Why do poor communities exist in America?

That is why they need an income to afford mental healthcare under our form of Capitalism not right-wingers view of socialism on a national basis.

As I said, there are treatment programs that do not require the patient to pay, if they have no income. Medicaid will treat mental health issues and substance abuse issue.
That truth is self-evident under any form of Capitalism but not truer forms of socialism on a national basis, right-winger.

The truth is self evident alright. It is quite evident that you simply want an income for doing nothing, when you are fully capable of earning a living for yourself.
Proof, right-wingers only hate on the Poor but not the Rich?

Most do not hate the poor. But most do hate those who are capable of supporting themselves but demand that other people work and let their tax dollars support them for no reason other than their own laziness.
Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

In America, if you don't like the neighborhood in which you live ... there is a solution (and it doesn't involve your local Congressman).

Most do not hate the poor. But most do hate those who are capable of supporting themselves but demand that other people work and let their tax dollars support them for no reason other than their own laziness.
How hypocritical. Corporate welfare has even paid multimillion dollar bonuses to the already Rich, yet you have only "hate on the Poor" who are actually in poverty?
Because we cannot force anyone into programs to help their substance abuse or mental health issues.
This could be better enforced with the majestic equality of equal protection of the law:

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France

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