Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

the reports you cite are ALL hearsay. and would never be accepted in a court of law. Show us the FOOTAGE----the Liberty was not a "WARSHIP" ---it was not involved in the war------WAS IT? on which side? It was a ship in an arena of war------undefined. The crew "heard"? -----where are the recordings?-----this event did not take place 200 years ago. An investigation is supposed to be an investigation------
"sparky" disagrees -----but AGREES with the idiotic statement
Subsequent attacks with marked planes and torpedo boats were to leave no survivors and sink the ship.
yeah RIGHT!!!!! so what was stopping the killing and sinking?-----what did happen was a rescue
of survivors----the incident was broadcast on radio in REAL TIME----the ISRAELI RESCUE. I heard it.
There was no other navy around other than the Liberty and the Israeli----the ship was not sunk and the
survivors were not killed-----BUT SPARKY KNOWS WHAT THE ISRAELIS "wanted" to do. He is a mind
Re: Post #328

This is not the first time I've shown you irrefutable proof that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and you still side with a hostile foreign government against the same country I took an oath to defend and protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

1. Who to believe?
You've got nothing that contradicts the Moorer Report but your loyalty to Israel keeps you in denial of the truth.
I wrote and supported that the initial attacks were from unmarked, Israeli French Mirage planes. Subsequent attacks with marked planes and torpedo boats were to leave no survivors and sink the ship.

2. Your response does nothing to refute the fact that the Israeli murder of 34 American G.I.s by IDF as further supported by an ethical Israeli pilot.

3. I already provided at least 2 credible sources that show that IDF strafed lowered life rafts; (a war crime) further evidence that the Israelis wanted no survivors / eyewitnesses to yet another Israeli betrayal.

Why does your loyalty to Israel keep you denying irrefutable evidence that the Israelis deliberately murdered American G.I.s?


I care nothing for Israel and I would say your remarks amount to treason against the United States.
Sparky is quoting the liberty veterans Rosie

they were censored by our government

this was in an effort to maintain Israel as our ally , who really hasn't been much of one since 1948

this then, for those who can rise above and be objective is the crux of the 'bitch & whine' OP

So perhaps that should be the challenge for those of you who can (doubful you've the HP Rosie) tell us just what the USA gets outta having Israel as one?

Sparky is quoting the liberty veterans Rosie

they were censored by our government

this was in an effort to maintain Israel as our ally , who really hasn't been much of one since 1948

this then, for those who can rise above and be objective is the crux of the 'bitch & whine' OP

So perhaps that should be the challenge for those of you who can (doubful you've the HP Rosie) tell us just what the USA gets outta having Israel as one?

I (likely unlike you) served in the US Navy. I was involved in MANY ISSUES OF INJURY to OUR BOYS AND GIRLS. It is contrary to MILITARY LAW for me to discuss any of them. The people who make claims because they were on the USS LIBERTY and decide to broadcast their opinions are in violation of
military law-----You want to call it "censorship" because you are what you are. As to ANYONE making a claim that Israel "wanted to sink the ship and kill the sailors" <<< THAT IS IDIOCY. That you make such a claim reveals what you are.
I (likely unlike you) served in the US Navy. I was involved in MANY ISSUES OF INJURY to OUR BOYS AND GIRLS. It is contrary to MILITARY LAW for me to discuss any of them. The people who make claims because they were on the USS LIBERTY and decide to broadcast their opinions are in violation of
military law-----You want to call it "censorship" because you are what you are. As to ANYONE making a claim that Israel "wanted to sink the ship and kill the sailors" <<< THAT IS IDIOCY. That you make such a claim reveals what you are.
Per usual, you're handed an ascii hammer with expected results Rosie :eusa_doh:
it does for the Muslim neo-nazis and their jihadi wadis. The only secular demographic in the ME is entirely Jewish. The majority of Jews in Israel are secular. It you who has the religion problem; you loves you some islamo-nazi rapists and mass murderers.
WTF does shooting up a US warship have anything to do with Judaism?
WTF does shooting up a US warship have anything to do with Judaism?

You have hundreds of posts against Jews and Israel. On a wide variety of topics.

In other words, just another boring generic Anti-Semite. Of course, LA if swimming in them, so not a real surprise there.
Wow, throwing around insults when you do not even know the difference between an example and a metaphor.

What I was providing was an example, because friendly fire (or the more technical term "fratricide") is a problem as old as warfare itself. And when your only response to that is to start hurling insults, that tells me exactly how seriously to take anything you say.

Have a nice day.
Okay, for the sake of argument, let's go with your "example". It was not friendly fire.Fire. Israel knew it was a US warship and they still fired.
Israel knew it was a US warship and they still fired.
For 6 hours on the morning before the attack, the Liberty was subjected to intense scrutiny by Israeli photo-reconnaissance aircraft, with 12 overflights flying as low as 200 feet. The ship had traditional American markings on her bow (GTR-5) and stern (USS LIBERTY), and was flying a large American flag which stood out prominently in the breeze. The Liberty was sailing in international waters off the Egyptian coast on a clear and sunny day.

Okay, for the sake of argument, let's go with your "example". It was not friendly fire.

Oh lord, can you not do anything honestly?

You say you want to go with my example, then claim the exact opposite.

Let me know if you ever want to try and discuss things at an adult level. This petty childishness is too much.
For 6 hours on the morning before the attack, the Liberty was subjected to intense scrutiny by Israeli photo-reconnaissance aircraft, with 12 overflights flying as low as 200 feet.

Yes, and?

You are aware this was the 1960s, right? The aircraft had to finish their patrol, return to base, have their cameras unloaded then the film sent to be developed. Only then was it sent off to be analyzed. Most cases in this era saw the analysts seeing the take days to a week or more after they were taken. Their analysts would have been much more concerned with actual take from the battlefield, so examining those photographs would have been a very low priority.

Odds are that film you are talking about was still undeveloped inside the cameras when the attack happened.
And you Mr Mushroom, are any better?

Name for me any group I have attacked for petty reasons.

It's OK, don't feel sad. I pick on Snitwin and most of the others in the exact same way. Although I am far more snarky against him, in keeping with the very low level of his postings.
Yes, and?

You are aware this was the 1960s, right? The aircraft had to finish their patrol, return to base, have their cameras unloaded then the film sent to be developed. Only then was it sent off to be analyzed. Most cases in this era saw the analysts seeing the take days to a week or more after they were taken. Their analysts would have been much more concerned with actual take from the battlefield, so examining those photographs would have been a very low priority.

Odds are that film you are talking about was still undeveloped inside the cameras when the attack happened.
They did not need photography for positive identification Mr Mushroom

For 6 hours on the morning before the attack, the Liberty was subjected to intense scrutiny by Israeli photo-reconnaissance aircraft, with 12 overflights flying as low as 200 feet. The ship had traditional American markings on her bow (GTR-5) and stern (USS LIBERTY), and was flying a large American flag which stood out prominently in the breeze. The Liberty was sailing in international waters off the Egyptian coast on a clear and sunny day.

the ship was floating around in an arena of war. I am confident that the
US Navy will not make the same mistake again

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