Why do Jews vote democrat?

The left does not hate Israel, but there a few that don't want Israel as an aggressive force.

If you look at history more of the religious organizations hated Jews than the leftists.

Right now, it's Communist Democrats who are virulently Anti Semitic. That's the current reality. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe as well.

I will ask you to support that claim. Can you do it with any level of restraint?
Why did most American Jews turn to Communism/Democrats? I just can't say. It is a perplexing mystery. Especially considering most hardcore Leftist Democrats are virulently Anti-Israel. Why would so many remain members of a Party that despises Israel so much? It just seems so counterintuitive. Maybe some of our Jewish Democrat Posters here can help us out a bit?

Ahhahahaha Look at 'em like bees that took away the queen. They're talking points have finally collided with reality and they dont understand.

The left does not hate Israel, but there a few that don't want Israel as an aggressive force.

If you look at history more of the religious organizations hated Jews than the leftists.

Right now, it's Communist Democrats who are virulently Anti Semitic. That's the current reality. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe as well.

I will ask you to support that claim. Can you do it with any level of restraint?

I go on my own personal experiences with far Left Democrats, as well as observing their overall open hatred of Israel for years. It's certainly no secret at this point. They have no issue openly expressing their Antisemitism. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe. But we have no shortage of Communist/Democrat Israel-Haters here.
Why do Red-Necks with no teeth vote Republican?

They vote Democrat here, but your disdain for 'inferior' people comes through loud and clear. It is reminiscent of bigoted old southerners towards any but whites, and the oh so politically correct PNW'ers towards their Lummie Indians. Prejudice is alive and well all over this nation, they just pick different 'others' to hate on and love to point out everyone else's shit, like theirs doesnt stink just as much.

If anyone spoke of blacks the way people here talk about Appalachians, rednecks, hillbillies and cajuns, they would be labeled racist and horrible people. When I was in Whatcom County, WA and people would talk about the racism in the south, I always compared it to their culture clash with the Lummies. I'd get a tirade about how their hatred of the Lummies was not comparable at all ... because it is ALL THE LUMMIES' FAULT! Same people, different culture clash.

Edited to add: If you understand Judaism, especially Orthodox, you would understand better. It would be difficult to reconcile being both a Jew and a conservative, and I don't see how it would even be possible to be an Orthodox Jew and a Republican Conservative. They are not compatible as they exist today. Things change ... you will see conservative Jews rise, probably about the same rate as Christian witches. I think it has more to do with the intentional morphing of the language than actual religious beliefs though, but that is just my personal perspective.
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Right now, it's Communist Democrats who are virulently Anti Semitic. That's the current reality. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe as well.

I will ask you to support that claim. Can you do it with any level of restraint?

I go on my own personal experiences with far Left Democrats, as well as observing their overall open hatred of Israel for years. It's certainly no secret at this point. They have no issue openly expressing their Antisemitism. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe. But we have no shortage of Communist/Democrat Israel-Haters here.

That is it? Personal anecdotes?

Who is the most far left member of Congress today?
You don't have to believe us. Just do some research and listen more closely to the far Left Democrat open hatred of Israel. They're not shy about expressing it these days.

The President is the leader of the Democrats. Feel free to post some links to him expressing his open hatred for Israel.

I think many in Israel would feel your Dear Leader has been very hostile towards them. But i was referring to the overall Communist/Democrat Antisemitism. Not so much specifically Obama.

Allow me to quote you then " a Party which is led by virulently Anti-Israel Communists"

Furthermore, if Israel were to be attacked again by a coalition of Arab States I'll bet a majority of both parties would support Israel as if it were our 51 state.
Right now, it's Communist Democrats who are virulently Anti Semitic. That's the current reality. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe as well.

I will ask you to support that claim. Can you do it with any level of restraint?

I go on my own personal experiences with far Left Democrats, as well as observing their overall open hatred of Israel for years. It's certainly no secret at this point. They have no issue openly expressing their Antisemitism. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe. But we have no shortage of Communist/Democrat Israel-Haters here.

But they vote democrat

I will ask you to support that claim. Can you do it with any level of restraint?

I go on my own personal experiences with far Left Democrats, as well as observing their overall open hatred of Israel for years. It's certainly no secret at this point. They have no issue openly expressing their Antisemitism. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe. But we have no shortage of Communist/Democrat Israel-Haters here.

But they vote democrat


Yeah, it is perplexing. Seems pretty counterintuitive. Some would even call em Uncle Toms.
I go on my own personal experiences with far Left Democrats, as well as observing their overall open hatred of Israel for years. It's certainly no secret at this point. They have no issue openly expressing their Antisemitism. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe. But we have no shortage of Communist/Democrat Israel-Haters here.

But they vote democrat


Yeah, it is perplexing. Seems pretty counterintuitive. Some would even call em Uncle Toms.

Have you ever heard anyone refer to a Jewish American as an "Uncle Tom"?
I go on my own personal experiences with far Left Democrats, as well as observing their overall open hatred of Israel for years. It's certainly no secret at this point. They have no issue openly expressing their Antisemitism. It's especially true of the far Left in Europe. But we have no shortage of Communist/Democrat Israel-Haters here.

But they vote democrat


Yeah, it is perplexing. Seems pretty counterintuitive. Some would even call em Uncle Toms.

Its not perplexing...its just your idea that dems hate Israel is stupid and doesnt jive with reality
They don't trust conservative religous folks, i.e. the wrong kinds of white people. Unless they have money for the cause then their ok with it.

Goyim, yech!
I've actually always been stumped on this one myself being that Jews tend to be wealthier, hence benefiting from Republican economic policies, and the far left is extremely anti-Semitic.

Since you opened the door to a stereotype, let me lay another down. Jews tend to be more educated, and therefore see through the illogical and patently fake assertions the Republicans make in most matters of public policy .

As for the "far left", the Democratic Party is more or less a middle of the road party. In most countries, its policies wold be seen as conservative. The Republican policies, at the least those rare ones where the Republicans show any cohesion, would be viewed by most countries as looney fringe stuff.
Yeah, it is perplexing. Seems pretty counterintuitive. Some would even call em Uncle Toms.

Its not perplexing...its just your idea that dems hate Israel is stupid and doesnt jive with reality

Communist Democrats do often express such hatred. You just choose to not see it or hear it. But that's your call i guess.

Actually I dont see it and neither do the Jews. How could everyone be missing this?

How could Jews not know when someone hates them AND vote for them also?
Its not perplexing...its just your idea that dems hate Israel is stupid and doesnt jive with reality

Communist Democrats do often express such hatred. You just choose to not see it or hear it. But that's your call i guess.

Actually I dont see it and neither do the Jews. How could everyone be missing this?

How could Jews not know when someone hates them AND vote for them also?

Jews have a secret inner loathing. All real conservatives know this. (-:
The left does not hate Israel, but there a few that don't want Israel as an aggressive force.

If you look at history more of the religious organizations hated Jews than the leftists.

Bullshit. The anti-Israel crowd in the Democrat party is large and growing. They were able to get a pro Israel resolution through the last Convention only by cheating, another Dem specialty.
Anti semitism has historically been the province of the Left.
Communist Democrats do often express such hatred. You just choose to not see it or hear it. But that's your call i guess.

Actually I dont see it and neither do the Jews. How could everyone be missing this?

How could Jews not know when someone hates them AND vote for them also?

Jews have a secret inner loathing. All real conservatives know this. (-:

It's not secret. Just watch Woody Allen.
The left does not hate Israel, but there a few that don't want Israel as an aggressive force.

If you look at history more of the religious organizations hated Jews than the leftists.

Bullshit. The anti-Israel crowd in the Democrat party is large and growing. They were able to get a pro Israel resolution through the last Convention only by cheating, another Dem specialty.
Anti semitism has historically been the province of the Left.

F.D.R got 90+% of the Jewish vote, and Eugene Debbs had gotten a significant share of it as well when he ran.

I've come to the conclusion that Jews must just be a bunch of masochistic equivalent of Uncle Toms. The Republican Party is literally saving them, yet they don't support us. Clearly something isn't right in their heads.

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