Why do poor communities exist in America?

Thus, no other public policy can abridge the legal privileges and immunities afforded by the concept of employment at-will.

And no other law or public policy abridges the rights and privileges afforded by the at-will employment laws, which only describe the at-will employment relationships.
What valid arguments? All y'all do is appeal to ignorance and assume your own conclusions.

No. You have been shown that, not only does the current UC law not abridge any rights or privileges afforded by the at-will employment laws, but that there are plenty of situations in which the at-will employment laws are, in fact, abridged. And legally. The best example is the whistleblower protection laws.
No. You have been shown that, not only does the current UC law not abridge any rights or privileges afforded by the at-will employment laws, but that there are plenty of situations in which the at-will employment laws are, in fact, abridged. And legally. The best example is the whistleblower protection laws.
Only because you forget the concepts and appeal to ignorance. For-cause criteria are banned by our State and federal Constitutions as an abridgment of at-will employment law.
The description is a definition. Legislators are not authorized to abridge the privileges and immunities established by at-will employment law.

The at-will employment states that an employee is free to quit, strike, of cease working for any reason. The employer is free to terminate any employee for any reason or no reason. There are exceptions to both, but that is the law.

Nothing in the UC abridges ANY of that.
The at-will employment states that an employee is free to quit, strike, of cease working for any reason. The employer is free to terminate any employee for any reason or no reason. There are exceptions to both, but that is the law.

Nothing in the UC abridges ANY of that.
Any for-cause criteria in an At-Will employment State abridges that. It really is that simple and that rational.

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