Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

It seems like every time you turn around in any discussion about Israel you see people whining about the Israeli attack on the intelligence gathering ship U.S.S.Liberty during the Six Day War?

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

The attack was first by some IDF fighters that killed 9 aboard then when IDF torpedo boats closed on the ship one of them launched a torpedo which hit Liberty squarely and killed 25 more.

Israel apologized for the attack and paid compensation to the U.S. for the dead and injured as well as damage to the ship.

Mistakes happen in war zones. You don't hear the British whining on and on about the accidental air strikes by the U.S. during Desert Storm that killed dozens of British soldiers.
rightwinger gives it a thumbs up. This guy isn’t fooling anybody ..

Fort Fun Indiana is even worse though. There’s a guy who comes into threads with insults and one liners. I’ve never seen this guy. Try and explain his positions. He/it is One of the most obnoxious trolls on this form…an attention seeker to ..lol nobody responds to this trolls posts

Wonder if she is related to Fort fun Indiana. Rosie is Another poster with a despicable attitude. Never able to bring any constructive arguments forth just whining and moaning.

Israel can be thankful that there’s many honorable people that support their country compared to trolls like Rosie or Fort fun Indiana
Don't change the subject! This issue has nothing to do with religion.

it does for the Muslim neo-nazis and their jihadi wadis. The only secular demographic in the ME is entirely Jewish. The majority of Jews in Israel are secular. It you who has the religion problem; you loves you some islamo-nazi rapists and mass murderers.

Wonder if she is related to Fort fun Indiana. Rosie is Another poster with a despicable attitude. Never able to bring any constructive arguments forth just whining and moaning.

Israel can be thankful that there’s many honorable people that support their country compared to trolls like Rosie or Fort fun Indiana
ROFLMAO----there was nothing noble or honorable about the crusaders who rendered Jerusalem knee deep in blood-----discuss you adulation of the CRUSADERS in a MOSQUE
ROFLMAO----there was nothing noble or honorable about the crusaders who rendered Jerusalem knee deep in blood-----discuss you adulation of the CRUSADERS in a MOSQUE

Rubbish. Jerusalem got the same offers every other city under siege got for thousands of years before and since; surrender and live, resist and die. Jews loved wiping out others when they thought they could win, so you don't get to snivel over reaping what you sow without getting laughed at.
Rubbish. Jerusalem got the same offers every other city under siege got for thousands of years before and since; surrender and live, resist and die. Jews loved wiping out others when they thought they could win, so you don't get to snivel over reaping what you sow without getting laughed at.
You are quite disgusting "surrender or die" ----it is the basis of that silly book called "the sic "new" ??? testament"
You are quite disgusting "surrender or die" ----it is the basis of that silly book called "the sic "new" ??? testament"

It's just real history. It doesn't have to please you or fit your ranting and whining. Reform Jews like Jesus did put a dent in the incomes of the Jerusalem Temple fraudsters, so we understand why a few Jews are still all butthurt and stuff over their much more successful reform sect. Your racist master race types were in steep decline a long time before the Crusaders came along and repaid your remnants for their support of the islamo bandits and their invasions of the West. You kept picking the wrong sides to bamboozle almost exclusively in the long term.
It's just real history. It doesn't have to please you or fit your ranting and whining. Reform Jews like Jesus did put a dent in the incomes of the Jerusalem Temple fraudsters, so we understand why a few Jews are still all butthurt and stuff over their much more successful reform sect. Your racist master race types were in steep decline a long time before the Crusaders came along and repaid your remnants for their support of the islamo bandits and their invasions of the West. You kept picking the wrong sides to bamboozle almost exclusively in the long term.
I am fascinated with the "INCOME" issue of "the temple"---to what "income" do you refer and who benefited thereby?
I think it was money received for selling animals for sacrifice. I think the shylocking and compound interest might have originated at this time.
I do and did not lie. I have testified many times IN COURT and have never
been charged with perjury

I much prefer civil exchanges and am not calling you a liar.

I simply believe that you are among the many people who have been professionally deceived by the West's pro Israel bias (1) decade after decade and have an irrational hatred of people you've never even met (i.e the everyday Muslim).

At the same time, I don't write or say things I know to be untrue.

So, all that's left is for you to either refute what I've written and supported (# 1, # 2. & # 3.) or admit that you were mistaken and hopefully rethink your false opinion that IDF's attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate.

The decision is yours.

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED
I think it was money received for selling animals for sacrifice. I think the shylocking and compound interest might have originated at this time.

And pilgrims bringing cash for tithes or whatever they were called back then. It was also a trade center, and money changing paid well. It was a temple state after all, and the Temple collected taxes. They did so in the ghettoes elsewhere as well, re the local synagogues and wealthy merchant families. Loan sharking and charging interest was limited to the goyim for the most part.

And, putting cities to the sword if they refused to surrender was the norm for thousands of years of warfare, and just because some Jews were on the losing end of a couple doesn't make them any more 'oppressed n stuff' than any other peoples who suffered the same thing; it just outrages the more racist Orthodox types that the sub-human goy began winning a few battles, is all.
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I think it was money received for selling animals for sacrifice. I think the shylocking and compound interest might have originated at this time.
there was no such commerce. Judea at that time was an agricultural land. The temple and the priests and levites owned NO LAND---the "sacrifices" were donations that fed the priests and levites and could not be sold at all. The priests and levites had no animals or produce to sell or even eat since they were BY LAW---LANDLESS. HOWEVER the system of commerce in "sacrifices" was ROMAN ---very much so and rendered the ROMAN temples fantastically rich-----that is the origin of the filth and corruption of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Your jelly bean lady forgot to tell you. Ask Martin Luther and OLIVER CROMWELL. HOWEVER there was Roman corruption in the Temple in
Jerusalem in the era of Jesus---ROMAN CORRUPTION--- which is why the
PHARISEES hated the money changers and attack on them was SEDITION
AGAINST ROME----sedition against Rome was the only reason people were crucified.
I much prefer civil exchanges and am not calling you a liar.

I simply believe that you are among the many people who have been professionally deceived by the West's pro Israel bias (1) decade after decade and have an irrational hatred of people you've never even met (i.e the everyday Muslim).

At the same time, I don't write or say things I know to be untrue.

So, all that's left is for you to either refute what I've written and supported (# 1, # 2. & # 3.) or admit that you were mistaken and hopefully rethink your false opinion that IDF's attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate.

The decision is yours.

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED
wrong on all counts. I have been acquainted the HUNDREDS of muslims---
probably thousands. Citations from Propaganda sites like "middleeasteye"
are a JOKE-----I am very familiar with islamo-nazi propaganda for the past---
more than 60 years. You are a typical case
And pilgrims bringing cash for tithes or whatever they were called back then. It was also a trade center, and money changing paid well. It was a temple state after all, and the Temple collected taxes. They did so in the ghettoes elsewhere as well, re the local synagogues and wealthy merchant families. Loan sharking and charging interest was limited to the goyim for the most part.

And, putting cities to the sword if they refused to surrender was the norm for thousands of years of warfare, and just because some Jews were on the losing end of a couple doesn't make them any more 'oppressed n stuff' than any other peoples who suffered the same thing; it just outrages the more racist Orthodox types that the sub-human goy began winning a few battles, is all.
you have fallen for the filth of Constantine---mass murderer who saw the
value in christianity for his BLOODY PROGRAM OF IMPERIALISM----and a system of law that the ISLAMO NAZI HERO aped ---1934--the NUREMBERG CODE---uhm---that was SAINT ADOLF. in personal qualities---ADOLF is
the DOPPELGANGER of EMPEROR CONSTANTINE (that silly story that he
"FOUND CHRIST" on his death bed is a joke)
But we were not discussing what "Friendly fire' was, you fucking dumbass! You brought up the Korean War and used it as a metaphor with the Liberty incident.

Wow, throwing around insults when you do not even know the difference between an example and a metaphor.

What I was providing was an example, because friendly fire (or the more technical term "fratricide") is a problem as old as warfare itself. And when your only response to that is to start hurling insults, that tells me exactly how seriously to take anything you say.

Have a nice day.
you have fallen for the filth of Constantine---mass murderer who saw the
value in christianity for his BLOODY PROGRAM OF IMPERIALISM----and a system of law that the ISLAMO NAZI HERO aped ---1934--the NUREMBERG CODE---uhm---that was SAINT ADOLF. in personal qualities---ADOLF is
the DOPPELGANGER of EMPEROR CONSTANTINE (that silly story that he
"FOUND CHRIST" on his death bed is a joke)
the DUD---disagrees. Oh mr. DUD---it amazes me how little christians know of the life and times of Jesus. For the record---MEL GIBSON is no source
1) They didn't. if the Israeli planes were unmarked how did the Americans know who attacked them?

2) One does not question orders in a combat situation in wartime.

3) I've never seen proof of this allegation.

Re: Post #328

This is not the first time I've shown you irrefutable proof that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and you still side with a hostile foreign government against the same country I took an oath to defend and protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

1. Who to believe?
You've got nothing that contradicts the Moorer Report but your loyalty to Israel keeps you in denial of the truth.
I wrote and supported that the initial attacks were from unmarked, Israeli French Mirage planes. Subsequent attacks with marked planes and torpedo boats were to leave no survivors and sink the ship.

2. Your response does nothing to refute the fact that the Israeli murder of 34 American G.I.s by IDF as further supported by an ethical Israeli pilot.

3. I already provided at least 2 credible sources that show that IDF strafed lowered life rafts; (a war crime) further evidence that the Israelis wanted no survivors / eyewitnesses to yet another Israeli betrayal.

Why does your loyalty to Israel keep you denying irrefutable evidence that the Israelis deliberately murdered American G.I.s?

I think it was money received for selling animals for sacrifice. I think the shylocking and compound interest might have originated at this time.

This link might help; the high priests and Levites ended up quite wealthy. There were all kinds of Temple taxes, beyond tithes.

"During the time of Jesus, the tithe, under the Law of Moses, was still in operation. In fact, there were other taxes required as well. All people had to pay taxes to the province and the empire; however the agrarian Jews and herdsmen had to pay more because they were responsible for the tithe off of their land as well. A Jewish agrarian or herdsmen’s yearly tax and tithing expenses looked something like this:
  • Ten percent tax (monetary) went to the Roman Empire
  • If there were any spoils of war, 10% (not the tithe) went to Rome
  • Ten percent (monetary) went to the province for King Herod’s tax.
  • Ten percent first tithe of the fruit of the land was given to the Levitical priest who then took 10% of its proceeds and brought them to the temple for the high priest and priests.
  • Ten percent second tithe (off of the land) went for the celebration festivals. All Jews were required to bring their tithes as a potluck for everyone to enjoy. It was meant to give honor to God.
  • A 10% tithe was given once every three years as the third tithe, amounting to 3% tax (off of the land) each year, which was designated to the poor.
  • Other taxes and offerings included road taxes, bridge taxes, temple shekel, free-will offerings, and many other religious and royal taxes were required.

Bare minimum was 40% that was due agrarian or herdsmen Jews in monetary taxes or tithes off of the land.

It is interesting to note that there is no place in the Law of Moses where tithes were given for any civil or religious ceremony other than the second yearly tithe for the feast celebration to the LORD. All other tithes were given to the Levitical priesthood to be distributed to the high priest, priests, among themselves, and the poor. Funds for everything else came from free-will offerings (Ex 20-23, 29, 34 & 36), and later taxes."

The synagogues everywhere also had to send funds and goods to the Jerusalem Temple as well. Since there was no way these Levites could have possibly consumed all that, it's obvious it was sold off. Being a Babylonian , and thus 'pure Jews', was very lucrative.

This link might help; the high priests and Levites ended up quite wealthy. There were all kinds of Temple taxes, beyond tithes.

"During the time of Jesus, the tithe, under the Law of Moses, was still in operation. In fact, there were other taxes required as well. All people had to pay taxes to the province and the empire; however the agrarian Jews and herdsmen had to pay more because they were responsible for the tithe off of their land as well. A Jewish agrarian or herdsmen’s yearly tax and tithing expenses looked something like this:
  • Ten percent tax (monetary) went to the Roman Empire
  • If there were any spoils of war, 10% (not the tithe) went to Rome
  • Ten percent (monetary) went to the province for King Herod’s tax.
  • Ten percent first tithe of the fruit of the land was given to the Levitical priest who then took 10% of its proceeds and brought them to the temple for the high priest and priests.
  • Ten percent second tithe (off of the land) went for the celebration festivals. All Jews were required to bring their tithes as a potluck for everyone to enjoy. It was meant to give honor to God.
  • A 10% tithe was given once every three years as the third tithe, amounting to 3% tax (off of the land) each year, which was designated to the poor.
  • Other taxes and offerings included road taxes, bridge taxes, temple shekel, free-will offerings, and many other religious and royal taxes were required.

Bare minimum was 40% that was due agrarian or herdsmen Jews in monetary taxes or tithes off of the land.

It is interesting to note that there is no place in the Law of Moses where tithes were given for any civil or religious ceremony other than the second yearly tithe for the feast celebration to the LORD. All other tithes were given to the Levitical priesthood to be distributed to the high priest, priests, among themselves, and the poor. Funds for everything else came from free-will offerings (Ex 20-23, 29, 34 & 36), and later taxes."

The synagogues everywhere also had to send funds and goods to the Jerusalem Temple as well. Since there was no way these Levites could have possibly consumed all that, it's obvious it was sold off. Being a Babylonian , and thus 'pure Jews', was very lucrative.

nothing was SOLD----selling the agrarian tithe was illegal---it went to feeding the poor and the priests and levites <<<< that fact is very clear in law and the only tax imposed by force was that which the Romans extorted along with their HAND PICKED shills -----the roman appointed king, sadducean "high priests" and. money changers and tax collectors (like Matthew)<<<<<the objects of the REBELLION galvanized by the PHARISEES like Jesus and John for which JOHN was executed and Jesus crucified. Try reading the NT with the FACTS in mind. Where are the Sadducees now?
Re: Post #328

This is not the first time I've shown you irrefutable proof that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and you still side with a hostile foreign government against the same country I took an oath to defend and protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

1. Who to believe?
You've got nothing that contradicts the Moorer Report but your loyalty to Israel keeps you in denial of the truth.
I wrote and supported that the initial attacks were from unmarked, Israeli French Mirage planes. Subsequent attacks with marked planes and torpedo boats were to leave no survivors and sink the ship.

2. Your response does nothing to refute the fact that the Israeli murder of 34 American G.I.s by IDF as further supported by an ethical Israeli pilot.

3. I already provided at least 2 credible sources that show that IDF strafed lowered life rafts; (a war crime) further evidence that the Israelis wanted no survivors / eyewitnesses to yet another Israeli betrayal.

Why does your loyalty to Israel keep you denying irrefutable evidence that the Israelis deliberately murdered American G.I.s?

the reports you cite are ALL hearsay. and would never be accepted in a court of law. Show us the FOOTAGE----the Liberty was not a "WARSHIP" ---it was not involved in the war------WAS IT? on which side? It was a ship in an arena of war------undefined. The crew "heard"? -----where are the recordings?-----this event did not take place 200 years ago. An investigation is supposed to be an investigation------

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