Why do poor communities exist in America?

At-will makes all the economic difference in the world. Why be so "Communist" by demanding a work ethic when our economy can handle natural unemployment via public policy for automatic stabilization?

Why? Because why should I work hard to support myself AND those who choose to be unemployed? The audacity it takes to refuse to work, and then expect others to support you when you won't lift a finger to support yourself. And refuse to show that you NEED the support to live.
Why? Because why should I work hard to support myself AND those who choose to be unemployed? The audacity it takes to refuse to work, and then expect others to support you when you won't lift a finger to support yourself. And refuse to show that you NEED the support to live.
No one is making you work for low pay in any at-will employment State, except the right-wing with their preference for Communistic, Big Government, State control over Individuals.
No one is making you work for low pay in any at-will employment State, except the right-wing with their preference for Communistic, Big Government, State control over Individuals.

Right, so I should just quit and live off someone else's labor? And what percentage of the population can do that before the money runs out?
Only false Capitalists could even conceive of that. There is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment.

Only an idiot could not conceive of that.

But since you have researched everything and have all the answers, what percentage of the population could just quit work and draw your New & Improved unemployment before the tax well ran dry?
Only an idiot could not conceive of that.

But since you have researched everything and have all the answers, what percentage of the population could just quit work and draw your New & Improved unemployment before the tax well ran dry?
Proof, you don't care about Capitalism only your socialism on a national basis.

You are still assuming your conclusion without showing any reasoning as you how you arrived at it.

Since less labor will be participating in that market, capitalists will merely need to raise wages until more people want to work to earn more money. Simple market arbitrage under Capitalism.
Proof, you don't care about Capitalism only your socialism on a national basis.

You are still assuming your conclusion without showing any reasoning as you how you arrived at it.

Since less labor will be participating in that market, capitalists will merely need to raise wages until more people want to work to earn more money. Simple market arbitrage under Capitalism.

Less labor participating, but they still get paid a living wage. Which means taxes will have to be raised to cover it. So those who make a little more in wages will see it disappear into the government's hands.

And the fraud will still be taking its toll.
There is no problem with equal protection of at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation. You have provided nothing that supports your right-wing fantasy.

Yes, there is a problem. It changes the mission of the entire program. Plus it requires major changes to the program to create one that is a duplication of what we currently have in welfare.
The legislature has no authority to deny or disparage at-will employment, contractual obligations in policies public.

The legislature has not denied or disparaged at-will employment. The at-will employment laws describe the rights of those in employment relationships. UC does absolutely nothing to change those relationships.
We were discussing how the law would work with equal protection not how it does work currently. That is why I can't take you seriously in our arguments; you simply make stuff up and insist you have the "gospel Truth". Only hypocrites do that.
We have equal protection

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