generation of illegals are what you want, educated and skilled. Pass the goddamn ID card and no more will come in.
Fine deed territory in southern California to illegals and they can create their own country. Much like the Palestinians desire for their own country. Now they have no more reason to enter the US illegally, how about it Dem's deal?
...the Democrats have been trying to get a national ID card like other countries with this problem have, for decades...
That doesn't prevent them from crossing the border.

...dingbat Dupe...
You really DO need to get some new material, boy...

...The wall won't work...
Maybe it will Maybe it won't. But it looks like we're about ready to try, regardless. We'll know, soon enough.

...and is immoral...

Now, if we had built a Berlin Wall designed to keep people IN, now THAT would have been "immoral".

Building a wall to slow-down or stop invaders is a time-tested solution, used without moral dilemma by every human civilization.

...and unamerican...
Like the wall recently installed outside former President Barack Obama's home?


... Pass the goddamn ID card morons.
Tell the Republicans it's a mandatory photo- and chip-equipped Voter ID Card and maybe you'll get one. :21:
As long as you pay for rides to get the poor the elderly students etc to where they give out the ID cards, fine with me.

An enforced ID card would end them getting jobs. End of story.
Fine deed territory in southern California to illegals and they can create their own country. Much like the Palestinians desire for their own country. Now they have no more reason to enter the US illegally, how about it Dem's deal?
Pass the ID card and enforce it and no more new illegals. Works in other countries just fine.
Fine deed territory in southern California to illegals and they can create their own country. Much like the Palestinians desire for their own country. Now they have no more reason to enter the US illegally, how about it Dem's deal?
Pass the ID card and enforce it and no more new illegals. Works in other countries just fine.
Pass the ID card and enforce it and no more new illegals. Works in other countries just fine.
Democrats already openly do not enforce immigration laws.
Maybe we should arrest anyone who does not enforce the laws!
Fine deed territory in southern California to illegals and they can create their own country. Much like the Palestinians desire for their own country. Now they have no more reason to enter the US illegally, how about it Dem's deal?
Pass the ID card and enforce it and no more new illegals. Works in other countries just fine.
Pass the ID card and enforce it and no more new illegals. Works in other countries just fine.
Democrats already openly do not enforce immigration laws.
Maybe we should arrest anyone who does not enforce the laws!
pass the national ID card and enforce it and end this GOP scam wedge issue forever.

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